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Alphabetical [« »] situated 21 situates 1 situating 2 situation 74 situations 4 sivan 2 six 211 | Frequency [« »] 74 relations 74 repentance 74 role 74 situation 74 upper 74 vengeance 74 writing | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances situation |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, 1Sam 13: 6 | danger and of the difficult situation, hid themselves in caves, 2 His, 2Kin 5: 19(3) | understands and approves the situation of Naaman who, though a 3 His, 1Chr Int | detail all the facts of a situation than with explaining the 4 His, 1Chr Int | his work. In view of the situation which confronted the Jewish 5 His, Neh 10: 1(1) | all this: considering the situation described in Nehemiah 13: 6 His, Tob 7: 10 | But I will explain the situation to you very frankly. ~ 7 His, Est 9: 1 | become masters of them, the situation was reversed: the Jews became 8 His, 1Mac 3: 42 | his brothers saw that the situation had become critical now 9 WisdB, Psa Int | psalmist from a desperate situation. Very often the psalmist 10 WisdB, Psa 37: 1(1) | The psalm answers that the situation is only temporary. God will 11 WisdB, Psa 85: 1(1) | behalf (Psalm 85:11-13). The situation suggests the conditions 12 WisdB, Psa 91: 1(1) | people in every dangerous situation (Psalm 91:3-13). The final 13 WisdB, Sir 37: 14 | conscience can tell him his situation better than seven watchmen 14 ProphB, Isa Int | and faithfully reflect the situation in eighth-century Judah. 15 ProphB, Isa 37: 3(1) | reference to the desperate situation of Hezekiah from which he 16 ProphB, Jer 49: 23(7) | coming from the north. The situation is of the eighth century 17 ProphB, Hab Int | capture of Jerusalem. The situation of Judah was desperate at 18 REPre | The liturgy is a formal situation that requires a level of 19 Gosp, Mat 1: 19(8) | clearly pertain to Joseph's situation. Unwilling to expose her 20 Gosp, Mat 5: 31(21)| must be broken refers to a situation peculiar to his community: 21 Gosp, Mat 10: 2(3) | and therefore fits the situation here described. In the Pauline 22 Gosp, Mat 12: 14(9) | This is probably due to the situation of Matthew's church, when 23 Gosp, Mat 12: 30(21)| scattering, however, does fit the situation. Jesus is the shepherd of 24 Gosp, Mat 12: 43(31)| him will lead to a worse situation than what preceded his coming.~ 25 Gosp, Mat 13: 24(9) | person in question but to the situation narrated in the whole story. 26 Gosp, Mat 18: 19(16)| three envisages a different situation from one that involves the 27 Gosp, Mat 21: 33(26)| details of the story and the situation that it illustrates, the 28 Gosp, Mat 22: 1(1) | group into a privileged situation of which the others had 29 Gosp, Mat 23: 2(2) | significant pointers to the new situation that would exist after his 30 Gosp, Mat 24: 40(24)| destruction. People in the same situation will be dealt with in opposite 31 Gosp, Mat 25: 14(7) | kingdom of heaven is like the situation here described. Faithful 32 Gosp, Luk 1: 7(4) | to present Elizabeth in a situation similar to that of some 33 Gosp, Luk 3: 1(1) | had earlier described the situation of other devout Israelites 34 Gosp, Luk 6: 20(11)| their present fortunate situation that they do not recognize 35 Gosp, Luk 18: 5(2) | and suggests the extreme situation to which the persistence 36 Gosp, Joh 7: 53(17)| better with the general situation at the end of Luke 21:but 37 Gosp, Joh 9: 22(5) | John 16:2) envisages a situation after Jesus' ministry. Rejection/ 38 Gosp, Act Int | apprehension inevitably created a situation in which the gospel was 39 NTLet, Rom Int | arose out of a specific situation, when the apostle wrote 40 NTLet, Rom Int | generalized picture of an earlier situation in Corinth.~In any case, 41 NTLet, Rom Int | basis of the eschatological situation (Romans 13:11-14) and conditions 42 NTLet, Rom 12: 1(2) | it applies to the present situation (Romans 12:6). Teachers 43 NTLet, 1Cor Int | judgment dictates in each situation, even going so far as to 44 NTLet, 1Cor 1: 1(1) | remind the readers of their situation and to suggest some of the 45 NTLet, 1Cor 1: 10(4) | unable to reconstruct the situation in Corinth completely, Paul 46 NTLet, 1Cor 5: 2(3) | possibly even approving the situation. The attitude expressed 47 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 23(9) | Paul returns to the opening situation (1 Cor 8) and draws conclusions 48 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 25(11)| case (1 Cor 10:28), the situation changes if someone present 49 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 25(11)| 10:29-30); yet the total situation is altered to the extent 50 NTLet, 2Cor Int | length with aspects of this situation in 2 Cor 2:14-7:4 and again 51 NTLet, 2Cor 1: 9(6) | life. The result of the situation was to produce an attitude 52 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 5(2) | measuresa adequate to right the situation (2 Cor 2:6). The follow-up 53 NTLet, 2Cor 3: 4(4) | 6 further spells out the situation described in v 3b and "names" 54 NTLet, 2Cor 7: 5(3) | resolution of the tense situation there depicted (2 Cor 7: 55 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 1(2) | an initial glimpse of the situation in Corinth that Paul must 56 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 1(3) | before any specifics of the situation are suggested, forms a striking 57 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 2(4) | express the paradoxical situation of a life already taken 58 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 9(6) | speaks directly to Paul's situation. Is made perfect: i.e., 59 NTLet, 2Cor 13: 2(2) | alluding to a dimension of the situation that he has not previously 60 NTLet, Gal Int | When Paul learned of the situation, he wrote this defense of 61 NTLet, Gal 1: 6(5) | thankful for in the Galatian situation, expresses amazement at 62 NTLet, Gal 2: 15(15)| pertinent to the Galatian situation, where believers were having 63 NTLet, Gal 3: 23(15)| as a contrast between the situation before faith (Gal 3:23) 64 NTLet, Eph Int | develop Paul's ideas for a new situation around A.D. 80-100.~The 65 NTLet, Phi Int | Ephesus, around A.D. 55, a situation referred to in 2 Cor 1, 66 NTLet, Phi 1: 12 | know, brothers, that my situation has turned out rather to 67 NTLet, Phi 1: 12(6) | account of Paul's present situation, i.e., his imprisonment ( 68 NTLet, Phi 3: 2(3) | that are appropriate to the situation. He presents his own experience 69 NTLet, Phi 4: 11 | have learned, in whatever situation I find myself, to be self-sufficient. ~ 70 NTLet, 2The Int | changed circumstances in the situation at Thessalonica.~The letter 71 NTLet, Tit Int | and Second Timothy. The situation is different, too, for Titus 72 CathL, 3Joh | Diotrephes will remedy the situation (3 John 1:10). The division, 73 CathL, 3Joh | This brief letter and the situation that it mirrors show us 74 CathL, Rev 1: 19(18)| vision (Rev 1:10-20), the situation in the seven churches (Rev