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Alphabetical [« »] flogged 5 flogging 1 floggings 1 flood 73 flooded 2 floodgates 3 flooding 4 | Frequency [« »] 73 deed 73 eating 73 evidence 73 flood 73 merely 73 mixed 73 origin | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances flood |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 2: 10(4) | 10-14] Rises: in flood to overflow its banks. Beyond 2 Pent, Gen 5: 1(1) | successively before the flood.~ 3 Pent, Gen 6: 1(1) | introduce the story of the flood with a moral orientation - 4 Pent, Gen 6: 3(3) | destroying them with the flood, rather than the maximum 5 Pent, Gen 6: 5(5) | The story of the great flood here recorded is a composite 6 Pent, Gen 6: 5(5) | and the timetable of the flood (Genesis 8:3-5, 13-14 of 7 Pent, Gen 6: 5(5) | Mesopotamian story of a great flood, preserved in the eleventh 8 Pent, Gen 6: 15(7) | The ark of the Babylonian flood story was an exact cube, 9 Pent, Gen 6: 17 | part, am about to bring the flood (waters) on the earth, to 10 Pent, Gen 7: 6 | hundred years old when the flood waters came upon the earth. ~ 11 Pent, Gen 7: 7 | because of the waters of the flood. ~ 12 Pent, Gen 7: 10 | over, the waters of the flood came upon the earth. ~ 13 Pent, Gen 7: 17 | 17 ~The flood continued upon the earth 14 Pent, Gen 8: 6(2) | to the full period of the flood itself (cf Genesis 7:4, 15 Pent, Gen 9: 3(1) | carnivorous only after the flood.~ 16 Pent, Gen 9: 11 | destroyed by the waters of a flood; there shall not be another 17 Pent, Gen 9: 11 | there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth." ~ 18 Pent, Gen 9: 15 | shall never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings. ~ 19 Pent, Gen 9: 28 | and fifty years after the flood. ~ 20 Pent, Gen 10: 1 | sons were born after the flood. ~ 21 Pent, Gen 10: 32 | earth branched out after the flood. ~ ~ ~ 22 Pent, Gen 11: 10 | Arpachshad, two years after the flood. ~ 23 Pent, Exo 15: 5 | 5 ~The flood waters covered them, they 24 Pent, Exo 15: 8 | stood like a mound, the flood waters congealed in the 25 Pent, Jud 12: 6(1) | Hebrew word can also mean "flood water" as in Psalm 69:3, 26 Pent, Jud 12: 6(1) | conversation about the "flood water" of the Jordan. Differences 27 His, Est A: 9 | come forth a great river, a flood of water from a little spring. ~ 28 His, 2Mac 2: 24 | 24 ~In view of the flood of statistics, and the difficulties 29 WisdB, Job 20: 28 | 28 ~The flood shall sweep away his house 30 WisdB, Job 22: 16 | time; whose foundations a flood swept away? ~ 31 WisdB, Psa 29: 10 | sits enthroned above the flood! The LORD reigns as king 32 WisdB, Psa 29: 10(7) | 10] The flood: God defeated the primordial 33 WisdB, Psa 32: 6 | time of distress. Though flood waters threaten, they will 34 WisdB, Psa 32: 6(3) | 6] Flood waters: the untamed waters 35 WisdB, Psa 69: 3 | to the watery depths; the flood overwhelms me. ~ 36 WisdB, Psa 73: 7 | comes sin; evil thoughts flood their hearts. ~ 37 WisdB, Psa 88: 18 | they surge round like a flood; from every side they close 38 WisdB, Psa 93: 1(1) | community to live. Sea, or Flood, roars in anger against 39 WisdB, Psa 93: 3 | 3 ~3 The flood has raised up, LORD; the 40 WisdB, Psa 93: 3 | has raised up, LORD; the flood has raised up its roar; 41 WisdB, Psa 93: 3 | raised up its roar; the flood has raised its pounding 42 WisdB, Psa 93: 3(3) | 3] The flood: the primordial sea was 43 WisdB, Psa 124: 1(1) | cf Jeremiah 51:34) and Flood (Psalm 124:3b-5; cf Isaiah 44 WisdB, Wisd 19: 7 | plain out of the mighty flood. ~ 45 WisdB, Sir 16: 7(3) | who were destroyed by the flood: Genesis 6:4; Wisdom 14: 46 WisdB, Sir 21: 13 | knowledge wells up in a flood, and his counsel, like a 47 WisdB, Sir 43: 10 | vigils. A weapon against the flood waters stored on high, lighting 48 WisdB, Sir 47: 14 | instruction, like the Nile in flood! ~ 49 ProphB, Isa 8: 8 | shall pass into Judah, and flood it all throughout: up to 50 ProphB, Isa 28: 2 | destructive storm, Like a flood of water, great and overflowing, 51 ProphB, Isa 28: 15(5) | Overwhelming scourge: the flood of the Assyrian invasion; 52 ProphB, Isa 28: 17 | of lies, and waters shall flood the hiding place. ~ 53 ProphB, Isa 30: 28 | 28 ~His breath, like a flood in a ravine that reaches 54 ProphB, Jer 47: 2 | the north, a torrent in flood; It shall flood the land 55 ProphB, Jer 47: 2 | torrent in flood; It shall flood the land and all that is 56 ProphB, Dan 11: 10 | which shall advance like a flood, then withdraw. When it 57 ProphB, Dan 11: 40 | through the countries like a flood. ~ 58 ProphB, Jon 2: 4 | heart of the sea, and the flood enveloped me; All your breakers 59 ProphB, Nah 1: 8 | 8 ~when the flood rages; He makes an end of 60 ProphB, Nah 3: 8 | Surrounded by waters, with the flood for her rampart and water 61 ProphB, Hab 2: 15 | who give your neighbors a flood of your wrath to drink, 62 Gosp, Mat 24: 37(23)| Testament account of the flood lays no emphasis upon what 63 Gosp, Mat 24: 37(23)| unexpected coming of the flood upon those who were unprepared 64 Gosp, Mat 24: 38 | those) days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, 65 Gosp, Mat 24: 39 | They did not know until the flood came and carried them all 66 Gosp, Luk 6: 48 | foundation on rock; when the flood came, the river burst against 67 Gosp, Luk 17: 27 | entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them 68 CathL, 1Pet 3: 19(6) | sinners who died in the flood, or angelic powers, hostile 69 CathL, 1Pet 4: 6(2) | may be the sinners of the flood generation who are possibly 70 CathL, 2Pet 2: 5 | others, when he brought a flood upon the godless world; ~ 71 CathL, 2Pet 3: 4(3) | the earth by water in the flood (2 Peter 3:5-6, cf 2 Peter 72 CathL, 2Pet 3: 4(3) | destroyed it by the waters of a flood, will destroy it again by 73 CathL, Rev 12: 16 | mouth and swallowed the flood that the dragon spewed out