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Alphabetical [« »] offering 553 offerings 247 offers 40 office 72 office-holders 1 officer 14 officers 77 | Frequency [« »] 72 goat 72 join 72 leaving 72 office 72 ourselves 72 powerful 72 ran | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances office |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 40: 21 | the chief cupbearer to his office, so that he again handed 2 Pent, Gen 41: 42(1) | chain, a symbol of high office in ancient Egypt.~ 3 Pent, Exo 28: 41(5) | symbols of the sacerdotal office. ~ 4 Pent, Deu 10: 6 | succeeding him in the priestly office. ~ 5 Pent, Deu 17: 9 | or to the judge who is in office at that time. They shall 6 Pent, Deu 18: 15(2) | Prophet in whom the prophetic office finds its fulfillment and 7 Pent, Deu 19: 17 | the priests or judges in office at that time; ~ 8 Pent, Deu 26: 3 | shall go to the priest in office at that time and say to 9 Pent, Jos 20: 6 | the high priest who is in office at the time. Then the killer 10 His, 1Kin 2: 27 | deposed Abiathar from his office of priest of the LORD, thus 11 His, 2Kin 5: 19(3) | Israel, is required by his office to assist his master, the 12 His, 1Chr 18: 16(1) | who shared the priestly office with Zadok, and he remained 13 His, 1Chr 18: 16(1) | and he remained in this office even during the early years 14 His, 1Chr 18: 16(1) | who shared the priestly office with his father during the 15 His, 1Chr 23: 11 | family, fulfilling a single office. ~ 16 His, 1Chr 27: 34(2) | Chronicler does not mention his office because he regards only 17 His, Ezr Int | legality of one's priestly office. He is also called a scribe, 18 His, 1Mac 7: 5(2) | received confirmation in his office from the new King Demetrius ( 19 His, 1Mac 10: 21(2) | Jonathan began to discharge the office of high priest October 23- 20 His, 1Mac 11: 63 | intending to remove him from office. ~ 21 His, 1Mac 14: 47(5) | over a racial group whose office needed confirmation by a 22 His, 2Mac 4: 10 | s approval and came into office, he immediately initiated 23 His, 2Mac 4: 27 | Menelaus had obtained the office, he did not make any payments 24 His, 2Mac 4: 50 | men in power, remained in office, where he grew in wickedness 25 His, 2Mac 7: 24 | and entrust him with high office. ~ 26 His, 2Mac 10: 13 | respect due to his high office, he ended his life by taking 27 His, 2Mac 13: 3 | of being established in office. ~ 28 WisdB, Psa 2: 2(2) | received the power of their office through anointing.~ 29 WisdB, Psa 31: 6(2) | an antiphon in the Divine Office at Compline, the last prayer 30 WisdB, Psa 109: 8 | few; may another take his office. ~ 31 WisdB, Son Int | especially in the Little Office, there is a consistent application 32 WisdB, Wisd 18: 21 | the weapon of his special office, prayer and the propitiation 33 WisdB, Wisd 18: 21(5) | acting according to his office of high priest and intercessor.~ 34 WisdB, Sir 9: 17(5) | 9:17-10:5] Public office as conducted justly or unjustly 35 WisdB, Sir 45: 6(4) | his sons for this sublime office (Sirach 45:6, 7), and describes 36 WisdB, Sir 45: 7 | made him perpetual in his office when he bestowed on him 37 WisdB, Sir 46: 1 | to Moses in the prophetic office, Formed to be, as his name 38 ProphB | distinction in the prophetic office. Jonah is a story of the 39 ProphB | and symbolic actions.~The office of prophet was due to a 40 ProphB | responsibility, with the person and office of the Messiah, and with 41 ProphB, Isa Int | his call to the prophetic office in the Temple of Jerusalem. 42 ProphB, Isa 22: 19 | will thrust you from your office and pull you down from your 43 ProphB, Isa 49: 1(2) | designated me for a special office (cf Jeremiah 1:5), or perhaps, 44 ProphB, Jer Int | burden of the prophetic office. Jeremiah was born about 45 ProphB, Jer 1: 5(3) | Jeremiah was destined to the office of prophet before his birth; 46 ProphB, Jer 1: 6(4) | responsibilities of the prophetic office; God will supply for his 47 ProphB, Jer 36: 12(3) | The scribe's chamber: the office of the royal secretary.~ 48 Gosp, Mar 8: 27(6) | from making his messianic office known to avoid confusing 49 Gosp, Mar 8: 27(6) | ideas on the nature of that office. See further the notes on 50 Gosp, Joh 11: 49(11)| emphasizes the conjunction of the office and the year. Actually, 51 Gosp, Act 1: 20 | And: 'May another take his office.' ~ 52 Gosp, Act 2: 1(1) | proclaim publicly the messianic office of Jesus without incurring 53 NTLet, Rom 1: 1(1) | tone; it emphasizes Paul's office as apostle to the Gentiles. 54 NTLet, Rom 1: 1(1) | and Romans 1:1, 5 Paul's office. On his call, see Gal 1: 55 NTLet, Rom 1: 5(4) | Paul recalls his apostolic office, implying that the Romans 56 NTLet, 1Cor Int | impelled to insist on his office as founder of the community, 57 NTLet, Eph 3: 1(1) | appointment to the apostolic office (Eph 3:2-3) and how his 58 NTLet, Phi 1: 1(2) | New Testament times this office had not yet developed into 59 NTLet, Phi 1: 1(2) | order to distinguish this office from the later stages into 60 NTLet, Phi 1: 1(2) | stage of development of the office; we are uncertain about 61 NTLet, 1Tim Int | prophetic character of his office (1 Tim 1:12-20) and encourages 62 NTLet, 1Tim 3: 1(1) | those who aspire to the office of bishop (episkopos; see 63 NTLet, 1Tim 3: 1 | whoever aspires to the office of bishop desires a noble 64 NTLet, 1Tim 4: 14(8) | of installation into an office: the Seven (Acts 6:6) and 65 NTLet, 1Tim 4: 14(8) | understand it to designate the office into which Timothy was installed 66 NTLet, 2Tim 1: 6(5) | conferral of an ecclesiastical office. The imposition of my hands: 67 NTLet, Tit Int | replaced by emphasis on church office and on living in the society 68 NTLet, Heb 5: 1(1) | Hebrews 5:1-3). Even so, the office was of divine appointment ( 69 NTLet, Heb 7: 5 | of Levi who receive the office of priesthood have a commandment 70 NTLet, Heb 7: 23 | death from remaining in office, ~ 71 CathL, 1Pet 5: 1(1) | entrusted with a pastoral office are to tend the flock by 72 CathL, Rev 11: 3(3) | martyrs, fulfilling the office of witness (two because