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Alphabetical [« »] securely 15 secures 2 securing 1 security 49 sedentary 1 sediment 1 sedition 4 | Frequency [« »] 49 reject 49 scarlet 49 search 49 security 49 seir 49 series 49 stories | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances security |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Deu 12: 10 | about and you live there in security, ~ 2 His, 1Sam 12: 11 | you were able to live in security. ~ 3 His, 1Sam 25: 29(3) | enjoy permanent peace and security, but that his enemies be 4 His, 1Kin 2: 17(2) | was subtly undermining the security of Solomon's throne and 5 His, 1Kin 5: 5 | Judah and Israel lived in security, every man under his vine 6 His, 2Kin 20: 19 | There will be peace and security in my lifetime." ~ 7 His, Tob 14: 7 | and go to Jerusalem; in security shall they dwell forever 8 His, Est 9: 30 | documents concerning peace and security to all the Jews in the hundred 9 His, 1Mac 9: 58 | are living in peace and security. Now then, let us have Bacchides 10 His, 2Mac 4: 21 | took measures for his own security. ~ 11 WisdB, Job 18: 14 | He is plucked from the security of his tent; ~ 12 WisdB, Job 31: 24 | gold or called fine gold my security; ~ 13 WisdB, Psa 5: 1(1) | A lament contrasting the security of the house of God (Psalm 14 WisdB, Psa 46: 1(1) | Psalm 46:2-4) sings of the security of God's presence even in 15 WisdB, Psa 73: 1(1) | psalmist now knows, their security is from God (Psalm 73:1, 16 WisdB, Psa 91: 1(1) | has taken refuge in the security of the temple (Psalm 91: 17 WisdB, Pro 1: 33 | he who obeys me dwells in security, in peace, without fear 18 WisdB, Pro 3: 13(2) | life of the soul and gives security in work and in repose (Proverb 19 WisdB, Pro 5: 1(1) | only bring happiness and security (Proverb 5:15-20). Cf Proverb 20 WisdB, Pro 11: 14 | guidance a people falls; security lies in many counselors. ~ 21 WisdB, Pro 28: 2 | with a prudent man it knows security. ~ 22 WisdB, Son 2: 15(6) | threaten to disturb the security of love symbolized by the 23 WisdB, Sir 2: 12(2) | trust and therefore have no security (Sirach 2:12-14). But those 24 WisdB, Sir 5: 1(1) | presumption (Sirach 5:3), false security (Sirach 5:4-7), and impenitence ( 25 WisdB, Sir 23: 16(4) | 16, 17, 22-26). The false security of the adulterer serves 26 WisdB, Sir 32: 14(1) | wisdom and are devoid of security (Sirach 32:15, 17-18; 33: 27 WisdB, Sir 47: 12 | a wise son, who lived in security: ~ 28 ProphB, Isa 32: 17 | right will produce calm and security. ~ 29 ProphB, Isa 39: 8 | There will be peace and security in my lifetime." ~ ~ ~ 30 ProphB, Jer 23: 6 | saved, Israel shall dwell in security. This is the name they give 31 ProphB, Lam 4: 13(2) | people into an illusory security (Jeremiah 2:8; 5:31; 6:13; 32 ProphB, Eze 13: 10(1) | contributed the illusion of security by predictions of peace, 33 ProphB, Eze 28: 26 | they shall live on it in security, building houses and planting 34 ProphB, Eze 38: 8 | all of whom now dwell in security. ~ 35 ProphB, Eze 38: 11 | people who are living in security, all of them living without 36 ProphB, Eze 38: 14 | people Israel are dwelling in security, will you not bestir yourself ~ 37 ProphB, Eze 39: 26 | with me, when they live in security on their land with no one 38 ProphB, Hos 2: 17 | them take their rest in security. ~ 39 ProphB, Zec 1: 15(5) | their present prosperity and security at Judah's expense.~ 40 ProphB, Zec 8: 10 | who came and went had no security from the enemy, for I set 41 ProphB, Zec 14: 11 | Jerusalem shall abide in security. ~ 42 Gosp, Mar 10: 23(4) | and merit generate false security, Jesus rejects them utterly 43 Gosp, Luk 2: 14(6) | Augusta; it also includes the security and well-being characteristic 44 NTLet, Rom 13: 8(2) | relationships, sanctity of life, and security of property, is safeguarded ( 45 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 12(6) | overconfidence, a sense of complete security (1 Cor 10:12). This warning 46 NTLet, 2Cor 1: 18(11)| Amen (2 Cor 1:20), gives us security (2 Cor 1:21), faith, stand 47 NTLet, 2Cor 1: 21 | But the one who gives us security with you in Christ and who 48 NTLet, 2Cor 1: 21(12)| commercial terms gives us security, seal, first installment 49 NTLet, 1The 5: 3 | people are saying, "Peace and security," then sudden disaster comes