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Alphabetical [« »] treasured 4 treasurer 4 treasurers 3 treasures 48 treasuries 13 treasury 39 treat 49 | Frequency [« »] 48 sets 48 spare 48 sworn 48 treasures 48 universe 48 utterly 47 ahaziah | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances treasures |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 43: 23 | your father must have put treasures in your bags for you. As 2 Pent, Deu 33: 19 | the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand." ~ 3 Pent, Deu 33: 19(9)| from fishing. The hidden treasures of the sand: possibly an 4 His, 1Kin 14: 25(1)| however, carried off the treasures of the temple of the LORD 5 His, 1Kin 14: 26 | everything, including the treasures of the temple of the LORD 6 His, 2Kin 24: 13 | He carried off all the treasures of the temple of the LORD 7 His, 1Chr 9: 26 | charge of the chambers and treasures of the house of God. ~ 8 His, 1Chr 26: 22 | Joel, who superintended the treasures of the house of the LORD. ~ 9 His, 1Chr 26: 24 | superintendent over the treasures. ~ 10 His, 1Chr 27: 25 | 25 ~Over the treasures of the king was Azmaveth, 11 His, 2Chr 1: 11 | have not asked for riches, treasures and glory, nor for the life 12 His, 2Chr 1: 12 | will also give you riches, treasures and glory, such as kings 13 His, 2Chr 12: 9 | Jerusalem and carried off the treasures of the temple of the LORD 14 His, 2Chr 25: 24 | Obed-edom, together with the treasures of the palace, and hostages 15 His, 2Chr 36: 18 | large and the small, and the treasures of the LORD'S house and 16 His, 1Mac 1: 23 | also took all the hidden treasures he could find. ~ 17 His, 2Mac 1: 14 | the place to get its great treasures by way of dowry. ~ 18 His, 2Mac 1: 15 | Nanaeon had displayed the treasures, Antiochus with a few attendants 19 WisdB, Job 3: 21 | it rather than for hidden treasures, ~ 20 WisdB, Job 20: 20 | quiet in his greed, his treasures shall not save him. ~ 21 WisdB, Pro 2: 4 | silver, and like hidden treasures search her out: ~ 22 WisdB, Pro 10: 2 | 2 ~Ill-gotten treasures profit nothing, but virtue 23 WisdB, Ecc 11: 1(1)| which sometimes carry lost treasures to the shore. ~ 24 WisdB, Sir 1: 22 | 22 ~Among wisdom's treasures is the paragon of prudence; 25 WisdB, Sir 39: 2 | 2 ~He treasures the discourses of famous 26 WisdB, Sir 40: 17(4)| 17-27] Of the many treasures making life sweet, such 27 WisdB, Sir 41: 12 | you better than precious treasures in the thousands; ~ 28 ProphB, Isa 2: 7 | there is no end to their treasures; Their land is full of horses, 29 ProphB, Isa 10: 13 | boundaries of peoples, their treasures I have pillaged, and, like 30 ProphB, Isa 30: 6 | backs of asses and their treasures on the humps of camels To 31 ProphB, Isa 45: 3 | 3 ~I will give you treasures out of the darkness, and 32 ProphB, Jer 17: 3 | Your wealth and all your treasures I will give as spoil. In 33 ProphB, Jer 20: 5 | and holds dear, all the treasures of the kings of Judah, I 34 ProphB, Jer 48: 7 | trusted in your works and your treasures, you also shall be captured. 35 ProphB, Jer 49: 4 | daughter? You who trust in your treasures, saying, "Who can come against 36 ProphB, Jer 50: 37 | women! A sword upon her treasures, that they may be plundered; ~ 37 ProphB, Lam 1: 10 | out his hand to all her treasures; She has seen those nations 38 ProphB, Lam 1: 11 | for bread; They give their treasures for food, to retain the 39 ProphB, Dan 11: 38 | precious stones, and other treasures. ~ 40 ProphB, Dan 11: 43 | gold and silver and all the treasures of Egypt; Libya and Ethiopia 41 ProphB, Hos 9: 6 | shall overgrow their silver treasures, and thorns invade their 42 ProphB, Joe 4: 5 | and brought my precious treasures into your temples! ~ 43 ProphB, Hag 2: 7 | all the nations, and the treasures of all the nations will 44 Gosp, Mat 2: 11 | Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of 45 Gosp, Mat 6: 19 | store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and 46 Gosp, Mat 6: 20 | 20 ~But store up treasures in heaven, where neither 47 NTLet, Col 2: 3 | whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. ~ 48 NTLet, Heb 11: 26 | greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking