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Alphabetical [« »] revealed 132 revealer 1 revealing 10 reveals 47 revel 4 revelation 101 revelations 7 | Frequency [« »] 47 prophesied 47 purification 47 restoration 47 reveals 47 serves 47 shimei 47 social | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances reveals |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | intervention of God.~ ~Yahweh reveals himself to Moses as a savior, 2 PreNAB | the good. Slowly the Lord reveals himself to his people; with 3 Pent | intervention of God.~ ~Yahweh reveals himself to Moses as a savior, 4 Pent | the good. Slowly the Lord reveals himself to his people; with 5 His, 2Sam 7: 11 | your enemies. The LORD also reveals to you that he will establish 6 His, Tob Int | cures them. Finally, Raphael reveals his true identity and returns 7 His, Tob Int | V. Raphael Reveals His Identity (Tobit 12:1- 8 WisdB, Pro 11: 13 | 13 ~A newsmonger reveals secrets, but a trustworthy 9 WisdB, Pro 20: 19 | 19 ~A newsmonger reveals secrets; so have nothing 10 WisdB, Sir 3: 19(3) | it is to the humble he reveals his secrets." Cf Matthew 11 WisdB, Sir 42: 19 | past and the future, and reveals the deepest secrets. ~ 12 ProphB, Dan 2: 22 | 22 ~He reveals deep and hidden things and 13 ProphB, Dan 2: 28 | there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has shown 14 ProphB, Dan 2: 29 | in the future, and he who reveals mysteries showed you what 15 Gosp, Mat 3: 14(11)| dialogue, peculiar to Matthew, reveals John's awareness of Jesus' 16 Gosp, Mat 8: 19(14)| see more deeply. Thus it reveals an inadequate recognition 17 Gosp, Mat 23: 16(11)| inverts the order of values, reveals the teachers to be blind 18 Gosp, Luk 4: 23(11)| source for this incident reveals an awareness of an earlier 19 Gosp, Luk 7: 24(8) | testimony to John, Jesus reveals his understanding of the 20 Gosp, Luk 9: 7(4) | subsequent episodes, Luke reveals to the reader various answers 21 Gosp, Luk 10: 39(14)| 8:35; Acts 22:3), and it reveals a characteristic attitude 22 Gosp, Luk 13: 10(5) | juxtaposition of an incident that reveals Jesus' concern for a man 23 Gosp, Luk 13: 10(5) | man with an incident that reveals his concern for a woman; 24 Gosp, Luk 13: 16(7) | healing ministry of Jesus reveals the gradual wresting from 25 Gosp, Luk 20: 41(10)| leadership of Jerusalem and Jesus reveals Jesus as the authoritative 26 Gosp, Joh 1: 1(1) | the incarnate Logos, who reveals God the Father. In origin, 27 Gosp, Joh 4: 23(9) | spirit given by God that reveals truth and enables one to 28 Gosp, Joh 10: 30(14)| asserts unity of power and reveals that the words and deeds 29 Gosp, Joh 20: 1(1) | 1-31] The risen Jesus reveals his glory and confers the 30 Gosp, Act 7: 2(1) | chosen leaders in the past reveals that the people have consistently 31 Gosp, Act 8: 3(3) | opposition to Christianity reveals how difficult it was for 32 Gosp, Act 10: 9(6) | such instructions to Peter reveals that at first not even the 33 Gosp, Act 14: 8(1) | the miracle. The incident reveals the cultural difficulties 34 NTLet, Rom 9: 14(6) | a part of the gospel and reveals that the gift of faith is 35 NTLet, Rom 16: 25(12)| 25] Paul's gospel reveals the mystery kept secret 36 NTLet, 1Cor Int | informed. In doing so, he reveals much about himself, his 37 NTLet, 1Cor 8: 1(2) | similar to 1 Cor 6:12, which reveals the self-image of the Corinthians. 38 NTLet, 1Cor 14: 1(1) | thought of 1 Cor 12:31a and reveals Paul's primary concern. 39 NTLet, 2Cor Int | extant writings, and it reveals much about his character. 40 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 6(7) | Paul, through whom God reveals the knowledge of himself ( 41 NTLet, Phi Int | converts. In Philippians, Paul reveals his human sensitivity and 42 NTLet, 2Tim Int | 2 Tim 2:17). The letter reveals that, with rare exceptions, 43 NTLet, Heb 3: 7(3) | Hebrews 3:12) means that he reveals himself in his works (cf 44 CathL, 1Joh 5: 13(3) | to the evil one. The Son reveals the God of truth; Christians 45 CathL, Rev 6: 1(2) | of the first four seals reveals four riders. The first rider ( 46 CathL, Rev 6: 1(2) | breaking of the fifth seal reveals Christian martyrs in an 47 CathL, Rev 6: 1(2) | breaking of the sixth seal reveals typical apocalyptic signs