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Alphabetical [« »] orders 75 ordinal 1 ordinance 27 ordinances 47 ordinarily 15 ordinary 33 ordination 18 | Frequency [« »] 47 necessary 47 negeb 47 older 47 ordinances 47 pain 47 pattern 47 pedestals | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances ordinances |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 26: 5 | mandate (my commandments, my ordinances, and my instructions)." ~ 2 Pent, Exo 24: 3 | related all the words and ordinances of the LORD, they all answered 3 Pent, Num Int | Promised Land. Numerous legal ordinances are interspersed in the 4 Pent, Deu 4: 45 | 45 ~These are the ordinances, statutes and decrees which 5 Pent, Deu 6: 17 | LORD, your God, and the ordinances and statutes he has enjoined 6 Pent, Deu 6: 20 | son asks you what these ordinances, statutes and decrees mean 7 Pent, Jos 24: 25 | day and made statutes and ordinances for them at Shechem, ~ 8 His, 1Sam 6: 3(1)| unwitting transgression of the ordinances of God regarding holy things 9 His, 2Sam 22: 23 | 23 ~For his ordinances were all present to me, 10 His, 1Kin 2: 3 | his statutes, commands, ordinances, and decrees as they are 11 His, 1Kin 6: 11(2)| their observance of his ordinances and commands.~ 12 His, 1Kin 6: 12 | my statutes, carry out my ordinances, keep and obey all my commands, 13 His, 1Kin 8: 58 | commands, statutes, and ordinances which he enjoined on our 14 His, 2Kin 23: 3 | follow him and observe his ordinances, statutes and decrees with 15 His, 2Chr 7: 17 | keeping my statutes and ordinances, ~ 16 His, 2Chr 33: 8 | and the statutes and the ordinances given by Moses." ~ 17 His, Ezr 7: 10 | on teaching statutes and ordinances in Israel. ~ 18 His, Neh 1: 7 | commandments, the statutes, and the ordinances which you committed to your 19 His, Neh 9: 13 | heaven; You gave them just ordinances, firm laws, good statutes, 20 His, Neh 9: 29 | they sinned against your ordinances, from which men draw life 21 His, Neh 10: 30 | the LORD, our LORD, his ordinances and his statutes. ~ 22 WisdB, Job 38: 33 | 33 ~Do you know the ordinances of the heavens; can you 23 WisdB, Psa 81: 1(1)| in accord with the Sinai ordinances (Psalm 81:2-6). They hear 24 ProphB, Jer 8: 8(2)| the interpretations and ordinances of the scribes ran counter 25 ProphB, Eze 5: 6 | she rebelled against my ordinances more wickedly than the nations, 26 ProphB, Eze 5: 6 | her; she has spurned my ordinances and has not lived by my 27 ProphB, Eze 5: 7 | statutes nor fulfilling my ordinances, but acting according to 28 ProphB, Eze 5: 7 | acting according to the ordinances of the surrounding nations; ~ 29 ProphB, Eze 11: 12 | have not lived, and whose ordinances you have not kept; rather, 30 ProphB, Eze 11: 12 | have acted according to the ordinances of the nations around you. ~ 31 ProphB, Eze 11: 20 | observe and carry out my ordinances; thus they shall be my people 32 ProphB, Eze 18: 9 | is careful to observe my ordinances, that man is virtuous - 33 ProphB, Eze 18: 17 | interest or usury, but keeps my ordinances and lives by my statutes - 34 ProphB, Eze 20: 11 | and made known to them my ordinances, which everyone must keep, 35 ProphB, Eze 20: 13 | statutes, and they despised my ordinances that bring life to those 36 ProphB, Eze 20: 16 | statutes, but despised my ordinances and desecrated my sabbaths. ~ 37 ProphB, Eze 20: 18 | your parents or keep their ordinances; do not defile yourselves 38 ProphB, Eze 20: 19 | and be careful to keep my ordinances; ~ 39 ProphB, Eze 20: 21 | observe my statutes or keep my ordinances that bring life to those 40 ProphB, Eze 20: 24 | for they did not keep my ordinances, but despised my statutes 41 ProphB, Eze 20: 25 | that were not good, and ordinances through which they could 42 ProphB, Eze 23: 25 | will judge you by their own ordinances. I will let loose my jealousy 43 ProphB, Hos 8: 12 | I write for him my many ordinances, they are considered as 44 ProphB, Mal 3: 22 | Horeb, The statutes and ordinances for all Israel. ~ 45 Gosp, Luk 1: 6 | all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly. ~ 46 NTLet, Rom 13: 1(1)| responsibility to make just ordinances and to commend uprightness; 47 NTLet, Rom 14: 1(1)| liberated them from such ordinances (Romans 14:10). See 1 Cor