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Alphabetical [« »] derisively 1 derivation 1 derive 8 derived 45 derives 23 deriving 2 derogatory 3 | Frequency [« »] 45 chapters 45 conquered 45 corinth 45 derived 45 dragon 45 drank 45 foundations | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances derived |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | Septuagint, with some readings derived from an underlying Hebrew 2 Pent, Gen 2: 8(3) | Mesopotamia; the term is derived from the Sumerian word eden, " 3 Pent, Gen 28: 12(2) | imagery in Jacob's dream is derived from the Babylonian ziggurat 4 Pent, Exo 2: 10(2) | words. The name is probably derived from an Egyptian word for " 5 Pent, Exo 25: 17(2) | mean merely "cover," is derived from its connection with 6 Pent, Lev 25: 10(2) | economic equilibrium. Jubilee: derived from the Hebrew word yobel, " 7 Pent, Jos 15: 8(1) | whence the word "Gehenna" is derived. ~ 8 His, 1Chr Int | material rather freely, he derived it from authentic and reliable 9 His, 1Chr 2: 53 | Zorah and the Eshtaolites derived. ~ 10 His, 2Chr 22: 9(1) | Ahaziah of Judah is not derived from 2 Kings 9:27-28 with 11 His, Tob 5: 3(1) | Perhaps this procedure derived from the present verse of 12 His, 2Mac Int | the text here, clearly not derived from Jason's work, are the 13 WisdB, Psa 18: 11(6) | Cherub: a winged creature, derived from myth, in the service 14 WisdB, Psa 27: 8(3) | the temple. The idiom is derived from the practice of journeying 15 WisdB, Psa 68: 1(1) | 36, and Psalm 68:8-9 are derived from Judges 5:4-5. The argument 16 WisdB, Psa 73: 9(2) | heavens: in an image probably derived from mythic stories of half-divine 17 ProphB, Isa 45: 1(1) | which the word "Messiah" is derived; from its Greek translation 18 ProphB, Dan 6: 1(1) | apocalyptic view of history, derived from prophecy (cf Isaiah 19 NTPre | followed. Additional help was derived from The Greek New Testament ( 20 Gosp, Mat 5: 1(1) | contains sayings of Jesus derived from Q and from M. The Lucan 21 Gosp, Mat 7: 6(4) | saying may originally have derived from a Jewish Christian 22 Gosp, Mat 9: 18(13)| miracles seem to have been derived from Mark and Q respectively, 23 Gosp, Mat 16: 5(4) | prepares for a new one derived from Jesus.~ 24 Gosp, Mat 22: 40(24)| law and the prophets are derived.~ 25 Gosp, Mat 23: 14(9) | seems to be an interpolation derived from that text.~ 26 Gosp, Mat 24: 16(11)| but the Matthean command, derived from its Marcan source, 27 Gosp, Mat 26: 15(8) | found only in Matthew. It is derived from Zechariah 11:12 where 28 Gosp, Luk 2: 22(9) | at the temple is probably derived from 1 Sam 1:24-28, where 29 Gosp, Luk 3: 22(11)| I have begotten you," is derived from Psalm 2:7.~ 30 Gosp, Joh 11: 16(4) | word for twin. Thomas is derived from the Aramaic word for 31 Gosp, Joh 21: 1(1) | tradition was ultimately derived from John but preserved 32 Gosp, Act 2: 38(7) | with the apostolic teaching derived from Jesus (Acts 2:42) and 33 NTLet, Rom 3: 9(3) | from scripture, possibly derived from an existing collection 34 NTLet, Rom 15: 3(1) | Christian living can be derived from the Old Testament, 35 NTLet, 1Cor 6: 12(5) | the Corinthians may have derived this slogan from Paul's 36 NTLet, 2Cor 3: 4(4) | usage of a new covenant is derived from Jeremiah 31:31-33 a 37 NTLet, Heb 3: 6(2) | probably an interpolation derived from Hebrews 3:14.~ 38 NTLet, Heb 5: 11(7) | Hebrews 6:1-3 are probably derived from a traditional catechetical 39 CathL, Jam Int | behavior. Ethical norms are derived not primarily from christology, 40 CathL, Jam 1: 2(2) | teaching of the New Testament derived from the words and sufferings 41 CathL, 2Pet 3: 5(4) | element from which all is derived.~ 42 CathL, Jude 0: 3(3) | teachings of the Christian faith derived from the apostolic preaching 43 CathL, Rev 1: 10(9) | trumpet: the imagery is derived from the theophany at Sinai ( 44 CathL, Rev 2: 12(12)| library (the word parchment is derived from its name).~ 45 CathL, Rev 11: 5(5) | 5-6] These details are derived from stories of Moses, who