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Alphabetical [« »] index 1 india 8 indian 1 indicate 44 indicated 19 indicates 52 indicating 25 | Frequency [« »] 44 grown 44 herds 44 increase 44 indicate 44 joel 44 justification 44 leading | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances indicate |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Num Int | events described clearly indicate the action of God, who punishes 2 His, 1Sam 16: 18(3) | used in this edition to indicate the passages lacking in 3 His, 1Chr 1: 1(1) | references in this book indicate in each case the scriptural 4 His, Jdt 2: 23(3) | associations rather than to indicate definite localities.~ 5 His, Est Int | the letters A through F indicate the underlying Greek additions 6 His, 1Mac 3: 24(4) | with biblical usage, they indicate rather the importance of 7 WisdB, Job 1: 2(2) | The numbers mentioned here indicate Job's great wealth and happiness, 8 WisdB, Job 19: 25(4) | the Vulgate Job is made to indicate a belief in physical resurrection 9 WisdB, Job 27: 13(2) | asterisks are present to indicate it is not likely that the 10 WisdB, Job 35: 14(2) | is uncertain. It seems to indicate that Job should have realized 11 WisdB, Psa 74: 9(3) | no prophet has arisen to indicate the duration.~ 12 WisdB, Son 1: 2(2) | 14] The marginal letters indicate the speaker of the verses: 13 ProphB, Hos 2: 2(2) | contemporary documents indicate that this was a conventional 14 REPre | edition, parentheses do not indicate textual uncertainty, but 15 REPre | a punctuation device to indicate a passage that in the editors' 16 Gosp, Mat 5: 3(4) | spirit in order either to indicate that only the devout poor 17 Gosp, Mat 12: 29(20)| 20:2); Jesus' exorcisms indicate that those days have begun.~ 18 Gosp, Mat 14: 19(5) | correspondence does not necessarily indicate a eucharistic reference 19 Gosp, Mat 17: 18(16)| this verse does Matthew indicate that the boy's illness is 20 Gosp, Mat 18: 6(5) | superfluous. However, it serves to indicate that the warning against 21 Gosp, Mat 20: 22(10)| with the rest of the verse, indicate that the answer is addressed 22 Gosp, Mat 21: 43(33)| kingdom of heaven" may indicate that the saying came from 23 Gosp, Mat 26: 1(1) | Some of the additions indicate that he utilized traditions 24 Gosp, Mat 27: 51(31)| resurrection of the dead saints indicate the coming of the final 25 Gosp, Mar 1: 12(7) | presence of wild beasts may indicate the horror and danger of 26 Gosp, Mar 6: 8(7) | towns. These differences indicate a certain adaptation to 27 Gosp, Mar 6: 35(16)| each in Luke and in John, indicate the wide interest of the 28 Gosp, Mar 13: 26(5) | Numbers 11:25 the clouds indicate the presence of the divinity. 29 Gosp, Mar 16: 9(2) | citations of it by the Fathers indicate that it was composed by 30 Gosp, Mar 16: 9(2) | although vocabulary and style indicate that it was written by someone 31 Gosp, Luk 1: 69(20)| messianic overtones and may indicate an allusion to a phrase 32 Gosp, Act 11: 1(1) | exceptional ordinance of God to indicate that the apostolic kerygma 33 NTLet, Rom 3: 21(7) | prosperity. The expressions indicate that Romans 3:21-26 are 34 NTLet, 2Cor 13: 1(1) | third" (cf 2 Cor 12:14) may indicate that, in addition to his 35 NTLet, Eph 4: 17(8) | 17-24] Paul begins to indicate how the new life in Christ 36 NTLet, Col Int | Col 1:3-8); this seems to indicate that, though the Colossians 37 NTLet, Phl 0: 2(2) | here used (like brother) to indicate a fellow Christian. The 38 NTLet, Heb 3: 1(1) | 3-6, the author does not indicate that he thinks of either 39 CathL, Jam 4: 1(2) | literally, "pleasures") does not indicate that pleasure is evil. Rather, 40 CathL, 2Pet 2: 4(3) | from Greek mythology to indicate the infernal regions.~ 41 CathL, 1Joh 2: 18(9) | Matthew, Mark, and Rev seem to indicate a collectivity of persons, 42 CathL, 2Joh 0: 4(3) | encountered, but it may also indicate the presence of false doctrine 43 CathL, Rev 10: 1(1) | open, the contents of which indicate that the end is imminent ( 44 CathL, Rev 14: 4(3) | passages (Rev 7:3; 22:4) indicate that the 144,000 whose foreheads