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Alphabetical [« »] author 274 authoritative 5 authoritatively 2 authorities 41 authority 218 authorization 3 authorize 1 | Frequency [« »] 41 advantage 41 affairs 41 aloud 41 authorities 41 compassion 41 conscience 41 creator | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances authorities |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Num 11: 16 | know for true elders and authorities among the people, and bring 2 His, 1Mac 12: 4 | letters addressed to the authorities in the various places, requesting 3 Gosp, Mat 21: 12(10)| challenge to the priestly authorities. Matthew 21:14-17 are peculiar 4 Gosp, Mat 21: 23(18)| Jesus and the religious authorities of Judaism in Matthew 21: 5 Gosp, Mat 21: 27(22)| the other the religious authorities claim ignorance of the origin 6 Gosp, Mat 22: 15(9) | conflict with the Roman authorities.~ 7 Gosp, Mat 27: 18(10)| hostility of the Jewish authorities and eventually of the people.~ 8 Gosp, Luk 12: 11 | synagogues and before rulers and authorities, do not worry about how 9 Gosp, Luk 19: 39(8) | given so that the Roman authorities would not interpret the 10 Gosp, Luk 23: 1(1) | of Jesus before the Roman authorities is also characteristic of 11 Gosp, Luk 23: 1(1) | force the hand of the Roman authorities (Luke 23:1-2, 5, 10, 13, 12 Gosp, Joh Int | debates with the Jewish authorities at the Feast of Tabernacles 13 Gosp, Joh Int | hostility toward Jesus of the authorities - Pharisees and Sadducees - 14 Gosp, Joh 1: 19(14)| such but to the hostile authorities, both Pharisees and Sadducees, 15 Gosp, Joh 7: 26 | nothing to him. Could the authorities 10 have realized that he 16 Gosp, Joh 7: 26(10)| 26] The authorities: the members of the Sanhedrin ( 17 Gosp, Joh 7: 48 | 48 ~Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed 18 Gosp, Joh 10: 24(11)| encounters with the Jewish authorities. There has never yet been 19 Gosp, Joh 10: 41(17)| to the hostility of the authorities in Jerusalem.~ 20 Gosp, Joh 12: 42 | Nevertheless, many, even among the authorities, believed in him, but because 21 Gosp, Joh 18: 32(15)| be crucified, the Jewish authorities fulfilled his prophecy that 22 Gosp, Joh 19: 16(6) | crucifixion on the Jewish authorities and to exonerate the Romans 23 Gosp, Act Int | Paul's defense before Roman authorities is to show that Christianity 24 Gosp, Act Int | when he stands before Roman authorities, he is declared innocent 25 Gosp, Act 2: 1(1) | reprisal from those religious authorities in Jerusalem who had brought 26 Gosp, Act 5: 17(3) | jealousy of the religious authorities over the popularity of the 27 Gosp, Act 16: 19 | square before the local authorities. ~ 28 Gosp, Act 21: 38(13)| was put down by the Roman authorities and the Egyptian escaped, 29 Gosp, Act 25: 5 | 5 ~He said, "Let your authorities come down with me, and if 30 NTLet, Rom 8: 28(6) | love God: a few ancient authorities have God as the subject 31 NTLet, Rom 13: 1 | subordinate to the higher authorities, for there is no authority 32 NTLet, Rom 13: 1(1) | obedience to the governing authorities are obeying the one who 33 NTLet, Rom 13: 6 | also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, devoting 34 NTLet, Rom 16: 1(1) | 1-23] Some authorities regard these verses as a 35 NTLet, Gal 1: 16(12)| Flesh and blood: human authorities (cf Matthew 16:17; 1 Cor 36 NTLet, Eph 3: 10 | to the principalities and authorities 6 in the heavens. ~ 37 NTLet, Eph 3: 10(6) | 10] Principalities and authorities: see the note on Eph 1:15- 38 NTLet, Tit 3: 1 | control of magistrates and authorities, to be obedient, to be open 39 NTLet, Tit 3: 1(2) | 1] Magistrates and authorities: some interpreters understand 40 CathL, 1Pet 3: 22 | hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him. ~ ~ ~ 41 CathL, Rev Int | early church by the Roman authorities; the harlot Babylon symbolizes