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Alphabetical [« »] desirable 10 desire 112 desired 18 desires 40 desiring 1 desist 12 desisted 1 | Frequency [« »] 40 cave 40 cistern 40 condemn 40 desires 40 destined 40 development 40 eli | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances desires |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 8: 21 | because of man, since the desires of man's heart are evil 2 Pent, Num 15: 39 | wantonly astray after the desires of your hearts and eyes. ~ 3 His, 1Sam 18: 25 | this to David: "The king desires no other price for the bride 4 His, 1Sam 25: 29(3)| for safekeeping. Abigail desires that David enjoy permanent 5 WisdB, Job 23: 13 | can say him nay? What he desires, that he does. ~ 6 WisdB, Psa 86: 1(1)| attacked by the ruthless (14), desires only God's protection (Psalm 7 WisdB, Psa 112: 10 | teeth and waste away; the desires of the wicked come to nothing.~ ~ ~ 8 WisdB, Psa 140: 9 | LORD, do not grant the desires of the wicked; do not let 9 WisdB, Pro 21: 10 | The soul of the wicked man desires evil; his neighbor finds 10 WisdB, Ecc 6: 9 | is better than what the desires wander after." This also 11 WisdB, Sir 5: 2 | strength in following the desires of your heart. ~ 12 WisdB, Sir 18: 30 | your lusts, but keep your desires in check. ~ 13 WisdB, Sir 22: 27(5)| become a prey of shameful desires (Sirach 23:3-6).~ 14 WisdB, Sir 23: 6 | surrender me not to shameless desires. ~ 15 ProphB, Eze 33: 31 | on their lips and their desires are fixed on dishonest gain. ~ 16 Gosp, Luk 5: 39 | has been drinking old wine desires new, for he says, 'The old 17 Gosp, Joh 8: 44 | carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from 18 NTLet, Rom 5: 12(4)| the exaltation of its own desires and interests. But no one 19 NTLet, Rom 6: 12 | bodies so that you obey their desires. ~ 20 NTLet, Rom 13: 14 | make no provision for the desires of the flesh. ~ ~ ~ 21 NTLet, Gal 5: 17 | 17 ~For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and 22 NTLet, Gal 5: 24 | flesh with its passions and desires. ~ 23 NTLet, Eph 2: 3 | lived among them in the desires of our flesh, following 24 NTLet, Eph 4: 22 | corrupted through deceitful desires, ~ 25 NTLet, 1Tim 3: 1 | to the office of bishop desires a noble task. ~ 26 NTLet, 1Tim 6: 9 | many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge them into 27 NTLet, 2Tim 2: 22 | 22 ~So turn from youthful desires and pursue righteousness, 28 NTLet, 2Tim 3: 6 | by sins, led by various desires, ~ 29 NTLet, 2Tim 4: 3 | but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, 2 30 NTLet, Tit 2: 12 | godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, 31 NTLet, Tit 3: 3 | deluded, slaves to various desires and pleasures, living in 32 CathL, Jam 4: 1(2)| one deals with needs and desires that determines good or 33 CathL, 1Pet 1: 14 | act in compliance with the desires of your former ignorance 8 ~ 34 CathL, 1Pet 2: 11 | to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against the 35 CathL, 1Pet 4: 2 | life in the flesh on human desires, but on the will of God. ~ 36 CathL, 1Pet 4: 3 | living in debauchery, evil desires, drunkenness, orgies, carousing, 37 CathL, 2Pet 2: 18 | they seduce with licentious desires of the flesh those who have 38 CathL, 2Pet 3: 3 | living according to their own desires ~ 39 CathL, Jude 0: 16 | disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast 40 CathL, Jude 0: 18 | according to their own godless desires." 12 ~