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Alphabetical [« »] strove 2 struck 155 structural 6 structure 38 structured 6 structures 3 struggle 31 | Frequency [« »] 38 sow 38 st 38 strangers 38 structure 38 stumble 38 thereby 38 unity | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances structure |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | revisions have been made in the structure and wording of the texts, 2 Pent, Gen 1: 5(3)| highly artificial literary structure of Genesis 1:1-2:4a, God' 3 His, Ezr 5: 4 | men who are building this structure?" ~ 4 His, 2Mac 2: 29 | his attention to the whole structure, while the man who undertakes 5 WisdB, Job Int | together with its artistic structure and elegant style, place 6 WisdB, Psa Int | so clearly does their structure reflect a liturgical incident ( 7 WisdB, Psa Int | types help us to catch the structure and spirit of the psalms 8 WisdB, Psa 22: 1(1)| 22] A lament unusual in structure and in intensity of feeling. 9 WisdB, Psa 46: 4(4)| the refrain is similar in structure and meaning to Isaiah's 10 WisdB, Psa 76: 5(3)| mountains are part of the structure of the universe (Psalm 89: 11 WisdB, Psa 78: 1(1)| Canaan (Psalm 78:40-72). The structure of both is parallel: gracious 12 WisdB, Pro Int | subject matter, and poetic structure the Book of Proverbs may 13 WisdB, Son Int | composed this masterpiece. The structure of the Song is difficult 14 ProphB, Eze 40: 5 | width and the height of the structure, each of which were found 15 ProphB, Eze 41: 12(1)| building: the function of this structure lying behind the temple 16 REPre | matching the vocabulary, structure, and even word order of 17 REPre | original in a linguistic structure suited to English, even 18 REPre | the corresponding Greek structure. While this approach often 19 Gosp, Mat Int | These are an important structure of the gospel. In every 20 Gosp, Mat Int | the emphasis is not on the structure of the church but on the 21 Gosp, Mat 5: 1(1)| are a central part of the structure of this gospel. It is the 22 Gosp, Mat 26: 1(1)| this gospel its distinctive structure lead up to the climactic 23 Gosp, Mar 2: 10(6)| interruption of thought and structure in Mark 2:10 seems not addressed 24 Gosp, Mar 8: 1(1)| significance. Their similarity of structure and themes but dissimilarity 25 Gosp, Joh 1: 1(1)| 10-11, 14) is poetic in structure, with short phrases linked 26 Gosp, Act 14: 23(5)| traveling missionaries. The structure in these churches is patterned 27 Gosp, Act 15: 36(9)| concern himself with the structure or statistics of the communities 28 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 3(3)| relations within a hierarchical structure. The model is similar to 29 NTLet, 2Cor 5: 2(2)| are largely parallel in structure. We groan, longing: see 30 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 1(1)| have their own unity of structure and theme and could well 31 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 1(1)| are similar in content and structure. These sections, in turn, 32 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 1(1)| purpose of the letter. The structure that results from this disposition 33 NTLet, Eph 1: 3(3)| forgiveness, Col 1:14). A triadic structure is discernible in Eph 1: 34 NTLet, Eph 2: 21 | 21 ~Through him the whole structure is held together and grows 35 NTLet, Eph 4: 4(2)| God) reflect the triune structure of later creeds in reverse.~ 36 NTLet, Tit Int | topics of church life and structure are discussed: presbyter-bishops ( 37 NTLet, Tit Int | growing emphasis on church structure and opposition to heresy, 38 CathL, 1Joh Int | realities of the gospel.~The structure and language of the letter