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Alphabetical [« »] kindness 104 kindred 23 kinds 52 king 3085 kingdom 589 kingdoms 74 kingly 8 | Frequency [« »] 3169 then 3156 has 3096 4 3085 king 3066 6 3044 or 3000 5 | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances king |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
3001 Gosp, Luk 2: 1(2) | agent (like the Persian king Cyrus in Isaiah 44:28-45: 3002 Gosp, Luk 2: 7(3) | Solomon, who though a great king was wrapped in swaddling 3003 Gosp, Luk 3: 31(13)| 7:2) rather than through King Solomon, as Matthew 1:6- 3004 Gosp, Luk 14: 31 | 31 ~Or what king marching into battle would 3005 Gosp, Luk 14: 31 | successfully oppose another king advancing upon him with 3006 Gosp, Luk 19: 11(4) | parable about a rejected king (Luke 19:12, 14-15a, 27). 3007 Gosp, Luk 19: 11(4) | story about the rejected king may have originated with 3008 Gosp, Luk 19: 11(4) | to receive the title of king. A delegation of Jews appeared 3009 Gosp, Luk 19: 11(4) | Although not given the title of king, Archelaus was made ruler 3010 Gosp, Luk 19: 14 | want this man to be our king.' ~ 3011 Gosp, Luk 19: 27 | did not want me as their king, bring them here and slay 3012 Gosp, Luk 19: 38 | proclaimed: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of 3013 Gosp, Luk 19: 38(7) | 38] Blessed is the king who comes in the name of 3014 Gosp, Luk 19: 38(7) | explicitly given the title king when he enters Jerusalem 3015 Gosp, Luk 19: 38(7) | is thereby acclaimed as king (see Luke 1:32) and as the 3016 Gosp, Luk 19: 39(8) | acclamation of Jesus as king as an uprising against them; 3017 Gosp, Luk 23: 2 | that he is the Messiah, a king." ~ 3018 Gosp, Luk 23: 3 | asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" He said to 3019 Gosp, Luk 23: 37 | called out, "If you are King of the Jews, save yourself." ~ 3020 Gosp, Luk 23: 38 | that read, "This is the King of the Jews." ~ 3021 Gosp, Joh 1: 49 | Son of God; 34 you are the King of Israel." ~ 3022 Gosp, Joh 1: 49(34)| adoption for the Davidic king (2 Sam 7:14; Psalm 2:7; 3023 Gosp, Joh 1: 49(34)| 27), and thus here, with King of Israel, in a messianic 3024 Gosp, Joh 4: 25(10)| did not expect a messianic king of the house of David but 3025 Gosp, Joh 6: 15 | carry him off to make him king, he withdrew again to the 3026 Gosp, Joh 12: 13 | of the Lord, (even) the king of Israel." ~ 3027 Gosp, Joh 12: 13(6) | and John 6:14; 11:27). The king of Israel: perhaps from 3028 Gosp, Joh 12: 15 | daughter Zion; 7 see, your king comes, seated upon an ass' 3029 Gosp, Joh 18: 33 | said to him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" ~ 3030 Gosp, Joh 18: 37 | to him, "Then you are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say 3031 Gosp, Joh 18: 37 | answered, "You say I am a king. 16 For this I was born 3032 Gosp, Joh 18: 37(16)| 37] You say I am a king: see Matthew 26:64 for a 3033 Gosp, Joh 18: 39 | me to release to you the King of the Jews?" ~ 3034 Gosp, Joh 19: 3 | to him and said, "Hail, King of the Jews!" And they struck 3035 Gosp, Joh 19: 12 | Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar." ~ 3036 Gosp, Joh 19: 14 | the Jews, "Behold, your king!" ~ 3037 Gosp, Joh 19: 15 | them, "Shall I crucify your king?" The chief priests answered, " 3038 Gosp, Joh 19: 15 | priests answered, "We have no king but Caesar." ~ 3039 Gosp, Joh 19: 19 | Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews." ~ 3040 Gosp, Joh 19: 21 | Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews,' but that he 3041 Gosp, Joh 19: 21 | that he said, 'I am the King of the Jews.'" ~ 3042 Gosp, Act 7: 10 | wisdom before Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, who put him in 3043 Gosp, Act 7: 18 | 18 ~until another king who knew nothing of Joseph 3044 Gosp, Act 12: 1 | 1 ~1 About that time King Herod laid hands upon some 3045 Gosp, Act 12: 20 | winning over Blastus, the king's chamberlain, they sued 3046 Gosp, Act 12: 20 | supplied with food from the king's territory. ~ 3047 Gosp, Act 13: 21 | 21 ~Then they asked for a king. God gave them Saul, son 3048 Gosp, Act 13: 22 | raised up David as their king; of him he testified, 'I 3049 Gosp, Act 17: 7 | instead that there is another king, Jesus." 2 ~ 3050 Gosp, Act 17: 7(2) | 7] There is another king, Jesus: a distortion into 3051 Gosp, Act 25: 13 | When a few days had passed, King Agrippa and Bernice 3 arrived 3052 Gosp, Act 25: 13(3) | 13] King Agrippa and Bernice: brother 3053 Gosp, Act 25: 14 | referred Paul's case to the king, saying, "There is a man 3054 Gosp, Act 25: 24 | 24 ~And Festus said, "King Agrippa and all you here 3055 Gosp, Act 25: 26 | particularly before you, King Agrippa, so that I may have 3056 Gosp, Act 26: 2 | count myself fortunate, King Agrippa, that I am to defend 3057 Gosp, Act 26: 2(1) | Acts is now made before a king (see Acts 9:15). In the 3058 Gosp, Act 26: 7 | I am accused by Jews, O king. ~ 3059 Gosp, Act 26: 13 | midday, along the way, O king, I saw a light from the 3060 Gosp, Act 26: 19 | 19 ~"And so, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient 3061 Gosp, Act 26: 26 | 26 ~The king knows about these matters 3062 Gosp, Act 26: 27 | 27 ~King Agrippa, do you believe 3063 Gosp, Act 26: 30 | 30 ~Then the king rose, and with him the governor 3064 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 32 | Damascus, the governor under King Aretas guarded the city 3065 NTLet, 1Tim 1: 17 | 17 ~To the king of ages, 8 incorruptible, 3066 NTLet, 1Tim 1: 17(8) | 17] King of ages: through Semitic 3067 NTLet, 1Tim 1: 17(8) | could mean "everlasting king"; it could also mean "king 3068 NTLet, 1Tim 1: 17(8) | king"; it could also mean "king of the universe."~ 3069 NTLet, 1Tim 6: 15 | at the proper time, the King of kings and Lord of lords, ~ 3070 NTLet, Heb 1: 8(4) | already used it of the Hebrew king in the court style of the 3071 NTLet, Heb 7: 1 | 1 ~1 This "Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of God 3072 NTLet, Heb 7: 2 | name first means righteous king, and he was also "king of 3073 NTLet, Heb 7: 2 | righteous king, and he was also "king of Salem," that is, king 3074 NTLet, Heb 7: 2 | king of Salem," that is, king of peace. ~ 3075 NTLet, Heb 11: 23 | they were not afraid of the king's edict. ~ 3076 NTLet, Heb 11: 27 | left Egypt, not fearing the king's fury, for he persevered 3077 CathL, Jam 2: 8(4) | from God, the universal king. There may be an allusion 3078 CathL, 1Pet 2: 13 | sake, whether it be to the king as supreme ~ 3079 CathL, 1Pet 2: 17 | community, fear God, honor the king. ~ 3080 CathL, Rev 1: 13(12)| 4. Gold sash: Christ is king; cf Exodus 28:4; 1 Macc 3081 CathL, Rev 9: 11 | 11 ~They had as their king the angel of the abyss, 3082 CathL, Rev 15: 3 | and true are your ways, O king of the nations. ~ 3083 CathL, Rev 17: 11 | exists no longer is an eighth king, but really belongs to the 3084 CathL, Rev 17: 14 | he is Lord of lords and king of kings, and those with 3085 CathL, Rev 19: 16 | cloak and on his thigh, "King of kings and Lord of lords." ~