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Alphabetical [« »] 8b-9 1 8c 1 8c-15 1 9 2751 90 18 90s 1 91 13 | Frequency [« »] 2810 7 2787 11 2751 8 2751 9 2733 12 2681 people 2677 out | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances 9 |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 1: 2(2) | salt-water seas (Genesis 1:9-10); part of it is the fresh 2 Pent, Gen 1: 9 | 9 ~Then God said, "Let the 3 Pent, Gen 2: 9 | 9 ~Out of the ground the LORD 4 Pent, Gen 3: 9 | 9 ~The LORD God then called 5 Pent, Gen 3: 15(3) | 2:24; John 8:44; Rev 12:9; 20:2), whose eventual defeat 6 Pent, Gen 4: 9 | 9 ~Then the LORD asked Cain, " 7 Pent, Gen 5: 9 | 9 ~When Enosh was ninety years 8 Pent, Gen 5: 29(3) | grapes for wine (Genesis 9:20-21). ~ 9 Pent, Gen 6: 9 | 9 ~These are the descendants 10 Pent, Gen 7: 9 | 9 ~(two by two) male and female 11 Pent, Gen 8: 9 | 9 ~But the dove could find 12 Pent, Gen 9 | Chapter 9~ 13 Pent, Gen 9: 9 | 9 ~"See, I am now establishing 14 Pent, Gen 10: 9 | 9 ~He was a mighty hunter 15 Pent, Gen 10: 14(10)| Philistines, cf Deut 2:23; Amos 9:7; Jeremiah 47:4.~ 16 Pent, Gen 11: 1(1) | 1-9] This story, based on traditions 17 Pent, Gen 11: 9 | 9 ~4 That is why it was called 18 Pent, Gen 11: 9(4) | 9] Babel: the Hebrew form 19 Pent, Gen 11: 12(6) | certain Kenan (cf Genesis 5:9-10) between Arpachshad and 20 Pent, Gen 12: 9 | 9 ~3 Then Abram journeyed 21 Pent, Gen 12: 9(3) | 9] The Negeb: the semidesert 22 Pent, Gen 13: 9 | 9 ~Is not the whole land at 23 Pent, Gen 14: 9 | 9 ~against Chedorlaomer king 24 Pent, Gen 15: 6(1) | Romans 4:1-25; Gal 3:6-9) makes Abraham's faith a 25 Pent, Gen 15: 9 | 9 ~2 He answered him, "Bring 26 Pent, Gen 15: 9(2) | 9] Three-year-old: ritually 27 Pent, Gen 16: 9 | 9 ~But the LORD'S messenger 28 Pent, Gen 17: 9 | 9 ~God also said to Abraham: " 29 Pent, Gen 18: 9 | 9 ~"Where is your wife Sarah?" 30 Pent, Gen 18: 20(6) | according to Isaiah (Isaiah 1:9-10; 3:9), it was a lack 31 Pent, Gen 18: 20(6) | Isaiah (Isaiah 1:9-10; 3:9), it was a lack of social 32 Pent, Gen 19: 9 | 9 ~They replied, "Stand back! 33 Pent, Gen 20: 9 | 9 ~Then Abimelech summoned 34 Pent, Gen 21: 9 | 9 ~1 Sarah noticed the son 35 Pent, Gen 21: 9(1) | 9-19] This story of Hagar' 36 Pent, Gen 22: 9 | 9 ~When they came to the place 37 Pent, Gen 23: 9 | 9 ~to sell me the cave of 38 Pent, Gen 23: 15(4) | sum; Jeremiah (Jeremiah 32:9) paid only seventeen shekels 39 Pent, Gen 24: 9 | 9 ~So the servant put his 40 Pent, Gen 25: 9 | 9 ~His sons Isaac and Ishmael 41 Pent, Gen 26: 9 | 9 ~He called for Isaac and 42 Pent, Gen 27: 1(1) | and Jeremiah (Jeremiah 9:3), but also, indirectly, 43 Pent, Gen 27: 9 | 9 ~Go to the flock and get 44 Pent, Gen 27: 36(3) | Jacob, yaaqob; see Jeremiah 9:3 and note, as well as Genesis 45 Pent, Gen 27: 46(4) | 27:46-28:9] This section, which is 46 Pent, Gen 28: 9 | 9 ~so he went to Ishmael, 47 Pent, Gen 29: 9 | 9 ~While he was still talking 48 Pent, Gen 30: 9 | 9 ~When Leah saw that she 49 Pent, Gen 31: 9 | 9 ~Thus God reclaimed your 50 Pent, Gen 32: 9 | 9 ~"If Esau should attack 51 Pent, Gen 32: 31(4) | Jabbok in Gilead (Judges 8:8-9, 17; 1 Kings 12:25). The 52 Pent, Gen 33: 9 | 9 ~"I have plenty," replied 53 Pent, Gen 33: 19(2) | men of Hamor"; cf Judges 9:28. Hamor was regarded as 54 Pent, Gen 34: 9 | 9 ~Intermarry with us; give 55 Pent, Gen 35: 9 | 9 ~On Jacob's arrival from 56 Pent, Gen 36: 2(1) | Genesis 26:34 and Genesis 28:9. Zibeon the Hivite: in Genesis 57 Pent, Gen 36: 9 | 9 ~These are the descendants 58 Pent, Gen 37: 9 | 9 ~Then he had another dream, 59 Pent, Gen 38: 8(3) | displeasure (Genesis 38:9-10).~ 60 Pent, Gen 38: 9 | 9 ~Onan, however, knew that 61 Pent, Gen 39: 9 | 9 ~He wields no more authority 62 Pent, Gen 40: 9 | 9 ~Then the chief cupbearer 63 Pent, Gen 41: 9 | 9 ~Then the chief cupbearer 64 Pent, Gen 42: 9 | 9 ~1 he was reminded of the 65 Pent, Gen 42: 9(1) | 9,12] The nakedness of the 66 Pent, Gen 43: 9 | 9 ~I myself will stand surety 67 Pent, Gen 44: 9 | 9 ~If any of your servants 68 Pent, Gen 45: 9 | 9 ~2 "Hurry back, then, to 69 Pent, Gen 45: 9(2) | 9-15] In these verses, as 70 Pent, Gen 46: 9 | 9 ~2 and the sons of Reuben: 71 Pent, Gen 46: 9(2) | 9-27] This genealogical list 72 Pent, Gen 47: 9 | 9 ~1 Jacob replied: "The years 73 Pent, Gen 47: 9(1) | 9] Wayfarer . . . wayfarers: 74 Pent, Gen 48: 9 | 9 ~"They are my sons," Joseph 75 Pent, Gen 48: 22(3) | of Ephraim (Joshua 16:4-9; 17:1-2, 7). ~ 76 Pent, Gen 49: 9 | 9 ~Judah, like a lion's whelp, 77 Pent, Gen 50: 9 | 9 ~Chariots, too, and charioteers 78 Pent, Exo 1: 9 | 9 ~He said to his subjects, " 79 Pent, Exo 2: 9 | 9 ~Pharaoh's daughter said 80 Pent, Exo 3: 9 | 9 ~So indeed the cry of the 81 Pent, Exo 4: 9 | 9 ~And if they will not believe 82 Pent, Exo 4: 21(5) | the Israelites. Cf Romans 9:17, 18.~ 83 Pent, Exo 5: 9 | 9 ~Increase the work for the 84 Pent, Exo 6: 9 | 9 ~But when Moses told this 85 Pent, Exo 7: 9 | 9 ~"If Pharaoh demands that 86 Pent, Exo 8: 9 | 9 ~1 and the LORD did as Moses 87 Pent, Exo 8: 9(1) | 9] Courtyards: some render " 88 Pent, Exo 9 | Chapter 9~ 89 Pent, Exo 9: 9 | 9 ~It will then turn into 90 Pent, Exo 9: 16(1) | through you." Cf Romans 9:17. ~ 91 Pent, Exo 10: 9 | 9 ~"Young and old must go 92 Pent, Exo 11: 9 | 9 ~The LORD said to Moses, " 93 Pent, Exo 12: 9 | 9 ~It shall not be eaten raw 94 Pent, Exo 13: 9 | 9 ~It shall be as a sign on 95 Pent, Exo 14: 9 | 9 ~The Egyptians, then, pursued 96 Pent, Exo 15: 9 | 9 ~The enemy boasted, "I will 97 Pent, Exo 16: 9 | 9 ~Then Moses said to Aaron, " 98 Pent, Exo 16: 33(6) | which is followed in Hebrews 9:4, this was a golden vessel.~ 99 Pent, Exo 17: 9 | 9 ~Moses, therefore, said 100 Pent, Exo 18: 9 | 9 ~Jethro rejoiced over all 101 Pent, Exo 19: 9 | 9 ~The LORD also told him, " 102 Pent, Exo 20: 9 | 9 ~Six days you may labor 103 Pent, Exo 21: 9 | 9 ~If he destines her for 104 Pent, Exo 22: 9 | 9 ~"When a man gives an ass, 105 Pent, Exo 23: 9 | 9 ~You shall not oppress an 106 Pent, Exo 24: 9 | 9 ~Moses then went up with 107 Pent, Exo 25: 9 | 9 ~This Dwelling and all its 108 Pent, Exo 25: 29(5) | upon the bread. Cf Lev 24:5-9. The libation wine was poured 109 Pent, Exo 26: 9 | 9 ~3 Sew five of the sheets, 110 Pent, Exo 26: 9(3) | 9] Half the width of the end 111 Pent, Exo 27: 9 | 9 ~"You shall also make a 112 Pent, Exo 28: 9 | 9 ~"Get two onyx stones and 113 Pent, Exo 29: 9 | 9 ~gird them with the sashes, 114 Pent, Exo 29: 22(1) | a choice food. Cf Lev 3:9.~ 115 Pent, Exo 30: 9 | 9 ~On this altar you shall 116 Pent, Exo 31: 9 | 9 ~the altar of holocausts 117 Pent, Exo 32: 9 | 9 ~I see how stiff-necked 118 Pent, Exo 32: 20(2) | down Mount Sinai. Cf Deut 9:21.~ 119 Pent, Exo 32: 32(5) | his brethren. Cf Romans 9:3. ~ 120 Pent, Exo 33: 9 | 9 ~As Moses entered the tent, 121 Pent, Exo 34: 9 | 9 ~Then he said, "If I find 122 Pent, Exo 34: 22(3) | fruits (Lev 23:10-11; Deut 16:9).~ 123 Pent, Exo 35: 9 | 9 ~onyx stones and other gems 124 Pent, Exo 36: 9 | 9 ~The length of each sheet 125 Pent, Exo 37: 9 | 9 ~The cherubim had their 126 Pent, Exo 38: 9 | 9 ~The court was made as follows. 127 Pent, Exo 39: 9 | 9 ~It was square and folded 128 Pent, Exo 40: 9 | 9 ~"Take the anointing oil 129 Pent, Lev 1: 9 | 9 ~The inner organs and the 130 Pent, Lev 2: 9 | 9 ~Its token offering the 131 Pent, Lev 2: 13(2) | friendship and alliance. Cf Mark 9:49 and Col 4:6; and see 132 Pent, Lev 3: 9 | 9 ~3 As an oblation to the 133 Pent, Lev 3: 9(3) | 9] The whole fatty tail: see 134 Pent, Lev 3: 17(4) | the fat mentioned in Lev 3:9-10, 14-15 is meant; other 135 Pent, Lev 4: 9 | 9 ~as well as the two kidneys, 136 Pent, Lev 5: 9 | 9 ~he shall sprinkle some 137 Pent, Lev 6: 9 | 9 ~The rest of it Aaron and 138 Pent, Lev 7: 9 | 9 ~Also, every cereal offering 139 Pent, Lev 7: 23(2) | portions specified in Lev 3:9- 10,14-15 are meant. Ox 140 Pent, Lev 8: 1(1) | 1-9, 21] Though presented in 141 Pent, Lev 8: 9 | 9 ~and put the miter on his 142 Pent, Lev 9 | Chapter 9~ 143 Pent, Lev 9: 9 | 9 ~When his sons presented 144 Pent, Lev 10: 9 | 9 ~"When you are to go to 145 Pent, Lev 10: 16(6) | of the sin offering (Lev 9:15) instead of eating it 146 Pent, Lev 11: 9 | 9 ~"Of the various creatures 147 Pent, Lev 13: 9 | 9 ~"When someone is stricken 148 Pent, Lev 14: 9 | 9 ~On the seventh day he shall 149 Pent, Lev 15: 9 | 9 ~Any saddle on which the 150 Pent, Lev 16: 2(1) | of Atonement. In Hebrews 9:3-12 this ceremony is applied 151 Pent, Lev 16: 9 | 9 ~The goat that is determined 152 Pent, Lev 17: 3(1) | even in animals. Cf Genesis 9:4-5. Hence, even the ordinary 153 Pent, Lev 17: 9 | 9 ~without bringing it to 154 Pent, Lev 17: 11(2) | sacrifice is applied in Hebrews 9-10 to the death of Christ, 155 Pent, Lev 17: 11(2) | no forgiveness" (Hebrews 9:22). ~ 156 Pent, Lev 18: 9 | 9 ~You shall not have intercourse 157 Pent, Lev 19: 9 | 9 ~"When you reap the harvest 158 Pent, Lev 20: 9 | 9 ~"Anyone who curses his 159 Pent, Lev 21: 9 | 9 ~"A priest's daughter who 160 Pent, Lev 22: 9 | 9 ~"They shall keep my charge 161 Pent, Lev 23: 9 | 9 ~The LORD said to Moses, ~ 162 Pent, Lev 24: 9 | 9 ~It shall belong to Aaron 163 Pent, Lev 25: 5(1) | 5-7-9] As long as the produce 164 Pent, Lev 25: 9 | 9 ~Then, on the tenth day 165 Pent, Lev 26: 9 | 9 ~I will look with favor 166 Pent, Lev 26: 29(2) | Deut 28:53; Jeremiah 19:9; Ezekiel 5:10; 2 Kings 6: 167 Pent, Lev 27: 9 | 9 ~"If the offering vowed 168 Pent, Num 1: 9 | 9 ~from Zebulun: Eliab, son 169 Pent, Num 2: 9 | 9 ~The total number of those 170 Pent, Num 3: 9 | 9 ~You shall give the Levites 171 Pent, Num 3: 25(1) | of the court, Exodus 27:9-15; the curtain at the entrance 172 Pent, Num 3: 31(2) | shoulders; cf Numbers 7:9. For a description of the 173 Pent, Num 3: 36(3) | of the court, Exodus 27:9-19. ~ 174 Pent, Num 4: 9 | 9 ~They shall use a violet 175 Pent, Num 4: 14(5) | sacrificial blood; cf Zechariah 9:15. ~ 176 Pent, Num 5: 9 | 9 ~Likewise, every sacred 177 Pent, Num 6: 9 | 9 ~"If someone dies very suddenly 178 Pent, Num 7: 9 | 9 ~He gave none to the Kohathites, 179 Pent, Num 8: 9 | 9 ~Then have the Levites come 180 Pent, Num 9 | Chapter 9~ 181 Pent, Num 9: 9 | 9 ~The LORD then said to Moses: ~ 182 Pent, Num 10: 9 | 9 ~When in your own land you 183 Pent, Num 11: 9 | 9 ~At night, when the dew 184 Pent, Num 12: 9 | 9 ~So angry was the LORD against 185 Pent, Num 13: 9 | 9 ~Palti, son of Raphu, of 186 Pent, Num 13: 21(2) | as far as Hamath (2 Sam 8:9-11), and Labo thus formed 187 Pent, Num 13: 21(2) | possessions (Numbers 34:7-9; Ezekiel 47:15; 48:1). Some 188 Pent, Num 14: 9 | 9 ~1 But do not rebel against 189 Pent, Num 14: 9(1) | 9] They are but food for us: 190 Pent, Num 15: 9 | 9 ~with it you shall present 191 Pent, Num 15: 38(5) | including our Lord (Matthew 9:20-21; Mark 6:56); the Pharisees 192 Pent, Num 16: 9 | 9 ~Is it too little for you 193 Pent, Num 17: 9 | 9 ~and the LORD said to Moses 194 Pent, Num 18: 9 | 9 ~You shall have the right 195 Pent, Num 19: 9 | 9 ~Finally, a man who is clean 196 Pent, Num 19: 17(3) | from dead works?" (Hebrews 9:13-14).~ 197 Pent, Num 20: 9 | 9 ~So Moses took the staff 198 Pent, Num 20: 14(4) | Genesis 25:24-26; 36:1; 8- 9.~ 199 Pent, Num 21: 9 | 9 ~6 Moses accordingly made 200 Pent, Num 21: 9(6) | 9] King Hezekiah, in his efforts 201 Pent, Num 22: 9 | 9 ~Then God came to Balaam 202 Pent, Num 23: 9 | 9 ~2 For from the top of the 203 Pent, Num 23: 9(2) | 9] A people that lives apart: 204 Pent, Num 24: 9 | 9 ~He lies crouching like 205 Pent, Num 25: 9 | 9 ~but only after twenty-four 206 Pent, Num 26: 9 | 9 ~and the descendants of 207 Pent, Num 27: 9 | 9 ~if he has no daughter, 208 Pent, Num 27: 18(5) | Cf Genesis 41:38; Deut 34:9.~ 209 Pent, Num 28: 9 | 9 ~"On the sabbath day you 210 Pent, Num 29: 9 | 9 ~with their cereal offerings 211 Pent, Num 29: 35(6) | 36; Deut 16:8; 2 Chron 7:9; Nehemiah 8:18. ~ 212 Pent, Num 30: 9 | 9 ~But if on the day he learns 213 Pent, Num 30: 11(2) | case given in Numbers 30:7-9.~ 214 Pent, Num 31: 9 | 9 ~But the Israelites kept 215 Pent, Num 31: 23(4) | prescribed in Numbers 19:9.~ 216 Pent, Num 32: 9 | 9 ~They went up to the Wadi 217 Pent, Num 33: 9 | 9 ~Setting out from Marah, 218 Pent, Num 34: 9 | 9 ~Thence the boundary shall 219 Pent, Num 35: 9 | 9 ~The LORD said to Moses, ~ 220 Pent, Num 36: 5(2) | 5-9] This is a supplement to 221 Pent, Num 36: 9 | 9 ~Thus, no heritage can pass 222 Pent, Deu 1: 9 | 9 ~3 "At that time I said 223 Pent, Deu 1: 9(3) | 9] Carry you: cf Deut 1:31.~ 224 Pent, Deu 2: 9 | 9 ~And the LORD said to me, ' 225 Pent, Deu 2: 23(1) | island of Crete. Cf Amos 9:7. ~ 226 Pent, Deu 3: 9 | 9 ~(which is called Sirion 227 Pent, Deu 4: 9 | 9 ~"However, take care and 228 Pent, Deu 4: 48(5) | besides those mentioned in 3:9. ~ 229 Pent, Deu 5: 9 | 9 ~1 you shall not bow down 230 Pent, Deu 5: 9(1) | 9-10] God does not punish 231 Pent, Deu 6: 8(2) | figurative sense; cf Exodus 13:9, 16. However, the later 232 Pent, Deu 6: 9 | 9 ~Write them on the doorposts 233 Pent, Deu 7: 9 | 9 ~Understand, then, that 234 Pent, Deu 8: 9 | 9 ~a land where you can eat 235 Pent, Deu 9 | Chapter 9~ 236 Pent, Deu 9: 9 | 9 ~when I had gone up the 237 Pent, Deu 10: 9 | 9 ~For this reason, Levi has 238 Pent, Deu 10: 16(2) | heart" (Lev 26:41; Jeremiah 9:25; Ezekiel 44:7, 9) is 239 Pent, Deu 11: 9 | 9 ~and that you may have long 240 Pent, Deu 12: 9 | 9 ~since you have not yet 241 Pent, Deu 13: 9 | 9 ~do not yield to him or 242 Pent, Deu 14: 9 | 9 ~"Of the various creatures 243 Pent, Deu 15: 1(1) | sabbatical, year. Cf Deut 15:9; 31:10; and compare Jeremiah 244 Pent, Deu 15: 9 | 9 ~Be on your guard lest, 245 Pent, Deu 16: 9 | 9 ~"You shall count off seven 246 Pent, Deu 17: 9 | 9 ~to the levitical priests 247 Pent, Deu 18: 9 | 9 ~"When you come into the 248 Pent, Deu 19: 2(1) | of the Jordan (Numbers 35:9-34); but since the three 249 Pent, Deu 19: 9 | 9 ~in the event that you carefully 250 Pent, Deu 20: 9 | 9 ~"When the officials have 251 Pent, Deu 21: 1(1) | 1-9] This paragraph is best 252 Pent, Deu 21: 9 | 9 ~and you shall purge from 253 Pent, Deu 21: 22(7) | 26; 1 Sam 31:10; 2 Sam 21:9.~ 254 Pent, Deu 22: 9 | 9 ~1 "You shall not sow your 255 Pent, Deu 22: 9(1) | 9] Become forfeit: to the 256 Pent, Deu 23: 9 | 9 ~Children born to them may 257 Pent, Deu 24: 9 | 9 ~Remember what the LORD, 258 Pent, Deu 25: 4(2) | fruits of his labor; cf 1 Cor 9:9; 1 Tim 5:18.~ 259 Pent, Deu 25: 4(2) | of his labor; cf 1 Cor 9:9; 1 Tim 5:18.~ 260 Pent, Deu 25: 9 | 9 ~4 his sister-in-law, in 261 Pent, Deu 25: 9(4) | 9-10] The penalty decreed 262 Pent, Deu 26: 9 | 9 ~and bringing us into this 263 Pent, Deu 27: 9 | 9 ~Moses, with the levitical 264 Pent, Deu 28: 9 | 9 ~Provided that you keep 265 Pent, Deu 28: 10(4) | 19; Jeremiah 7:10-11; 14:9; 15:16; 25:29; Amos 9:12.~ 266 Pent, Deu 28: 10(4) | 14:9; 15:16; 25:29; Amos 9:12.~ 267 Pent, Deu 28: 13(5) | position as leader. Cf Isaiah 9:14; 19:15.~ 268 Pent, Deu 28: 68(10)| 13; Joel 3:6[4:6]; Amos 1:9), who also dealt with Egypt ( 269 Pent, Deu 29: 9 | 9 ~"You are all now standing 270 Pent, Deu 30: 9 | 9 ~Then the LORD, your God, 271 Pent, Deu 31: 9 | 9 ~When Moses had written 272 Pent, Deu 32: 9 | 9 ~While the LORD'S own portion 273 Pent, Deu 33: 9 | 9 ~7 He said of his father, ' 274 Pent, Deu 33: 9(7) | 9] The reference is probably 275 Pent, Deu 34: 9 | 9 ~Now Joshua, son of Nun, 276 Pent, Jos Int | Bethel, and Gibeon (Jos 7-9), and two sweeping campaigns 277 Pent, Jos 1: 9 | 9 ~I command you: be firm 278 Pent, Jos 2: 1(1) | Joshua 4:19; 5:10); cf Exodus 9:31.~ 279 Pent, Jos 2: 9 | 9 ~and said: "I know that 280 Pent, Jos 2: 15(4) | escaped from Damascus; cf Acts 9:25; 2 Cor 11:33.~ 281 Pent, Jos 3: 9 | 9 ~So Joshua said to the Israelites, " 282 Pent, Jos 4: 9 | 9 ~Joshua also had twelve 283 Pent, Jos 5: 9 | 9 ~2 Then the LORD said to 284 Pent, Jos 5: 9(2) | 9] The place is called Gilgal: 285 Pent, Jos 6: 9 | 9 ~In front of the priests 286 Pent, Jos 7: 9 | 9 ~When the Canaanites and 287 Pent, Jos 8: 9 | 9 ~Then Joshua sent them away. 288 Pent, Jos 9 | Chapter 9~ 289 Pent, Jos 9: 9 | 9 ~They answered him, "Your 290 Pent, Jos 9: 26(3) | vindicated it; cf 2 Sam 21:1-9.~ 291 Pent, Jos 10: 9 | 9 ~And when Joshua made his 292 Pent, Jos 11: 9 | 9 ~Joshua did to them as the 293 Pent, Jos 12: 9 | 9 ~They were the kings of 294 Pent, Jos 13: 9 | 9 ~from Aroer on the bank 295 Pent, Jos 14: 9 | 9 ~On that occasion Moses 296 Pent, Jos 15: 9 | 9 ~From the top of the mountain 297 Pent, Jos 15: 17(2) | 13-15; cf also Judges 3:9-11.~ 298 Pent, Jos 16: 9 | 9 ~including the villages 299 Pent, Jos 17: 9 | 9 ~This same boundary continued 300 Pent, Jos 18: 9 | 9 ~So they went through the 301 Pent, Jos 18: 12(1) | boundary of Judah (Joshua 15:6-9). ~ 302 Pent, Jos 19: 9 | 9 ~This heritage of the Simeonites 303 Pent, Jos 20: 1(1) | 1-9] The laws concerning the 304 Pent, Jos 20: 1(1) | are given in Numbers 35:9-28; Deut 19:1-13; see notes 305 Pent, Jos 20: 9 | 9 ~These were the designated 306 Pent, Jos 21: 9 | 9 ~From the tribes of the 307 Pent, Jos 22: 9 | 9 ~So the Reubenites, the 308 Pent, Jos 22: 12(2) | the sanctuary (Lev 17:1-9; Deut 12:4-14), as a sign 309 Pent, Jos 23: 9 | 9 ~At your approach the LORD 310 Pent, Jos 24: 9 | 9 ~Then Balak, son of Zippor, 311 Pent, Jud 1: 9 | 9 ~Afterward the Judahites 312 Pent, Jud 1: 21(3) | David captured it (2 Sam 5:6-9) and made it his capital, 313 Pent, Jud 2: 9 | 9 ~and they buried him within 314 Pent, Jud 3: 9 | 9 ~But when the Israelites 315 Pent, Jud 4: 9 | 9 ~"I will certainly go with 316 Pent, Jud 5: 9 | 9 ~My heart is with the leaders 317 Pent, Jud 6: 9 | 9 ~I rescued you from the 318 Pent, Jud 7: 9 | 9 ~That night the LORD said 319 Pent, Jud 8: 9 | 9 ~So to the men of Penuel, 320 Pent, Jud 9 | Chapter 9~ 321 Pent, Jud 9: 9 | 9 ~1 But the olive tree answered 322 Pent, Jud 9: 9(1) | 9] Whereby men and gods are 323 Pent, Jud 10: 9 | 9 ~The Ammonites also crossed 324 Pent, Jud 11: 9 | 9 ~Jephthah answered the elders 325 Pent, Jud 12: 9 | 9 ~He had thirty sons. He 326 Pent, Jud 13: 9 | 9 ~God heard the prayer of 327 Pent, Jud 14: 9 | 9 ~So he scooped the honey 328 Pent, Jud 14: 11(3) | the bridegroom" (1 Macc 9:39; Mark 2:19), the best 329 Pent, Jud 15: 9 | 9 ~The Philistines went up 330 Pent, Jud 16: 9 | 9 ~She had men lying in wait 331 Pent, Jud 17: 9 | 9 ~Micah said to him, "Where 332 Pent, Jud 18: 9 | 9 ~they replied, "Come, let 333 Pent, Jud 19: 5(1) | 5-9] Such importuning of guests 334 Pent, Jud 19: 9 | 9 ~and the husband was ready 335 Pent, Jud 19: 22(3) | shameful wickedness; cf Hosea 9:9; 10:9.~ 336 Pent, Jud 19: 22(3) | shameful wickedness; cf Hosea 9:9; 10:9.~ 337 Pent, Jud 19: 22(3) | wickedness; cf Hosea 9:9; 10:9.~ 338 Pent, Jud 20: 9 | 9 ~Now as for Gibeah, this 339 Pent, Jud 21: 6(2) | 6-9] This account is summarized 340 Pent, Jud 21: 9 | 9 ~A roll call of the army 341 Pent, Rut 1: 9 | 9 ~May the LORD grant each 342 Pent, Rut 2: 2(1) | harvest time; cf Lev 19:9; 23:22; Deut 24:19-22. ~ 343 Pent, Rut 2: 9 | 9 ~Watch to see which field 344 Pent, Rut 3: 9 | 9 ~2 He asked, "Who are you?" 345 Pent, Rut 3: 9(2) | 9] Spread the corner of your 346 Pent, Rut 4: 2(2) | business affairs; cf Deut 25:7-9.~ 347 Pent, Rut 4: 9 | 9 ~Boaz then said to the elders 348 His, 0 0: 23 | David. This last (2 Sam 9-20; 1 Kings 1-2), one of 349 His, 1Sam 1: 9 | 9 ~Hannah rose after one such 350 His, 1Sam 2: 1(2) | Psalm 18:3; 75:5; 89:18; 112:9. ~ 351 His, 1Sam 2: 9 | 9 ~He will guard the footsteps 352 His, 1Sam 2: 27(6) | reform of Josiah (2 Kings 23:9; cf 1 Sam 2:36); they hint 353 His, 1Sam 3: 9 | 9 ~So he said to Samuel, " 354 His, 1Sam 4: 9 | 9 ~Take courage and be manly, 355 His, 1Sam 5: 9 | 9 ~So they moved the ark of 356 His, 1Sam 6: 9 | 9 ~Then watch! If it goes 357 His, 1Sam 7: 9 | 9 ~Samuel therefore took an 358 His, 1Sam 8: 1(1) | early traditions (1 Sam 9:1-10, 16 and 1 Sam 11) which 359 His, 1Sam 8: 9 | 9 ~Now grant their request; 360 His, 1Sam 9 | Chapter 9~ 361 His, 1Sam 9: 9 | 9 ~2 (In former times in Israel, 362 His, 1Sam 9: 9(2) | 9] (9)This verse is a later 363 His, 1Sam 9: 9(2) | 9] (9)This verse is a later explanation 364 His, 1Sam 9: 9(2) | used in the text in 1 Sam 9:11.~ 365 His, 1Sam 9: 24(4) | legislation as we know it (Lev 3:9) would require that the 366 His, 1Sam 10: 9 | 9 ~As Saul turned to leave 367 His, 1Sam 11: 9 | 9 ~To the messengers who had 368 His, 1Sam 12: 9 | 9 ~But they forgot the LORD 369 His, 1Sam 13: 9 | 9 ~He then said, "Bring me 370 His, 1Sam 14: 9 | 9 ~If they say to us, 'Stay 371 His, 1Sam 15: 9 | 9 ~He and his troops spared 372 His, 1Sam 16: 9 | 9 ~Next Jesse presented Shammah, 373 His, 1Sam 17: 9 | 9 ~If he beats me in combat 374 His, 1Sam 18: 9 | 9 ~(And from that day on, 375 His, 1Sam 19: 9 | 9 ~Then an evil spirit from 376 His, 1Sam 20: 9 | 9 ~But Jonathan answered: " 377 His, 1Sam 21: 9 | 9 ~David then asked Ahimelech: " 378 His, 1Sam 22: 9 | 9 ~Then Doeg the Edomite, 379 His, 1Sam 23: 9 | 9 ~When David found out that 380 His, 1Sam 24: 9 | 9 ~David also stepped out 381 His, 1Sam 25: 9 | 9 ~When David's young men 382 His, 1Sam 26: 9 | 9 ~But David said to Abishai, " 383 His, 1Sam 26: 19(1) | land of Israel (Deut 32:8-9) under the Lord's special 384 His, 1Sam 27: 6(1) | similar status (2 Sam 5:7-9). ~ 385 His, 1Sam 27: 9 | 9 ~In attacking the land David 386 His, 1Sam 28: 9 | 9 ~But the woman answered 387 His, 1Sam 29: 9 | 9 ~"You know," Achish answered 388 His, 1Sam 30: 9 | 9 ~So David went off with 389 His, 1Sam 31: 9 | 9 ~They cut off Saul's head 390 His, 2Sam 1: 9 | 9 ~Then he said to me, 'Stand 391 His, 2Sam 2: 9 | 9 ~where he made him king 392 His, 2Sam 3: 9 | 9 ~May God do thus and so 393 His, 2Sam 4: 4(1) | is the subject of 2 Sam 9. The text of this verse 394 His, 2Sam 4: 9 | 9 ~But David replied to Rechab 395 His, 2Sam 5: 9 | 9 ~David then dwelt in the 396 His, 2Sam 6: 9 | 9 ~David feared the LORD that 397 His, 2Sam 7: 9 | 9 ~I have been with you wherever 398 His, 2Sam 8: 9 | 9 ~When Toi, king of Hamath, 399 His, 2Sam 9 | Chapter 9~ 400 His, 2Sam 9: 9 | 9 ~The king then called Ziba, 401 His, 2Sam 10: 6(2) | 6-9] A Hebrew text from Qumran ( 402 His, 2Sam 10: 6(2) | is given in 1 Chron 19:6-9. The scene of the conflict 403 His, 2Sam 10: 9 | 9 ~When Joab saw the battle 404 His, 2Sam 11: 9 | 9 ~But Uriah slept at the 405 His, 2Sam 12: 9 | 9 ~Why have you spurned the 406 His, 2Sam 13: 9 | 9 ~Then she took the pan and 407 His, 2Sam 14: 9 | 9 ~The woman of Tekoa answered 408 His, 2Sam 14: 14(2) | murderers; see Numbers 35:9-15~ 409 His, 2Sam 15: 9 | 9 ~The king wished him a safe 410 His, 2Sam 16: 9 | 9 ~Abishai, son of Zeruiah, 411 His, 2Sam 17: 9 | 9 ~Even now he lies hidden 412 His, 2Sam 18: 9 | 9 ~Absalom unexpectedly came 413 His, 2Sam 19: 9 | 9 ~So the king stepped out 414 His, 2Sam 20: 9 | 9 ~And Joab asked Amasa, " 415 His, 2Sam 21: 9 | 9 ~and surrendered them to 416 His, 2Sam 22: 8(5) | a thunderstorm (2 Sam 22:9-15); cf Judges 5:4-5; Psalm 417 His, 2Sam 22: 9 | 9 ~Smoke rose from his nostrils, 418 His, 2Sam 22: 11(6) | cherubim; cf Exodus 37:7-9. In both senses the Lord 419 His, 2Sam 23: 9 | 9 ~Next to him, among the 420 His, 2Sam 24: 9 | 9 ~Joab then reported to the 421 His, 1Kin 1: 9 | 9 ~When he slaughtered sheep, 422 His, 1Kin 1: 9(1) | 9] En-rogel: the modern Job' 423 His, 1Kin 2: 1(1) | 1-6,8-9] Solomon is expected to 424 His, 1Kin 2: 1(1) | 29) and Amasa (2 Sam 19:9-10); and likewise to punish 425 His, 1Kin 2: 9 | 9 ~But you must not let him 426 His, 1Kin 3: 9 | 9 ~Give your servant, therefore, 427 His, 1Kin 4: 9 | 9 ~the son of Deker in Makaz, 428 His, 1Kin 5: 9 | 9 ~Moreover, God gave Solomon 429 His, 1Kin 6: 9 | 9 ~When the temple was built 430 His, 1Kin 7: 9 | 9 ~All these buildings were 431 His, 1Kin 8: 6(1) | 6-9] The transfer of the ark 432 His, 1Kin 8: 6(1) | God's acceptance (1 Kings 9:3-9), and his act of possession ( 433 His, 1Kin 8: 6(1) | acceptance (1 Kings 9:3-9), and his act of possession ( 434 His, 1Kin 8: 9 | 9 ~There was nothing in the 435 His, 1Kin 9 | Chapter 9~ 436 His, 1Kin 9: 9 | 9 ~Men will answer: 'They 437 His, 1Kin 9: 15(2) | begun by David (2 Sam 5:9); cf 1 Kings 9:24; 11:27.~ 438 His, 1Kin 9: 15(2) | 2 Sam 5:9); cf 1 Kings 9:24; 11:27.~ 439 His, 1Kin 10: 9 | 9 ~Blessed be the LORD, your 440 His, 1Kin 11: 9 | 9 ~The LORD, therefore, became 441 His, 1Kin 12: 9 | 9 ~He said to them, "What 442 His, 1Kin 13: 9 | 9 ~For I was instructed by 443 His, 1Kin 14: 9 | 9 ~You have done worse than 444 His, 1Kin 14: 25(1) | king's palace (2 Chron 12:9). A bas-relief of this Pharaoh 445 His, 1Kin 15: 9 | 9 ~In the twentieth year of 446 His, 1Kin 16: 9 | 9 ~His servant Zimri, commander 447 His, 1Kin 17: 9 | 9 ~"Move on to Zarephath of 448 His, 1Kin 18: 9 | 9 ~But Obadiah said, "What 449 His, 1Kin 19: 9 | 9 ~There he came to a cave, 450 His, 1Kin 19: 11(1) | Exodus 3:1-4, 17; 33:18-34:9). Moses and Elijah appeared 451 His, 1Kin 19: 11(1) | transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:1-7; Luke 9:28-36). ~ 452 His, 1Kin 19: 11(1) | transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:1-7; Luke 9:28-36). ~ 453 His, 1Kin 19: 11(1) | 17:1-9; Mark 9:1-7; Luke 9:28-36). ~ 454 His, 1Kin 19: 15(2) | of his followers (2 Kings 9:1-10).~ 455 His, 1Kin 20: 9 | 9 ~Accordingly he directed 456 His, 1Kin 21: 9 | 9 ~This is what she wrote 457 His, 1Kin 21: 19(1) | Kings 21:28-29; 2 Kings 9:21-26. ~ 458 His, 1Kin 21: 20(2) | of Jeroboam I (1 Kings 14:9-11) and Baasha (1 Kings 459 His, 1Kin 21: 20(2) | its fulfillment in 2 Kings 9:36-37. Still another theological 460 His, 1Kin 22: 9 | 9 ~So the king of Israel called 461 His, 2Kin 1: 9 | 9 ~Then the king sent a captain 462 His, 2Kin 2: 9 | 9 ~2 When they had crossed 463 His, 2Kin 2: 9(2) | 9] Double portion of your 464 His, 2Kin 2: 12(3) | leaders; cf 2 Kings 6:21; 8:9. Israel's chariots and drivers: 465 His, 2Kin 3: 1(2) | of both kingdoms (2 Kings 9:1-29). The Moabite campaign 466 His, 2Kin 3: 9 | 9 ~So the king of Israel set 467 His, 2Kin 4: 9 | 9 ~So she said to her husband, " 468 His, 2Kin 5: 9 | 9 ~Naaman came with his horses 469 His, 2Kin 6: 9 | 9 ~But the man of God would 470 His, 2Kin 7: 9 | 9 ~Then they said to one another: " 471 His, 2Kin 8: 9 | 9 ~Hazael went to visit him, 472 His, 2Kin 8: 13(2) | humility (1 Sam 24:14; 2 Sam 9:8), without attending to 473 His, 2Kin 9 | Chapter 9~ 474 His, 2Kin 9: 9 | 9 ~I will deal with the house 475 His, 2Kin 10: 9 | 9 ~Going out in the morning, 476 His, 2Kin 11: 9 | 9 ~The captains did just as 477 His, 2Kin 12: 9 | 9 ~So the priests agreed that 478 His, 2Kin 13: 5(1) | Book of Judges (2 Kings 3:9, 15), Jeroboam II of Israel 479 His, 2Kin 13: 9 | 9 ~Jehoahaz rested with his 480 His, 2Kin 14: 9 | 9 ~King Jehoash of Israel 481 His, 2Kin 15: 9 | 9 ~He did evil in the sight 482 His, 2Kin 15: 35(4) | cf Jeremiah 20:2; Ezekiel 9:2.~ 483 His, 2Kin 16: 9 | 9 ~1 who listened to him and 484 His, 2Kin 16: 9(1) | 9] Firmly dated events bearing 485 His, 2Kin 16: 9(1) | of Damascus (2 Kings 16:9) in 732 B.C., the fall of 486 His, 2Kin 16: 9(1) | fall of Samaria (2 Kings 18:9-11) in 721 B.C., and Sennacherib' 487 His, 2Kin 17: 9 | 9 ~They adopted unlawful practices 488 His, 2Kin 18: 9 | 9 ~1 In the fourth year of 489 His, 2Kin 18: 9(1) | 9] See note on 2 Kings 16: 490 His, 2Kin 18: 9(1) | See note on 2 Kings 16:9. ~ 491 His, 2Kin 18: 13(3) | B.C. See note on 2 Kings 16:9.~ 492 His, 2Kin 19: 9 | 9 ~The king of Assyria heard 493 His, 2Kin 20: 9 | 9 ~Isaiah replied, "This will 494 His, 2Kin 21: 9 | 9 ~But they did not listen, 495 His, 2Kin 22: 3(1) | Kings 22:3-13; 2 Chron 34:8-9, 15-20). He and his sons 496 His, 2Kin 22: 9 | 9 ~Then the scribe Shaphan 497 His, 2Kin 23: 9 | 9 ~The priests of the high 498 His, 2Kin 24: 9 | 9 ~He did evil in the sight 499 His, 2Kin 25: 9 | 9 ~He burned the house of 500 His, 1Chr Int | century B.C. (Zechariah 6:9-15). He saw David's primary