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Alphabetical [« »] gaienna 1 gaily 1 gain 78 gained 34 gaining 13 gains 13 gainsay 3 | Frequency [« »] 34 exhortation 34 flames 34 formerly 34 gained 34 hananiah 34 hired 34 humbled | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances gained |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 37: 26 | brothers: "What is to be gained by killing our brother and 2 Pent, Jud 1: 19 | LORD was with Judah, he gained possession of the mountain 3 Pent, Jud 1: 35 | but as the house of Joseph gained the upper hand, they were 4 His, 2Sam 15: 12 | offer. So the conspiracy gained strength, and the people 5 His, Est B: 3 | steadfast loyalty, and who has gained the second rank in the kingdom, ~ 6 His, 1Mac 11: 46 | palace, while the populace gained control of the main streets 7 His, 1Mac 11: 51 | 51 ~The Jews thus gained glory in the eyes of the 8 His, 1Mac 14: 6 | borders of his nation and gained control of the country. ~ 9 His, 1Mac 15: 3 | Whereas certain villains have gained control of the kingdom of 10 His, 2Mac 10: 17 | Attacking vigorously, they gained control of the places, drove 11 WisdB, Pro 16: 31 | a crown of glory; it is gained by virtuous living. ~ 12 WisdB, Pro 20: 21 | 21 ~Possessions gained hastily at the outset will 13 WisdB, Pro 22: 16(2) | 16] Money gained by exploiting the poor is 14 WisdB, Ecc 2: 11 | after wind, with nothing gained under the sun. ~ 15 WisdB, Wisd 14: 16 | time, the impious practice gained strength and was observed 16 WisdB, Sir 20: 1(1) | the most benefit can be gained from them. ~ 17 WisdB, Sir 20: 8 | bring success; some things gained are a man's loss. ~ 18 WisdB, Sir 30: 23 | nor is there aught to be gained from resentment. ~ 19 WisdB, Sir 34: 26 | prayer, and what has he gained by his mortification? ~ ~ ~ 20 WisdB, Sir 40: 1(1) | Sirach 40:8-10). What they gained by violence and injustice 21 WisdB, Sir 51: 20 | acquaintance with her, I gained understanding such that 22 ProphB, Isa Int | spirit and, conversely, he gained a new awareness of human 23 ProphB, Isa 33: 15 | honestly, who spurns what is gained by oppression, Brushing 24 ProphB, Jer 32: 20 | men, until now you have gained renown. ~ 25 ProphB, Jer 51: 11(1) | short time the Persians had gained the ascendancy. ~ 26 ProphB, Bar Int | an end.~The lesson thus gained is followed by a hymn in 27 Gosp, Mat 18: 15(12)| question. Won over: literally, "gained."~ 28 Gosp, Luk 19: 15 | to learn what they had gained by trading. ~ 29 Gosp, Joh 9: 18 | that he had been blind and gained his sight until they summoned 30 Gosp, Joh 9: 18 | parents of the one who had gained his sight. ~ 31 NTLet, Rom 5: 2 | 2 ~through whom we have gained access (by faith) to this 32 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | practices or through a wisdom gained simply by means of harsh 33 CathL, 1Joh 3: 1(1) | of God will ultimately be gained, and Christians prepare 34 CathL, 2Joh 0: 9(7) | fellowship with God may be gained only by holding to the complete