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Alphabetical [« »] trophy 1 trouble 56 trouble-some 1 troubled 32 troublemakers 1 troubles 16 troublesome 6 | Frequency [« »] 32 swords 32 tells 32 travel 32 troubled 32 twenty-four 32 valiant 32 village | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances troubled |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, 1Sam 4: 13 | watching the road, for he was troubled at heart about the ark of 2 His, Est D: 13 | of God, and my heart was troubled with fear of your majesty. ~ 3 His, Est D: 16 | 16 ~The king became troubled and all his attendants tried 4 His, 1Mac 3: 5 | them out, and those who troubled his people he destroyed 5 His, 1Mac 10: 68 | heard of it he was greatly troubled, and returned to Antioch. ~ 6 WisdB, Job 7: 3 | assigned months of misery, and troubled nights have been told off 7 WisdB, Psa 10: 1 | and pay no heed to these troubled times? ~ 8 WisdB, Psa 77: 5 | cannot close in sleep; I am troubled and cannot speak. ~ 9 WisdB, Pro 25: 26 | 26 ~Like a troubled fountain or a polluted spring 10 WisdB, Wisd 11: 6 | the perennial river was troubled with impure blood ~ 11 WisdB, Sir 40: 2 | fear in his heart, and his troubled forebodings till the day 12 ProphB, Isa 30: 6 | Through the distressed and troubled land of the lioness and 13 ProphB, Isa 44: 8 | 8 ~3 Fear not, be not troubled: did I not announce and 14 ProphB, Dan 5: 10 | king, live forever! Be not troubled in mind, nor look so pale! ~ 15 ProphB, Hos 7: 3(1) | the various kings of this troubled period. ~ 16 Gosp, Mat 1: 1(1) | are foreshadowed by the troubled reaction of "all Jerusalem" 17 Gosp, Mat 2: 3 | heard this, he was greatly troubled, and all Jerusalem with 18 Gosp, Mat 9: 36 | for them because they were troubled and abandoned, 22 like sheep 19 Gosp, Mat 23: 37(19)| at that time, and as its troubled recognition of him as its 20 Gosp, Mar 14: 33 | and John, and began to be troubled and distressed. ~ 21 Gosp, Luk 1: 12 | 12 ~Zechariah was troubled by what he saw, and fear 22 Gosp, Luk 1: 26(10)| appears to the parent who is troubled by the vision (Luke 1:11- 23 Gosp, Luk 1: 29 | 29 ~But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered 24 Gosp, Luk 24: 38 | said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise 25 Gosp, Joh 11: 33 | became perturbed 7 and deeply troubled, ~ 26 Gosp, Joh 12: 27 | 27 ~"I am troubled 17 now. Yet what should 27 Gosp, Joh 12: 27(17)| 27] I am troubled: perhaps an allusion to 28 Gosp, Joh 13: 21 | said this, Jesus was deeply troubled and testified, "Amen, amen, 29 Gosp, Joh 14: 1(1) | Do not let your hearts be troubled."~ 30 Gosp, Joh 14: 1 | Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; 31 Gosp, Joh 14: 27 | Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. ~ 32 NTLet, 2Tim Int | 3:14-4:2), without being troubled by those who do not accept