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Alphabetical [« »] sport 18 sports 2 sportsmanship 1 spot 26 spotless 4 spots 2 spotted 9 | Frequency [« »] 26 showing 26 simple 26 singing 26 spot 26 spurned 26 strikes 26 stumbling | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances spot |
Part, Book Chapter:Verse
1 Pent, Gen 28: 11| lay down to sleep at that spot. ~ 2 Pent, Gen 28: 16| Truly, the LORD is in this spot, although I did not know 3 Pent, Lev 13: 33| but not on the diseased spot. Then the priest shall quarantine 4 Pent, Lev 13: 43| on the sore of the bald spot has the same pink appearance 5 Pent, Jos 4: 3| twelve stones from this spot in the bed of the Jordan 6 Pent, Jos 4: 9| bed of the Jordan on the spot where the priests stood 7 His, 1Sam 19: 23| condition until he reached the spot. At the sheds near Ramah ~ 8 His, 1Sam 20: 19| all the more. Go to the spot where you hid on the other 9 His, 1Sam 20: 37| When the boy made for the spot where Jonathan had shot 10 His, 1Sam 26: 5| encamped and examined the spot where Saul and Abner, son 11 His, 2Sam 2: 23| fell there and died on the spot. And all who came to the 12 His, 2Sam 6: 7| God struck him on that spot, and he died there before 13 His, 2Sam 18: 11| him to the ground on the spot? Then it would have been 14 His, 2Kin 5: 11| would move his hand over the spot, and thus cure the leprosy. ~ 15 His, 2Kin 6: 6| When he pointed out the spot, Elisha cut off a stick, 16 His, 2Chr 3: 1| his father David, on the spot which David had selected, 17 WisdB, Sir 24: 8| who formed me chose the spot for my tent, Saying, 'In 18 ProphB, Isa 1: 6| the head there is no sound spot: Wound and welt and gaping 19 ProphB, Isa 22: 23| him like a peg in a sure spot, to be a place of honor 20 ProphB, Isa 22: 25| the peg fixed in a sure spot shall give way, break off 21 ProphB, Isa 46: 7| and does not move from the spot. Although they cry out to 22 ProphB, Jer 38: 9| will die of famine on the spot, for there is no more food 23 ProphB, Hos 9: 13| planted in a beauteous spot; But Ephraim shall bring 24 ProphB, Hos 13: 8| will devour them on the spot like a lion, as though a 25 NTLet, Eph 5: 27| church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, 26 CathL, 2Pet 3: 14| eager to be found without spot or blemish before him, at