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Alphabetical [« »] mangled 2 manhood 5 mania 1 manifest 25 manifestation 20 manifestations 4 manifested 24 | Frequency [« »] 25 jubilee 25 lawless 25 liver 25 manifest 25 mediterranean 25 mentions 25 michael | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances manifest |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Lev 10: 3 | those who approach me I will manifest my sacredness; In the sight 2 Pent, Lev 10: 3(3) | 3] I will manifest my sacredness: the presence 3 Pent, Lev 14: 57 | 57 ~so that it may be manifest when there is a state of 4 Pent, Num 27: 14 | rebelled against my order to manifest my sanctity to them by means 5 Pent, Deu 32: 51 | desert of Zin by failing to manifest my sanctity among the Israelites. ~ 6 His, Jdt 13: 11 | us. Once more he has made manifest his strength in Israel and 7 His, Est C: 23 | Be mindful of us, O Lord. Manifest yourself in the time of 8 His, 1Mac 15: 9 | that your glory will be manifest in all the earth." ~ 9 His, 2Mac 8: 4 | against his name; and to manifest his hatred of evil. ~ 10 ProphB, Eze Int | of prophetism lies in his manifest interest in the temple and 11 ProphB, Eze 20: 41 | and by means of you I will manifest my holiness in the sight 12 ProphB, Eze 28: 22 | punishments upon it and use it to manifest my holiness. ~ 13 ProphB, Eze 28: 25 | are scattered, then I will manifest my holiness through them 14 Gosp, Mat 6: 9(6) | own name, i.e., that he manifest his glory by an act of power ( 15 Gosp, Mat 28: 16(8) | Then his triumph will be manifest to all; now it is revealed 16 Gosp, Mar 9: 2(2) | messianic glory is made manifest; cf Luke 24:25-27. See further 17 Gosp, Luk 8: 22(8) | four miracles of Jesus that manifest his power and authority: ( 18 Gosp, Joh 7: 4 | If you do these things, manifest yourself to the world." ~ 19 Gosp, Act 5: 17(3) | event, however, would be manifest only to people of faith, 20 NTLet, Rom 1: 16(10)| saving will and power become manifest. Jew first (cf Romans 2: 21 NTLet, 1Cor 4: 5 | hidden in darkness and will manifest the motives of our hearts, 22 NTLet, Eph 3: 1(1) | through Christ is becoming manifest to angelic beings (eph 3: 23 NTLet, 1Tim 1: 12(6) | apostle, that God might manifest his firm will to save sinful 24 NTLet, 1Tim 6: 15 | and only ruler will make manifest at the proper time, the 25 NTLet, 2Tim 1: 10 | 10 ~but now made manifest through the appearance of