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Alphabetical [« »] adoniram 2 adonizedek 2 adopt 10 adopted 24 adoption 16 adopts 2 adora 2 | Frequency [« »] 25 waiting 25 wars 24 587 24 adopted 24 afflict 24 ancestor 24 artaxerxes | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances adopted |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Exo 2: 10 | Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him as her son and called 2 His, 1Kin 9: 9 | the land of Egypt; they adopted strange gods which they 3 His, 2Kin 17: 9 | 9 ~They adopted unlawful practices toward 4 His, 2Chr 7: 22 | land of Egypt, and they adopted strange gods and worshiped 5 His, Ezr Int | of Ezra and of those who adopted his ideal, it is doubtful 6 His, Tob 3: 8(3)| daeva, "demon of wrath," adopted into Aramaic with the sense 7 His, Jdt 16: 25(2)| day of this victory was adopted by the Hebrews into the 8 His, Est Int | Meanwhile Esther, niece and adopted daughter of Mordecai, is 9 His, Est 2: 15 | daughter of Abihail and adopted daughter of his nephew Mordecai, 10 His, Est 9: 29(4)| offspring of Abihail and adopted daughter of Mordecai; cf 11 WisdB, Psa 97: 7(2)| angels," an interpretation adopted by Hebrews 1~ 12 WisdB, Wisd 19: 3 | burials of the dead, They adopted another senseless plan; 13 ProphB, Eze 45: 9(1)| the 60-shekel mina was adopted. The shekel was a unit of 14 ProphB, Dan 6: 1(1)| Daniel has deliberately adopted an apocalyptic view of history, 15 REPre | contemporary biblical versions have adopted, in varying degrees, a dynamic-equivalence 16 REPre | the same parents. It was adopted by the early Christians 17 Gosp | arrangement of the canon that was adopted, with the fourgospelsgrouped 18 Gosp, Mat 2: 15(8)| Here the son is not a group adopted as "son of God," but the 19 Gosp, Act 7: 21 | exposed, Pharaoh's daughter adopted him and brought him up as 20 NTLet, Rom 8: 14(2)| relationship to God, that of adopted children and heirs through 21 NTLet, 2Cor 1: 12(7)| plans, alternative measures adopted, a breach that opened between 22 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 9(5)| paradoxical strategy he has adopted in his self-defense.~ 23 CathL, 2Pet Int | eventually it was universally adopted. The principal reason for 24 CathL, Rev 17: 2(3)| pagan kings subject to Rome adopted the cult of the emperor.~