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Alphabetical [« »] harrowing 1 harry 2 harrying 2 harsh 23 harsha 2 harsher 1 harshly 12 | Frequency [« »] 23 greedy 23 ham 23 harps 23 harsh 23 haste 23 huge 23 identity | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances harsh |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, 1Sam 20: 10 | your father gives you a harsh answer?" ~ 2 His, 1Sam 25: 3 | himself, a Calebite, was harsh and ungenerous in his behavior. ~ 3 His, 1Kin 12: 4 | If you now lighten the harsh service and the heavy yoke 4 His, 1Kin 12: 13 | the king gave the people a harsh answer. ~ 5 His, 2Chr 10: 4 | If you now lighten the harsh service and the heavy yoke 6 His, 2Chr 10: 13 | him, the king gave them a harsh answer, ~ 7 His, Tob 13: 12 | Accursed are all who speak a harsh word against you; accursed 8 His, Jdt 8: 9 | therefore, heard of the harsh words which the people, 9 WisdB, Pro 15: 1 | answer calms wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. ~ 10 WisdB, Sir 18: 14 | reproach, nor spoil any gift by harsh words. ~ 11 WisdB, Sir 31: 31 | while he is merry; Use no harsh words with him and distress 12 WisdB, Sir 41: 22 | 22 ~Of using harsh words with friends, and 13 ProphB, Isa 19: 4 | power of a cruel master, A harsh king who shall rule over 14 ProphB, Dan 2: 15 | what is the reason for this harsh order from the king?" When 15 Gosp, Mat 18: 17(14)| fellowship of the community. The harsh language about Gentile and 16 Gosp, Luk 9: 18(8) | gospel, Luke softens the harsh portrait of Peter and the 17 Gosp, Joh Int | church produced bitter and harsh invective, especially regarding 18 NTLet, 1Cor 3: 15(8) | although Paul can envision very harsh divine punishment (cf 1 19 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | gained simply by means of harsh asceticism (Col 2:20-23).~ 20 NTLet, Heb 5: 11(7) | Christ (Hebrews 6:4-8). This harsh statement seems to rule 21 CathL, Jam 5: 6(2) | Old Testament theme of the harsh oppression of the righteous 22 CathL, Jude 0: 15 | committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have 23 CathL, Rev Int | Christian martyrs that sound so harsh are in fact literary devices