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Alphabetical [« »] goaded 1 goads 2 goah 1 goal 22 goals 1 goat 72 goatlike 1 | Frequency [« »] 22 foreigner 22 fragments 22 gaze 22 goal 22 grieved 22 grounds 22 hazor | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances goal |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Jos 1: 8 | successfully attain your goal. ~ 2 Pent, Jos 23: 14(1) | to death, the inevitable goal of all; cf 1 Kings 2:1-2. ~ 3 Pent, Jud 21: 1(1) | Benjaminites. Having realized their goal, however, they were soon 4 WisdB, Sir 35: 17 | rest till it reaches its goal, ~ 5 WisdB, Sir 43: 13 | of his judgment to their goal. ~ 6 ProphB, Jer 50: 5 | 5 ~to their goal in Zion they shall ask the 7 Gosp, Mat Int | ministry in Jerusalem, the goal of his journey, is limited 8 Gosp, Luk 13: 33(11)| city of destiny and the goal of the journey of the prophet 9 Gosp, Act 17: 18(4) | Epicurus (342-271 B.C.), the goal of life was happiness attained 10 NTLet, Rom 9: 30(10)| they never reached their goal of righteousness that they 11 NTLet, Rom 10: 4(2) | sense that Christ is the goal of the law, i.e., the true 12 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 11(5) | which they arrive at their goal.~ 13 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 3(2) | the period. Paul's stated goal is to bring them back into 14 NTLet, 2Cor 7: 8(5) | viewpoint of its ending. The goal of their common activity, 15 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 12(12)| into the discussion. The goal is not impoverishment but 16 NTLet, Phi Int | Polemic: Righteousness and the Goal in Christ (Philippians 3: 17 NTLet, Phi 3: 14 | continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God's upward 18 NTLet, 1The 4: 15(3) | who have to achieve their goal.~ 19 CathL, 1Pet 1: 6(4) | 1:6) while achieving its goal: the glory of the fullness 20 CathL, 1Pet 1: 9 | 9 ~as you attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation 21 CathL, 2Pet 1: 10(6) | provision for attaining its goal, the kingdom. Kingdom of . . . 22 CathL, 3Joh | and purpose. The author's goal was to secure hospitality