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Alphabetical [« »] bickering 1 bid 4 bidden 2 bidding 22 bide 1 bided 1 bides 1 | Frequency [« »] 22 bathed 22 belly 22 belt 22 bidding 22 blast 22 breast 22 claimed | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances bidding |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Num 4: 41 | with Aaron, at the LORD'S bidding. ~ 2 Pent, Num 4: 49 | According to the LORD'S bidding to Moses, they gave them 3 Pent, Num 9: 18 | 18 ~At the bidding of the LORD the Israelites 4 Pent, Num 9: 18 | Israelites moved on, and at his bidding they encamped. As long as 5 Pent, Num 9: 20 | few days. It was at the bidding of the LORD that they stayed 6 Pent, Num 9: 20 | camp, and it was at his bidding that they departed. ~ 7 Pent, Num 9: 23 | Thus, it was always at the bidding of the LORD that they encamped, 8 Pent, Num 9: 23 | they encamped, and at his bidding that they set out; ever 9 Pent, Num 10: 13 | that they broke camp at the bidding of the LORD through Moses, ~ 10 Pent, Rut 4: 4 | thought I would inform you, bidding you before those here present, 11 His, 2Sam 24: 19 | 19 ~Following Gad's bidding, David went up as the LORD 12 His, Tob 10: 11 | 11 ~Bidding them farewell, he let them 13 WisdB, Pro 6: 20 | Observe, my son, your father's bidding, and reject not your mother' 14 WisdB, Pro 6: 23 | 23 ~For the bidding is a lamp, and the teaching 15 WisdB, Son 2: 8(4)| until his voice is heard bidding her come to him.~ 16 WisdB, Sir 39: 31 | 31 ~In doing his bidding they rejoice, in their assignments 17 WisdB, Sir 43: 27 | messenger succeeds, and at his bidding accomplishes his will. ~ 18 ProphB, Jer 4: 12 | from the heights come at my bidding; And I myself now pronounce 19 ProphB, Eze 21: 27 | arrow marked "Jerusalem," bidding him to give the order for 20 ProphB, Joe 2: 11 | mighty, and it does his bidding. For great is the day of 21 ProphB, Jon 2: 3 | according to the LORD'S bidding. Now Nineveh was an enormously 22 ProphB, Jon 3: 3 | according to the LORD'S bidding. Now Nineveh was an enormously