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Alphabetical [« »] mammal 1 mammon 8 mamre 10 man 2521 man-made 1 manacle 1 manaen 1 | Frequency [« »] 2598 14 2582 there 2560 do 2521 man 2413 no 2404 an 2402 her | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances man |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1001 WisdB, Pro 12: 27 | the wealth of the diligent man is great. ~ 1002 WisdB, Pro 13: 2 | the fruit of his words a man eats good things, but the 1003 WisdB, Pro 13: 5 | Anything deceitful the just man hates, but the wicked brings 1004 WisdB, Pro 13: 7 | 7 ~One man pretends to be rich, yet 1005 WisdB, Pro 13: 8 | 8 ~A man's riches serve as ransom 1006 WisdB, Pro 13: 8 | for his life, but the poor man heeds no rebuke. ~ 1007 WisdB, Pro 13: 10 | 10 ~The stupid man sows discord by his insolence, 1008 WisdB, Pro 13: 14 | fountain of life, that a man may avoid the snares of 1009 WisdB, Pro 13: 16 | 16 ~The shrewd man does everything with prudence, 1010 WisdB, Pro 13: 18 | Poverty and shame befall the man who disregards correction, 1011 WisdB, Pro 13: 22 | 22 ~The good man leaves an inheritance to 1012 WisdB, Pro 13: 25 | 25 ~When the just man eats, his hunger is appeased; 1013 WisdB, Pro 14: 6 | 6 ~The senseless man seeks in vain for wisdom, 1014 WisdB, Pro 14: 6 | knowledge is easy to the man of intelligence. ~ 1015 WisdB, Pro 14: 7 | 7 ~To avoid the foolish man, take steps! But knowing 1016 WisdB, Pro 14: 8 | 8 ~The shrewd man's wisdom gives him knowledge 1017 WisdB, Pro 14: 12 | Sometimes a way seems right to a man, but the end of it leads 1018 WisdB, Pro 14: 14 | of his ways, and the good man reaps the fruit of his paths. ~ 1019 WisdB, Pro 14: 15 | everything, but the shrewd man measures his steps. ~ 1020 WisdB, Pro 14: 16 | 16 ~The wise man is cautious and shuns evil; 1021 WisdB, Pro 14: 17 | 17 ~The quick-tempered man makes a fool of himself, 1022 WisdB, Pro 14: 17 | himself, but the prudent man is at peace. ~ 1023 WisdB, Pro 14: 20 | by his neighbor the poor man is hated, but the friends 1024 WisdB, Pro 14: 27 | fountain of life, that a man may avoid the snares of 1025 WisdB, Pro 14: 29 | 29 ~The patient man shows much good sense, but 1026 WisdB, Pro 14: 29 | but the quick-tempered man displays folly at its height. ~ 1027 WisdB, Pro 14: 32 | 32 ~The wicked man is overthrown by his wickedness, 1028 WisdB, Pro 14: 32 | wickedness, but the just man finds a refuge in his honesty. ~ 1029 WisdB, Pro 15: 9 | the LORD, but he loves the man who pursues virtue. ~ 1030 WisdB, Pro 15: 10 | punishment is in store for the man who goes astray; he who 1031 WisdB, Pro 15: 12 | 12 ~The senseless man loves not to be reproved; 1032 WisdB, Pro 15: 14 | mind of the intelligent man seeks knowledge, but the 1033 WisdB, Pro 15: 15 | depressed, but a lighthearted man has a continual feast. ~ 1034 WisdB, Pro 15: 18 | 18 ~An ill-tempered man stirs up strife, but a patient 1035 WisdB, Pro 15: 18 | up strife, but a patient man allays discord. ~ 1036 WisdB, Pro 15: 20 | father glad, but a fool of a man despises his mother. ~ 1037 WisdB, Pro 15: 21 | is joy to the senseless man, but the man of understanding 1038 WisdB, Pro 15: 21 | the senseless man, but the man of understanding goes the 1039 WisdB, Pro 15: 23 | 23 ~There is joy for a man in his utterance; a word 1040 WisdB, Pro 15: 24 | of life leads the prudent man upward, that he may avoid 1041 WisdB, Pro 15: 26 | 26 ~The wicked man's schemes are an abomination 1042 WisdB, Pro 15: 28 | 28 ~The just man weighs well his utterance, 1043 WisdB, Pro 16: 1 | 1 ~1 Man may make plans in his heart, 1044 WisdB, Pro 16: 2 | 2 ~All the ways of a man may be pure in his own eyes, 1045 WisdB, Pro 16: 5 | 5 ~Every proud man is an abomination to the 1046 WisdB, Pro 16: 6 | by the fear of the LORD man avoids evil. ~ 1047 WisdB, Pro 16: 7 | the LORD is pleased with a man's ways, he makes even his 1048 WisdB, Pro 16: 9 | 9 ~In his mind a man plans his course, but the 1049 WisdB, Pro 16: 13 | in honest lips, and the man who speaks what is right 1050 WisdB, Pro 16: 14 | messengers of death, but a wise man can pacify it. ~ 1051 WisdB, Pro 16: 21 | 21 ~The wise man is esteemed for his discernment, 1052 WisdB, Pro 16: 23 | 23 ~The mind of the wise man makes him eloquent, and 1053 WisdB, Pro 16: 25 | Sometimes a way seems right to a man, but the end of it leads 1054 WisdB, Pro 16: 29 | 29 ~A lawless man allures his neighbor, and 1055 WisdB, Pro 16: 32 | 32 ~A patient man is better than a warrior, 1056 WisdB, Pro 17: 4 | 4 ~2 The evil man gives heed to wicked lips, 1057 WisdB, Pro 17: 4(2) | own evil ways, a wicked man judges evil of others. Cf 1058 WisdB, Pro 17: 8 | 8 ~A man who has a bribe to offer 1059 WisdB, Pro 17: 10 | reprimand does more for a man of intelligence than a hundred 1060 WisdB, Pro 17: 11 | rebellion alone is the wicked man bent, but a merciless messenger 1061 WisdB, Pro 17: 13 | 13 ~If a man returns evil for good, from 1062 WisdB, Pro 17: 18 | 18 ~Senseless is the man who gives his hand in pledge, 1063 WisdB, Pro 17: 20 | good, and a double-tongued man falls into trouble. ~ 1064 WisdB, Pro 17: 21 | s parent is grief for a man; the father of a numskull 1065 WisdB, Pro 17: 23 | 23 ~The wicked man accepts a concealed bribe 1066 WisdB, Pro 17: 24 | 24 ~The man of intelligence fixes his 1067 WisdB, Pro 17: 26 | wrong to fine an innocent man, but beyond reason to scourge 1068 WisdB, Pro 17: 27 | is chary of speech is a man of intelligence. ~ 1069 WisdB, Pro 18: 4 | 4 ~The words from a man's mouth are deep waters, 1070 WisdB, Pro 18: 9 | 9 ~The man who is slack in his work 1071 WisdB, Pro 18: 9 | work is own brother to the man who is destructive. ~ 1072 WisdB, Pro 18: 10 | a strong tower; the just man runs to it and is safe. ~ 1073 WisdB, Pro 18: 11 | 11 ~The rich man's wealth is his strong city; 1074 WisdB, Pro 18: 12 | Before his downfall a man's heart is haughty, but 1075 WisdB, Pro 18: 14 | 14 ~A man's spirit sustains him in 1076 WisdB, Pro 18: 16 | 16 ~A man's gift clears the way for 1077 WisdB, Pro 18: 17 | 17 ~The man who pleads his case first 1078 WisdB, Pro 18: 20 | the fruit of his mouth a man has his fill; with the yield 1079 WisdB, Pro 18: 23 | 23 ~The poor man implores, but the rich man 1080 WisdB, Pro 18: 23 | man implores, but the rich man answers harshly. ~ 1081 WisdB, Pro 19: 1 | 1 ~Better a poor man who walks in his integrity 1082 WisdB, Pro 19: 3 | 3 ~A man's own folly upsets his way, 1083 WisdB, Pro 19: 4 | but the friend of the poor man deserts him. ~ 1084 WisdB, Pro 19: 6 | all are friends of the man who has something to give. ~ 1085 WisdB, Pro 19: 7 | 7 ~All the poor man's brothers hate him; how 1086 WisdB, Pro 19: 11 | 11 ~It is good sense in a man to be slow to anger, and 1087 WisdB, Pro 19: 15 | 15 ~Laziness plunges a man into deep sleep, and the 1088 WisdB, Pro 19: 19 | 19 ~The man of violent temper pays the 1089 WisdB, Pro 19: 21 | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the decision 1090 WisdB, Pro 19: 22 | 22 ~From a man's greed comes his shame; 1091 WisdB, Pro 19: 22 | shame; rather be a poor man than a liar. ~ 1092 WisdB, Pro 19: 25 | If you beat an arrogant man, the simple learn a lesson; 1093 WisdB, Pro 19: 25 | you rebuke an intelligent man, he gains knowledge. ~ 1094 WisdB, Pro 20: 3 | 3 ~It is honorable for a man to shun strife, while every 1095 WisdB, Pro 20: 5 | below the surface, but the man of intelligence draws it 1096 WisdB, Pro 20: 7 | 7 ~When a man walks in integrity and justice, 1097 WisdB, Pro 20: 9(1) | 9] Man can be free of sin only 1098 WisdB, Pro 20: 17 | of deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth 1099 WisdB, Pro 20: 24 | 24 ~5 Man's steps are from the LORD; 1100 WisdB, Pro 20: 24 | the LORD; how, then, can a man understand his way? ~ 1101 WisdB, Pro 20: 24(5) | 24] Man is dependent upon God and 1102 WisdB, Pro 20: 25 | sacred gift is a trap for a man, or to regret a vow once 1103 WisdB, Pro 20: 27 | the LORD is the breath of man; it searches through all 1104 WisdB, Pro 21: 2 | 2 ~All the ways of a man may be right in his own 1105 WisdB, Pro 21: 10 | The soul of the wicked man desires evil; his neighbor 1106 WisdB, Pro 21: 11 | 11 ~When the arrogant man is punished, the simple 1107 WisdB, Pro 21: 11 | the wiser; when the wise man is instructed, he gains 1108 WisdB, Pro 21: 12 | 12 ~The just man appraises the house of the 1109 WisdB, Pro 21: 16 | 16 ~2 The man who strays from the way 1110 WisdB, Pro 21: 18 | 18 ~3 The wicked man serves as ransom for the 1111 WisdB, Pro 21: 18 | just, and the faithless man for the righteous. ~ 1112 WisdB, Pro 21: 22 | 22 ~The wise man storms a city of the mighty, 1113 WisdB, Pro 21: 24 | Arrogant is the name for the man of overbearing pride who 1114 WisdB, Pro 21: 26 | all the day, but the just man gives unsparingly. ~ 1115 WisdB, Pro 21: 29 | 29 ~The wicked man is brazenfaced, but the 1116 WisdB, Pro 21: 29 | brazenfaced, but the upright man pays heed to his ways. ~ 1117 WisdB, Pro 22: 3 | 3 ~The shrewd man perceives evil and hides, 1118 WisdB, Pro 22: 9 | 9 ~The kindly man will be blessed, for he 1119 WisdB, Pro 22: 10 | 10 ~Expel the arrogant man and discord goes out; strife 1120 WisdB, Pro 22: 11 | loves the pure of heart; the man of winning speech has the 1121 WisdB, Pro 22: 19(5) | and addressed to a young man who wishes to enter upon 1122 WisdB, Pro 22: 24 | friendly with a hotheaded man, nor the companion of a 1123 WisdB, Pro 22: 24 | companion of a wrathful man, ~ 1124 WisdB, Pro 22: 29 | 29 ~You see a man skilled at his work? He 1125 WisdB, Pro 23: 6 | take food with a grudging man, and do not desire his dainties; ~ 1126 WisdB, Pro 23: 21 | poverty, and torpor clothes a man in rags. ~ 1127 WisdB, Pro 23: 24 | 24 ~The father of a just man will exult with glee; he 1128 WisdB, Pro 24: 5 | 5 ~A wise man is more powerful than a 1129 WisdB, Pro 24: 5 | more powerful than a strong man, and a man of knowledge 1130 WisdB, Pro 24: 5 | than a strong man, and a man of knowledge than a man 1131 WisdB, Pro 24: 5 | man of knowledge than a man of might; ~ 1132 WisdB, Pro 24: 12 | you say, "I know not this man!" does not he who tests 1133 WisdB, Pro 24: 15 | against the home of the just man, ravage not his dwelling 1134 WisdB, Pro 24: 16 | 16 ~5 For the just man falls seven times and rises 1135 WisdB, Pro 24: 16(5) | 16] The just man overcomes every misfortune 1136 WisdB, Pro 24: 20 | 20 ~For the evil man has no future, the lamp 1137 WisdB, Pro 24: 24 | He who says to the wicked man, "You are just" - men will 1138 WisdB, Pro 24: 29 | to him; I will repay the man according to his deeds." ~ 1139 WisdB, Pro 24: 30 | by the vineyard of the man without sense; ~ 1140 WisdB, Pro 24: 34 | and want like an armed man. ~ ~ ~ 1141 WisdB, Pro 25: 9 | your neighbor, but another man's secret do not disclose; ~ 1142 WisdB, Pro 25: 14 | when no rain follows is the man who boastfully promises 1143 WisdB, Pro 25: 18 | or a sharp arrow, is the man who bears false witness 1144 WisdB, Pro 25: 19 | dependence on) a faithless man in time of trouble. ~ 1145 WisdB, Pro 25: 26 | polluted spring is a just man who gives way before the 1146 WisdB, Pro 25: 28 | with no defenses is the man with no check on his feelings. ~ ~ ~ 1147 WisdB, Pro 26: 4(2) | In any answer the wise man gives he must protect his 1148 WisdB, Pro 26: 12 | 12 ~You see a man wise in his own eyes? There 1149 WisdB, Pro 26: 17 | 17 ~Like the man who seizes a passing dog 1150 WisdB, Pro 26: 19 | 19 ~Is the man who deceives his neighbor, 1151 WisdB, Pro 26: 21 | fire, such is a contentious man in enkindling strife. ~ 1152 WisdB, Pro 26: 26 | 26 ~A man may conceal hatred under 1153 WisdB, Pro 27: 7 | virgin honey; but to the man who is hungry, any bitter 1154 WisdB, Pro 27: 8 | is far from its nest is a man who is far from his home. ~ 1155 WisdB, Pro 27: 12 | 12 ~The shrewd man perceives evil and hides; 1156 WisdB, Pro 27: 17 | As iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens his fellow man. ~ 1157 WisdB, Pro 27: 17 | man sharpens his fellow man. ~ 1158 WisdB, Pro 27: 21 | and the furnace gold, so a man is tested by the praise 1159 WisdB, Pro 28: 1 | 1 ~The wicked man flees although no one pursues 1160 WisdB, Pro 28: 1 | pursues him; but the just man, like a lion, feels sure 1161 WisdB, Pro 28: 2 | many; but with a prudent man it knows security. ~ 1162 WisdB, Pro 28: 3 | 3 ~A rich man who oppresses the poor is 1163 WisdB, Pro 28: 4 | the law praise the wicked man, but those who keep the 1164 WisdB, Pro 28: 6 | 6 ~Better a poor man who walks in his integrity 1165 WisdB, Pro 28: 11 | 11 ~The rich man is wise in his own eyes, 1166 WisdB, Pro 28: 11 | his own eyes, but a poor man who is intelligent sees 1167 WisdB, Pro 28: 14 | 14 ~Happy the man who is always on his guard; 1168 WisdB, Pro 28: 17 | 17 ~Though a man burdened with human blood 1169 WisdB, Pro 28: 19 | but from idle pursuits a man has his fill of poverty. ~ 1170 WisdB, Pro 28: 20 | 20 ~The trustworthy man will be richly blessed; 1171 WisdB, Pro 28: 21 | even a morsel of bread a man may do wrong. ~ 1172 WisdB, Pro 28: 22 | 22 ~The avaricious man is perturbed about his wealth, 1173 WisdB, Pro 28: 23 | 23 ~He who rebukes a man gets more thanks in the 1174 WisdB, Pro 28: 25 | 25 ~The greedy man stirs up disputes, but he 1175 WisdB, Pro 29: 1 | 1 ~The man who remains stiff-necked 1176 WisdB, Pro 29: 5 | 5 ~The man who flatters his neighbor 1177 WisdB, Pro 29: 6 | 6 ~The wicked man steps into a snare, but 1178 WisdB, Pro 29: 6 | into a snare, but the just man runs on joyfully. ~ 1179 WisdB, Pro 29: 7 | 7 ~The just man has a care for the rights 1180 WisdB, Pro 29: 7 | of the poor; the wicked man has no such concern. ~ 1181 WisdB, Pro 29: 9 | 9 ~If a wise man disputes with a fool, he 1182 WisdB, Pro 29: 10 | Bloodthirsty men hate the honest man, but the upright show concern 1183 WisdB, Pro 29: 11 | biding his time, the wise man calms it. ~ 1184 WisdB, Pro 29: 20 | 20 ~Do you see a man hasty in his words? More 1185 WisdB, Pro 29: 21 | 21 ~If a man pampers his servant from 1186 WisdB, Pro 29: 22 | 22 ~An ill-tempered man stirs up disputes, and a 1187 WisdB, Pro 29: 22 | disputes, and a hotheaded man is the cause of many sins. ~ 1188 WisdB, Pro 29: 23 | 23 ~Man's pride causes his humiliation, 1189 WisdB, Pro 29: 25 | 25 ~The fear of man brings a snare, but he who 1190 WisdB, Pro 30: 1(1) | 3] Agur wishes to stress man's insignificance when he 1191 WisdB, Pro 30: 1 | pronouncement of mortal man: "I am not God; I am not 1192 WisdB, Pro 30: 19 | high seas, and the way of a man with a maiden. ~ 1193 WisdB, Ecc Int | a plan to be hidden from man, who seeks happiness without 1194 WisdB, Ecc Int | there is an advantage for man in the enjoyment of certain 1195 WisdB, Ecc Int | indulgence also vanity unless man returns due thanks to the 1196 WisdB, Ecc 1: 3 | 3 ~3 What profit has man from all the labor which 1197 WisdB, Ecc 1: 8 | labored; there is nothing man can say. The eye is not 1198 WisdB, Ecc 1: 8(4) | 8] All speech . . . man can say: or "All things 1199 WisdB, Ecc 1: 8(4) | things are wearisome beyond man's power to tell."~ 1200 WisdB, Ecc 2: 3(2) | hopes to discover wherein man's true happiness consists.~ 1201 WisdB, Ecc 2: 12 | 12 ~For what will the man do who is to come after 1202 WisdB, Ecc 2: 14 | 14 ~The wise man has eyes in his head, but 1203 WisdB, Ecc 2: 16 | 16 ~Neither of the wise man nor of the fool will there 1204 WisdB, Ecc 2: 16 | How is it that the wise man dies as well as the fool! ~ 1205 WisdB, Ecc 2: 18 | because I must leave them to a man who is to come after me. ~ 1206 WisdB, Ecc 2: 19 | whether he will be a wise man or a fool? Yet he will have 1207 WisdB, Ecc 2: 21 | 21 ~For here is a man who has labored with wisdom 1208 WisdB, Ecc 2: 22 | For what profit comes to a man from all the toil and anxiety 1209 WisdB, Ecc 2: 24 | There is nothing better for man than to eat and drink and 1210 WisdB, Ecc 2: 26 | 26 ~For to whatever man he sees fit he gives wisdom 1211 WisdB, Ecc 2: 26 | to be given to whatever man God sees fit. This also 1212 WisdB, Ecc 3: 13 | 13 ~For every man, moreover, to eat and drink 1213 WisdB, Ecc 3: 19 | 19 ~For the lot of man and of beast is one lot; 1214 WisdB, Ecc 3: 19 | the same life-breath, and man has no advantage over the 1215 WisdB, Ecc 3: 22 | is nothing better for a man than to rejoice in his work; 1216 WisdB, Ecc 4: 4 | work is the rivalry of one man for another. This also is 1217 WisdB, Ecc 4: 8 | 8 ~a solitary man with no companion; with 1218 WisdB, Ecc 4: 10 | companion. Woe to the solitary man! For if he should fall, 1219 WisdB, Ecc 4: 12 | 12 ~Where a lone man may be overcome, two together 1220 WisdB, Ecc 5: 9 | 9 ~The covetous man is never satisfied with 1221 WisdB, Ecc 5: 11 | is sweet to the laboring man, whether he eats little 1222 WisdB, Ecc 5: 11 | little or much, but the rich man's abundance allows him no 1223 WisdB, Ecc 5: 17 | as good: it is well for a man to eat and drink and enjoy 1224 WisdB, Ecc 5: 18 | 18 ~Any man to whom God gives riches 1225 WisdB, Ecc 5: 19(3) | though temporary, keep a man from dwelling on the ills 1226 WisdB, Ecc 6: 1 | and it weighs heavily upon man: ~ 1227 WisdB, Ecc 6: 2 | 2 ~there is the man to whom God gives riches 1228 WisdB, Ecc 6: 3 | 3 ~1 Should a man have a hundred children 1229 WisdB, Ecc 6: 3 | deprived of burial, of this man I proclaim that the child 1230 WisdB, Ecc 6: 5 | rest rather than such a man. ~ 1231 WisdB, Ecc 6: 7 | 7 ~3 All man's toil is for his mouth, 1232 WisdB, Ecc 6: 8 | what advantage has the wise man over the fool, or what advantage 1233 WisdB, Ecc 6: 8 | what advantage has the poor man in knowing how to conduct 1234 WisdB, Ecc 6: 10 | name, and the nature of man is known, and that he cannot 1235 WisdB, Ecc 6: 10(5) | one who is stronger than man is God.~ 1236 WisdB, Ecc 6: 11 | what profit is there for a man? ~ 1237 WisdB, Ecc 6: 12 | knows what is good for a man in life, the limited days 1238 WisdB, Ecc 6: 12 | Because-who is there to tell a man what will come after him 1239 WisdB, Ecc 7: 2 | that is the end of every man, and the living should take 1240 WisdB, Ecc 7: 5 | better to hearken to the wise man's rebuke than to hearken 1241 WisdB, Ecc 7: 7 | can make a fool of a wise man, and a bribe corrupts the 1242 WisdB, Ecc 7: 14 | other God has made, so that man cannot find fault with him 1243 WisdB, Ecc 7: 15 | in my vain days: a just man perishing in his justice, 1244 WisdB, Ecc 7: 16(2) | reference to the self-righteous man who is so stern that he 1245 WisdB, Ecc 7: 19 | better defense for the wise man than would be ten princes 1246 WisdB, Ecc 7: 20 | 20 ~5 yet there is no man on earth so just as to do 1247 WisdB, Ecc 7: 28 | seeks and has not found: One man out of a thousand have I 1248 WisdB, Ecc 8: 1 | 1 ~Who is like the wise man, and who knows the explanation 1249 WisdB, Ecc 8: 1 | explanation of things? A man's wisdom illumines his face, 1250 WisdB, Ecc 8: 5 | experiences no evil, and the wise man's heart knows times and 1251 WisdB, Ecc 8: 6 | is a great affliction for man ~ 1252 WisdB, Ecc 8: 8 | 8 ~There is no man who is master of the breath 1253 WisdB, Ecc 8: 9 | under the sun, while one man tyrannizes over another 1254 WisdB, Ecc 8: 13 | be well with the wicked man, and he shall not prolong 1255 WisdB, Ecc 8: 15 | there is nothing good for man under the sun except eating 1256 WisdB, Ecc 8: 17 | 17 ~I recognized that man is unable to find out all 1257 WisdB, Ecc 8: 17 | rest in sleep. However much man toils in searching, he does 1258 WisdB, Ecc 8: 17 | out; and even if the wise man says that he knows, he is 1259 WisdB, Ecc 9: 1 | of God. Love from hatred man cannot tell; both appear 1260 WisdB, Ecc 9: 2 | not. As it is for the good man, so it is for the sinner; 1261 WisdB, Ecc 9: 12 | 12 ~3 Man no more knows his own time 1262 WisdB, Ecc 9: 15 | But in the city lived a man who, though poor, was wise, 1263 WisdB, Ecc 9: 15 | one remembered this poor man. ~ 1264 WisdB, Ecc 9: 16 | yet the wisdom of the poor man is despised and his words 1265 WisdB, Ecc 10: 2 | 2 ~1 The wise man's understanding turns him 1266 WisdB, Ecc 10: 12 | 12 ~Words from the wise man's mouth win favor, but the 1267 WisdB, Ecc 10: 14 | the fool multiplies words. Man knows not what is to come, 1268 WisdB, Ecc 11: 8 | 8 ~However many years a man may live, let him, as he 1269 WisdB, Ecc 11: 9 | 9 ~Rejoice, O young man, while you are young and 1270 WisdB, Ecc 12: 5 | without effect, Because man goes to his lasting home, 1271 WisdB, Ecc 12: 13 | commandments, for this is man's all; ~ 1272 WisdB, Ecc 12: 13(7) | 13] Man's all: St. Jerome explains: " 1273 WisdB, Ecc 12: 13(7) | explains: "Unto this is every man born that, knowing his Maker, 1274 WisdB, Wisd 1: 3 | perverse counsels separate a man from God, and his power, 1275 WisdB, Wisd 1: 7 | all-embracing, and knows what man says. ~ 1276 WisdB, Wisd 1: 9 | the devices of the wicked man shall be scrutinized, and 1277 WisdB, Wisd 2: 1 | is there any remedy for man's dying, nor is anyone known 1278 WisdB, Wisd 2: 10 | us oppress the needy just man; let us neither spare the 1279 WisdB, Wisd 2: 10 | widow nor revere the old man for his hair grown white 1280 WisdB, Wisd 2: 23 | 23 ~For God formed man to be imperishable; the 1281 WisdB, Wisd 4: 7 | 7 ~But the just man, though he die early, shall 1282 WisdB, Wisd 4: 16 | 16 ~Yes, the just man dead condemns the sinful 1283 WisdB, Wisd 4: 16 | many years of the wicked man grown old. ~ 1284 WisdB, Wisd 4: 17 | see the death of the wise man and do not understand what 1285 WisdB, Wisd 7: 1 | 1 ~1 I too am a mortal man, the same as all the rest, 1286 WisdB, Wisd 7: 1 | descendant of the first man formed on earth. And in 1287 WisdB, Wisd 7: 1(1) | 1] First man formed on earth: Adam. The 1288 WisdB, Wisd 7: 2 | blood, from the seed of man, and the pleasure that accompanies 1289 WisdB, Wisd 9: 2 | wisdom have established man to rule the creatures produced 1290 WisdB, Wisd 9: 5 | son of your handmaid, a man weak and short-lived and 1291 WisdB, Wisd 9: 13 | 13 ~For what man knows God's counsel, or 1292 WisdB, Wisd 10: 3 | 3 ~3 But when the unjust man withdrew from her in his 1293 WisdB, Wisd 10: 4 | saved it, piloting the just man on frailest wood. ~ 1294 WisdB, Wisd 10: 5 | wickedness, knew the just man, kept him blameless before 1295 WisdB, Wisd 10: 6 | She delivered the just man from among the wicked who 1296 WisdB, Wisd 10: 10 | 10 ~8 She, when the just man fled from his brother's 1297 WisdB, Wisd 10: 13 | did not abandon the just man when he was sold, but delivered 1298 WisdB, Wisd 11: 16 | they might recognize that a man is punished by the very 1299 WisdB, Wisd 13: 13 | patterns it on the image of a man ~ 1300 WisdB, Wisd 14: 15 | what was formerly a dead man and handed down to his subjects 1301 WisdB, Wisd 14: 20 | before was honored as a man. ~ 1302 WisdB, Wisd 15: 5 | yearning in the senseless man, till he longs for the inanimate 1303 WisdB, Wisd 15: 13 | 13 ~For this man more than any knows that 1304 WisdB, Wisd 15: 16 | 16 ~For a man made them; one whose spirit 1305 WisdB, Wisd 15: 16 | him fashioned them. For no man succeeds in fashioning a 1306 WisdB, Wisd 16: 14 | 14 ~3 Man, however, slays in his malice, 1307 WisdB, Wisd 16: 26 | kinds of fruits that nourish man, but it is your word that 1308 WisdB, Wisd 18: 21 | 21 ~5 For the blameless man hastened to be their champion, 1309 WisdB, Wisd 18: 21(5) | 21] Blameless man: Aaron, acting according 1310 WisdB, Sir 1: 19 | unjust anger; anger plunges a man to his downfall. ~ 1311 WisdB, Sir 1: 20 | 20 ~A patient man need stand firm but for 1312 WisdB, Sir 2: 1(1) | humiliation merely purify man and prove his worth (Sirach 1313 WisdB, Sir 3: 11 | His father's honor is a man's glory; disgrace for her 1314 WisdB, Sir 3: 17(2) | Sirach 3:17-19). Through it a man performs duty, avoids what 1315 WisdB, Sir 3: 25 | 25 ~A stubborn man will fare badly in the end, 1316 WisdB, Sir 3: 26 | 26 ~A stubborn man will be burdened with sorrow; 1317 WisdB, Sir 3: 27 | affliction of the proud man there is no cure; he is 1318 WisdB, Sir 3: 28 | attentive ear is the wise man's joy. ~ 1319 WisdB, Sir 3: 29(4) | atone for sin and endear a man to God and to his fellow 1320 WisdB, Sir 4: 1 | My son, rob not the poor man of his livelihood; force 1321 WisdB, Sir 4: 2 | 2 ~A hungry man grieve not, a needy man 1322 WisdB, Sir 4: 2 | man grieve not, a needy man anger not; ~ 1323 WisdB, Sir 4: 5 | turn not your eyes, give no man reason to curse you; ~ 1324 WisdB, Sir 4: 8 | Give a hearing to the poor man, and return his greeting 1325 WisdB, Sir 4: 27 | yourself before an impious man, nor refuse to do so before 1326 WisdB, Sir 5: 15 | dishonor through talking! A man's tongue can be his downfall. ~ 1327 WisdB, Sir 6: 1 | acquire: "That for the evil man with double tongue!" ~ 1328 WisdB, Sir 6: 1(1) | will say this against the man whose deceitful tongue has 1329 WisdB, Sir 6: 36 | 36 ~If you see a man of prudence, seek him out; 1330 WisdB, Sir 7: 11 | Laugh not at an embittered man; be mindful of him who exalts 1331 WisdB, Sir 7: 17 | your pride; what awaits man is worms. ~ 1332 WisdB, Sir 7: 25 | but give her to a worthy man. ~ 1333 WisdB, Sir 7: 32 | 32 ~To the poor man also extend your hand, that 1334 WisdB, Sir 8: 1 | not with an influential man, lest you fall into his 1335 WisdB, Sir 8: 1(1) | 1-19] A prudent man will be circumspect, avoiding 1336 WisdB, Sir 8: 2 | Quarrel not with a rich man, lest he pay out the price 1337 WisdB, Sir 8: 3 | 3 ~Dispute not with a man of railing speech, heap 1338 WisdB, Sir 8: 4 | familiar with an unruly man, lest he speak ill of your 1339 WisdB, Sir 8: 6 | 6 ~Insult no man when he is old, for some 1340 WisdB, Sir 8: 7 | 7 ~Rejoice not when a man dies; remember, we are all 1341 WisdB, Sir 8: 11 | 11 ~3 Let not the impious man intimidate you; it will 1342 WisdB, Sir 8: 15 | Travel not with a ruthless man, lest he weigh you down 1343 WisdB, Sir 8: 16 | quarrel with a quick-tempered man, nor ride with him through 1344 WisdB, Sir 8: 19 | 19 ~Open your heart to no man, and banish not your happiness. ~ ~ ~ 1345 WisdB, Sir 9: 1(1) | integrity of his possessions, a man must avoid jealousy toward 1346 WisdB, Sir 9: 12 | Rejoice not at a proud man's success; remember he will 1347 WisdB, Sir 9: 13 | 13 ~Keep far from the man who has power to kill, and 1348 WisdB, Sir 9: 18 | Feared in the city is the man of railing speech, and he 1349 WisdB, Sir 10: 1 | government of a prudent man is well ordered. ~ 1350 WisdB, Sir 10: 4 | who raises up on it the man of the hour; ~ 1351 WisdB, Sir 10: 5 | Sovereignty over every man is in the hand of God, who 1352 WisdB, Sir 10: 9 | proud? even during life man's body decays; ~ 1353 WisdB, Sir 10: 9(2) | general implication is that man deteriorates physically 1354 WisdB, Sir 10: 11 | 11 ~When a man dies, he inherits corruption; 1355 WisdB, Sir 10: 12 | The beginning of pride is man's stubbornness in withdrawing 1356 WisdB, Sir 10: 18 | Insolence is not allotted to a man, nor stubborn anger to one 1357 WisdB, Sir 10: 22 | is not just to despise a man who is wise but poor, nor 1358 WisdB, Sir 10: 24 | prudent slave, the wise man does not complain. ~ 1359 WisdB, Sir 10: 29 | 29 ~The poor man is honored for his wisdom 1360 WisdB, Sir 10: 29 | for his wisdom as the rich man is honored for his wealth; ~ 1361 WisdB, Sir 11: 1 | 1 ~The poor man's wisdom lifts his head 1362 WisdB, Sir 11: 2 | 2 ~Praise not a man for his looks; despise not 1363 WisdB, Sir 11: 2 | his looks; despise not a man for his appearance. ~ 1364 WisdB, Sir 11: 4 | worn cloak and jibe at no man's bitter day: For strange 1365 WisdB, Sir 11: 7(2) | Discretion regulates a man's conduct toward others 1366 WisdB, Sir 11: 7(2) | regards his own interests, a man should avoid solicitude 1367 WisdB, Sir 11: 18 | 18 ~A man may become rich through 1368 WisdB, Sir 11: 19(5) | the parable of the rich man, Luke 12:16-21.~ 1369 WisdB, Sir 11: 21 | instant, to make a poor man rich. ~ 1370 WisdB, Sir 11: 22 | blessing is the lot of the just man, and in due time his hopes 1371 WisdB, Sir 11: 26 | the day of death to repay man according to his deeds. ~ 1372 WisdB, Sir 11: 27 | of past delights; when a man dies, his life is revealed. ~ 1373 WisdB, Sir 11: 28 | 28 ~Call no man happy before his death, 1374 WisdB, Sir 11: 28 | death, for by how he ends, a man is known. ~ 1375 WisdB, Sir 11: 29 | 29 ~Bring not every man into your house, for many 1376 WisdB, Sir 11: 32 | 32 ~The evil man lies in wait for blood, 1377 WisdB, Sir 11: 33 | 33 ~Avoid a wicked man, for he breeds only evil, 1378 WisdB, Sir 12: 2 | 2 ~Do good to the just man and reward will be yours, 1379 WisdB, Sir 12: 4 | 4 ~Give to the good man, refuse the sinner; refresh 1380 WisdB, Sir 12: 4 | give nothing to the proud man. ~ 1381 WisdB, Sir 12: 9 | 9 ~When a man is successful even his enemy 1382 WisdB, Sir 12: 14 | the companion of the proud man, who is involved in his 1383 WisdB, Sir 13: 1 | associates with an impious man learns his ways. ~ 1384 WisdB, Sir 13: 3 | 3 ~The rich man does wrong and boasts of 1385 WisdB, Sir 13: 3 | and boasts of it, the poor man is wronged and begs forgiveness. ~ 1386 WisdB, Sir 13: 4 | 4 ~As long as the rich man can use you he will enslave 1387 WisdB, Sir 13: 9 | 9 ~When invited by a man of influence, keep your 1388 WisdB, Sir 13: 14 | loves its own kind, every man a man like himself. ~ 1389 WisdB, Sir 13: 14 | its own kind, every man a man like himself. ~ 1390 WisdB, Sir 13: 15 | with his own kind every man associates. ~ 1391 WisdB, Sir 13: 19 | 19 ~A proud man abhors lowliness; so does 1392 WisdB, Sir 13: 19 | lowliness; so does the rich man abhor the poor. ~ 1393 WisdB, Sir 13: 20 | 20 ~When a rich man stumbles he is supported 1394 WisdB, Sir 13: 20 | by a friend; when a poor man trips he is pushed down 1395 WisdB, Sir 13: 21 | the supporters for a rich man when he speaks; though what 1396 WisdB, Sir 13: 21 | wins approval. When a poor man speaks they make sport of 1397 WisdB, Sir 13: 22 | 22 ~A rich man speaks and all are silent, 1398 WisdB, Sir 13: 22 | extol to the clouds. A poor man speaks and they say: "Who 1399 WisdB, Sir 13: 24 | 24 ~The heart of a man changes his countenance, 1400 WisdB, Sir 14: 1 | 1 ~Happy the man whose mouth brings him no 1401 WisdB, Sir 14: 2 | 2 ~Happy the man whose conscience does not 1402 WisdB, Sir 14: 3 | Wealth ill becomes the mean man; and to the miser, of what 1403 WisdB, Sir 14: 19 | 19 ~All man's works will perish in decay, 1404 WisdB, Sir 14: 20 | 20 ~2 Happy the man who meditates on wisdom, 1405 WisdB, Sir 14: 20(2) | 20): he gives to every man the liberty to choose between 1406 WisdB, Sir 15: 10 | praise is offered by the wise man's tongue; its rightful steward 1407 WisdB, Sir 15: 12 | he has no need of wicked man. ~ 1408 WisdB, Sir 15: 14 | in the beginning, created man, he made him subject to 1409 WisdB, Sir 15: 17 | 17 ~Before man are life and death, whichever 1410 WisdB, Sir 15: 19 | has made; he understands man's every deed. ~ 1411 WisdB, Sir 15: 20 | 20 ~No man does he command to sin, 1412 WisdB, Sir 16: 4 | 4 ~Through one wise man can a city be peopled; through 1413 WisdB, Sir 16: 11 | been but one stiffnecked man, it were a wonder had he 1414 WisdB, Sir 16: 13 | with his plunder; a just man's hope God does not leave 1415 WisdB, Sir 16: 22(7) | it (16:22-28), endowing man with a moral nature, with 1416 WisdB, Sir 16: 22(7) | image (17:1, 6), so that man may govern the earth (16: 1417 WisdB, Sir 17: 1 | LORD from the earth created man, and in his own image he 1418 WisdB, Sir 17: 3 | 3 ~He endows man with a strength of his own, 1419 WisdB, Sir 17: 17 | 17 ~A man's goodness God cherishes 1420 WisdB, Sir 17: 17 | cherishes like a signet ring, a man's virtue, like the apple 1421 WisdB, Sir 17: 25 | not immortal is any son of man. ~ 1422 WisdB, Sir 18: 1(1) | justice and power beyond man's understanding (Sirach 1423 WisdB, Sir 18: 5 | 5 ~When a man ends he is only beginning, 1424 WisdB, Sir 18: 6 | 6 ~What is man, of what worth is he? the 1425 WisdB, Sir 18: 7 | 7 ~The sum of a man's days is great if it reaches 1426 WisdB, Sir 18: 11 | 11 ~Man may be merciful to his fellow 1427 WisdB, Sir 18: 11 | be merciful to his fellow man, but the LORD'S mercy reaches 1428 WisdB, Sir 18: 16 | are offered by a kindly man. ~ 1429 WisdB, Sir 18: 27 | 27 ~A wise man is circumspect in all things; 1430 WisdB, Sir 18: 28 | 28 ~5 Any learned man should make wisdom known, 1431 WisdB, Sir 18: 28(5) | The neighbors of the wise man are regarded as the field 1432 WisdB, Sir 18: 30(6) | gratification of the senses makes a man unreasonable, the slave 1433 WisdB, Sir 19: 11 | Like an arrow lodged in a man's thigh is gossip in the 1434 WisdB, Sir 19: 15 | 15 ~Then, too, a man can slip and not mean it; 1435 WisdB, Sir 19: 19 | detestable, while the simple man may be free from sin. ~ 1436 WisdB, Sir 19: 22 | 22 ~There is the wicked man who is bowed in grief, but 1437 WisdB, Sir 19: 25 | 25 ~One can tell a man by his appearance; a wise 1438 WisdB, Sir 19: 25 | by his appearance; a wise man is known as such when first 1439 WisdB, Sir 19: 26 | 26 ~A man's attire, his hearty laughter 1440 WisdB, Sir 20: 1 | can be inopportune, and a man may be wise to hold his 1441 WisdB, Sir 20: 4 | 4 ~One man is silent and is thought 1442 WisdB, Sir 20: 5 | 5 ~One man is silent because he has 1443 WisdB, Sir 20: 6 | 6 ~A wise man is silent till the right 1444 WisdB, Sir 20: 8 | some things gained are a man's loss. ~ 1445 WisdB, Sir 20: 10 | while from obscurity a man can lift up his head. ~ 1446 WisdB, Sir 20: 11 | 11 ~A man may buy much for little, 1447 WisdB, Sir 20: 12 | 12 ~A wise man makes himself popular by 1448 WisdB, Sir 20: 14 | hateful indeed is such a man. ~ 1449 WisdB, Sir 20: 20 | 20 ~A man through want may be unable 1450 WisdB, Sir 20: 22 | 22 ~A man makes a promise to a friend 1451 WisdB, Sir 20: 23 | lie is a foul blot in a man, yet it is constantly on 1452 WisdB, Sir 20: 26 | 26 ~6 A wise man advances himself by his 1453 WisdB, Sir 20: 26 | by his words, a prudent man pleases the great. ~ 1454 WisdB, Sir 20: 30 | 30 ~Better the man who hides his folly than 1455 WisdB, Sir 21: 4 | out wealth; so too a proud man's home is destroyed. ~ 1456 WisdB, Sir 21: 5 | 5 ~Prayer from a poor man's lips is heard at once, 1457 WisdB, Sir 21: 7 | boastful speaker but the wise man knows his own faults. ~ 1458 WisdB, Sir 21: 11(3) | 28] The mind of the wise man is a fountain of knowledge ( 1459 WisdB, Sir 21: 13 | 13 ~A wise man's knowledge wells up in 1460 WisdB, Sir 21: 15 | 15 ~When an intelligent man hears words of wisdom, he 1461 WisdB, Sir 21: 17 | The views of a prudent man are sought in an assembly, 1462 WisdB, Sir 21: 18 | wisdom to a fool; the stupid man knows it only as inscrutable 1463 WisdB, Sir 21: 20 | laughter, but the prudent man at the most smiles gently. ~ 1464 WisdB, Sir 21: 21 | gold is learning to a wise man, like a bracelet on his 1465 WisdB, Sir 21: 22 | house, while the well-bred man remains outside; ~ 1466 WisdB, Sir 21: 23 | a house, but a cultured man keeps his glance cast down. ~ 1467 WisdB, Sir 21: 24 | listen at a door; a cultured man would be overwhelmed by 1468 WisdB, Sir 21: 27 | 27 ~4 When a godless man curses his adversary he 1469 WisdB, Sir 21: 27(4) | in the sense that, if a man curses one who led him into 1470 WisdB, Sir 21: 27(4) | sense that the enemy is the man's own sinful nature; or 1471 WisdB, Sir 22: 1(1) | fool is as senseless as a man asleep or dead, but the 1472 WisdB, Sir 22: 7 | pot, or like disturbing a man in the depths of sleep; ~ 1473 WisdB, Sir 22: 9 | 9 ~Weep over the dead man, for his light has gone 1474 WisdB, Sir 22: 10 | but a little over the dead man, for he is at rest; but 1475 WisdB, Sir 22: 12 | but seldom with the stupid man, be not the companion of 1476 WisdB, Sir 22: 15 | easier to bear than a stupid man. ~ 1477 WisdB, Sir 22: 19(4) | so kindness to a poor man in time of poverty and adversity 1478 WisdB, Sir 22: 23 | Make fast friends with a man while he is poor; thus will 1479 WisdB, Sir 23: 8 | railer and the arrogant man fall thereby. ~ 1480 WisdB, Sir 23: 11 | 11 ~A man who often swears heaps up 1481 WisdB, Sir 23: 15 | 15 ~A man who has the habit of abusive 1482 WisdB, Sir 23: 16 | till it burns itself out: A man given to sins of the flesh, 1483 WisdB, Sir 23: 18 | 18 ~And the man who dishonors his marriage 1484 WisdB, Sir 23: 19 | sun, Observe every step a man takes and peer into hidden 1485 WisdB, Sir 23: 21 | 21 ~6 Such a man will be punished in the 1486 WisdB, Sir 23: 23 | borne children by another man. ~ 1487 WisdB, Sir 24: 20(4) | So pleasing is wisdom to man that, far from being satiated, 1488 WisdB, Sir 24: 26 | 26 ~The first man never finished comprehending 1489 WisdB, Sir 25: 1(1) | brother, the fraudulent rich man who cheats his neighbor, 1490 WisdB, Sir 25: 1(1) | neighbor, and the lecherous old man unfaithful to his wife ( 1491 WisdB, Sir 25: 2 | rich dissembler, and an old man lecherous in his dotage. ~ 1492 WisdB, Sir 25: 7 | my tongue proclaims: The man who finds joy in his children, 1493 WisdB, Sir 25: 19 | railing wife to a quiet man. ~ 1494 WisdB, Sir 25: 21 | 21 ~The man is a slave, in disgrace 1495 WisdB, Sir 26: 19 | arouses my horror: A wealthy man reduced to want; illustrious 1496 WisdB, Sir 26: 19 | held in contempt; And the man who passes from justice 1497 WisdB, Sir 27: 4 | the husks appear; so do a man's faults when he speaks. ~ 1498 WisdB, Sir 27: 5 | conversation is the test of a man. ~ 1499 WisdB, Sir 27: 6 | it has had; so too does a man's speech disclose the bent 1500 WisdB, Sir 27: 7 | 7 ~Praise no man before he speaks, for it