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Alphabetical [« »] spacious 6 spaded 1 spain 11 span 21 spanned 1 spans 2 spare 48 | Frequency [« »] 21 signifying 21 situated 21 skins 21 span 21 sprang 21 strife 21 stubborn | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances span |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 6: 3(3)| rather than the maximum span of life God would allot 2 Pent, Gen 23: 1 | 1 ~The span of Sarah's life was one 3 Pent, Gen 25: 7 | 7 ~The whole span of Abraham's life was one 4 Pent, Gen 25: 17 | 17 ~The span of Ishmael's life was one 5 Pent, Gen 47: 28 | for seventeen years; the span of his life came to a hundred 6 Pent, Exo 23: 26 | and I will give you a full span of life. ~ 7 Pent, Exo 28: 16 | square when folded double, a span high and a span wide. ~ 8 Pent, Exo 28: 16 | double, a span high and a span wide. ~ 9 Pent, Exo 39: 9 | square and folded double, a span high and a span wide in 10 Pent, Exo 39: 9 | double, a span high and a span wide in its folded form. ~ 11 His, 1Chr Int | some detail the lengthy span from the reign of Saul to 12 WisdB, Job 42: 16(7)| were double the expected span of human life; cf Psalm 13 WisdB, Psa 39: 6 | given my days a very short span; my life is as nothing before 14 WisdB, Psa 102: 25(4)| my days: when the normal span of life is but half completed. 15 WisdB, Wisd 15: 9 | he is to die nor that his span of life is brief; Rather, 16 WisdB, Wisd 15: 12 | life a plaything, and our span of life a holiday for gain; " 17 ProphB, Isa 38: 10(5)| before the end of a full span of life; cf Psalm 55:23; 18 ProphB, Isa 40: 12 | marked off the heavens with a span? Who has held in a measure 19 ProphB, Isa 40: 12(3)| 12] Span: the distance between the 20 ProphB, Eze 43: 13 | around its edges of one span. The height of the altar 21 NTLet, 2Cor Int | to Corinth over a certain span of time. If this is so,