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Alphabetical [« »] guess 1 guest 19 guests 40 guidance 20 guide 39 guided 17 guidelines 3 | Frequency [« »] 20 garrison 20 gehenna 20 goshen 20 guidance 20 herald 20 idle 20 independent | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances guidance |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Num 33: 1 | land of Egypt under the guidance of Moses and Aaron. ~ 2 Pent, Deu 10: 16(2)| unreceptive to divine grace and guidance, just as "uncircumcised 3 His, 1Chr 25: 2 | inspired songs under the guidance of the king. ~ 4 His, 1Chr 25: 6 | house of God, under the guidance of the king. ~ 5 His, 1Mac 14: 36 | In his time and under his guidance they succeeded in driving 6 WisdB, Psa 36: 1(1)| with a prayer that God's guidance never cease (Psalm 36:11- 7 WisdB, Psa 119: 19(2)| has a special need for the guidance of God's teaching.~ 8 WisdB, Psa 143: 1(1)| and a strong desire for guidance and protection (Psalm 143: 9 WisdB, Pro 1: 5 | intelligent man will gain sound guidance, ~ 10 WisdB, Pro 11: 14 | 14 ~For lack of guidance a people falls; security 11 WisdB, Pro 20: 18 | advice succeed; so with wise guidance wage your war. ~ 12 WisdB, Pro 24: 6 | 6 ~For it is by wise guidance that you wage your war, 13 WisdB, Wisd 14: 6 | for his race, under the guidance of your hand. ~ 14 WisdB, Sir 18: 13 | to those who accept his guidance, who are diligent in his 15 WisdB, Sir 46: 20 | when he lay buried, his guidance was sought; he made known 16 Gosp, Mat Int | will supplant the blind guidance of the Pharisees (Matthew 17 Gosp, Mat 15: 1(1)| not to follow the moral guidance of the Pharisees (Matthew 18 Gosp, Luk 12: 10(5)| power responsible for the guidance of the Christian mission 19 Gosp, Act Int | Jesus has now under the guidance of the holy Spirit been 20 NTLet, Rom 12: 1(1)| as the primary source of guidance for God's people (Romans