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Alphabetical [« »] specification 1 specifications 2 specifics 2 specified 19 specifies 5 specify 4 specifying 1 | Frequency [« »] 19 sows 19 spears 19 species 19 specified 19 split 19 sprinkle 19 stray | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances specified |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Lev 7: 23(2)| the particular portions specified in Lev 3:9- 10,14-15 are 2 Pent, Lev 18: 6(1)| between men and women of the specified degrees of relationship.~ 3 Pent, Jud 14: 1(1)| 34:3-6. The Mosaic law specified only seven pagan nations, 4 His, 1Sam 13: 11 | you had not come by the specified time, and with the Philistines 5 His, 1Chr 28: 14 | 14 ~He specified the weight of gold to be 6 His, 1Chr 28: 15 | lampstands and their lamps he specified the weight of gold for each 7 His, 1Chr 28: 15 | the silver lampstands he specified the weight of silver for 8 His, 1Chr 28: 16 | 16 ~He specified the weight of gold for each 9 His, Jdt 8: 33 | within the days you have specified before you will surrender 10 His, Est B: 6(1)| on the day of the month specified by the king; in fact, a 11 WisdB, Psa 120: 3(3)| to you [the evils being specified], and add still more to 12 ProphB, Eze 41: 12(1)| behind the temple is never specified. ~ 13 ProphB, Dan 1: 18 | of the time the king had specified for their preparation, the 14 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 11(7)| dependence, which is not further specified. And even in the natural 15 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 4(5)| another Jesus: the danger is specified, and Paul's opponents are 16 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 9(5)| active personal hostility, as specified in a final catalogue (2 17 NTLet, 1Tim 4: 1(1)| origin of the prophecy is not specified (1 Tim 4:1-2); cf Acts 20: 18 NTLet, Heb 10: 13(6)| identity of the enemies is not specified; cf 1 Cor 15:25-27.~ 19 CathL | number of churches that are specified as being located in Asia