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Alphabetical [« »] consults 2 consume 42 consumed 67 consumes 19 consuming 17 consummate 1 consummated 2 | Frequency [« »] 19 colt 19 commissioned 19 constitutes 19 consumes 19 cornelius 19 cosmic 19 cows | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances consumes |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Num 13: 32 | explored is a country that consumes its inhabitants. And all 2 Pent, Num 14: 9(1)| pessimistic report that this land "consumes its inhabitants" (Numbers 3 WisdB, Job 18: 13 | the first-born of death consumes his limbs. ~ 4 WisdB, Psa 69: 10 | Because zeal for your house consumes me, I am scorned by those 5 WisdB, Psa 69: 10(5)| 10] Zeal for your house consumes me: the psalmist's commitment 6 WisdB, Psa 97: 3 | before him; everywhere it consumes the foes. ~ 7 WisdB, Pro 21: 20 | of the wise, but the fool consumes it. ~ 8 WisdB, Ecc 4: 5 | fool folds his arms and consumes his own flesh" - ~ 9 WisdB, Ecc 4: 5(1)| 5] Consumes his own flesh: refuses to 10 WisdB, Sir 23: 16(4)| victims and, like fire, consumes and utterly destroys them ( 11 ProphB, Isa 10: 17 | a flame, That burns and consumes his briers and his thorns 12 ProphB, Isa 44: 20 | save itself when the flame consumes it; yet he does not say, " 13 ProphB, Isa 47: 14 | they are like stubble, fire consumes them; They cannot save themselves 14 ProphB, Jer 12: 12 | The LORD has a sword which consumes the land, from end to end: 15 ProphB, Jer 48: 45 | from the house of Sihon: It consumes the brow of Moab, the skull 16 ProphB, Dan 14: 8 | you tell me who it is that consumes these provisions, you shall 17 ProphB, Dan 14: 9 | if you can show that Bel consumes them, Daniel shall die for 18 ProphB, Hos 7: 3(1)| an overheated oven that consumes what it is supposed to bake; 19 ProphB, Hos 7: 3(1)| supposed to bake; thus the land consumes its kings. Regale: with