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Alphabetical [« »] tracked 1 trackless 2 tracks 3 tract 15 trade 14 traded 9 traders 7 | Frequency [« »] 15 taunt 15 token 15 tormented 15 tract 15 transfiguration 15 traveling 15 tribulation | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances tract |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, Jdt Int | The Book of Judith is a tract for difficult times; the 2 ProphB, Eze 45: 1| shall set apart a sacred tract of land for the LORD, twenty-five 3 ProphB, Eze 45: 6| parallel to the sacred tract; this shall belong to the 4 ProphB, Eze 45: 7| sides of the combined sacred tract and City property, extending 5 ProphB, Eze 48: 8| boundary there shall be the tract which you shall set apart, 6 ProphB, Eze 48: 8| boundary. In the center of the tract shall be the sanctuary. ~ 7 ProphB, Eze 48: 9| 9 ~The tract that you set aside for the 8 ProphB, Eze 48: 10| 10 ~In this sacred tract the priests shall have twenty-five 9 ProphB, Eze 48: 12| shall have within this tract of land their own most sacred 10 ProphB, Eze 48: 13| ten thousand. The whole tract shall be twenty-five thousand 11 ProphB, Eze 48: 18| an area along the sacred tract, ten thousand cubits to 12 ProphB, Eze 48: 20| 20 ~The entire tract shall be twenty-five thousand 13 ProphB, Eze 48: 20| shall set apart the sacred tract together with the City property. ~ 14 ProphB, Eze 48: 21| both sides of the sacred tract and the City property, extending 15 ProphB, Eze 48: 21| for the prince. The sacred tract and the sanctuary of the