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Alphabetical [« »] gaily 1 gain 78 gained 34 gaining 13 gains 13 gainsay 3 gait 1 | Frequency [« »] 13 footsteps 13 fuel 13 furnished 13 gaining 13 gains 13 gesture 13 gomer | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances gaining |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 3: 6 | eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. So she took some 2 Pent, Gen 32: 6 | information in the hope of gaining your favor.'" ~ 3 Pent, Jud 20: 18(4)| crime of rape and murder, by gaining the victory over them.~ 4 His, 2Sam 3: 6 | that of David, Abner was gaining power in the house of Saul. ~ 5 His, 1Mac 7: 25 | Judas and his followers were gaining strength and realized that 6 His, 1Mac 10: 23 | Alexander to get ahead of us by gaining the friendship of the Jews 7 His, 1Mac 10: 52 | by crushing Demetrius and gaining control of my country - ~ 8 His, 2Mac 8: 8 | Philip saw that Judas was gaining ground little by little 9 His, 2Mac 13: 26 | After calming them and gaining their good will, he returned 10 WisdB, Sir 38: 24(3)| the glory of God's law, gaining renown for generations to 11 ProphB, Jer 46: 2(2)| defeated Neco in 605 B.C., thus gaining undisputed control of Syria 12 Gosp, Joh 12: 19 | another, "You see that you are gaining nothing. Look, the whole 13 NTLet, Gal Int | ineffectiveness of the Mosaic law for gaining divine favor and blessings (