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Alphabetical [« »] translation 113 translations 17 translator 3 translators 12 transliterated 4 transliteration 1 transmission 7 | Frequency [« »] 12 timnah 12 topheth 12 torches 12 translators 12 triumphant 12 trodden 12 twenty-fourth | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances translators |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | Jerome, have allowed the translators and editors in their use 2 Pent, Gen 48: 22(3)| or mountain slope, some translators render the verse, "I give 3 Pent, Lev Int | Pentateuch by the ancient Greek translators because a good part of this 4 His, 0 0: 23 | divided into two. The Greek translators called these the first and 5 NTPre | smoothed out." Only thus, the translators suppose, will contemporary 6 NTPre | inspired authors, however, the translators of The New American Bible 7 NTPre | four centuries old), the translators have made a constant effort 8 NTPre | able to discover how the translators of the New Testament have 9 NTPre | produced for the use of translators by the United Bible Societies 10 NTPre | translations does not mean that the translators think them without merit, 11 Gosp | the plural by the Greek translators of the Old Testament to 12 NTLet, Rom 8: 28(6)| subject of the verb, and some translators render: "We know that God