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Alphabetical [« »] sleeps 6 slept 14 slew 76 slight 12 slighted 2 slightest 2 slightly 14 | Frequency [« »] 12 sixty-two 12 skies 12 slaying 12 slight 12 snatched 12 sojourn 12 sower | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances slight |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 49: 10(2)| translation is based on a slight change in the Hebrew text, 2 Pent, Exo 33: 14(2)| mind at rest"; others, by a slight emendation in the text, 3 Pent, Exo 34: 14(2)| Exodus 20:5. Some, by a slight emendation, render, "The 4 His, 1Sam 9: 24(4)| And what went with it: a slight change would give "and the 5 His, 2Sam 19: 44 | rather than you. Why do you slight us? Were we not first to 6 His, 1Chr 25: 2(1)| incipits of hymns. With some slight changes in the vocalization, 7 His, 2Mac 14: 17 | of the enemy suffered a slight repulse. ~ 8 WisdB, Sir 10: 9(2)| physically even while alive: a slight illness today may be followed 9 WisdB, Sir 10: 10 | 10 ~A slight illness - the doctor jests, 10 WisdB, Sir 26: 18(5)| meekness, and show itself in a slight flush; But a loud-mouthed, 11 Gosp, Mat 10: 2(3)| proclaim the resurrection. With slight variants in Luke and Acts, 12 Gosp, Luk 24: 6(2)| other text types and the slight difference in wording from