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Alphabetical [« »] residing 14 resin 5 resist 28 resistance 11 resisted 7 resisting 1 resists 3 | Frequency [« »] 11 removing 11 reptiles 11 resembles 11 resistance 11 resources 11 respects 11 resumed | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances resistance |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 His, 1Mac 5: 44 | and Judas met with no more resistance. ~ 2 ProphB, Isa 41: 11 | come to nought who offer resistance. ~ 3 ProphB, Jer 8: 5 | people rebel with obstinate resistance? Why do they cling to deceptive 4 ProphB, Jer 21: 10(2) | pointed out the uselessness of resistance to Babylon, since the Lord 5 Gosp, Mat 5: 39 | But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When 6 Gosp, Mar 1: 23(11)| because of the spirit's resistance to the holiness of God. 7 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 27(12)| universe, with no further resistance. This is the supremely positive 8 CathL, Jam 4: 1(1) | repentance, humility, and resistance to evil (James 4:7-10).~ 9 CathL, Jam 5: 6 | righteous one; he offers you no resistance. 2 ~ 10 CathL, 2Pet Int | Testament canon met with great resistance in the early church. The 11 CathL, Rev Int | apocalypses, it was composed as resistance literature to meet a crisis.