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Alphabetical [« »] promises 91 promising 9 promissory 2 promote 9 promoted 5 promoter 3 promotes 3 | Frequency [« »] 9 progeny 9 prominence 9 promising 9 promote 9 prompted 9 prophetess 9 pushed | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances promote |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 30: 14(7)| was anciently thought to promote conception. The Hebrew word 2 Pent, Deu 23: 7 | 7 ~Never promote their peace and prosperity 3 His, 1Kin 19: 19(3)| manner of living in order to promote the glory of God.~ 4 His, Ezr 9: 12 | daughters for your sons. Never promote their peace and prosperity; 5 WisdB, Son 7: 14(7)| power to arouse love and promote fertility; cf Genesis 30: 6 WisdB, Wisd 14: 18 | 18 ~And to promote this observance among those 7 ProphB, Jer 29: 7 | 7 ~Promote the welfare of the city 8 ProphB, Zec Int | are recorded, all meant to promote the work of rebuilding the 9 NTLet, 1Tim 1: 4 | endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than