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Alphabetical [« »] evidences 3 evident 22 evidently 12 evil 688 evil-merodach 2 evil-workers 1 evildoer 7 | Frequency [« »] 697 three 694 such 691 given 688 evil 688 since 687 o 685 things | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances evil |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 4: 7(2) | designate a certain kind of evil spirit.~ 2 Pent, Gen 6: 5 | conceived was ever anything but evil, ~ 3 Pent, Gen 8: 21 | desires of man's heart are evil from the start; nor will 4 Pent, Gen 44: 4 | did you repay good with evil? Why did you steal the silver 5 Pent, Exo 10: 10 | Clearly, you have some evil in mind. ~ 6 Pent, Exo 32: 12 | the Egyptians say, 'With evil intent he brought them out, 7 Pent, Exo 32: 22 | prone the people are to evil. ~ 8 Pent, Lev 5: 4 | utters an oath to do good or evil, such as men are accustomed 9 Pent, Num 22: 6(2) | that if Balaam forecast an evil omen for Israel, this evil 10 Pent, Num 22: 6(2) | evil omen for Israel, this evil would come to pass, as if 11 Pent, Num 24: 13 | accord to anything, good or evil, contrary to the command 12 Pent, Num 32: 13 | generation that had done evil in the sight of the LORD 13 Pent, Deu 1: 35 | swore, 'Not one man of this evil generation shall look upon 14 Pent, Deu 4: 25 | in any form and by this evil done in his sight provoke 15 Pent, Deu 5: 9(1) | human society, the good or evil deeds of one generation 16 Pent, Deu 9: 18 | sight of the LORD and the evil you had done to provoke 17 Pent, Deu 13: 6 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 18 Pent, Deu 13: 12 | and never again do such evil as this in your midst. ~ 19 Pent, Deu 17: 2 | man or a woman who does evil in the sight of the LORD, 20 Pent, Deu 17: 5 | woman) who has done the evil deed out to your city gates 21 Pent, Deu 17: 7 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 22 Pent, Deu 17: 12 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 23 Pent, Deu 19: 19 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 24 Pent, Deu 19: 20 | never again do a thing so evil among you. ~ 25 Pent, Deu 21: 21 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst, and all 26 Pent, Deu 22: 21 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 27 Pent, Deu 22: 22 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 28 Pent, Deu 22: 24 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 29 Pent, Deu 24: 7 | Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst. ~ 30 Pent, Deu 28: 20 | destroyed and perish for the evil you have done in forsaking 31 Pent, Deu 31: 18 | only because of all the evil they have done in turning 32 Pent, Deu 31: 29 | I directed you, so that evil will befall you in some 33 Pent, Deu 31: 29 | age because you have done evil in the LORD'S sight, and 34 Pent, Jos 24: 20 | strange gods, he will do evil to you and destroy you." ~ 35 Pent, Jud 2: 19 | relinquishing none of their evil practices or stubborn conduct. ~ 36 Pent, Jud 9: 56 | Thus did God requite the evil Abimelech had done to his 37 Pent, Jud 20: 12 | Benjamin to say, "What is this evil which has occurred among 38 Pent, Jud 20: 13 | death and thus purge the evil from Israel." But the Benjaminites 39 Pent, Rut 1: 20(5) | The Almighty has brought evil upon me: the ancients regarded 40 Pent, Rut 1: 20(5) | personal sin, as if good and evil were always repaid in a 41 Pent, Rut 1: 21 | the Almighty has brought evil upon me?" ~ 42 His, 1Sam 12: 19 | to all our other sins the evil of asking for a king." ~ 43 His, 1Sam 12: 20 | have committed all this evil; still, you must not turn 44 His, 1Sam 12: 25 | instead you continue to do evil, both you and your king 45 His, 1Sam 16: 14 | and he was tormented by an evil spirit sent by the LORD. ~ 46 His, 1Sam 16: 14(2) | 14] An evil spirit sent by the LORD: 47 His, 1Sam 16: 15 | said to him: "Please! An evil spirit from God is tormenting 48 His, 1Sam 16: 16 | playing the harp. When the evil spirit from God comes over 49 His, 1Sam 16: 23 | and feel better, for the evil spirit would leave him. ~ ~ ~ 50 His, 1Sam 17: 28 | your arrogance and your evil intent. You came down to 51 His, 1Sam 18: 10 | 10 ~(The next day an evil spirit from God came over 52 His, 1Sam 19: 9 | 9 ~Then an evil spirit from the LORD came 53 His, 1Sam 25: 17 | must realize that otherwise evil is in store for our master 54 His, 1Sam 25: 21 | He has repaid good with evil. ~ 55 His, 1Sam 25: 28 | the LORD, and there is no evil to be found in you your 56 His, 1Sam 25: 39 | restrained his servant from doing evil, but has punished Nabal 57 His, 1Sam 25: 39 | punished Nabal for his own evil deeds." David then sent 58 His, 1Sam 26: 18 | What have I done? What evil do I plan? ~ 59 His, 2Sam 3: 39 | evildoer in accordance with his evil deed." ~ ~ ~ 60 His, 2Sam 12: 9 | spurned the LORD and done evil in his sight? You have cut 61 His, 2Sam 12: 11 | the LORD: 'I will bring evil upon you out of your own 62 His, 2Sam 18: 32 | who rebel against you with evil intent be as that young 63 His, 1Kin 2: 44 | You know in your heart the evil that you did to my father 64 His, 1Kin 9: 9 | down upon them all this evil.'" ~ 65 His, 1Kin 11: 6 | 6 ~Solomon did evil in the sight of the LORD; 66 His, 1Kin 13: 33 | Jeroboam did not give up his evil ways after this event, but 67 His, 1Kin 14: 10 | Therefore, I am bringing evil upon the house of Jeroboam: 68 His, 1Kin 14: 22 | 22 ~Judah did evil in the sight of the LORD, 69 His, 1Kin 15: 26 | 26 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, imitating 70 His, 1Kin 15: 34 | 34 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, imitating 71 His, 1Kin 16: 7 | house, because of all the evil Baasha did in the sight 72 His, 1Kin 16: 7 | provoking him to anger by his evil deeds, so that he became 73 His, 1Kin 16: 19 | he had committed, doing evil in the sight of the LORD 74 His, 1Kin 16: 25 | 25 ~But Omri did evil in the LORD'S sight beyond 75 His, 1Kin 16: 30 | Ahab, son of Omri, did evil in the sight of the LORD 76 His, 1Kin 21: 20 | given yourself up to doing evil in the LORD'S sight, ~ 77 His, 1Kin 21: 21 | 21 ~I am bringing evil upon you: I will destroy 78 His, 1Kin 21: 25 | himself up to the doing of evil in the sight of the LORD 79 His, 1Kin 21: 29 | me, I will not bring the evil in his time. I will bring 80 His, 1Kin 21: 29 | his time. I will bring the evil upon his house during the 81 His, 1Kin 22: 8 | prophesies not good but evil about me." Jehoshaphat said, " 82 His, 1Kin 22: 8 | not your majesty speak of evil against you." ~ 83 His, 1Kin 22: 18 | prophesies not good but evil about me?" ~ 84 His, 1Kin 22: 23 | LORD himself has decreed evil against you." ~ 85 His, 1Kin 22: 53 | 53 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 86 His, 2Kin 3: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, though 87 His, 2Kin 6: 33 | down to him and said, "This evil is from the LORD. Why should 88 His, 2Kin 8: 12 | replied, "Because I know the evil that you will inflict upon 89 His, 2Kin 8: 18 | was his wife; and he did evil in the LORD'S sight. ~ 90 His, 2Kin 8: 27 | the house of Ahab, doing evil in the LORD'S sight as they 91 His, 2Kin 13: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, conducting 92 His, 2Kin 13: 11 | 11 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD; 93 His, 2Kin 14: 24 | 24 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD; 94 His, 2Kin 15: 9 | 9 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD 95 His, 2Kin 15: 18 | 18 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 96 His, 2Kin 15: 24 | 24 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 97 His, 2Kin 15: 28 | 28 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 98 His, 2Kin 17: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 99 His, 2Kin 17: 11 | at their coming. They did evil things that provoked the 100 His, 2Kin 17: 13 | and seer, "Give up your evil ways and keep my commandments 101 His, 2Kin 17: 17 | and sold themselves into evil doing in the LORD'S sight, 102 His, 2Kin 21: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 103 His, 2Kin 21: 6 | and spirits. He did much evil in the LORD'S sight and 104 His, 2Kin 21: 9 | into doing even greater evil than the nations whom the 105 His, 2Kin 21: 11 | abominations and has done greater evil than all that was done by 106 His, 2Kin 21: 12 | Israel: 'I will bring such evil on Jerusalem and Judah that, 107 His, 2Kin 21: 15 | because they have done evil in my sight and provoked 108 His, 2Kin 21: 16 | to commit, Manasseh did evil in the sight of the LORD, 109 His, 2Kin 21: 20 | 20 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 110 His, 2Kin 22: 16 | its inhabitants all the evil that is threatened in the 111 His, 2Kin 22: 20 | eyes shall not see all the evil I will bring upon this place.'" 112 His, 2Kin 23: 32 | 32 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 113 His, 2Kin 23: 37 | 37 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 114 His, 2Kin 24: 9 | 9 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 115 His, 2Kin 24: 19 | 19 ~He also did evil in the sight of the LORD, 116 His, 1Chr 7: 23 | whom he named Beriah, since evil had befallen his house. ~ 117 His, 1Chr 21: 1(1) | postexilic Israel, when evil could no longer be attributed 118 His, 1Chr 21: 1(1) | the word), designates an evil spirit who tempts men to 119 His, 2Chr 7: 14 | presence and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from 120 His, 2Chr 7: 22 | down upon them all this evil.'" ~ ~ ~ 121 His, 2Chr 12: 14 | 14 ~He did evil, for he had not truly resolved 122 His, 2Chr 18: 7 | prophesies not good but always evil about me. That is Micaiah, 123 His, 2Chr 18: 7 | not your Majesty speak of evil against you." ~ 124 His, 2Chr 18: 17 | good about me, but only evil?" ~ 125 His, 2Chr 18: 22 | LORD himself has decreed evil against you." ~ 126 His, 2Chr 20: 9 | 9 ~'When evil comes upon us, the sword 127 His, 2Chr 20: 35 | Ahaziah of Israel, who did evil. ~ 128 His, 2Chr 21: 6 | daughters was his wife. He did evil in the sight of the LORD, ~ 129 His, 2Chr 22: 4 | own destruction, he did evil in the sight of the LORD, 130 His, 2Chr 29: 6 | acted faithlessly and did evil in the eyes of the LORD, 131 His, 2Chr 33: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 132 His, 2Chr 33: 6 | the LORD with the great evil that he did in his sight. ~ 133 His, 2Chr 33: 9 | into doing even greater evil than the nations which the 134 His, 2Chr 33: 22 | 22 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 135 His, 2Chr 34: 24 | I am prepared to bring evil upon this place and upon 136 His, 2Chr 34: 28 | eyes shall not see all the evil I will bring upon this place 137 His, 2Chr 36: 5 | years in Jerusalem. He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 138 His, 2Chr 36: 9 | days) in Jerusalem. He did evil in the sight of the LORD. ~ 139 His, 2Chr 36: 12 | 12 ~He did evil in the sight of the LORD, 140 His, Ezr 4: 12 | rebuilding this rebellious and evil city. They are raising up 141 His, Ezr 4: 22 | neglect this matter, lest the evil grow to the detriment of 142 His, Ezr 9: 13 | has come upon us for our evil deeds and our great guilt-though 143 His, Neh 2: 17 | said to them: "You see the evil plight in which we stand: 144 His, Neh 9: 28 | they would go back to doing evil in your sight. Then again 145 His, Neh 9: 33 | faith while we have done evil. ~ 146 His, Neh 9: 35 | they turn away from their evil deeds. ~ 147 His, Neh 13: 7 | where I discovered the evil thing that Eliashib had 148 His, Neh 13: 17 | demanding of them: "What is this evil thing that you are doing, 149 His, Neh 13: 18 | God has brought all this evil upon us and upon this city? 150 His, Neh 13: 27 | done this same very great evil, betraying our God by marrying 151 His, Tob 4: 3(1) | virtue and avoidance of evil (Tobit 4:5, 6, 14b); necessity 152 His, Tob 6: 8 | afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, the affliction will 153 His, Tob 12: 7 | due honor. Do good, and evil will not find its way to 154 His, Est A: 7 | Tribulation and distress, evil and great confusion, lay 155 His, Est 8: 6 | For how can I witness the evil that is to befall my people, 156 His, 1Mac 1: 52 | joined them and committed evil in the land. ~ 157 His, 1Mac 10: 46 | they remembered the great evil that Demetrius had done 158 His, 1Mac 11: 8 | 8 ~2 Plotting evil against Alexander, King 159 His, 1Mac 13: 32 | Asia. Thus he brought much evil on the land. ~ 160 His, 1Mac 13: 46 | treat us according to our evil deeds," they said, "but 161 His, 1Mac 16: 17 | treason he repaid good with evil. ~ 162 His, 2Mac 1: 25 | Israel's savior from all evil, who chose our forefathers 163 His, 2Mac 3: 1 | Onias and his hatred of evil, ~ 164 His, 2Mac 6: 3 | 3 ~This intensified the evil in an intolerable and utterly 165 His, 2Mac 8: 4 | to manifest his hatred of evil. ~ 166 WisdB | of suffering, of good and evil in human conduct, of death, 167 WisdB, Job 1: 1 | who feared God and avoided evil. ~ 168 WisdB, Job 1: 8 | fearing God and avoiding evil?" ~ 169 WisdB, Job 2: 3 | fearing God and avoiding evil? He still holds fast to 170 WisdB, Job 2: 10 | and should we not accept evil?" Through all this, Job 171 WisdB, Job 5: 19 | you, and at the seventh no evil shall touch you. ~ 172 WisdB, Job 17: 5 | My lot is described as evil, ~ 173 WisdB, Job 21: 30 | 30 ~Nay, the evil man is spared calamity when 174 WisdB, Job 28: 1(1) | fearing the LORD and avoiding evil. Scholars are not agreed 175 WisdB, Job 28: 28 | is wisdom; and avoiding evil is understanding. ~ ~ 176 WisdB, Job 30: 26 | I looked for good, then evil came; when I expected light, 177 WisdB, Job 31: 29 | my enemy or exulted when evil fell upon him, ~ 178 WisdB, Job 33: 17 | 17 ~By turning man from evil and keeping pride away from 179 WisdB, Job 36: 10 | exhorts them to turn back from evil. ~ 180 WisdB, Job 36: 21 | Take heed, turn not to evil; for you have preferred 181 WisdB, Job 42: 11 | comforted him for all the evil which the LORD had brought 182 WisdB, Psa 5: 5 | not a god who delights in evil; no wicked person finds 183 WisdB, Psa 5: 6 | you. You hate all who do evil; ~ 184 WisdB, Psa 5: 10(2) | the body, each a source of evil to the innocent.~ 185 WisdB, Psa 6: 9 | Away from me, all who do evil! The LORD has heard my weeping. ~ 186 WisdB, Psa 7: 5 | have repaid my friend with evil - I spared even those who 187 WisdB, Psa 10: 7 | violence, and lies; discord and evil are under their tongues. ~ 188 WisdB, Psa 21: 12 | 12 ~Though they intend evil against you, devising plots, 189 WisdB, Psa 28: 3 | to their neighbors though evil is in their hearts. ~ 190 WisdB, Psa 28: 4 | for their deeds, for the evil that they do. For the work 191 WisdB, Psa 31: 1(1) | psalmist feels overwhelmed by evil people but trusts in the " 192 WisdB, Psa 34: 14 | 14 ~Keep your tongue from evil, your lips from speaking 193 WisdB, Psa 34: 15 | 15 ~Turn from evil and do good; seek peace 194 WisdB, Psa 34: 22 | 22 ~Evil will slay the wicked; those 195 WisdB, Psa 35: 4 | disgrace. Let those who plot evil against me be turned back 196 WisdB, Psa 35: 12 | 12 ~They repay me evil for good and I am all alone. ~ 197 WisdB, Psa 36: 5 | way; they do not reject evil. ~ 198 WisdB, Psa 37: 1(1) | responds to the problem of evil, which the Old Testament 199 WisdB, Psa 37: 9 | 9 ~Those who do evil will be cut off, but those 200 WisdB, Psa 37: 27 | 27 ~Turn from evil and do good, that you may 201 WisdB, Psa 38: 21 | 21 ~Repaying me evil for good, harassing me for 202 WisdB, Psa 49: 6 | 6 ~Why should I fear in evil days, when my wicked pursuers 203 WisdB, Psa 50: 19 | your mouth free rein for evil; you harness your tongue 204 WisdB, Psa 51: 6 | sinned; I have done such evil in your sight That you are 205 WisdB, Psa 52: 3 | 3 ~Why do you glory in evil, you scandalous liar? All 206 WisdB, Psa 52: 5 | 5 ~You love evil rather than good, lies rather 207 WisdB, Psa 54: 7 | 7 ~Turn back the evil upon my foes; in your faithfulness, 208 WisdB, Psa 55: 11 | Within are mischief and evil; ~ 209 WisdB, Psa 55: 16 | down alive to Sheol, for evil is in their homes and hearts. ~ 210 WisdB, Psa 56: 6 | their every thought is of evil against me. ~ 211 WisdB, Psa 56: 8 | 8 ~They are evil; watch them, God! Cast the 212 WisdB, Psa 64: 1(1) | bringing upon the wicked the evil they intended against others, 213 WisdB, Psa 66: 18 | 18 ~Had I cherished evil in my heart, the Lord would 214 WisdB, Psa 73: 7 | their stupidity comes sin; evil thoughts flood their hearts. ~ 215 WisdB, Psa 91: 10 | 10 ~No evil shall befall you, no affliction 216 WisdB, Psa 94: 13 | You give them rest from evil days, while a pit is being 217 WisdB, Psa 94: 23 | Who will turn back their evil upon them and destroy them 218 WisdB, Psa 97: 10 | LORD loves those who hate evil, protects the lives of the 219 WisdB, Psa 109: 5 | 5 ~They repay me evil for good, hatred for my 220 WisdB, Psa 109: 20 | accusers, upon those who speak evil against me. ~ 221 WisdB, Psa 119: 101 | keep my steps from every evil path, that I may obey your 222 WisdB, Psa 121: 7 | will guard you from all evil, will always guard your 223 WisdB, Psa 125: 3 | themselves turn their hands to evil. ~ 224 WisdB, Psa 125: 3(2) | would be infected by their evil attitudes.~ 225 WisdB, Psa 137: 8 | those who pay you back the evil you have done us! ~ 226 WisdB, Psa 140: 3 | 3 ~From those who plan evil in their hearts, who stir 227 WisdB, Psa 140: 12 | will not survive on earth; evil will quickly entrap the 228 WisdB, Psa 141: 4 | let my heart incline to evil, or yield to any sin. I 229 WisdB, Psa 143: 1(1) | 143:1-2). Victimized by evil people (Psalm 143:3-4), 230 WisdB, Pro 1: 4(3) | easily influenced for good or evil.~ 231 WisdB, Pro 1: 16 | For their feet run to evil, they hasten to shed blood.) ~ 232 WisdB, Pro 2: 1(1) | 4:1-9), the avoidance of evil companions among men (Proverb 233 WisdB, Pro 2: 1(2) | and to deliverance from evil men (Proverb 2:12-15) and 234 WisdB, Pro 2: 1(2) | men (Proverb 2:12-15) and evil women (Proverb 2:16-19), 235 WisdB, Pro 2: 12 | Saving you from the way of evil men, from men of perverse 236 WisdB, Pro 2: 14 | 14 ~Who delight in doing evil, rejoice in perversity; ~ 237 WisdB, Pro 3: 7 | LORD and turn away from evil; ~ 238 WisdB, Pro 3: 29 | 29 ~Plot no evil against your neighbor, against 239 WisdB, Pro 4: 10(2) | him from destruction on evil paths (Proverb 4:27; 5:21- 240 WisdB, Pro 4: 14 | walk not on the way of evil men; ~ 241 WisdB, Pro 4: 16 | rest unless they have done evil; to have made no one stumble 242 WisdB, Pro 4: 27 | keep your foot far from evil. ~ ~ ~ 243 WisdB, Pro 6: 14 | heart, is always plotting evil, sows discord. ~ 244 WisdB, Pro 6: 16(4) | intrigue, readiness to do evil, false witness, and the 245 WisdB, Pro 6: 18 | feet that run swiftly to evil, ~ 246 WisdB, Pro 8: 13 | fear of the LORD is to hate evil;) Pride, arrogance, the 247 WisdB, Pro 8: 13 | Pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse mouth 248 WisdB, Pro 11: 19 | life, but he who pursues evil does so to his death. ~ 249 WisdB, Pro 11: 21 | 21 ~Truly the evil man shall not go unpunished, 250 WisdB, Pro 11: 27 | favor, but he who pursues evil will have evil befall him. ~ 251 WisdB, Pro 11: 27 | who pursues evil will have evil befall him. ~ 252 WisdB, Pro 12: 12 | 12 ~The stronghold of evil men will be demolished, 253 WisdB, Pro 12: 13 | the sin of his lips the evil man is ensnared, but the 254 WisdB, Pro 12: 20 | hands of those who plot evil, but those who counsel peace 255 WisdB, Pro 13: 19 | fools hate to turn from evil. ~ 256 WisdB, Pro 14: 16 | man is cautious and shuns evil; the fool is reckless and 257 WisdB, Pro 14: 19 | 19 ~Evil men must bow down before 258 WisdB, Pro 14: 22 | 22 ~Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those intent 259 WisdB, Pro 15: 3 | place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. ~ 260 WisdB, Pro 15: 28 | of the wicked pours out evil. ~ 261 WisdB, Pro 16: 4 | even the wicked for the evil day. ~ 262 WisdB, Pro 16: 6 | fear of the LORD man avoids evil. ~ 263 WisdB, Pro 16: 27 | scoundrel is a furnace of evil, and on his lips there is 264 WisdB, Pro 17: 4 | 4 ~2 The evil man gives heed to wicked 265 WisdB, Pro 17: 4(2) | 4] To justify his own evil ways, a wicked man judges 266 WisdB, Pro 17: 4(2) | ways, a wicked man judges evil of others. Cf Matthew 7: 267 WisdB, Pro 17: 13 | 13 ~If a man returns evil for good, from his house 268 WisdB, Pro 17: 13 | for good, from his house evil will not depart. ~ 269 WisdB, Pro 20: 8 | of judgment dispels all evil with his glance. ~ 270 WisdB, Pro 20: 22 | Say not, "I will repay evil!" Trust in the LORD and 271 WisdB, Pro 20: 30 | 30 ~Evil is cleansed away by bloody 272 WisdB, Pro 21: 10 | of the wicked man desires evil; his neighbor finds no pity 273 WisdB, Pro 22: 3 | The shrewd man perceives evil and hides, while simpletons 274 WisdB, Pro 23: 29(2) | vivid description of the evil effects, physical and psychological, 275 WisdB, Pro 24: 1 | 1 ~1 Be not emulous of evil men, and desire not to be 276 WisdB, Pro 24: 8 | 8 ~He who plots evil doing - men call him an 277 WisdB, Pro 24: 20 | 20 ~For the evil man has no future, the lamp 278 WisdB, Pro 26: 25(4) | Seven abominations: many evil intentions.~ 279 WisdB, Pro 27: 12 | The shrewd man perceives evil and hides; simpletons continue 280 WisdB, Pro 28: 5 | 5 ~Evil men understand nothing of 281 WisdB, Pro 28: 10 | seduces the upright into an evil way will himself fall into 282 WisdB, Pro 28: 14 | his heart will fall into evil. ~ 283 WisdB, Pro 31: 12 | brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life. ~ 284 WisdB, Pro 31: 12(1) | 12] Good, and not evil: i.e., prosperity, not adversity. ~ 285 WisdB, Ecc 2: 17 | is done under the sun is evil; for all is vanity and a 286 WisdB, Ecc 4: 17 | not how to keep from doing evil.~ ~ ~ 287 WisdB, Ecc 5: 12 | 12 ~This is a grievous evil which I have seen under 288 WisdB, Ecc 5: 15 | This too is a grievous evil, that he goes just as he 289 WisdB, Ecc 6: 1 | 1 ~There is another evil which I have seen under 290 WisdB, Ecc 7: 14 | enjoy good things, and on an evil day consider: Both the one 291 WisdB, Ecc 8: 5 | commandment experiences no evil, and the wise man's heart 292 WisdB, Ecc 8: 11 | with the desire to commit evil - ~ 293 WisdB, Ecc 8: 12 | because the sinner does evil a hundred times and survives. 294 WisdB, Ecc 8: 14 | as though they had done evil and wicked men treated as 295 WisdB, Ecc 9: 3 | minds of men are filled with evil, and madness is in their 296 WisdB, Ecc 9: 12 | men are caught when the evil time falls suddenly upon 297 WisdB, Ecc 10: 5 | seen under the sun another evil, like a mistake that proceeds 298 WisdB, Ecc 12: 1 | of your youth, before the evil days come And the years 299 WisdB, Wisd 1: 4 | Because into a soul that plots evil wisdom enters not, nor dwells 300 WisdB, Wisd 14: 9 | are the evildoer and his evil deed; ~ 301 WisdB, Wisd 14: 27 | source and extremity of all evil. ~ 302 WisdB, Wisd 15: 4 | 4 ~For neither did the evil creation of men's fancy 303 WisdB, Wisd 15: 6 | 6 ~Lovers of evil things, and worthy of such 304 WisdB, Wisd 15: 12 | every way, be it even out of evil." ~ 305 WisdB, Wisd 16: 8 | he who delivers from all evil. ~ 306 WisdB, Sir 3: 27 | he is the offshoot of an evil plant. ~ 307 WisdB, Sir 4: 20 | well; guard yourself from evil, and bring upon yourself 308 WisdB, Sir 4: 20(3) | sincerity and justice, namely evil, human respect (Sirach 4: 309 WisdB, Sir 6: 1 | you acquire: "That for the evil man with double tongue!" ~ 310 WisdB, Sir 7: 1 | 1 ~1 Do no evil, and evil will not overtake 311 WisdB, Sir 7: 1 | 1 ~1 Do no evil, and evil will not overtake you; ~ 312 WisdB, Sir 7: 1(1) | relations wisdom forbids evil and injustice (Sirach 7: 313 WisdB, Sir 7: 7 | 7 ~Be guilty of no evil before the city's populace, 314 WisdB, Sir 9: 1 | lest you teach her to do evil against you. ~ 315 WisdB, Sir 11: 14 | 14 ~3 Good and evil, life and death, poverty 316 WisdB, Sir 11: 14(3) | governs the lives of men. Evil: misfortune and calamity 317 WisdB, Sir 11: 16 | sinners from their birth, and evil grows old with evildoers. ~ 318 WisdB, Sir 11: 31 | talebearer turns good into evil; with a spark he sets many 319 WisdB, Sir 11: 32 | 32 ~The evil man lies in wait for blood, 320 WisdB, Sir 11: 33 | man, for he breeds only evil, lest you incur a lasting 321 WisdB, Sir 12: 6 | 6 ~With twofold evil you will meet for every 322 WisdB, Sir 12: 17 | 17 ~If evil comes upon you, you will 323 WisdB, Sir 13: 23 | is no sin; but poverty is evil by the standards of the 324 WisdB, Sir 13: 24 | either for good or for evil. ~ 325 WisdB, Sir 14: 20(2) | choose between good and evil (Sirach 15:14-17).~ 326 WisdB, Sir 17: 6 | he fills them; good and evil he shows them. ~ 327 WisdB, Sir 17: 12 | says to them, "Avoid all evil"; each of them he gives 328 WisdB, Sir 17: 26(4) | 26] Obscure: literally, evil; compare Genesis 6:5. Though 329 WisdB, Sir 18: 6 | worth is he? the good, the evil in him, what are these? ~ 330 WisdB, Sir 19: 5 | 5 ~1 He who gloats over evil will meet with evil, and 331 WisdB, Sir 19: 5 | over evil will meet with evil, and he who repeats an evil 332 WisdB, Sir 19: 5 | evil, and he who repeats an evil report has no sense. ~ 333 WisdB, Sir 20: 16 | who eat his bread have an evil tongue. How many times they 334 WisdB, Sir 20: 26(6) | bribes, lest he share in evil through silence when he 335 WisdB, Sir 23: 23(7) | 23] The detailed evil of adultery includes disobedience 336 WisdB, Sir 25: 15 | dwell than live with an evil woman. ~ 337 WisdB, Sir 25: 18 | 18 ~There is scarce any evil like that in a woman; may 338 WisdB, Sir 25: 22 | broken heart - this from an evil wife. Feeble hands and quaking 339 WisdB, Sir 28: 12(1) | suffering inflicted by an evil tongue (Sirach 28:17-21). 340 WisdB, Sir 28: 12(1) | LORD are victims of their evil tongues (Sirach 28:22, 23). 341 WisdB, Sir 29: 1(1) | build up defense against evil (Sirach 29:10-13). Go surety 342 WisdB, Sir 29: 12 | will save you from every evil; ~ 343 WisdB, Sir 31: 10 | did not, could have done evil but would not, ~ 344 WisdB, Sir 31: 13 | Remember that gluttony is evil. No creature is greedier 345 WisdB, Sir 33: 1 | 1 ~No evil can harm the man who fears 346 WisdB, Sir 33: 14 | 14 ~As evil contrasts with good, and 347 WisdB, Sir 35: 3 | 3 ~To refrain from evil pleases the LORD, and to 348 WisdB, Sir 37: 16(1) | good and life; folly, of evil and death (Sirach 36:16- 349 WisdB, Sir 37: 18 | 18 ~Good and evil, death and life, their absolute 350 WisdB, Sir 39: 5 | to learn what is good and evil among men. ~ 351 WisdB, Sir 39: 12(1) | blessing to the virtuous, but evil and punishment to the wicked 352 WisdB, Sir 39: 27 | the wicked they turn out evil. ~ 353 WisdB, Sir 40: 10 | wicked, these were created evil, and it is they who bring 354 WisdB, Sir 47: 25 | lent themselves to every evil, ~ ~ ~ 355 WisdB, Sir 49: 3 | and, though times were evil, he practiced virtue. ~ 356 WisdB, Sir 50: 25(3) | evildoers and hatred of the evil they do.~ 357 WisdB, Sir 51: 1(1) | death, the nether world, and evil of every kind. ~ 358 WisdB, Sir 51: 8 | rescues them from every evil. ~ 359 WisdB, Sir 51: 12 | 12 ~2 He saved me from evil of every kind and preserved 360 ProphB, Isa 1: 4 | people laden with wickedness, evil race, corrupt children! 361 ProphB, Isa 1: 13(8) | of the feasts marred by evil deeds.~ 362 ProphB, Isa 1: 16 | before my eyes; cease doing evil; ~ 363 ProphB, Isa 3: 9 | Woe to them! they deal out evil to themselves. ~ 364 ProphB, Isa 5: 20 | 20 ~Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who 365 ProphB, Isa 5: 20 | call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness into 366 ProphB, Isa 13: 11 | punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their 367 ProphB, Isa 14: 20 | forever, that scion of an evil race! ~ 368 ProphB, Isa 27: 1(1) | symbols of the forces of evil which God vanquishes even 369 ProphB, Isa 27: 10(4) | symbol of the powers of evil; see note on Isaiah 24:10.~ 370 ProphB, Isa 29: 20 | All who are alert to do evil will be cut off, ~ 371 ProphB, Isa 32: 6 | speaks foolishly, planning evil in his heart:. How to do 372 ProphB, Isa 33: 15 | his eyes lest he look on evil - ~ 373 ProphB, Isa 41: 23 | gods! Do something, good or evil, that will put us in awe 374 ProphB, Isa 45: 7(4) | Create woe: God permits evil for the sake of a greater 375 ProphB, Isa 47: 11 | But upon you shall come evil you will not know how to 376 ProphB, Isa 57: 1 | away from the presence of evil, the just man ~ 377 ProphB, Isa 59: 5(2) | 6] A proverb signifying evil works-adders' eggs - and 378 ProphB, Isa 59: 6 | their works. Their works are evil works, and deeds of violence 379 ProphB, Isa 59: 7 | 7 ~Their feet run to evil, and they are quick to shed 380 ProphB, Isa 59: 15 | and the man who turns from evil is despoiled. The LORD saw 381 ProphB, Isa 65: 2 | rebellious people, Who walk in evil paths and follow their own 382 ProphB, Isa 65: 12 | listen, But did what was evil in my sight and preferred 383 ProphB, Isa 66: 4 | Because they did what was evil in my sight, and chose what 384 ProphB, Isa 66: 4(1) | is merely external is as evil as though it were idolatry. ~ 385 ProphB, Jer 1: 14 | north, said the LORD to me, evil will boil over upon all 386 ProphB, Jer 2: 3 | presume to partake of them, evil would befall him, says the 387 ProphB, Jer 2: 19 | Know then, and see, how evil and bitter is your forsaking 388 ProphB, Jer 3: 5 | say; yet you do all the evil you can. ~ 389 ProphB, Jer 4: 4 | quench it, because of your evil deeds. ~ 390 ProphB, Jer 4: 6 | seek refuge without delay! Evil I bring from the north, 391 ProphB, Jer 4: 14 | 14 ~Cleanse your heart of evil, O Jerusalem, that you may 392 ProphB, Jer 4: 22 | understanding; They are wise in evil, but know not how to do 393 ProphB, Jer 5: 12 | LORD, saying, "Not he - No evil shall befall us, neither 394 ProphB, Jer 6: 1 | over Beth-haccherem; For evil threatens from the north, 395 ProphB, Jer 6: 19 | 19 ~See, I bring evil upon this people, the fruit 396 ProphB, Jer 7: 1(1) | they fail to reform their evil ways. ~ 397 ProphB, Jer 7: 24 | in the hardness of their evil hearts and turned their 398 ProphB, Jer 7: 30 | Judah have done what is evil in my eyes, says the LORD. 399 ProphB, Jer 9: 2 | in the land. They go from evil to evil, but me they know 400 ProphB, Jer 9: 2 | land. They go from evil to evil, but me they know not, says 401 ProphB, Jer 11: 8 | followed the hardness of his evil heart, till I brought upon 402 ProphB, Jer 11: 17 | misfortune for you because of the evil done by the house of Israel 403 ProphB, Jer 12: 14 | the LORD against all my evil neighbors who plunder the 404 ProphB, Jer 12: 14(3) | 14] My evil neighbors: nations surrounding 405 ProphB, Jer 13: 23 | to do good, accustomed to evil as you are. ~ 406 ProphB, Jer 15: 7 | returned not from their evil ways. ~ 407 ProphB, Jer 16: 12 | walking in the hardness of his evil heart instead of listening 408 ProphB, Jer 18: 8 | threatened turns from its evil, I also repent of the evil 409 ProphB, Jer 18: 8 | evil, I also repent of the evil which I threatened to do. ~ 410 ProphB, Jer 18: 10 | that nation does what is evil in my eyes, refusing to 411 ProphB, Jer 18: 11 | Take care! I am fashioning evil against you and making a 412 ProphB, Jer 18: 11 | Return, each of you, from his evil way; reform your ways and 413 ProphB, Jer 18: 12 | the stubbornness of his evil heart!" ~ 414 ProphB, Jer 18: 20 | Must good be repaid with evil that they should dig a pit 415 ProphB, Jer 19: 3 | I am going to bring such evil upon this place that all 416 ProphB, Jer 19: 15 | bring upon this city all the evil with which I threatened 417 ProphB, Jer 21: 12 | quenched, because of the evil of your deeds. ~ 418 ProphB, Jer 23: 2 | take care to punish your evil deeds. ~ 419 ProphB, Jer 23: 10 | are seared. Theirs is an evil course, theirs is unjust 420 ProphB, Jer 23: 12 | footing, and fall headlong; Evil I will bring upon them: 421 ProphB, Jer 23: 14 | so that no one turns from evil; To me they are all like 422 ProphB, Jer 23: 17 | in hardness of heart, "No evil shall overtake you." ~ 423 ProphB, Jer 23: 17(3) | prophesying good of those who do evil. The true prophet, on the 424 ProphB, Jer 23: 22 | have brought them back from evil ways and from their wicked 425 ProphB, Jer 25: 5 | each of you, from your evil way and from your evil deeds; 426 ProphB, Jer 25: 5 | your evil way and from your evil deeds; then you shall remain 427 ProphB, Jer 25: 6 | your handiwork, and I bring evil upon you. ~ 428 ProphB, Jer 25: 29 | name, I begin to inflict evil, how can you possibly be 429 ProphB, Jer 26: 3 | turn back, each from his evil way, so that I may repent 430 ProphB, Jer 26: 3 | that I may repent of the evil I have planned to inflict 431 ProphB, Jer 26: 3 | inflict upon them for their evil deeds. ~ 432 ProphB, Jer 26: 13 | LORD will repent of the evil with which he threatens 433 ProphB, Jer 26: 19 | that he repented of the evil with which he had threatened 434 ProphB, Jer 26: 19 | of committing this great evil to our own undoing." ~ 435 ProphB, Jer 32: 30 | youth have done only what is evil in my eyes; the Israelites 436 ProphB, Jer 32: 42 | this people all this great evil, so I will bring upon them 437 ProphB, Jer 35: 15 | back, all of you, from your evil way; to reform your conduct, 438 ProphB, Jer 35: 17 | citizens of Jerusalem every evil that I threatened; because 439 ProphB, Jer 36: 3 | house of Judah hears all the evil I have in mind to do to 440 ProphB, Jer 36: 3 | turn back each from his evil way, so that I may forgive 441 ProphB, Jer 36: 7 | all turn back from their evil way; for great is the fury 442 ProphB, Jer 36: 31 | fulfill all the threats of evil which went unheeded. ~ 443 ProphB, Jer 39: 16 | spoke against this city, for evil and not for good; and this 444 ProphB, Jer 42: 10 | uproot you; for I regret the evil I have done you. ~ 445 ProphB, Jer 42: 17 | shall survive or escape the evil that I will bring upon them. ~ 446 ProphB, Jer 44: 2 | Israel: You have seen all the evil I brought on Jerusalem and 447 ProphB, Jer 44: 3 | 3 ~because of the evil they did to provoke me, 448 ProphB, Jer 44: 5 | warning to turn away from the evil of sacrificing to strange 449 ProphB, Jer 44: 7 | you inflict so great an evil upon yourselves? Will you 450 ProphB, Jer 44: 9 | Have you forgotten the evil deeds which your fathers, 451 ProphB, Jer 44: 11 | Israel: I have determined evil against you; and I will 452 ProphB, Jer 44: 22 | could no longer bear your evil deeds, the horrible things 453 ProphB, Jer 44: 23 | statutes, and his decrees, this evil has befallen you at the 454 ProphB, Jer 44: 27 | watching over them to do evil, not good. All the men of 455 ProphB, Jer 45: 5 | them not! I am bringing evil on all mankind, says the 456 ProphB, Jer 48: 2 | Moab's glory is no more. Evil they plan against Heshbon: " 457 ProphB, Jer 49: 37 | their life; I will bring evil upon them, my burning wrath, 458 ProphB, Jer 51: 24 | live in Chaldea All the evil they did to Zion, as you 459 ProphB, Jer 51: 64 | she rise, because of the evil I am bringing upon her. ( 460 ProphB, Jer 52: 2 | 2 ~He did what was evil in the eyes of the LORD, 461 ProphB, Lam 1: 22 | 22 ~4 "Let all their evil come before you; deal with 462 ProphB, Lam 5: 7(2) | responsibility, for good and for evil, was recognized in the Old 463 ProphB, Bar 1: 22 | served other gods, and did evil in the sight of the LORD, 464 ProphB, Bar 2: 8 | from the figments of his evil heart. ~ 465 ProphB, Bar 2: 33 | stubbornness, and from their evil deeds, because they shall 466 ProphB, Bar 4: 18 | He who has brought this evil upon you must himself deliver 467 ProphB, Eze 3: 19 | not turned away from his evil nor from his wicked conduct, 468 ProphB, Eze 6: 9 | themselves because of their evil deeds, all their abominations. ~ 469 ProphB, Eze 11: 2 | the men who are planning evil and giving wicked counsel 470 ProphB, Eze 13: 22 | man not to turn from his evil conduct and save his life; ~ 471 ProphB, Eze 14: 9(1) | God every action, good or evil; cf 1 Sam 18:10; 2 Sam 24: 472 ProphB, Eze 14: 22 | be consoled regarding the evil I have brought on Jerusalem ( 473 ProphB, Eze 18: 23 | rejoice when he turns from his evil way that he may live? ~ 474 ProphB, Eze 18: 24 | the path of virtue to do evil, the same kind of abominable 475 ProphB, Eze 20: 43 | yourselves because of all the evil things you did. ~ 476 ProphB, Eze 20: 44 | and not according to your evil conduct and corrupt actions, 477 ProphB, Eze 28: 15 | you were created, Until evil was found in you, ~ 478 ProphB, Eze 33: 11 | live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! Why should you die, 479 ProphB, Eze 36: 31 | you shall remember your evil conduct, and that your deeds 480 ProphB, Eze 38: 1(1) | struggle between good and evil at the end of time. By some 481 ProphB, Eze 38: 10 | and you shall devise an evil scheme: ~ 482 ProphB, Eze 45: 9(1) | 8-10), one grave social evil of preexilic Israel was 483 ProphB, Dan 3: 29 | have done every kind of evil. ~ 484 ProphB, Dan 7: 25(9) | half-year: an indefinite, evil period of time. As seven 485 ProphB, Dan 9: 5 | sinned, been wicked and done evil; we have rebelled and departed 486 ProphB, Dan 11: 27 | The two kings, resolved on evil, shall sit at table together 487 ProphB, Dan 12: 4 | many shall fall away and evil shall increase." ~ 488 ProphB, Dan 13: 52 | said: "How you have grown evil with age! Now have your 489 ProphB, Hos 7: 15 | their arms, yet they devised evil against me. ~ 490 ProphB, Joe Int | solemn indictment; their evil deeds are at last requited. 491 ProphB, Amo 3: 6 | people not be frightened? If evil befalls a city, has not 492 ProphB, Amo 5: 13 | this time, for it is an evil time. ~ 493 ProphB, Amo 5: 14 | 14 ~Seek good and not evil, that you may live; Then 494 ProphB, Amo 5: 15 | 15 ~Hate evil and love good, and let justice 495 ProphB, Amo 6: 3 | 3 ~You would put off the evil day, yet you hasten the 496 ProphB, Amo 9: 4 | fix my gaze upon them for evil, and not for good, ~ 497 ProphB, Amo 9: 10 | people die, those who say, "Evil will not reach or overtake 498 ProphB, Jon 2: 8 | man shall turn from his evil way and from the violence 499 ProphB, Jon 2: 10 | how they turned from their evil way, he repented of the 500 ProphB, Jon 2: 10 | way, he repented of the evil that he had threatened to