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Alphabetical [« »] loud-mouthed 1 louder 6 loudly 13 love 672 loved 87 lovely 20 lover 58 | Frequency [« »] 687 o 685 things 684 bring 672 love 666 34 662 another 662 high | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances love |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | the great commandment of love (Deut 6:4ff). Israel has 2 Pent | the great commandment of love (Deut 6:4ff). Israel has 3 Pent, Gen 22: 2 | your only one, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. 4 Pent, Gen 24: 67 | became his wife. In his love for her Isaac found solace 5 Pent, Gen 29: 18 | Since Jacob had fallen in love with Rachel, he answered 6 Pent, Gen 29: 20 | few days because of his love for her. ~ 7 Pent, Gen 29: 32 | misery; now my husband will love me.'" ~ 8 Pent, Gen 29: 32(8) | similar-sounding yeehabani, "he will love me."~ 9 Pent, Gen 34: 3 | Jacob, indeed was really in love with the girl, he endeavored 10 Pent, Gen 34: 19 | since he was deeply in love with Jacob's daughter. Moreover 11 Pent, Exo 20: 6 | the children of those who love me and keep my commandments. ~ 12 Pent, Lev 19: 18 | fellow countrymen. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 13 Pent, Lev 19: 18(1) | 18] You shall love your neighbor as yourself: 14 Pent, Lev 19: 34 | among you; have the same love for him as for yourself; 15 Pent, Deu Int | their obedience, loyalty and love. The events contained in 16 Pent, Deu 4: 37 | 37 ~For love of your fathers he chose 17 Pent, Deu 5: 10 | the children of those who love me and keep my commandments. ~ 18 Pent, Deu 6: 4(1) | Lord alone is God, we must love him with an undivided heart. 19 Pent, Deu 6: 5 | 5 ~Therefore, you shall love the LORD, your God, with 20 Pent, Deu 7: 9 | generation toward those who love him and keep his commandments, ~ 21 Pent, Deu 7: 13 | 13 ~He will love and bless and multiply you; 22 Pent, Deu 8: 3(1) | takes care of those who love him even when natural means 23 Pent, Deu 10: 12 | follow his ways exactly, to love and serve the LORD, your 24 Pent, Deu 10: 15 | 15 ~Yet in his love for your fathers the LORD 25 Pent, Deu 11: 1 | 1 ~"Love the LORD, your God, therefore, 26 Pent, Deu 13: 4 | learn whether you really love him with all your heart 27 Pent, Deu 30: 6 | descendants, that you may love the LORD, your God, with 28 Pent, Jos 22: 5 | LORD, enjoined upon you: love the LORD, your God; follow 29 Pent, Jos 23: 11 | great care, however, to love the LORD, your God. ~ 30 Pent, Jud 2: 13(3) | Canaanite Phoenician goddess of love and fertility was Astarte. 31 Pent, Jud 14: 16 | must hate me; you do not love me, for you have proposed 32 Pent, Jud 16: 4 | 4 ~After that he fell in love with a woman in the Wadi 33 Pent, Jud 16: 15 | How can you say that you love me when you do not confide 34 His, 1Sam 18: 22 | you, and all his officers love you. You should become the 35 His, 1Sam 20: 17 | 17 ~And in his love for David, Jonathan renewed 36 His, 2Sam 1: 26 | More precious have I held love for you than love for women. ~ 37 His, 2Sam 1: 26 | I held love for you than love for women. ~ 38 His, 2Sam 13: 4 | Amnon said to him, "I am in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom' 39 His, 2Sam 13: 15 | which far surpassed the love he had had for her. "Get 40 His, 2Sam 19: 7 | you and hating those who love you. For you have shown 41 His, 1Kin 10: 9 | Israel. In his enduring love for Israel, the LORD has 42 His, 1Kin 11: 2 | gods." But Solomon fell in love with them. ~ 43 His, 2Chr 19: 2 | you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? 44 His, Neh 1: 5 | of mercy toward those who love you and keep your commandments, ~ 45 His, Tob 4: 13 | 13 ~Therefore, my son, love your kinsmen. Do not be 46 His, Tob 5: 22 | not worry about them, my love. For a good angel will go 47 His, Tob 5: 22(7) | 22] My love: literally, "sister," a 48 His, Tob 6: 18 | lineage, he fell deeply in love with her, and his heart 49 His, Tob 7: 11 | from now on you are her love, and she is your beloved. 50 His, Tob 7: 15 | wife Edna and said, "My love, prepare the other bedroom 51 His, Tob 8: 4 | and said to his wife, "My love, get up. Let us pray and 52 His, Tob 10: 6 | do not think about it, my love; he is safe! Probably they 53 His, Tob 10: 6 | do not worry over him, my love. He will be here soon." ~ 54 His, Tob 13: 14 | 14 ~Happy are those who love you, and happy those who 55 His, Tob 14: 7 | them. Those who sincerely love God shall rejoice, but those 56 His, Est Int | remembered that the precept of love of enemies had not yet been 57 His, Est 8: 5 | found favor with you and you love me, let a document be issued 58 His, 1Mac Int | the expression of Israel's love for God. The contest which 59 His, 1Mac 4: 33 | by the sword of those who love you, that all who know your 60 His, 2Mac 4: 7(1) | Onias' brother showed his love for the Greek way of life ( 61 His, 2Mac 6: 20 | unlawful to taste even for love of life. ~ 62 His, 2Mac 14: 37 | the Jews because of his love for them. ~ 63 WisdB | Church for all time. The love of God for the chosen people 64 WisdB, Psa 4: 3 | you people mock my honor, love what is worthless, chase 65 WisdB, Psa 5: 8 | house because of your great love. I can worship in your holy 66 WisdB, Psa 5: 12 | be the joy of those who love your name. ~ 67 WisdB, Psa 6: 5(4) | translated as "mercy' or "love," describes God's affectionate 68 WisdB, Psa 11: 5 | the bad, hates those who love violence, ~ 69 WisdB, Psa 17: 7 | 7 ~Show your wonderful love, you who deliver with your 70 WisdB, Psa 18: 2 | 2 ~He said: I love you, LORD, my strength, ~ 71 WisdB, Psa 21: 8 | stands firm through the love of the Most High. ~ 72 WisdB, Psa 23: 6 | 6 ~6 Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days 73 WisdB, Psa 23: 6(6) | 6] Goodness and love: the blessings of God's 74 WisdB, Psa 24: 6 | Such are the people that love the LORD, that seek the 75 WisdB, Psa 25: 6 | Remember your compassion and love, O LORD; for they are ages 76 WisdB, Psa 25: 7 | me only in light of your love. ~ 77 WisdB, Psa 25: 10 | of the LORD are faithful love toward those who honor the 78 WisdB, Psa 26: 3 | 3 ~Your love is before my eyes; I walk 79 WisdB, Psa 26: 8 | 8 ~LORD, I love the house where you dwell, 80 WisdB, Psa 31: 8 | rejoice and be glad in your love, once you have seen my misery, 81 WisdB, Psa 31: 22 | who has shown me wondrous love, and been for me a city 82 WisdB, Psa 31: 24 | 24 ~Love the LORD, all you faithful. 83 WisdB, Psa 32: 10 | sorrows of the wicked, but love surrounds those who trust 84 WisdB, Psa 36: 1(1) | with the rule of divine love and mercy over God's friends ( 85 WisdB, Psa 36: 6 | 6 ~3 LORD, your love reaches to heaven; your 86 WisdB, Psa 36: 6(3) | 6-7] Love . . . judgments: God actively 87 WisdB, Psa 36: 8 | How precious is your love, O God! We take refuge in 88 WisdB, Psa 41: 2(2) | s statement about God's love of the poor is based on 89 WisdB, Psa 42: 9 | the LORD bestow faithful love that I may sing praise through 90 WisdB, Psa 44: 27 | help us! Redeem us as your love demands. ~ ~ 91 WisdB, Psa 45: 1 | maskil of the Korahites. A love song. ~ 92 WisdB, Psa 45: 8 | 8 ~You love justice and hate wrongdoing; 93 WisdB, Psa 48: 10 | we ponder your steadfast love. ~ 94 WisdB, Psa 52: 5 | 5 ~You love evil rather than good, lies 95 WisdB, Psa 52: 6 | 6 ~You love any word that destroys, 96 WisdB, Psa 52: 10 | trust in God's faithful love forever. ~ 97 WisdB, Psa 57: 4 | May God send fidelity and love. Selah ~ 98 WisdB, Psa 57: 11 | 11 ~For your love towers to the heavens; your 99 WisdB, Psa 59: 17 | your strength, extol your love at dawn, For you are my 100 WisdB, Psa 61: 8 | before God forever; may your love and fidelity preserve him" - ~ 101 WisdB, Psa 63: 4 | 4 ~2 For your love is better than life; my 102 WisdB, Psa 63: 4(2) | 4] For your love is better than life: only 103 WisdB, Psa 63: 4(2) | life - in this case God's love.~ 104 WisdB, Psa 69: 17 | LORD, in your generous love; in your great mercy turn 105 WisdB, Psa 69: 7 | their descendants; those who love God's name shall dwell there.~ ~ ~ 106 WisdB, Psa 77: 9 | 9 ~Has God's love ceased forever? Has the 107 WisdB, Psa 78: 51 | the firstborn of Egypt, love's first child in the tents 108 WisdB, Psa 85: 8 | 8 ~Show us, LORD, your love; grant us your salvation. ~ 109 WisdB, Psa 85: 11 | 11 ~3 Love and truth will meet; justice 110 WisdB, Psa 86: 13 | 13 ~Your love for me is great; you have 111 WisdB, Psa 88: 12 | 12 ~Is your love proclaimed in the grave, 112 WisdB, Psa 89: 3 | 3 ~2 For you said, "My love is established forever; 113 WisdB, Psa 89: 3(2) | stand) both of the divine love and loyalty and of the Davidic 114 WisdB, Psa 89: 15 | foundation of your throne; love and loyalty march before 115 WisdB, Psa 89: 25 | 25 ~My loyalty and love will be with him; through 116 WisdB, Psa 89: 29 | Forever I will maintain my love for him; my covenant with 117 WisdB, Psa 89: 34 | But I will not take my love from him, nor will I betray 118 WisdB, Psa 90: 14 | us at daybreak with your love, that all our days we may 119 WisdB, Psa 92: 3 | 3 ~To proclaim your love in the morning, your faithfulness 120 WisdB, Psa 94: 18 | foot is slipping," your love, LORD, holds me up. ~ 121 WisdB, Psa 98: 3 | Has remembered faithful love toward the house of Israel. 122 WisdB, Psa 100: 5 | indeed is the LORD, Whose love endures forever, whose faithfulness 123 WisdB, Psa 101: 1 | psalm of David. 1 I sing of love and justice; to you, LORD, 124 WisdB, Psa 103: 4 | pit, surrounds you with love and compassion, ~ 125 WisdB, Psa 103: 11 | over the earth, so God's love towers over the faithful. ~ 126 WisdB, Psa 106: 1 | LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever. ~ 127 WisdB, Psa 106: 7 | not remember your great love; they defied the Most High 128 WisdB, Psa 106: 45 | relented in his abundant love, ~ 129 WisdB, Psa 107: 1 | LORD who is good, whose love endures forever!" ~ 130 WisdB, Psa 108: 5 | 5 ~For your love towers to the heavens; your 131 WisdB, Psa 109: 4 | 4 ~In return for my love they slander me, even though 132 WisdB, Psa 109: 5 | for good, hatred for my love. My enemies say of me: ~ 133 WisdB, Psa 115: 1 | of your faithfulness and love. ~ 134 WisdB, Psa 116: 1 | 1 ~1 I love the LORD, who listened to 135 WisdB, Psa 117: 2 | 2 ~The LORD'S love for us is strong; the LORD 136 WisdB, Psa 118: 1 | LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever. ~ 137 WisdB, Psa 118: 2 | house of Israel say: God's love endures forever. ~ 138 WisdB, Psa 118: 3 | house of Aaron say, God's love endures forever. ~ 139 WisdB, Psa 118: 4 | fear the LORD say, God's love endures forever. ~ 140 WisdB, Psa 118: 29 | LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever.~ ~ ~ 141 WisdB, Psa 119: 41 | 41 ~Let your love come to me, LORD, salvation 142 WisdB, Psa 119: 47 | commands, which I dearly love. ~ 143 WisdB, Psa 119: 48 | study your laws, which I love. ~ 144 WisdB, Psa 119: 64 | LORD, is filled with your love; teach me your laws. ~ 145 WisdB, Psa 119: 76 | 76 ~May your love comfort me in accord with 146 WisdB, Psa 119: 97 | 97 ~How I love your teaching, Lord! I study 147 WisdB, Psa 119: 113 | hypocrite; your teaching I love. ~ 148 WisdB, Psa 119: 119 | wicked on earth; therefore I love your decrees. ~ 149 WisdB, Psa 119: 127 | 127 ~Truly I love your commands more than 150 WisdB, Psa 119: 149 | 149 ~Hear my voice in your love, O LORD; by your edict give 151 WisdB, Psa 119: 159 | 159 ~See how I love your precepts, LORD; in 152 WisdB, Psa 119: 163 | and abhor; your teaching I love. ~ 153 WisdB, Psa 119: 167 | observe your decrees; I love them very much. ~ 154 WisdB, Psa 122: 6 | Jerusalem pray: "May those who love you prosper! ~ 155 WisdB, Psa 136: 1 | LORD, who is so good; God's love endures forever; ~ 156 WisdB, Psa 136: 2 | Praise the God of gods; God's love endures forever; ~ 157 WisdB, Psa 136: 3 | the Lord of lords; God's love endures forever; ~ 158 WisdB, Psa 136: 4 | done great wonders, God's love endures forever; ~ 159 WisdB, Psa 136: 5 | made the heavens, God's love endures forever; ~ 160 WisdB, Psa 136: 6 | earth upon the waters, God's love endures forever; ~ 161 WisdB, Psa 136: 7 | the great lights, God's love endures forever; ~ 162 WisdB, Psa 136: 8 | sun to rule the day, God's love endures forever; ~ 163 WisdB, Psa 136: 9 | to rule the night, God's love endures forever; ~ 164 WisdB, Psa 136: 10 | firstborn of Egypt, God's love endures forever; ~ 165 WisdB, Psa 136: 11 | from their midst, God's love endures forever; ~ 166 WisdB, Psa 136: 12 | outstretched arm, God's love endures forever; ~ 167 WisdB, Psa 136: 13 | in two the Red Sea, God's love endures forever; ~ 168 WisdB, Psa 136: 14 | led Israel through, God's love endures forever; ~ 169 WisdB, Psa 136: 15 | into the Red Sea, God's love endures forever; ~ 170 WisdB, Psa 136: 16 | through the desert, God's love endures forever; ~ 171 WisdB, Psa 136: 17 | down great kings, God's love endures forever; ~ 172 WisdB, Psa 136: 18 | Slew powerful kings, God's love endures forever; ~ 173 WisdB, Psa 136: 19 | king of the Amorites, God's love endures forever; ~ 174 WisdB, Psa 136: 20 | Og, king of Bashan, God's love endures forever; ~ 175 WisdB, Psa 136: 21 | lands a heritage, God's love endures forever; ~ 176 WisdB, Psa 136: 22 | Israel, God's servant, God's love endures forever. ~ 177 WisdB, Psa 136: 23 | us in our misery, God's love endures forever; ~ 178 WisdB, Psa 136: 24 | us from our foes, God's love endures forever; ~ 179 WisdB, Psa 136: 25 | food to all flesh, God's love endures forever. ~ 180 WisdB, Psa 136: 26 | the God of heaven, God's love endures forever. ~ ~ ~ 181 WisdB, Psa 138: 2 | name for your fidelity and love. For you have exalted over 182 WisdB, Psa 138: 8 | me to the end. LORD, your love endures forever. Never forsake 183 WisdB, Psa 145: 8 | to anger and abounding in love. ~ 184 WisdB, Psa 145: 20 | LORD, watch over all who love you, but all the wicked 185 WisdB, Pro 1: 22 | you simple ones, will you love inanity, ~ 186 WisdB, Pro 3: 1(1) | chastisement are a mark of God's love and favor (Proverb 3:11- 187 WisdB, Pro 4: 6 | and she will preserve you; love her, and she will safeguard 188 WisdB, Pro 5: 1(1) | Conjugal fidelity and love for one wife only bring 189 WisdB, Pro 5: 19 | your graceful doe. Her love will invigorate you always, 190 WisdB, Pro 5: 19 | you always, through her love you will flourish continually, ~ 191 WisdB, Pro 6: 20(5) | Parental training and the love of wisdom are an invaluable 192 WisdB, Pro 7: 18 | let us drink our fill of love, until morning, let us feast 193 WisdB, Pro 7: 18 | morning, let us feast on love! ~ 194 WisdB, Pro 8: 17 | 17 ~"Those who love me I also love, and those 195 WisdB, Pro 8: 17 | Those who love me I also love, and those who seek me find 196 WisdB, Pro 8: 21 | Granting wealth to those who love me, and filling their treasuries. ~ 197 WisdB, Pro 8: 36 | himself; all who hate me love death." ~ ~ ~ 198 WisdB, Pro 9: 8 | a wise man, and he will love you. ~ 199 WisdB, Pro 10: 12 | Hatred stirs up disputes, but love covers all offenses. ~ 200 WisdB, Pro 10: 12(2) | 12] Love covers all offenses: a favorite 201 WisdB, Pro 15: 17 | Better a dish of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and 202 WisdB, Pro 20: 13 | 13 ~Love not sleep, lest you be reduced 203 WisdB, Pro 27: 5 | is an open rebuke than a love that remains hidden. ~ 204 WisdB, Ecc 3: 8 | 8 ~A time to love, and a time to hate; a time 205 WisdB, Ecc 9: 1 | are in the hand of God. Love from hatred man cannot tell; 206 WisdB, Ecc 9: 1(2) | 1] Love from hatred: divine favor 207 WisdB, Ecc 9: 6 | 6 ~For them, love and hatred and rivalry have 208 WisdB, Ecc 9: 9 | life with the wife whom you love, all the days of the fleeting 209 WisdB, Son Int | and praise of the mutual love of the Lord and his people. 210 WisdB, Son Int | relationship in terms of human love, the author simply follows 211 WisdB, Son Int | justice and uprightness, in love and mercy" (Song 2:21).~ 212 WisdB, Son Int | himself in the bond of perfect love. When the Song is thus interpreted 213 WisdB, Son Int | the true meaning of mutual love comes from the poem as a 214 WisdB, Son Int | portrayal of ideal human love. Here we would have from 215 WisdB, Son 1: 2 | More delightful is your love than wine! ~ 216 WisdB, Son 1: 3 | that is why the maidens love you. ~ 217 WisdB, Son 1: 4 | and exult,~we extol your love; it is beyond wine:~how 218 WisdB, Son 1: 16(11)| when adorned with their love.~ 219 WisdB, Son 2: 4 | and his emblem over me is love. ~ 220 WisdB, Son 2: 4(2) | and the intimacy of their love.~ 221 WisdB, Son 2: 5 | apples,~for I am faint with love. ~ 222 WisdB, Son 2: 7 | not arouse, do not stir up love~before its own time. ~ 223 WisdB, Son 2: 7(3) | their eyes are suggestive of love; cf Proverb 5:19.~ 224 WisdB, Son 2: 15(6) | disturb the security of love symbolized by the vineyard; 225 WisdB, Son 3: 5 | not arouse, do not stir up love~before its own time. ~ 226 WisdB, Son 4: 9(7) | conventional language of love used in this canticle.~ 227 WisdB, Son 4: 10 | 10 ~How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride,~how 228 WisdB, Son 4: 10 | more delightful is your love than wine,~and the fragrance 229 WisdB, Son 5: 1 | drink! Drink freely of love! ~ 230 WisdB, Son 5: 1(1) | enjoy the delights of their love, symbol of Christ's union 231 WisdB, Son 5: 8 | him?-~that I am faint with love. ~ 232 WisdB, Son 7: 7 | you are, how pleasing,~my love, my delight! ~ 233 WisdB, Son 7: 10(5) | into an expression of the love and tenderness she feels 234 WisdB, Son 7: 11(6) | are associated with their love and which recall the meeting 235 WisdB, Son 7: 13 | There will I give you my love. ~ 236 WisdB, Son 7: 14(7) | to have power to arouse love and promote fertility; cf 237 WisdB, Son 8: 4 | not arouse, do not stir up love,~before its own time. ~ 238 WisdB, Son 8: 6 | arm;~For stern as death is love,~relentless as the nether 239 WisdB, Son 8: 6(2) | end they always triumph. Love, which is just as certain 240 WisdB, Son 8: 7 | Deep waters cannot quench love,~nor floods sweep it away.~ 241 WisdB, Son 8: 7 | all he owns to purchase love,~he would be roundly mocked. ~ 242 WisdB, Wisd 1: 1 | 1 ~1 Love justice, you who judge the 243 WisdB, Wisd 3: 9 | shall abide with him in love: Because grace and mercy 244 WisdB, Wisd 6: 12 | readily perceived by those who love her, and found by those 245 WisdB, Wisd 6: 17 | care for discipline is love of her; ~ 246 WisdB, Wisd 6: 18 | 18 ~love means the keeping of her 247 WisdB, Wisd 11: 24 | 24 ~For you love all things that are and 248 WisdB, Sir Int | was thoroughly imbued with love for the law, the priesthood, 249 WisdB, Sir For | in order that those who love wisdom might, by acquainting 250 WisdB, Sir 2: 12(2) | through obedience, reverence, love and humility find his mercy 251 WisdB, Sir 2: 15 | not his words; those who love him keep his ways. ~ 252 WisdB, Sir 2: 16 | to please him, those who love him are filled with his 253 WisdB, Sir 4: 11(2) | glory, blessings, God's love, are intended to arouse 254 WisdB, Sir 4: 14 | the Holy One; those who love her the LORD loves. ~ 255 WisdB, Sir 7: 30 | With all your strength, love your Creator, forsake not 256 WisdB, Sir 11: 15 | and knowledge of affairs, love and virtuous paths are from 257 WisdB, Sir 25: 1 | neighbors, and the mutual love of husband and wife. ~ 258 WisdB, Sir 25: 1(1) | While praising brotherly love, love of neighbor, and conjugal 259 WisdB, Sir 25: 1(1) | praising brotherly love, love of neighbor, and conjugal 260 WisdB, Sir 25: 1(1) | of neighbor, and conjugal love, the sage condemns their 261 WisdB, Sir 34: 16 | LORD are upon those who love him; he is their mighty 262 WisdB, Sir 40: 17(4) | are called true conjugal love, wisdom, and above all, 263 WisdB, Sir 40: 20 | better than either, conjugal love. ~ 264 ProphB, Isa 43: 4 | glorious, and because I love you, I give men in return 265 ProphB, Isa 54: 8 | from you; But with enduring love I take pity on you, says 266 ProphB, Isa 54: 10 | the hills be shaken, My love shall never leave you nor 267 ProphB, Isa 57: 8 | those whose embraces you love you carved the symbol and 268 ProphB, Isa 61: 8 | 8 ~For I, the LORD, love what is right, I hate robbery 269 ProphB, Isa 63: 9 | saved them. Because of his love and pity he redeemed them 270 ProphB, Isa 66: 10 | because of her, all you who love her; Exult, exult with her, 271 ProphB, Jer 2: 2(2) | gratitude, fidelity, and love for God.~ 272 ProphB, Jer 2: 25 | you say, "No use! no! I love these strangers, and after 273 ProphB, Jer 2: 33 | pick your way when seeking love! You who, in your wickedness, 274 ProphB, Jer 14: 10 | of this people: They so love to wander that they do not 275 ProphB, Jer 17: 21 | Thus says the LORD: As you love your lives, take care not 276 ProphB, Jer 31: 3 | from afar: With age-old love I have loved you; so I have 277 ProphB, Lam Int | the constancy of Yahweh's love and power to restore. The 278 ProphB, Lam Int | and the strength of God's love; it also shows how Israel' 279 ProphB, Bar 4: 25(1) | Trample upon their necks: love of enemies was not an Old 280 ProphB, Bar 6: 8 | gold, as to a maiden in love with ornament, ~ 281 ProphB, Eze 16: 8 | were now old enough for love. So I spread the corner 282 ProphB, Eze 23: 17 | Babylonians came to her, to the love couch, and defiled her with 283 ProphB, Dan 9: 4 | covenant toward those who love you and observe your commandments! ~ 284 ProphB, Dan 14: 38 | have not forsaken those who love you." ~ 285 ProphB, Hos Int | pure joy of their first love.~Israel's infidelity took 286 ProphB, Hos Int | Testament theology; God's love for his people has never 287 ProphB, Hos 1: 1(1) | signifying God's long-suffering love for Israel and hope for 288 ProphB, Hos 1: 6(4) | Israel is God's gratuitous love which inspires his beneficent 289 ProphB, Hos 2: 18 | right and in justice, in love and in mercy; ~ 290 ProphB, Hos 2: 18(8) | right conduct in general. Love: one of the most characteristic 291 ProphB, Hos 2: 18(8) | prophecy. It means a dutiful love, based on a social relation; 292 ProphB, Hos 2: 18(8) | and his people. It is a love fulfilled by the performance 293 ProphB, Hos 3: 1(1) | signifies God's enduring love for his people. He will 294 ProphB, Hos 3: 1 | LORD said to me: Give your love to a woman beloved of a 295 ProphB, Hos 4: 18 | in their arrogance they love shame. ~ 296 ProphB, Hos 6: 4(3) | the word is translated "love" in Hosea 2:21 and in Hosea 297 ProphB, Hos 6: 6 | 6 ~For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, 298 ProphB, Hos 9: 15 | out of my house. I will love them no longer; all their 299 ProphB, Hos 11: 4 | human cords, with bands of love; I fostered them like one 300 ProphB, Hos 11: 4(2) | them . . . with bands of love: not forcing them like draft 301 ProphB, Hos 14: 5 | their defection, I will love them freely; for my wrath 302 ProphB, Amo 4: 5 | freewill offerings, For so you love to do, O men of Israel, 303 ProphB, Amo 5: 15 | 15 ~Hate evil and love good, and let justice prevail 304 ProphB, Amo 8: 14 | Dan!" "By the life of your love, O Beersheba!" those shall 305 ProphB, Jon 4: 10(3) | more is he disposed to show love and mercy toward all men, 306 ProphB, Mic 3: 2 | who hate what is good, and love evil? You who tear their 307 ProphB, Mic 3: 2 | who hate what is good, and love evil? You who tear their 308 ProphB, Mic 6: 8 | Only to do right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly 309 ProphB, Zep 3: 17 | gladness, and renew you in his love, He will sing joyfully because 310 ProphB, Zec 8: 17 | another in his heart, nor love a false oath. For all these 311 ProphB, Zec 8: 19 | the house of Judah; only love faithfulness and peace. ~ 312 ProphB, Zec 11: 4(1) | how shamefully his divine love and care are requited. ~ 313 ProphB, Mal Int | sorry return for divine love. The priests, who should 314 Gosp, Mat 5: 43 | it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your 315 Gosp, Mat 5: 43(27)| but the "neighbor" of the love commandment was understood 316 Gosp, Mat 5: 43(27)| right. Jesus extends the love commandment to the enemy 317 Gosp, Mat 5: 44 | 44 ~But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for 318 Gosp, Mat 5: 46 | 46 ~For if you love those who love you, what 319 Gosp, Mat 5: 46 | For if you love those who love you, what recompense will 320 Gosp, Mat 6: 5 | like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the 321 Gosp, Mat 6: 24 | will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted 322 Gosp, Mat 19: 19 | mother'; and 'you shall love your neighbor as yourself.'" ~ 323 Gosp, Mat 22: 37 | said to him, 22 "You shall love the Lord, your God, with 324 Gosp, Mat 22: 37(22)| needless for his church. The love of God must engage the total 325 Gosp, Mat 22: 39 | is like it: 23 You shall love your neighbor as yourself. ~ 326 Gosp, Mat 22: 39(23)| commandment a second, that of love of neighbor, Lev 19:18; 327 Gosp, Mat 23: 6 | 6 ~5 They love places of honor at banquets, 328 Gosp, Mat 24: 12 | increase of evildoing, the love of many will grow cold. ~ 329 Gosp, Mar 1: 10(6) | unique Son, the object of his love. His approval of Jesus is 330 Gosp, Mar 2: 19(13)| expresses a new relationship of love between God and his people 331 Gosp, Mar 12: 30 | 30 ~You shall love the Lord your God with all 332 Gosp, Mar 12: 31 | second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 333 Gosp, Mar 12: 33 | 33 ~And 'to love him with all your heart, 334 Gosp, Mar 12: 33 | all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself' 335 Gosp, Luk 6: 20(10)| woes (Luke 6:20-26); the love of one's enemies (Matthew 336 Gosp, Luk 6: 20(10)| is Jesus' teaching on the love of one's enemies (Luke 6: 337 Gosp, Luk 6: 20(10)| and Jesus' teaching on the love of one's neighbor (Luke 338 Gosp, Luk 6: 27 | But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to 339 Gosp, Luk 6: 32 | 32 ~For if you love those who love you, what 340 Gosp, Luk 6: 32 | For if you love those who love you, what credit is that 341 Gosp, Luk 6: 32 | that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. ~ 342 Gosp, Luk 6: 32 | Even sinners love those who love them. ~ 343 Gosp, Luk 6: 35 | 35 ~But rather, love your enemies and do good 344 Gosp, Luk 7: 1(1) | sinner's manifestation of love (Luke 7:36-50); the association 345 Gosp, Luk 7: 36(10)| and consequently little love shown toward Jesus. The 346 Gosp, Luk 7: 36(10)| Jesus with her display of love; cf the similar contrast 347 Gosp, Luk 7: 36(10)| between forgiveness and love.~ 348 Gosp, Luk 7: 42 | both. Which of them will love him more?" ~ 349 Gosp, Luk 7: 47 | hence, she has shown great love. 13 But the one to whom 350 Gosp, Luk 7: 47(13)| hence, she has shown great love: literally, "her many sins 351 Gosp, Luk 7: 47(13)| is attested by the great love she shows toward Jesus. 352 Gosp, Luk 7: 47(13)| shows toward Jesus. Her love is the consequence of her 353 Gosp, Luk 10: 25(10)| illustrates the superiority of love over legalism through the 354 Gosp, Luk 10: 25(10)| good Samaritan. The law of love proclaimed in the "Sermon 355 Gosp, Luk 10: 27 | said in reply, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with 356 Gosp, Luk 11: 42 | attention to judgment and to love for God. These you should 357 Gosp, Luk 11: 43 | Woe to you Pharisees! You love the seat of honor in synagogues 358 Gosp, Luk 15: 1(1) | concern for the lost and God's love for the repentant sinner. ~ 359 Gosp, Luk 16: 13 | will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted 360 Gosp, Luk 18: 1(1) | the Pharisee Simon and the love shown by the pardoned sinner. ~ 361 Gosp, Luk 20: 46 | around in long robes and love greetings in marketplaces, 362 Gosp, Joh 1: 14(9) | Exodus 34:6), thus God's "love" and "fidelity." The Word 363 Gosp, Joh 5: 42 | that you do not have the love of God in you. ~ 364 Gosp, Joh 8: 42 | were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God 365 Gosp, Joh 11: 3 | saying, "Master, the one you love is ill." ~ 366 Gosp, Joh 13: 34 | you a new commandment: 12 love one another. As I have loved 367 Gosp, Joh 13: 34 | you, so you also should love one another. ~ 368 Gosp, Joh 13: 35 | my disciples, if you have love for one another." ~ 369 Gosp, Joh 14: 15 | 15 ~"If you love me, you will keep my commandments. ~ 370 Gosp, Joh 14: 21 | by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to 371 Gosp, Joh 14: 23 | word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to 372 Gosp, Joh 14: 24 | 24 ~Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; 373 Gosp, Joh 14: 31 | the world must know that I love the Father and that I do 374 Gosp, Joh 15: 9 | Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. ~ 375 Gosp, Joh 15: 9 | also love you. Remain in my love. ~ 376 Gosp, Joh 15: 10 | commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my 377 Gosp, Joh 15: 10 | commandments and remain in his love. ~ 378 Gosp, Joh 15: 12 | This is my commandment: love one another as I love you. ~ 379 Gosp, Joh 15: 12 | commandment: love one another as I love you. ~ 380 Gosp, Joh 15: 13 | 13 ~5 No one has greater love than this, to lay down one' 381 Gosp, Joh 15: 13(5) | 15:9-13a, the words for love are related to the Greek 382 Gosp, Joh 15: 13(5) | 15:13b-15, the words for love are related to the Greek 383 Gosp, Joh 15: 13(5) | synonymous and mean "to love"; cf also John 21:15-17. 384 Gosp, Joh 15: 17 | 17 ~This I command you: love one another. ~ 385 Gosp, Joh 15: 19 | the world, the world would love its own; but because you 386 Gosp, Joh 17: 26 | make it known, 8 that the love with which you loved me 387 Gosp, Joh 21: 15(9) | different Greek verbs for love (see the note on John 15: 388 Gosp, Joh 21: 15 | Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He 389 Gosp, Joh 21: 15 | Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed 390 Gosp, Joh 21: 15(10)| rather than "more than you love them" or "more than you 391 Gosp, Joh 21: 15(10)| them" or "more than you love these things [fishing, etc.]."~ 392 Gosp, Joh 21: 16 | Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, 393 Gosp, Joh 21: 16 | Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend 394 Gosp, Joh 21: 17 | Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was distressed 395 Gosp, Joh 21: 17 | him a third time, "Do you love me?" and he said to him, " 396 Gosp, Joh 21: 17 | everything; you know that I love you." (Jesus) said to him, " 397 NTLet, Rom 1: 18(14)| contrary to God's universal love for his creatures, but condemns 398 NTLet, Rom 5: 1(1) | and imbues them with God's love (Romans 5:5).~ 399 NTLet, Rom 5: 5 | disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out 400 NTLet, Rom 5: 8 | 8 ~But God proves his love for us in that while we 401 NTLet, Rom 6: 1(1) | the expression of God's love, and this love pledges eternal 402 NTLet, Rom 6: 1(1) | of God's love, and this love pledges eternal life to 403 NTLet, Rom 8: 28 | work for good for those who love God, 6 who are called according 404 NTLet, Rom 8: 28(6) | work for good for those who love God: a few ancient authorities 405 NTLet, Rom 8: 28(6) | work for good for those who love God. . . ."~ 406 NTLet, Rom 8: 31(8) | all-conquering power of God's love has overcome every obstacle 407 NTLet, Rom 8: 35 | will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, 408 NTLet, Rom 8: 39 | to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our 409 NTLet, Rom 9: 1(2) | 3; cf Lev 27:28-29). His love for them derives from God' 410 NTLet, Rom 9: 13(5) | Semitic usage "hate" means to love less; cf Luke 14:26 with 411 NTLet, Rom 12: 9 | 9 ~Let love be sincere; hate what is 412 NTLet, Rom 12: 10 | 10 ~love one another with mutual 413 NTLet, Rom 13: 8 | nothing to anyone, except to love one another; for the one 414 NTLet, Rom 13: 8(2) | 8-10] When love directs the Christian's 415 NTLet, Rom 13: 8(2) | under imperial authority. Love anticipates the purpose 416 NTLet, Rom 13: 8(2) | the Christian who acts in love is free from all legitimate 417 NTLet, Rom 13: 9 | saying, (namely) "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." ~ 418 NTLet, Rom 13: 10 | 10 ~Love does no evil to the neighbor; 419 NTLet, Rom 13: 10 | to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the 420 NTLet, Rom 13: 11(3) | provide the motivation for the love that is encouraged in Romans 421 NTLet, Rom 14: 15 | no longer in accord with love. Do not because of your 422 NTLet, Rom 15: 30 | Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me 423 NTLet, 1Cor 2: 9 | has prepared for those who love him," ~ 424 NTLet, 1Cor 4: 21 | you with a rod, or with love and a gentle spirit? ~ ~ ~ 425 NTLet, 1Cor 6: 15(6) | Mark, and in Eph 5:29-32: love of husband and wife reflect 426 NTLet, 1Cor 6: 15(6) | husband and wife reflect the love of Christ for his church. 427 NTLet, 1Cor 8: 1 | inflates with pride, but love builds up. ~ 428 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 1 | tongues 2 but do not have love, I am a resounding gong 429 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 1(2) | value unless informed by love. ~ 430 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 2 | mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. ~ 431 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 3 | may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing. ~ 432 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 4 | 4 ~3 Love is patient, love is kind. 433 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 4 | 4 ~3 Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, ( 434 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 4 | kind. It is not jealous, (love) is not pompous, it is not 435 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 4(3) | and enumeration, defining love by what it does or does 436 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 8 | 8 ~4 Love never fails. If there are 437 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 8(4) | paragraph announces its topic, Love never fails (1 Cor 13:8), 438 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 8(4) | develops the permanence of love in contrast to the charisms ( 439 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 8(4) | 12), and finally asserts love's superiority even over 440 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13 | 13 ~5 So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but 441 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13 | the greatest of these is love. ~ ~ ~ 442 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13(5) | 13] In speaking of love, Paul is led by spontaneous 443 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13(5) | charism. The greatest . . . is love: love is operative even 444 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13(5) | greatest . . . is love: love is operative even within 445 NTLet, 1Cor 13: 13(5) | perspective is temporal, love will remain (cf "never fails," 446 NTLet, 1Cor 14: 1 | 1 ~1 Pursue love, but strive eagerly for 447 NTLet, 1Cor 16: 14 | act should be done with love. ~ 448 NTLet, 1Cor 16: 22 | 22 ~If anyone does not love the Lord, let him be accursed. 7 449 NTLet, 1Cor 16: 24 | 24 ~My love to all of you in Christ 450 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 3(1) | realize the depth of his love. Another motive will be 451 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 4 | might know the abundant love I have for you. ~ 452 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 5(2) | positive: forgive, encourage, love. Overwhelmed (2 Cor 2:7): 453 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 8 | urge you to reaffirm your love for him. ~ 454 NTLet, 2Cor 5: 14 | 14 ~10 For the love of Christ impels us, once 455 NTLet, 2Cor 6: 6 | holy spirit, in unfeigned love, ~ 456 NTLet, 2Cor 7: 13(6) | Titus: encouragement, joy, love, relief. Finally, he describes 457 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 7 | earnestness, and in the love we have for you, may you 458 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 8 | the genuineness of your love by your concern for others. ~ 459 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 24 | before the churches of your love and of our boasting about 460 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 24(16)| Corinthians to show their love (by accepting the envoys 461 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 2(3) | described in imagery of love and marriage, as in the 462 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 11 | And why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do! ~ 463 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 13(10)| he once more protests his love (cf 2 Cor 11:11) and rejects 464 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 15 | spent for your sakes. If I love you more, am I to be loved 465 NTLet, 2Cor 13: 11 | in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you. ~ 466 NTLet, 2Cor 13: 13 | Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship 467 NTLet, Gal 5: 6 | only faith working through love. 4 ~ 468 NTLet, Gal 5: 6(4) | for faith working through love or "faith expressing itself 469 NTLet, Gal 5: 6(4) | expressing itself through love" can also be rendered as " 470 NTLet, Gal 5: 6(4) | faith energized by (God's) love."~ 471 NTLet, Gal 5: 13(10)| they fulfill the law by love of neighbor (Gal 5:14-15), 472 NTLet, Gal 5: 13 | serve one another through love. ~ 473 NTLet, Gal 5: 13(11)| 13] Serve . . . through love: cf Gal 5:6.~ 474 NTLet, Gal 5: 14 | statement, namely, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 12 ~ 475 NTLet, Gal 5: 22 | the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, 476 NTLet, Gal 6: 2(2) | Gal 5:14. The principle of love for others is meant. To 477 NTLet, Gal 6: 2(2) | serve one another through love" (Gal 5:13).~ 478 NTLet, Eph Int | anchored in God's saving love, shown in Jesus Christ ( 479 NTLet, Eph 1: 4 | without blemish before him. In love ~ 480 NTLet, Eph 1: 15 | the Lord Jesus and of your love 10 for all the holy ones, ~ 481 NTLet, Eph 1: 15(10)| 15] Your faith . . . your love: some manuscripts omit the 482 NTLet, Eph 2: 1(1) | terms of what God's great love (Eph 2:4), expressed in 483 NTLet, Eph 2: 4 | mercy, because of the great love he had for us, ~ 484 NTLet, Eph 3: 14(7) | height and depth of God's love in Christ (Eph 3:18) or 485 NTLet, Eph 3: 14(7) | perceive the redemptive love of Christ for them and be 486 NTLet, Eph 3: 17 | rooted and grounded in love, ~ 487 NTLet, Eph 3: 19 | 19 ~and to know the love of Christ that surpasses 488 NTLet, Eph 4: 2 | with one another through love, ~ 489 NTLet, Eph 4: 15 | Rather, living the truth in love, we should grow in every 490 NTLet, Eph 4: 16 | and builds itself up in love. ~ 491 NTLet, Eph 5: 2 | 2 ~and live in love, as Christ loved us and 492 NTLet, Eph 5: 21(6) | Christians to a strong mutual love. Holding with Genesis 2: 493 NTLet, Eph 5: 21(6) | intimate relationship of love between Christ and the church. 494 NTLet, Eph 5: 25 | 25 ~Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ 495 NTLet, Eph 5: 28 | So (also) husbands should love their wives as their own 496 NTLet, Eph 5: 33 | each one of you should love his wife as himself, and 497 NTLet, Eph 6: 23 | be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the 498 NTLet, Eph 6: 24 | 24 ~Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in 499 NTLet, Phi Int | theology and his apostolic love and concern for the gospel 500 NTLet, Phi 1: 9 | is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and