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Alphabetical [« »] fairest 1 fairly 9 fairness 8 faith 648 faithful 197 faithfully 18 faithfulness 29 | Frequency [« »] 659 years 658 same 656 nations 648 faith 648 gave 645 though 643 priest | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances faith |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
501 NTLet, Tit 1: 1(1) | lead others to the true faith and through it to eternal 502 NTLet, Tit 1: 4 | true child in our common faith: grace and peace from God 503 NTLet, Tit 1: 13 | they may be sound in the faith, ~ 504 NTLet, Tit 2: 2 | self-controlled, sound in faith, love, and endurance. ~ 505 NTLet, Tit 2: 10 | exhibiting complete good faith, so as to adorn the doctrine 506 NTLet, Tit 3: 15 | those who love us in the faith. Grace be with all of you. ~ ~ ~ ~ 507 NTLet, Phl 0: 5 | hear of the love and the faith you have in the Lord Jesus 508 NTLet, Phl 0: 6 | your partnership in the faith may become effective in 509 NTLet, Heb Int | apostasy from their Christian faith. This danger was due not 510 NTLet, Heb Int | strengthening them in their faith. Another important theme 511 NTLet, Heb Int | reflections to stimulate their faith (5:11-6:20).~Therefore, 512 NTLet, Heb Int | Hebrews 10:1-18). The trial of faith experienced by the readers 513 NTLet, Heb Int | parousia, and by the fruits of faith that they have already enjoyed ( 514 NTLet, Heb Int | It is in the nature of faith to recognize the reality 515 NTLet, Heb Int | striking example of that faith (Hebrews 11:1-40). The perseverance 516 NTLet, Heb Int | associate oneself with it in faith (Hebrews 13:9-16).~As early 517 NTLet, Heb 2: 1(1) | carried away from their faith. ~ 518 NTLet, Heb 2: 5(2) | relinquishing the Christian faith. Psalm 8:5-6) is also applied 519 NTLet, Heb 3: 7(3) | appeals for steadfastness of faith in Jesus, basing his warning 520 NTLet, Heb 3: 19 | could not enter for lack of faith. ~ ~ ~ 521 NTLet, Heb 4: 2 | they were not united in faith with those who listened. ~ 522 NTLet, Heb 6: 1 | repentance from dead works and faith in God, ~ 523 NTLet, Heb 6: 4(2) | neophytes' enlightenment by faith and their experience of 524 NTLet, Heb 6: 12 | imitators of those who, through faith and patience, are inheriting 525 NTLet, Heb 6: 12(5) | addressees to imitate the faith of the holy people of the 526 NTLet, Heb 10: 1(1) | 1-10] Christian faith now realizes that the Old 527 NTLet, Heb 10: 19(9) | approach God with sincerity and faith, in the knowledge that through 528 NTLet, Heb 10: 19(9) | that must distinguish the faith of the Christian (Hebrews 529 NTLet, Heb 10: 38 | my just one shall live by faith, and if he draws back I 530 NTLet, Heb 10: 39 | but among those who have faith and will possess life. ~ ~ ~ 531 NTLet, Heb 11: 1 | 1 ~1 Faith is the realization of what 532 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | inspiring portrait of religious faith, firm and unyielding in 533 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | extensive description of faith provided in the New Testament, 534 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | describes what authentic faith does, not what it is in 535 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | it is in itself. Through faith God guarantees the blessings 536 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | evidence in the gift of faith that what he promises will 537 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | Because they accepted in faith God's guarantee of the future, 538 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | reason to remain firm in faith since they, unlike the Old 539 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(1) | Testament men and women of faith, have perceived the beginning 540 NTLet, Heb 11: 1(2) | 1] Faith is the realization . . . 541 NTLet, Heb 11: 3 | 3 ~By faith we understand that the universe 542 NTLet, Heb 11: 3(3) | 3] By faith . . . God: this verse does 543 NTLet, Heb 11: 3(3) | verse does not speak of the faith of the Old Testament men 544 NTLet, Heb 11: 4 | 4 ~4 By faith Abel offered to God a sacrifice 545 NTLet, Heb 11: 4(4) | does not mention Abel's faith. It says, however, that 546 NTLet, Heb 11: 4(4) | been activated by Abel's faith. Though dead, he still speaks: 547 NTLet, Heb 11: 4(4) | provides ongoing witness to faith.~ 548 NTLet, Heb 11: 5 | 5 ~By faith Enoch was taken up so that 549 NTLet, Heb 11: 6 | 6 ~5 But without faith it is impossible to please 550 NTLet, Heb 11: 7 | 7 ~By faith Noah, warned about what 551 NTLet, Heb 11: 7 | righteousness that comes through faith. ~ 552 NTLet, Heb 11: 8 | 8 ~By faith Abraham obeyed when he was 553 NTLet, Heb 11: 9 | 9 ~By faith he sojourned in the promised 554 NTLet, Heb 11: 11 | 11 ~By faith he received power to generate, 555 NTLet, Heb 11: 13 | 13 ~All these died in faith. They did not receive what 556 NTLet, Heb 11: 17 | 17 ~By faith Abraham, when put to the 557 NTLet, Heb 11: 20 | 20 ~By faith regarding things still to 558 NTLet, Heb 11: 20(7) | Jacob, and Joseph, had faith in the future fulfillment 559 NTLet, Heb 11: 20(7) | promise and renewed this faith when near death.~ 560 NTLet, Heb 11: 21 | 21 ~By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed 561 NTLet, Heb 11: 22 | 22 ~By faith Joseph, near the end of 562 NTLet, Heb 11: 23 | 23 ~By faith Moses was hidden by his 563 NTLet, Heb 11: 24 | 24 ~8 By faith Moses, when he had grown 564 NTLet, Heb 11: 27 | 27 ~By faith he left Egypt, not fearing 565 NTLet, Heb 11: 28 | 28 ~By faith he kept the Passover and 566 NTLet, Heb 11: 29 | 29 ~By faith they crossed the Red Sea 567 NTLet, Heb 11: 30 | 30 ~By faith the walls of Jericho fell 568 NTLet, Heb 11: 31 | 31 ~By faith Rahab the harlot did not 569 NTLet, Heb 11: 33 | 33 ~who by faith conquered kingdoms, did 570 NTLet, Heb 11: 39 | approved because of their faith, did not receive what had 571 NTLet, Heb 12: 1(1) | Testament men and women of faith (Hebrews 12:1) but above 572 NTLet, Heb 12: 1(1) | the architect of Christian faith, he had himself to endure 573 NTLet, Heb 12: 2 | leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy 574 NTLet, Heb 13: 1(1) | this letter to lose their faith (Hebrews 13:7), for Christ 575 NTLet, Heb 13: 7 | of life and imitate their faith. ~ 576 CathL | depository of apostolic faith; therefore, they wished 577 CathL | testify to the apostolic faith and constitute canonical 578 CathL, Jam 1: 3 | that the testing 3 of your faith produces perseverance. ~ 579 CathL, Jam 1: 5(4) | grants to all who ask in faith and that sustains the Christian 580 CathL, Jam 1: 6 | 6 ~But he should ask in faith, not doubting, for the one 581 CathL, Jam 2: 1 | partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus 582 CathL, Jam 2: 5 | the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom 583 CathL, Jam 2: 14 | if someone says he has faith but does not have works? 584 CathL, Jam 2: 14 | not have works? Can that faith save him? ~ 585 CathL, Jam 2: 14(6) | verses is the relationship of faith and works (deeds). It has 586 CathL, Jam 2: 14(6) | Christ (Paul's concept of faith). Paul certainly understands, 587 CathL, Jam 2: 14(6) | the implications of true faith for a life of love and generosity ( 588 CathL, Jam 2: 14(6) | authentic commitmentto God in faith (James 2:18, 26). Many think 589 CathL, Jam 2: 17 | 17 ~So also faith of itself, if it does not 590 CathL, Jam 2: 18 | someone might say, "You have faith and I have works." Demonstrate 591 CathL, Jam 2: 18 | works." Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and 592 CathL, Jam 2: 18 | and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. ~ 593 CathL, Jam 2: 20 | proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless? ~ 594 CathL, Jam 2: 22 | 22 ~You see that faith was active along with his 595 CathL, Jam 2: 22 | along with his works, and faith was completed by the works. ~ 596 CathL, Jam 2: 24 | justified by works and not by faith alone. ~ 597 CathL, Jam 2: 26 | spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. ~ ~ ~ 598 CathL, Jam 5: 15 | 15 ~and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, 599 CathL, 1Pet 1: 5 | are safeguarded through faith, to a salvation that is 600 CathL, 1Pet 1: 6(4) | and death, the new life of faith that it bestows is to be 601 CathL, 1Pet 1: 7 | the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold 602 CathL, 1Pet 1: 9 | attain the goal of (your) faith, the salvation of your souls. ~ 603 CathL, 1Pet 1: 21 | him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. ~ 604 CathL, 1Pet 2: 7 | value is for you who have faith, but for those without faith: " 605 CathL, 1Pet 2: 7 | faith, but for those without faith: "The stone which the builders 606 CathL, 1Pet 2: 9(5) | paganism to the light of faith in Christ. From being "no 607 CathL, 1Pet 2: 22(11)| Christian confession of faith; cf 1 Peter 1:18-21 and 608 CathL, 1Pet 5: 5(4) | alertness, and steadfast faith they must resist the evil 609 CathL, 1Pet 5: 9 | Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow 610 CathL, 2Pet Int | to strengthen readers in faith (2 Peter 1:1), hope for 611 CathL, 2Pet 1: 1 | those who have received a faith of equal value to ours through 612 CathL, 2Pet 1: 5 | effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with 613 CathL, 2Pet 1: 5(5) | Peter 1:5-7), beginning with faith and leading to the fullness 614 CathL, 2Pet 1: 17(10)| Jesus and the truths of the faith; cf 2 Peter 3:1-2; 1 Cor 615 CathL, 2Pet 2: 1(1) | heretical sects bring loss of faith in Christ, contempt for 616 CathL, 2Pet 3: 16(12)| scriptures: used to guide the faith and life of the Christian 617 CathL, 1Joh Int | Christian love, ethics, and faith take place only within the 618 CathL, 1Joh Int | intangible mysteries of faith about Christ, he insists 619 CathL, 1Joh 2: 19(10)| only proved their lack of faith by leaving the community.~ 620 CathL, 1Joh 3: 19(6) | 19-24] Living a life of faith in Jesus and of Christian 621 CathL, 1Joh 4: 13(4) | of the Spirit and that of faith join the testimony of love 622 CathL, 1Joh 5: 1(1) | sonship of Jesus Christ. Faith, the acceptance of Jesus 623 CathL, 1Joh 5: 4 | conquers the world is our faith. ~ 624 CathL, 2Joh 0: 4(3) | living in which the Christian faith is visibly expressed; cf 625 CathL, 2Joh 0: 6(4) | obedience to the commandment of faith and love includes all others.~ 626 CathL, 3Joh | around which questions of faith and life were discussed, 627 CathL, 3Joh 0: 5(3) | manifestation of his true Christian faith.~ 628 CathL, Jude | past (Jude 1:17-18); (b) faith is understood as a body 629 CathL, Jude 0: 1(2) | vocation to the Christian faith is God's free gift to those 630 CathL, Jude 0: 3 | encourage you to contend for the faith that was once for all handed 631 CathL, Jude 0: 3(3) | teachings of the Christian faith derived from the apostolic 632 CathL, Jude 0: 5(4) | saved but did not then keep faith, see Numbers 14:28-29 and 633 CathL, Jude 0: 20 | yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the holy Spirit. ~ 634 CathL, Rev Int | century to stand firm in the faith and to avoid compromise 635 CathL, Rev Int | mystery, to be accepted in faith and longed for in hope. 636 CathL, Rev Int | remain steadfast in their faith and confidence in the risen 637 CathL, Rev Int | because of his Christian faith has been exiled to the rocky 638 CathL, Rev 2: 7(6) | individual who holds fast to the faith and does God's will in the 639 CathL, Rev 2: 12(11)| for persevering in their faith in Christ even in the midst 640 CathL, Rev 2: 13 | and have not denied your faith in me, not even in the days 641 CathL, Rev 2: 14(14)| accommodated their Christian faith to paganism. They abused 642 CathL, Rev 2: 19 | know your works, your love, faith, service, and endurance, 643 CathL, Rev 2: 26(21)| Christian who perseveres in faith will share in Christ's messianic 644 CathL, Rev 3: 8(6) | sharing and proclaiming the faith; cf Acts 14:27; 1 Cor 16: 645 CathL, Rev 3: 15(11)| Halfhearted commitment to the faith is nauseating to Christ; 646 CathL, Rev 14: 1(2) | true remnant, the Israel of faith, is to be gathered in the 647 CathL, Rev 14: 12 | s commandments and their faith in Jesus. 9 ~ 648 CathL, Rev 14: 12(9) | 12] In addition to faith in Jesus, the seer insists