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Alphabetical [« »] coincided 1 coincidences 1 coins 13 col 155 cold 20 coldness 1 colhozeh 2 | Frequency [« »] 157 seems 156 holocaust 156 slaves 155 col 155 hezekiah 155 letters 155 messiah | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances col |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Lev 2: 13(2) | alliance. Cf Mark 9:49 and Col 4:6; and see note on Numbers 2 Gosp, Mar Int | was a cousin of Barnabas (Col 4:10) and accompanied Barnabas 3 Gosp, Luk Int | in the New Testament in Col 4:14, Philippians 1:24 and 4 Gosp, Joh 1: 1(1) | other christological hymns, Col 1:15-20 and Philippians 5 NTLet, Rom 8: 29(7) | image of God (2 Cor 4:4; Col 1:15), that we are renewed 6 NTLet, Rom 8: 29(7) | the image of the Creator (Col 3:10).~ 7 NTLet, Rom 16: 5(4) | assemblies (cf 1 Cor 16:19; Col 4:15; Philemon 1:2) might 8 NTLet, 1Cor 2: 7(5) | 27; Eph 1:3-10; 3:3-11; Col 1:25-28.~ 9 NTLet, 1Cor 4: 6(2) | 18-19; 5:2; 8:1; 13:4; Col 2:18 (cf the related noun 10 NTLet, 2Cor 5: 2(2) | behavior (Romans 13:12-14; Col 3:12; cf Matthew 22:11-13). 11 NTLet, 2Cor 5: 2(2) | new nature (Eph 4:22-24; Col 3:1-5, 9-10).~ 12 NTLet, Gal 3: 27(18)| sexual equality in Christ (cf Col 3:11).~ 13 NTLet, Gal 3: 27(19)| Romans 13:14; Eph 4:24; Col 3:10. Baptismal imagery, 14 NTLet, Gal 4: 3(3) | control the world; cf Gal 4:8; Col 2:8, 20.~ 15 NTLet, Gal 6: 17(13)| Romans 6:3; 2 Cor 4:10; Col 1:24) and will protect his 16 NTLet, Eph Int | the letter referred to in Col 4:16 as "to the Laodiceans."~ 17 NTLet, Eph 1: 1(1) | Eph 1:1-2 also occur in Col 1:1-2.~ 18 NTLet, Eph 1: 1(2) | Greek can be rendered, as in Col 1:2, "to the holy ones and 19 NTLet, Eph 1: 3(3) | ideas here are also found in Col 1:3-23. Certain phrases 20 NTLet, Eph 1: 3(3) | or specific emphases in Col (forgiveness, Col 1:14). 21 NTLet, Eph 1: 3(3) | emphases in Col (forgiveness, Col 1:14). A triadic structure 22 NTLet, Eph 1: 3(3) | to holiness (Eph 1:4; cf Col 1:22); the gift of divine 23 NTLet, Eph 1: 9(5) | Mystery: as in Romans 16:25; Col 1:26, 27 and elsewhere, 24 NTLet, Eph 1: 15(9) | content parallels thoughts in Col 1:3-20. The prayer moves 25 NTLet, Eph 1: 15(9) | 21, see Romans 8:38 and Col 1:16. Here, as in 1 Cor 26 NTLet, Eph 1: 15(9) | as in 1 Cor 15:24-25 and Col 2:15, every such principality 27 NTLet, Eph 1: 15(10)| the latter phrase, but cf Col 1:4.~ 28 NTLet, Eph 1: 23(11)| Eph 1:22); cf the note on Col 1:18. Only in Eph and Col 29 NTLet, Eph 1: 23(11)| Col 1:18. Only in Eph and Col is Christ the head of the 30 NTLet, Eph 1: 23(11)| Fullness: see the note on Col 1:19. Some take the one 31 NTLet, Eph 1: 23(11)| fullness of the deity bodily" (Col 2:9), then, as God "fills" 32 NTLet, Eph 2: 1(3) | repeated in Eph 2:1, 5; cf Col 2:13. ~ 33 NTLet, Eph 2: 14(8) | ending of the Mosaic law (cf Col 2:14), reconciliation (2 34 NTLet, Eph 3: 2(3) | plan that God administers (Col 1:25) and in which Paul 35 NTLet, Eph 4: 13(6) | literally, "a perfect man" (cf Col 1:28), possibly the "one 36 NTLet, Eph 4: 15(7) | 16] The head, Christ: cf Col 1:18 and contrast 1 Cor 37 NTLet, Eph 5: 15(4) | The wording is similar to Col 4:5 and Eph 3:16-17.~ 38 NTLet, Eph 5: 21(5) | 21-6:9] Cf the notes on Col 3:18-4:1 and 1 Peter 2:18- 39 NTLet, Eph 6: 21(2) | letter; see the note on Col 4:7. Eph 6:21-22 parallel 40 NTLet, Eph 6: 21(2) | 7. Eph 6:21-22 parallel Col 4:7-8, often word for word. 41 NTLet, Col Int | there, the letter says (Col 1:4; 2:1). The community 42 NTLet, Col Int | by Epaphras of Colossae (Col 1:7; 4:12; Philemon 1:23). 43 NTLet, Col Int | teachings stressed angels (Col 2:18; "principalities and 44 NTLet, Col Int | principalities and powers," Col 2:15), which were connected 45 NTLet, Col Int | practices (see the note on Col 2:16) and rules about food 46 NTLet, Col Int | and ascetical disciplines (Col 2:16, 18). These teachings, 47 NTLet, Col Int | magnificently in a hymnic passage at Col 1:15-20 and reiterated throughout 48 NTLet, Col Int | shadows"; Christ is "reality" (Col 2:17).~For help in dealing 49 NTLet, Col Int | who was then imprisoned (Col 4:10, 18) at a place that 50 NTLet, Col Int | total of redemptive power (Col 1:19) and that the spiritual 51 NTLet, Col Int | who died and rose again (Col 2:9-14). It is unnecessary 52 NTLet, Col Int | about placating spirits (Col 2:15) or avoiding imagined 53 NTLet, Col Int | regard to food and drink (Col 2:20-23). True Christian 54 NTLet, Col Int | conquering of personal sins (Col 3:5-10) and the practice 55 NTLet, Col Int | standard set by Christ (Col 3:12-16).~Paul commends 56 NTLet, Col Int | the community as a whole (Col 1:3-8); this seems to indicate 57 NTLet, Col Int | prayerful concern for them (Col 1:9-14). His preaching has 58 NTLet, Col Int | rendered "in the Lord" (Col 3:18-4:1).~Colossians follows 59 NTLet, Col Int | distinguished by the poetic lines in Col 1:15-20 concerning who Christ 60 NTLet, Col Int | and the false teachers. In Col 1:21-2:7, however, Paul 61 NTLet, Col Int | he insists is the church (Col 1:18), and the world or 62 NTLet, Col Int | the spreading of the word (Col 1:25, 28). In this labor 63 NTLet, Col Int | as hope to the Gentiles (Col 1:23, 25, 27). To "every 64 NTLet, Col Int | faith, and walks in Christ (Col 1:28; 2:6, 7).~Paul wrote 65 NTLet, Col Int | I. Address (Col 1:1-14) ~ 66 NTLet, Col Int | The Preeminence of Christ (Col 1:15-2:3) ~ 67 NTLet, Col Int | against False Teachers (Col 2:4-23) ~ 68 NTLet, Col Int | Christian Life in the World (Col 3:1-4:6) ~ 69 NTLet, Col Int | V. Conclusion (Col 4:7-18)~ ~ ~ ~ 70 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | about them he has received (Col 1:3-4), congratulates the 71 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | efforts to live the gospel (Col 3:6-8). To encourage them 72 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | of the gospel elsewhere (Col 1:6) and assures them that 73 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | personal contact with Epaphras (Col 1:7-8), who likely had evangelized 74 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | Valley of Asia Minor (cf Col 4:12, 13; Philippians 1: 75 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | On faith, love, and hope (Col 1:4, 5, 8), see the note 76 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | knowledge of God's will (Col 1:9; cf Col 3:10). Paul 77 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | God's will (Col 1:9; cf Col 3:10). Paul expects a mutual 78 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | gospel and this knowledge (Col 1:10), yielding results ( 79 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | yielding results (fruit, Col 1:10; cf Col 1:6) in every 80 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | results (fruit, Col 1:10; cf Col 1:6) in every good work: 81 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | endurance, patience, with joy (Col 1:11), and the further giving 82 NTLet, Col 1: 9(4) | further giving of thanks (Col 1:12).~ 83 NTLet, Col 1: 12(5) | precedes the statement in Col 1:15-20 about the beloved 84 NTLet, Col 1: 12(5) | is God's love in person (Col 1:13). Christians share 85 NTLet, Col 1: 12(5) | here probably the angels (Col 1:12). The imagery reflects 86 NTLet, Col 1: 15(6) | the mediator of creation (Col 1:15-18a) and of redemption ( 87 NTLet, Col 1: 15(6) | 18a) and of redemption (Col 1:18b-20). There is a parallelism 88 NTLet, Col 1: 15(6) | firstborn of all creation (Col 1:15) and firstborn from 89 NTLet, Col 1: 15(6) | firstborn from the dead (Col 1:18). While many of the 90 NTLet, Col 1: 15(7) | with those redeemed (cf Col 3:10-11).~ 91 NTLet, Col 1: 16(8) | as prior to all things (Col 1:17; cf Hebrews 1:3).~ 92 NTLet, Col 1: 18(9) | Paul's customary way. See Col 1:24. Preeminent: when Christ 93 NTLet, Col 1: 18(9) | to reconcile all things (Col 1:20) for God or possibly " 94 NTLet, Col 1: 19(10)| the fullness of the deity (Col 2:9); the reference could 95 NTLet, Col 1: 20(11)| central theme in Paul; cf Col 2:14-15; 1 Cor 1:17, 18, 96 NTLet, Col 1: 21(12)| as those referred to in Col 1:16, 20 (all things). Paul 97 NTLet, Col 1: 21(12)| his own role as minister (Col 1:23), sufferer (Col 1:24), 98 NTLet, Col 1: 21(12)| minister (Col 1:23), sufferer (Col 1:24), and proclaimer (Col 99 NTLet, Col 1: 21(12)| Col 1:24), and proclaimer (Col 1:27-28) of this gospel.~ 100 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| preaching of God's word (Col 1:25) carries out the divine 101 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| divine plan (the mystery, Col 1:26) to make Christ known 102 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| Christ known to the Gentiles (Col 1:27). It teaches the God-given 103 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| God-given wisdom about Christ (Col 1:28), whose power works 104 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| mightily in the apostle (Col 1:29). Even in those communities 105 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| not know him personally (Col 2:1), he can increase the 106 NTLet, Col 1: 24(13)| bring encouragement to them (Col 2:2). He hopes that his 107 NTLet, Col 2: 1(1) | northwest of Colossae; cf Col 4:13, 16; Rev 3:14-22. ~ 108 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | posed by false teachers (Col 2:4), the Colossians are 109 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | first preached to them (Col 2:6), steeping themselves 110 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | it with grateful hearts (Col 2:7). They must reject religious 111 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | source except the gospel (Col 2:8) because in Christ alone 112 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | access to God, the deity (Col 2:9). So fully has Christ 113 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | religious knowledge or virtue (Col 2:10). They do not require 114 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | not require circumcision (Col 2:11), for in baptism their 115 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | been affected by Christ (Col 2:12) through forgiveness 116 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | resurrection to a new life (Col 2:13; cf Col 3:1 and Romans 117 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | a new life (Col 2:13; cf Col 3:1 and Romans 6:1-11). 118 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | us with all its claims (Col 2:14), i.e., he eliminated 119 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | forgave sins against the law (Col 2:14) and exposed as false 120 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | as false and misleading (Col 2:15) all other powers ( 121 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | 15) all other powers (cf Col 1:16) that purport to offer 122 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | certain cultic practices (Col 2:16), for the Colossians 123 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | themselves from Christ (Col 2:19). If, when they accepted 124 NTLet, Col 2: 4(2) | means of harsh asceticism (Col 2:20-23).~ 125 NTLet, Col 2: 9(4) | attributes; see the note on Col 1:19.~ 126 NTLet, Col 2: 11(5) | description of baptism (Col 2:12) in symbolic terms 127 NTLet, Col 2: 15(7) | conquered, not reconciled (cf Col 1:16, 20). An alternate 128 NTLet, Col 2: 16(8) | sun, moon, and stars (cf Col 2:8).~ 129 NTLet, Col 3: 1(1) | the things of the world (Col 3:1-2). They have died to 130 NTLet, Col 3: 1(1) | in the presence of God (Col 3:3-4). ~ 131 NTLet, Col 3: 5(2) | of salvation in Christ (Col 3:16).~ 132 NTLet, Col 3: 10(6) | Image: see the note on Col 1:15.~ 133 NTLet, Col 3: 18(8) | with the service of Christ (Col 3:18-4:1), Paul requests 134 NTLet, Col 3: 18(8) | view of his imprisonment (Col 3:2-3), and recommends friendly 135 NTLet, Col 3: 18(8) | outsiders, i.e., non-Christians (Col 3:5-6). See the note on 136 NTLet, Col 3: 22(9) | husbands, children and parents (Col 3:18-21), such as also appears 137 NTLet, Col 3: 22(9) | returning to his master (Col 4:9; Philemon 1:10-12).~ 138 NTLet, Col 4: 12(5) | Epaphras: see the notes on Col 1:3-8 and Col 1:7.~ 139 NTLet, Col 4: 12(5) | the notes on Col 1:3-8 and Col 1:7.~ 140 NTLet, Col 4: 13(6) | Laodicea: see the note on Col 2:1. Hierapolis: a city 141 NTLet, 1Tim 6: 1(1) | duties, such as that of Col 3:18-4:1. Domestic relationships 142 NTLet, 2Tim 1: 1(2) | Christ in faith and love; cf Col 3:4; 1 Tim 4:8. ~ 143 NTLet, 2Tim 4: 9(6) | service (2 Tim 4:11); cf Col 4:10; Philemon 1:24. For 144 NTLet, 2Tim 4: 9(6) | 6:21; cf also Acts 20:4; Col 4:7.~ 145 NTLet, Tit 2: 1(1) | Titus 2:9-10); cf Eph 6:1-9; Col 3:18-4:1. ~ 146 NTLet, Phl | a slave from Colossae (Col 4:9), who had run away from 147 NTLet, Phl 0: 2(2) | Christian there; see the note on Col 4:17.~ 148 NTLet, Phl 0: 23(15)| founded the church there (Col 1:7) and perhaps also in 149 NTLet, Phl 0: 23(15)| Laodicea and Hierapolis (Col 2:1; 4:12-13). Aristarchus: 150 NTLet, Heb 10: 1(2) | the Pauline literature; cf Col 2:17. ~ 151 CathL, 1Pet 2: 18(9) | Cor 7:21-24; Eph 6:5-8; Col 3:22-25; Phl. The point 152 CathL, 1Pet 5: 13(7) | as Barnabas's cousin in Col 4:10, a co-worker with Paul 153 CathL, 2Pet 1: 10(6) | of "God," is unusual; cf Col 1:13 and Matthew 13:41, 154 CathL, 2Pet 3: 16(12)| preparedness for the judgment (Col 1:22-23; Eph 1:4-14; 4:30; 155 CathL, Rev 3: 14(10)| found also in John 1:3; Col 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:2; cf