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Alphabetical [« »] committed 89 committee 4 committing 10 common 135 commoner 1 commonly 18 commonplace 2 | Frequency [« »] 136 fifty 136 held 135 buried 135 common 135 roman 135 single 135 trees | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances common |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 4: 15(3) | tribal marks has always been common among the nomads of the 2 Pent, Gen 12: 16(5) | probably did not come into common use in the ancient Near 3 Pent, Gen 38: 21(5) | designated by the term zona, common "harlot," used in Genesis 4 Pent, Gen 44: 5(2) | into a cup or bowl was a common practice in the ancient 5 Pent, Gen 46: 3(1) | here a divine name, not the common noun "god."~ 6 Pent, Gen 48: 22(3) | Hebrew word for Shechem as a common noun meaning shoulder or 7 Pent, Exo 1: 11(5) | personal name, but a title common to all the kings of Egypt.~ 8 Pent, Lev 2: 13(2) | your God: the partaking in common of salt by those seated 9 Pent, Num 6: 1(1) | seems to have been quite common, even among the early Christians; 10 Pent, Num 16: 29 | merely suffering the fate common to all mankind, then it 11 Pent, Num 18: 19(8) | partaking of the same salt in common to render a contract unbreakable. 12 Pent, Num 31: 53 | 53 ~what the common soldiers had looted each 13 Pent, Deu 25: 5(3) | hold their property in common. It was only in this case 14 Pent, Jos 9: 2 | an alliance to launch a common attack against Joshua and 15 Pent, Jos 17: 10 | Manasseh; with the sea as their common boundary, they reached Asher 16 His, 1Kin 10: 27 | The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, 17 His, 1Kin 13: 33 | high places from among the common people. Whoever desired 18 His, 2Kin 23: 6 | then scattered over the common graveyard. ~ 19 His, 2Kin 25: 19 | the land, and sixty of the common people still remaining in 20 His, 1Chr 2: 10(3) | the other, derives from a common source.~ 21 His, 2Chr 1: 15 | made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stones, 22 His, 2Chr 9: 27 | The king made silver as common in Jerusalem as stones, 23 His, 2Chr 35: 5 | houses of your brethren, the common people, so that the distribution 24 His, 2Chr 35: 7 | Josiah contributed to the common people a flock of lambs 25 His, 2Chr 35: 12 | ancestral houses of the common people to offer to the LORD, 26 His, 2Chr 35: 13 | them quickly to all the common people. ~ 27 His, Ezr 2: 70 | Levites, and some of the common people took up residence 28 His, Neh Int | Introduction~Problems common to the combined Books Ezra-Nehemiah 29 His, Neh 5: 1 | rose a great outcry of the common people and their wives against 30 His, Neh 7: 5 | the magistrates, and the common people, and to examine their 31 His, Tob 6: 5(1) | power of these organs was common among even the physicians 32 His, 2Mac 8: 29 | they made supplication in common, imploring the merciful 33 His, 2Mac 9: 4 | will make Jerusalem the common graveyard of the Jews as 34 His, 2Mac 9: 14 | the ground and making it a common graveyard; ~ 35 His, 2Mac 11: 15 | Maccabeus, solicitous for the common good, agreed to all that 36 His, 2Mac 14: 25 | settled down, and shared the common life. ~ 37 WisdB, Job 13: 14(1) | second half of the verse is a common biblical expression for 38 WisdB, Job 40: 30(4) | creature to be sold like a common fish.~ 39 WisdB, Psa 1: 1(2) | translated "they." The way: a common biblical term for manner 40 WisdB, Psa 11: 6(3) | gives people to drink is a common figure for their destiny. 41 WisdB, Psa 23: 1(2) | God as good shepherd is common in both the Old Testament 42 WisdB, Psa 31: 13(3) | Like a shattered dish: a common comparison for something 43 WisdB, Psa 62: 12(4) | the sake of variation, a common device in Semitic poetry. 44 WisdB, Psa 69: 2(3) | created the world are a common metaphor for extreme distress. 45 WisdB, Psa 87: 2(2) | gates: the city itself, a common Hebrew idiom.~ 46 WisdB, Psa 99: 1(2) | animal and human features, common in ancient Near Eastern 47 WisdB, Psa 120: 3(3) | 3] More besides: a common curse formula in Hebrew 48 WisdB, Psa 137: 2(2) | Euphrates poplar is a high tree common on riverbanks in the Orient.~ 49 WisdB, Pro 22: 2 | 2 ~Rich and poor have a common bond: the LORD is the maker 50 WisdB, Pro 29: 13 | and the oppressor have a common bond: the LORD gives light 51 WisdB, Wisd 7: 3 | when born, inhaled the common air, and fell upon the kindred 52 WisdB, Wisd 7: 3 | uttered that first sound common to all. ~ 53 ProphB, Jer 26: 23 | his corpse cast into the common grave. ~ 54 ProphB, Jer 31: 31(6) | be made with Israel is a common theme of the prophets, beginning 55 ProphB, Jer 34: 19 | courtiers, the priests, and the common people, who passed between 56 ProphB, Jer 52: 25 | the land, and sixty of the common people who were in the city. ~ 57 ProphB, Eze 7: 27 | terror, and the hands of the common people shall tremble. I 58 ProphB, Eze 21: 26(6) | newly slaughtered animals, a common form of divination in Mesopotamia.~ 59 ProphB, Dan 4: 10(2) | chapter of Daniel, but it is common in later Jewish literature.~ 60 ProphB, Dan 7: 4(3) | empire as a winged lion, a common motif in Babylonian art, 61 ProphB, Hos 4: 14(3) | adultery that had become common in Israel was a far less 62 ProphB, Hos 7: 14(3) | lacerated themselves: a common oriental practice in prayers 63 ProphB, Amo Int | Yahweh's revelation. In common with the other prophets, 64 ProphB, Oba 0: 16(7) | the cup of God's wrath is common in the Bible; cf Job 21: 65 ProphB, Jon Int | vindictive mentality, all too common among the Jews of that period. 66 REPre | understood even though not in common use in everyday speech. 67 Gosp | those features that are common to the four gospels. A similar 68 Gosp, Mat Int | Mark and Q are sources common to the two other synoptic 69 Gosp, Mat 1: 20(9) | in the Old Testament a common designation of God in communication 70 Gosp, Mat 2: 2(3) | We saw his star: it was a common ancient belief that a new 71 Gosp, Mat 6: 16(12)| practice of regular fasting was common in later Judaism; cf Didache 72 Gosp, Mat 7: 13(8) | metaphor of the "two ways" was common in pagan philosophy and 73 Gosp, Mat 8: 5(4) | the Johannine is due to a common oral tradition, not to a 74 Gosp, Mat 8: 5(4) | oral tradition, not to a common literary source. As in the 75 Gosp, Mat 11: 9(7) | 9-10] In common Jewish belief there had 76 Gosp, Mat 13: 30(11)| 30] Harvest: a common biblical metaphor for the 77 Gosp, Mat 16: 12(7) | understands this teaching as common to both groups. Since at 78 Gosp, Mat 16: 12(7) | in Judaism, the supposed common teaching fits neither period. 79 Gosp, Mat 21: 4(4) | twice in different ways, the common Hebrew literary device of 80 Gosp, Mat 21: 24(20)| reply by counterquestion was common in rabbinical debate.~ 81 Gosp, Mat 22: 42(27)| authorship of the psalm, a common view of his time. The psalm 82 Gosp, Mat 27: 16(9) | original reading; Jesus was a common Jewish name; see the note 83 Gosp, Mat 28: 1(1) | The two points that are common to the resurrection testimony 84 Gosp, Mar 6: 13(9) | oil . . . cured them: a common medicinal remedy, but seen 85 Gosp, Luk 1: 69(20)| salvation: the horn is a common Old Testament figure for 86 Gosp, Luk 8: 1(1) | Judaism toward women. The more common attitude is expressed in 87 Gosp, Luk 16: 1(1) | and the usurious practices common to such agents. The dishonesty 88 Gosp, Luk 18: 15(3) | 11-27) from Q, the source common to Luke and Matthew.~ 89 Gosp, Joh 2: 4(4) | Kings 17:18) or denial of common interest (Hosea 14:9; 2 90 Gosp, Joh 4: 9 | For Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans.) ~ 91 Gosp, Joh 19: 29 | was a vessel filled with common wine. 13 So they put a sponge 92 Gosp, Act 2: 44 | together and had all things in common; ~ 93 Gosp, Act 3: 1(1) | the facts of his cure are common property (Acts 4:19-22). 94 Gosp, Act 4: 32 | but they had everything in common. ~ 95 Gosp, Act 17: 22(6) | universe. It contests the common belief in a multiplicity 96 Gosp, Act 21: 40(14)| was the Semitic tongue in common use.~ 97 NTLet | conventions of letter writing common in the ancient world, but 98 NTLet, Rom 1: 1(1) | variations. It is based upon the common Greco-Roman epistolary practice, 99 NTLet, Rom 1: 18(13)| uses themes and rhetoric common in Jewish-Hellenistic mission 100 NTLet, Rom 3: 9(3) | all human beings share the common burden of sin. They are 101 NTLet, Rom 3: 21(7) | But now: Paul adopts a common phrase used by Greek authors 102 NTLet, 1Cor 3: 5(4) | service (1 Cor 3:5) for the common good (elsewhere expressed 103 NTLet, 1Cor 6: 9(2) | 1 Cor 5:10) reflect the common moral sensibility of the 104 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 23(10)| but is to be used for the common good. The language of 1 105 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 11(7) | that all things have in common (1 Cor 11:12b).~ 106 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 13(8) | argument for conformity to common church practice is summed 107 NTLet, 1Cor 12: 1(1) | charismatic activity were common in early Christian experience, 108 NTLet, 1Cor 12: 4(3) | There are some features common to all charisms, despite 109 NTLet, 1Cor 14: 33(10)| the theme of submission in common with 1 Cor 14:11 despite 110 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 1(2) | which he can presuppose as common ground and which provides 111 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 21(9) | adam in Genesis is both a common noun for mankind and a proper 112 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 45(21)| give it its value both as a common noun (man) and as a proper 113 NTLet, 2Cor 6: 15 | Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? ~ 114 NTLet, 2Cor 7: 8(5) | ending. The goal of their common activity, promotion of their 115 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 11(8) | four-step sequence of ideas is common to these two sections: Paul 116 NTLet, Gal 5: 19(14)| 29-31; 1 Cor 6:9-10) were common in the ancient world. Paul 117 NTLet, Eph 4: 1(1) | more than adherence to a common belief. It is manifested 118 NTLet, Phi 2: 7(5) | appearance." While it is common to take Philippians 2:6, 7 119 NTLet, Phi 2: 11(9) | Jesus Christ is Lord: a common early Christian acclamation; 120 NTLet, Phi 2: 12(10)| 12] Fear and trembling: a common Old Testament expression 121 NTLet, Phi 2: 12(12)| 12] Fear and trembling: a common Old Testament expression 122 NTLet, Col 4: 11(4) | 11] Jesus: a then common Jewish name, the Greek form 123 NTLet, 1Tim 5: 1(1) | general advice based on common sense (1 Tim 5:1-2), the 124 NTLet, Tit 1: 4 | Titus, my true child in our common faith: grace and peace from 125 NTLet, Phl 0: 5(5) | 5] Holy ones: a common term for members of the 126 NTLet, Heb Int | suffering in the humanity common to him and to all others ( 127 NTLet, Heb 2: 5(2) | therefore, probably reflects a common early Christian tradition, 128 NTLet, Heb 3: 1(1) | brothers" because of their common relation to him (Hebrews 129 CathL, Jam 4: 4(3) | 4] Adulterers: a common biblical image for the covenant 130 CathL, 1Pet Int | James, and 1 John suggest a common fund traditional formulations 131 CathL, 2Pet 3: 12(10)| conflagration, the idea was common in apocalyptic and Greco-Roman 132 CathL, 2Joh | the Presbyter," and their common authorship is further evidenced 133 CathL, 3Joh 0: 3(2) | Walk in the truth: the common Johannine term to describe 134 CathL, Jude 0: 3 | to write to you about our common salvation, 3 I now feel 135 CathL, Jude 0: 3(3) | 3-4] Our common salvation: the teachings