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Alphabetical [« »] besought 6 bespeak 2 bespeaks 1 best 118 best-known 1 bestial 1 bestir 3 | Frequency [« »] 119 opened 119 original 119 takes 118 best 118 else 118 remains 118 sing | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances best |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | than any, even the very best, translation whether ancient 2 Pent, Gen 4: 4 | part, brought one of the best firstlings of his flock. 3 Pent, Gen 27: 15 | 15 ~Rebekah then took the best clothes of her older son 4 Pent, Gen 37: 3 | 3 ~Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons, for he 5 Pent, Gen 37: 4 | that their father loved him best of all his sons, they hated 6 Pent, Gen 43: 11 | Put some of the land's best products in your baggage 7 Pent, Gen 45: 18 | me; I will assign you the best land in Egypt, where you 8 Pent, Gen 45: 20 | your belongings, for the best in the whole land of Egypt 9 Pent, Exo 22: 4 | make restitution with the best produce of his own field 10 Pent, Exo 35: 29 | offerings as they thought best, for the various kinds of 11 Pent, Lev 16: 23(4) | 23] This verse is best read after Lev 16:25. According 12 Pent, Lev 20: 27(1) | 27] This verse is best read immediately after Lev 13 Pent, Num 13: 20 | wooded or clear? And do your best to get some of the fruit 14 Pent, Num 18: 12 | assigned to you all the best of the new oil and of the 15 Pent, Num 18: 29 | you receive, and from the best parts, you are to consecrate 16 Pent, Num 18: 30 | your contribution from the best part, the rest of the tithes 17 Pent, Num 18: 32 | make a contribution of the best part. Do not profane the 18 Pent, Num 27: 16(4) | men and therefore knows best whom to appoint (cf Acts 19 Pent, Deu 21: 1(1) | 1-9] This paragraph is best read immediately after Deut 20 Pent, Deu 28: 35(6) | 35] This verse is best read with Deut 28:27.~ 21 Pent, Deu 31: 14(3) | 14-15,23] Deut 31:23 is best read immediately after Deut 22 Pent, Deu 33: 13 | LORD is his land with the best of the skies above and of 23 Pent, Deu 33: 14 | 14 ~With the best of the produce of the year, 24 Pent, Deu 33: 15 | age-old mountains and the best from the timeless hills; ~ 25 Pent, Deu 33: 16 | 16 ~8 With the best of the earth and its fullness, 26 Pent, Deu 33: 21 | 21 ~10 He saw that the best should be his when the princely 27 Pent, Jud 9: 33 | against you, deal with him as best you can." ~ 28 Pent, Jud 14: 11(3) | Macc 9:39; Mark 2:19), the best man and his fellows. Here 29 Pent, Jud 14: 20 | to the one who had been best man at his wedding. ~ ~ ~ 30 Pent, Jud 15: 2 | her; so I gave her to your best man. Her younger sister 31 Pent, Jud 15: 6 | was taken and given to his best man." So the Philistines 32 Pent, Jud 17: 6 | everyone did what he thought best. ~ 33 Pent, Jud 21: 25 | everyone did what he thought best. ~ ~ ~ ~ 34 Pent, Rut 3: 3 | yourself; then put on your best attire and go down to the 35 His, 1Sam 1: 23 | her: "Do what you think best; wait until you have weaned 36 His, 1Sam 3: 18 | He will do what he judges best." ~ 37 His, 1Sam 8: 14 | 14 ~He will take the best of your fields, vineyards, 38 His, 1Sam 8: 16 | servants, as well as your best oxen and your asses, and 39 His, 1Sam 14: 36 | replied, "Do what you think best." But the priest said, " 40 His, 1Sam 14: 40 | responded, "Do what you think best." ~ 41 His, 1Sam 15: 9 | troops spared Agag and the best of the fat sheep and oxen, 42 His, 1Sam 15: 15 | Amalek. The men spared the best sheep and oxen to sacrifice 43 His, 1Sam 15: 21 | took sheep and oxen, the best of what had been banned, 44 His, 2Sam 10: 12 | LORD will do what he judges best." ~ 45 His, 2Sam 18: 4 | I will do what you think best"; and he stood by the gate 46 His, 2Sam 19: 28 | of God. Do what you judge best. ~ 47 His, 2Kin 1: 2(1) | Baalzebul, "Prince Baal." The best New Testament evidence supports 48 His, 2Kin 3: 1(2) | of 2 Kings 3:4-27 is thus best placed under the two Kings 49 His, 2Kin 8: 9 | forty camel loads of the best goods of Damascus. On his 50 His, 2Kin 10: 3 | 3 ~decide which is the best and the fittest of your 51 His, 2Kin 10: 5 | king; do whatever you think best." ~ 52 His, 1Chr 19: 10 | him, he chose some of the best fighters among the Israelites 53 His, 1Chr 19: 13 | may the LORD do what seems best to him." ~ 54 His, 1Chr 21: 23 | lord the king do what seems best to him. See, I also give 55 His, 2Chr 31: 5 | in great quantities, the best of their grain, wine, oil 56 His, Ezr 7: 18 | brethren may do whatever seems best to you with the remainder 57 His, Neh 10: 1(1) | than to that of Ezra. It is best read after Nehemiah 13:31. 58 His, Neh 11: 1(1) | the time of Nehemiah is best read after Nehemiah 7:72a. 59 His, Neh 12: 27(2) | Therefore, this section is best read after Nehemiah 6:15.~ 60 His, Neh 12: 44(3) | meant, but the account fits best after that of the restoration 61 His, Est 2: 9 | her and her maids to the best place in the harem. ~ 62 His, 1Mac 8: 8 | and Lydia from among their best provinces. The Romans took 63 His, 2Mac 9: 19 | sends hearty greetings and best wishes for their health 64 His, 2Mac 15: 38 | and mediocre, that is the best I could do. ~ 65 WisdB, Psa 73: 24(5) | B.C. The verse is perhaps best left unspecified as a reference 66 WisdB, Psa 78: 31 | attacked them, killed their best warriors, laid low the youth 67 WisdB, Pro 5: 21(4) | 21-23] These verses are best read after Proverb 5:27.~ 68 WisdB, Pro 6: 20(5) | 23; 7:1-4). They are the best defense against adultery ( 69 WisdB, Pro 19: 8 | intelligence is his own best friend; he who keeps understanding 70 WisdB, Ecc 2: 3 | should understand what is best for men to do under the 71 WisdB, Wisd 14: 19 | over the likeness to the best of his skill; ~ 72 WisdB, Sir 9: 1(1) | dealing with women are the best defense of morality. To 73 WisdB, Sir 9: 14 | 14 ~As best you can, take your neighbors' 74 WisdB, Sir 14: 11 | you have and enjoy it as best you can; ~ 75 WisdB, Sir 40: 17(4) | friends, music, vigor, the best are called true conjugal 76 ProphB, Jer 9: 16 | women to come, summon the best of them; ~ 77 ProphB, Eze 31: 16 | consoled, Lebanon's choice and best, all that were fed by water. ~ 78 ProphB, Eze 34: 18 | for you to graze on the best pasture, that you had to 79 ProphB, Eze 44: 30 | every kind, and all the best of your offerings of every 80 ProphB, Eze 44: 30 | the priests; likewise the best of your dough you shall 81 ProphB, Eze 48: 14 | exchange or alienate this, the best part of the land, for it 82 ProphB, Dan Int | are contained some of the best elements of prophetic teaching: 83 ProphB, Amo 6: 6 | anoint themselves with the best oils; yet they are not made 84 ProphB, Mic 6: 6(2) | religion. This is one of the best expressions of the prophetic 85 ProphB, Mic 7: 4 | 4 ~The best of them is like a brier, 86 ProphB, Nah Int | inscriptions of Assyria afford the best commentary on the burning 87 REPre | these problems or about the best way to deal with them. In 88 Gosp, Mat Int | The antitheses are the best commentary on the meaning 89 Gosp, Mat 8: 28(21)| and Luke 8:26; there the best reading seems to be "Gerasenes," 90 Gosp, Mat 27: 1(2) | handing him over to Pilate is best explained on the hypothesis 91 Gosp, Mat 27: 65 | yours; 38 go secure it as best you can." ~ 92 Gosp, Mar 1: 21(10)| on the hearer, was in the best tradition of the ancient 93 Gosp, Mar 7: 16(5) | is lacking in some of the best Greek manuscripts and was 94 Gosp, Mar 11: 26(4) | transgressions," is omitted in the best manuscripts. It was probably 95 Gosp, Mar 15: 28(12)| omitted in the earliest and best manuscripts. It contains 96 Gosp, Luk 3: 22(11)| well pleased: this is the best attested reading in the 97 Gosp, Luk 4: 44(19)| instead of Judea, which is the best reading of the manuscript 98 Gosp, Luk 24: 12(4) | tradition but is found in the best and oldest manuscripts of 99 Gosp, Joh 1: 18(12)| translation above follows the best and earliest manuscripts, 100 Gosp, Joh 3: 29 | bride is the bridegroom; the best man, 14 who stands and listens 101 Gosp, Joh 3: 29(14)| 29] The best man: literally, "the friend 102 Gosp, Joh 18: 37(16)| the high priest. It is at best a reluctant affirmative.~ 103 Gosp, Act 8: 37(10)| 37] The oldest and best manuscripts of Acts omit 104 Gosp, Act 24: 7(2) | that is not found in the best Greek manuscripts. It reads, " 105 Gosp, Act 28: 29(7) | that is not found in the best Greek manuscripts: "And 106 NTLet, Rom 13: 8(2) | legislation, namely, to secure the best interests of the citizenry. 107 NTLet, 1Cor 2: 4(3) | manuscript readings here the best is either "not with the 108 NTLet, 1Cor 7: 26 | So this is what I think best because of the present distress: 109 NTLet, 2Tim Int | 4:13) and, what will be best of all, a visit from Timothy.~ 110 NTLet, Heb Int | letter is in many ways the best in the New Testament.~Since 111 NTLet, Heb 3: 6(2) | in the three earliest and best witnesses and are probably 112 CathL, Jam Int | style, which ranks among the best in the New Testament and 113 CathL, Jam 1: 12(6) | or "the Lord," while the best witnesses do not specify 114 CathL, 2Pet 1: 3(4) | ancient papyrus and the best codex read "through glory 115 CathL, 2Pet 1: 10(6) | Christian vocation is the best preventative against losing 116 CathL, Rev Int | extravagant symbolism, which at best appears unusual to the modern 117 CathL, Rev 1: 5(5) | us" is supported by the best manuscripts and fits well 118 CathL, Rev 6: 17(15)| reading is attested in the best manuscripts, but the vast