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Alphabetical [« »] act 164 acted 41 acting 20 action 98 actions 44 activated 1 active 17 | Frequency [« »] 99 ram 99 testimony 99 wait 98 action 98 broke 98 guilty 98 palestine | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances action |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 41: 34 | Pharaoh should also take action to appoint overseers, so 2 Pent, Lev 10: 16(6) | community. Aaron defends this action of his sons against Moses' 3 Pent, Num Int | described clearly indicate the action of God, who punishes the 4 Pent, Num 30: 3(1) | from some otherwise elicit action or pleasure; cf Numbers 5 Pent, Deu 21: 4(2) | sacrifice but a symbolic action; the priests are present 6 Pent, Deu 28: 6(2) | beginning and end of every action, or in all actions in general.~ 7 Pent, Jos 5: 13(4) | 3) a description of the action on each of the first six 8 Pent, Jud 4: 17(2) | this as approval of Jael's action.~ 9 Pent, Jud 6: 32 | the words, "Let Baal take action against him, since he destroyed 10 Pent, Jud 6: 32(3) | meaning, "Let Baal take action."~ 11 Pent, Jud 11: 30(2) | does not approve of the action.~ 12 Pent, Jud 20: 7(2) | asked to decide at once what action to take concerning this 13 Pent, Rut Int | because of the time of its action, and just before Samuel, 14 His, 1Sam 24: 14 | wickedness.' So I will take no action against you. ~ 15 His, 2Sam 3: 18 | 18 ~Now take action, for the LORD has said of 16 His, 1Kin 8: 32 | listen in heaven; take action and pass judgment on your 17 His, 1Chr Int | purpose was to disclose the action of the living God in the 18 His, 2Chr 6: 23 | listen from heaven: take action and pass judgment on your 19 His, Ezr 10: 4 | so have courage and take action!" ~ 20 His, Neh Int | Nehemiah was the man of action who rebuilt the walls of 21 His, Jdt 7: 2 | their fighting men went into action. Their forces numbered a 22 His, Est 4: 5 | him to find out what this action of Mordecai meant and the 23 His, 1Mac 5: 6(4) | to 2 Macc 12:17-23. The action was probably a reprisal 24 His, 1Mac 9: 73(12)| hands, Jonathan's freedom of action was greatly restricted. 25 His, 2Mac 5: 18 | back from his presumptuous action as soon as he approached. ~ 26 WisdB, Job Int | answers, not by justifying his action before men, but by referring 27 WisdB, Psa 40: 4(2) | song in response to the new action of God (cf Psalm 33:3; 96: 28 WisdB, Psa 79: 1(1) | last (Psalm 79:5), pray for action now (Psalm 79:6-7), and 29 WisdB, Son 1: 5(3) | 9; 6:1) thus developing action within the poem. Kedar: 30 WisdB, Son 8: 8(3) | she quotes the course of action which her elder brothers 31 WisdB, Sir 4: 20(3) | of liberty in speech and action (Sirach 4:22-25), false 32 WisdB, Sir 37: 16(1) | 16-25] Thoughts determine action. Wisdom is the source of 33 ProphB, Isa 9: 10 | stirs up their enemies to action: ~ 34 ProphB, Isa 45: 9(6) | challenge God's freedom of action, exemplified here by the 35 ProphB, Isa 48: 3 | them; then suddenly I took action and they came to be. ~ 36 ProphB, Jer 14: 7 | witness against us, take action, O LORD, for the honor of 37 ProphB, Jer 29: 26 | house of the LORD, to take action against all madmen and those 38 ProphB, Jer 32: 1(1) | recounts a prophecy "in action." At the Lord's command, 39 ProphB, Jer 32: 6(3) | deprive him of all freedom of action. The siege maintained by 40 ProphB, Eze 4: 9(3) | 9-13] This action represents the scarcity 41 ProphB, Eze 14: 9(1) | attributed to God every action, good or evil; cf 1 Sam 42 ProphB, Eze 37: 15(2) | 15-22] The symbolic action of joining two sticks into 43 ProphB, Dan 11: 32 | their God shall take strong action. ~ 44 ProphB, Joe 4: 4 | vengeance upon me by some action? But if you do take action 45 ProphB, Joe 4: 4 | action? But if you do take action against me, swiftly, speedily, 46 ProphB, Mal 3: 17 | possession, on the day I take action. And I will have compassion 47 ProphB, Mal 3: 21 | feet, on the day I take action, says the LORD of hosts. ~ 48 Gosp, Mat 6: 10(7) | divine rather than human action in the petitions that immediately 49 Gosp, Mat 6: 14(11)| Principles of Holy Law." Human action now will be met by a corresponding 50 Gosp, Mat 6: 14(11)| be met by a corresponding action of God at the final judgment.~ 51 Gosp, Mat 12: 3(3) | although in 1 Sam this action is attributed to Ahimelech. 52 Gosp, Mat 21: 18(16)| ill-tempered, but it is a prophetic action similar to those of Old 53 Gosp, Mat 23: 13(7) | between their speech and action Matthew 23:3 and in demonstrations 54 Gosp, Mar Int | for the entire book. The action begins with the appearance 55 Gosp, Mar 2: 25(15)| did?: Jesus defends the action of his disciples on the 56 Gosp, Mar 3: 6(2) | Perea, is needed to take action against Jesus. Both series 57 Gosp, Mar 4: 1(1) | the present and the future action of God, from the initiation 58 Gosp, Mar 7: 36(10)| 10; 14:9). Implied in the action of the crowd is a recognition 59 Gosp, Mar 8: 15(4) | of Herod: the corruptive action of leaven (1 Cor 5:6-8; 60 Gosp, Mar 11: 12(2) | fig tree is a parable in action representing Jesus' judgment ( 61 Gosp, Mar 14: 3(2) | defends a woman's loving action of anointing his head with 62 Gosp, Luk 9: 51(24)| Elijah takes the course of action Jesus rejects, and Jesus 63 Gosp, Luk 23: 51 | consented to their plan of action. He came from the Jewish 64 Gosp, Joh 17: 1(2) | 1] The action of looking up to heaven 65 Gosp, Joh 18: 3(3) | at Roman collusion in the action against Jesus before he 66 Gosp, Joh 20: 17(10)| the resurrection as one action. This scene in John dramatizes 67 Gosp, Joh 20: 22(15)| 22] This action recalls Genesis 2:7, where 68 Gosp, Joh 21: 9(4) | the vocabulary of Jesus' action at the Last Supper; but 69 Gosp, Act Int | empire, Luke perceives the action of God in history laying 70 Gosp, Act 2: 2(2) | wind would herald a new action of God in the history of 71 Gosp, Act 5: 17(3) | 17-42] A second action against the community is 72 Gosp, Act 20: 10(4) | 10] The action of Paul in throwing himself 73 Gosp, Act 26: 31(10)| impartially, no grounds for legal action against him were found ( 74 NTLet, Rom Int | righteous or justifying action in Christ is also revealed ( 75 NTLet, Rom 1: 5(4) | faith in God's justifying action in Jesus Christ relates 76 NTLet, Rom 1: 18(13)| the world but goes into action at each present moment in 77 NTLet, Rom 5: 1(1) | believers that God's justifying action in Jesus Christ is a declaration 78 NTLet, Rom 8: 28(5) | 8:29). God's redemptive action on behalf of the believers 79 NTLet, Rom 10: 1(1) | God. Faith in God's saving action in Jesus Christ takes precedence 80 NTLet, Rom 10: 4(2) | been superseded by God's action in Jesus Christ. Others 81 NTLet, 1Cor Int | decisiveness to take appropriate action against one of its members 82 NTLet, 1Cor 8: 1(1) | contributing by individual action to the welfare and growth 83 NTLet, 1Cor 8: 6(3) | contains no verb here and the action intended must be inferred 84 NTLet, 1Cor 8: 13(5) | clear: he will avoid any action that might harm another 85 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 23(11)| narrative emphasizes Jesus' action of self-giving (expressed 86 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 23(11)| command to repeat his own action.~ 87 NTLet, 1Cor 11: 27(12)| command to reproduce his action in the proper spirit. If 88 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 24(10)| beneficiaries of all the action.~ 89 NTLet, 1Cor 15: 49(22)| futurity and the transforming action of God; on future transformation 90 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 5(2) | community. In any case, action has been taken, and Paul 91 NTLet, 2Cor 5: 18(12)| explain the meaning of God's action by a variety of different 92 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 3(6) | and the nature of their action. They begged us insistently: 93 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 11 | absent, that we also are in action when present. ~ 94 NTLet, Gal 2: 11(11)| himself and also by Paul. His action in breaking table fellowship 95 NTLet, Col Int | spirit of reflection and action. Love, obedience, and service 96 NTLet, 2The 2: 7(6) | stands (2 Thes 2:9). The action of the Lord [Jesus] in overcoming 97 CathL, Jam 4: 1(2) | The motivation for any action can be wrong, especially 98 CathL, 3Joh | as a loyal Christian in action and belief. Gaius accepted