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New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Text |
The Gospels
The collection of writings that constitutes the New Testament begins with four gospels. Next comes the Acts of the Apostles, followed by twenty-one letters that are attributed to Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude. Finally, at the end of the early church's scriptures stands the Revelation to John. Virtually all Christians agree that these twenty-seven books constitute the "canon," a term that means "rule" and designates the list of writings that are regarded as authoritative for Christian faith and life.
It is the purpose of this Introduction to describe those features that are common to the four gospels. A similar treatment of the letters of the New Testament is provided in the two Introductions that appear before the Letter to the Romans and before the Letter of James, respectively. The Acts of the Apostles, a work that is both historical and theological, and Revelation, an apocalyptic work, have no counterparts in the New Testament; the special Introductions prefixed to these books treat of the literary characteristics proper to each of them.
While the New Testament contains four writings called "gospels," there is in reality only one gospel running through all of the Christian scriptures, the gospel of and about Jesus Christ. Our English word "gospel" translates the Greek term euangelion, meaning "good news." This noun was used in the plural by the Greek translators of the Old Testament to render the Hebrew term for "good news" (⇒ 2 Sam 4:10; possibly also ⇒ 2 Sam 18:20, ⇒ 25). But it is the corresponding verb euangelizomai, "to proclaim good news," that was especially significant in preparing for the New Testament idea of "gospel," since this term is used by Deutero-Isaiah of announcing the great victory of God that was to establish his universal kingship and inaugurate the new age (⇒ Isaiah 40:9; ⇒ 52:7; ⇒ 61:1).
Paul used the word euangelion to designate the message that he and the other apostles proclaimed, the "gospel of God" (⇒ Romans 1:1; ⇒ 15:16; ⇒ 2 Cor 11:7; ⇒ 1 Thes 2:2, 8, 9). He often referred to it simply as "the gospel" (⇒ Romans 1:16; ⇒ 10:16; ⇒ 11:28; etc) or, because of its content and origin, as "the gospel of Christ" (⇒ Romans 15:19; ⇒ 1 Cor 9:12; ⇒ 1 Thes 3:2; etc). Because of its personal meaning for him and his own particular manner of telling the story about Jesus Christ and of explaining the significance of his cross and resurrection, Paul also referred to this message as "my gospel" (⇒ Romans 2:16; cf ⇒ Gal 1:11; ⇒ 2:2) or "our gospel" (⇒ 2 Cor 4:3; ⇒ 1 Thes 1:5; ⇒ 2 Thes 2:14).
It was Mark, as far as we know, who first applied the term "gospel" to a book telling the story of Jesus; see ⇒ Mark 1:1 and the note there. This form of presenting Jesus' life, works, teachings, passion, and resurrection was developed further by the other evangelists; see the Introduction to each gospel. The first three of the canonical gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are so similar at many points when viewed together, particularly when arranged in parallel columns or lines, that they are called "synoptic" gospels, from the Greek word for such a general view. The fourth gospel, John, often differs significantly from the synoptics in outline and approach. This work never uses the word "gospel" or its corresponding verb; nevertheless, its message concerns the same Jesus, and the reader is urged to believe in him as the Messiah, "that through this belief you may have life in his name" (⇒ John 20:31).
From the second century onward, the practice arose of designating each of these four books as a "gospel," understood as a title, and of adding a phrase with a name that identified the traditional author, e.g., "The Gospel according to Matthew." The arrangement of the canon that was adopted, with the fourgospelsgrouped together at the beginning followed by Acts, provides a massive focus upon Jesus and allows Acts to serve as a framework for the letters of the New Testament. This order, however, conceals the fact that Luke's two volumes, a gospel and Acts, were intended by their author to go together. It further obscures the point that Paul's letters were written before any of our gospels, though the sayings and deeds of Jesus stand behind all the New Testament writings.