
Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue

  • Message to Jains on the occasion of the feast of Mahavir Jayanti 2015 (31 March 2015)
  • Message to Card. Jean-Louis Tauran for the 50th anniversary of foundation of the Council for the dialogue with other religions (19 May 2014)
  • Address by Card. Jean-Louis Tauran at the Conference on Interreligious Dialogue on the theme: Religious values: Perspective on peace and respect for life (Doha, Qatar, 13-14 May 2008)
  • Communiqué: Consultation on Inter-religious dialogue in Africa (April 14, 2008)
  • Address of Card. Jean-Louis Tauran at the Conference on the Future of Christianity in the West held at the Cultural Centre Saint-Louis de France in Rome (January 24, 2008)
  • Reflection by Fr. Felix Machado on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Religious Summit at Mount Hiei (Kyoto-Japan)
  • Homily of Card. Paul Poupard on the 39th anniversary of the foundation of the Community of Saint Egidio (February 8, 2007)
  • Press Conference for the presentation of the Message for the end of Ramadan (October 20, 2006)
  • Address of Card. Paul Poupard to Pope Benedict XVI during the meeting with the Ambassadors of Countries with a Muslim majority and the representatives of Muslim communities in Italy (September 25, 2006)
  • Reflection by H.E. Mons. Michael L. Fitzgerald on the Holy Father John Paul II (May 2, 2005)
  • Reflections by Monsignor Michael Fitzgerald on the Day of Fasting and Prayer, 14 December 2001
  • Message to the Hindus on the Feast of Diwali 1998
  • Message to the Hindus on the Feast of Diwali  (November 1, 1997)
  • The Church and other Religions - Dialogue and Mission (June 10, 1984)
  • Message for the end of Ramadan (1982)
  • Institution of the Secretary for non-Christians. Homily of Paul VI (May 17, 1964)