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Wednesday, 30 October 1968
Mister Prime Minister,
We appreciate highly the honour you do Us by your visit, and We welcome you heartily to Our home.
We are happy to see that, in your country, the reception given to the Christian message has led to immediate outstanding results: not only to progress in the organization of modern life, but also to the Christian and human concept of life according to the ideals of justice, of freedom, of peace; for these ideals find faithful correspondence in the human feeling, and the indigenous culture, of the People of Lesotho.
Then, too, We rejoice to know that your independent University bears the name, so rich in mystic historical and spiritual significance, of Roma; and that it developed from the original institute named for Our illustrious and venerated Predecessor, Pius the Twelfth. To this institution, already in happy development and rich with promise for the future, We send, though your good offices, Mister Prime Minister, a special greeting.
With paternal interest have We followed the recent developments in Lesotho, praying that your Nation may advance in peaceful relations with its neighbours and with the other countries of the world. You know well the unselfish efforts of the Catholic Church, through its priests, men and women religious and laity, under the leadership of their Bishops, to promote health, welfare and the education of your people. In a Nation which respects the freedom of the Church, these efforts will continue and increase, for the good of Lesotho and the progress of its citizens.
Invoking God’s guidance upon your admirable endeavours, and those of your Government, We pray that He may bless and prosper the Nation of Lesotho, and all its beloved people.
*AAS 60 (1968), p.756.
Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. VI, p.569-570.
L’Attività della Santa Sede 1968, p.968-969.
L'Osservatore Romano 31.10.1968, p.1.
ORa n.32 p.3.
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