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SYNODUS EPISCOPORUM of the Commission for information of the 16 November-12 December 1997 "Encounter with the Living Jesus Christ, The Bulletin of the Synod of Bishops is only a working instrument for journalistic use and the translations from the original are not official. English Edition
19 - 27.11.1997 SUMMARY SIXTEENTH GENERAL CONGREGATION The Sixteenth General Congregation of the Synod of Bishops, Special Assembly for America, commenced today at 9:15am, with the chant of the Third Hour, in the presence of the Holy Father, in the Synod Hall. Presidente Delegate on duty: H. Em. Rev. Card. Eugênio DE ARAÚJO SALES, Archbishop di São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro. The following Synodal Fathers intervened:
In the course of this Sixteenth General Congregation, in addition, the following Fraternal Delegate intervened:
Herewith follow the summaries of the interventions of the Fathers: H. Em. Card. John Joseph OCONNOR , Archbishop of New York. We must continue to fight tirelessly against injustices of every form and try every way to respond to the cry of the poor. But we must simultaneously encourage the poor and all others to come to know and love and feed on and be fed by the Eucharist. It would be hoped that this Synod would call for a Eucharistic crusade, to win people particularly to Sunday Mass. Many have emphasized the use of the media to communicate the teachings of Christ, particularly His call for justice. The communications opportunity within our grasp is the Word of God preached, the Word of God received in Holy Communion. We must bring people back to Mass in order to communicate with them. The Eucharist, the Mass, is the greatest of gifts we can give our people. This Synod has repeatedly emphasized solidarity and communio. When we receive the Eucharistic Christ, He receives us into Himself, and burns away with His love all that separates us from one another. In the Eucharist we find our hope against despair. [00208-02.03] [00194] [Original text: English] H. Em. Card. Roger ETCHEGARAY , President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Like a new Christopher Columbus, John Paul II has opened the way to the discovery that if the Americas continue to exist, there is also one America containing them all, and it is arising more and more clearly from the mists of history. Out of this new world, now beginning to age like the others, we are called upon to create an entirely new world of justice and peace. This multicolored continent, with its conquest, with its lights and shadows, has transformed into a microcosm where the races and cultures of the entire world intermingle! This chaotic continent, where the cry goes up from a land wrenched from its native sons; this continent split with the gaps separating rich and poor, sadly disfigured with the plundering of nature, the urban explosion, children wandering the streets, the sordid drug traffic, the spiral of violence and corruption and the intolerable burden of debt! And yet no other continent can so entirely drape itself in the cloak of Christianity. There is no other continent where there are so many signs of evangelization among the people. There is no other continent better equipped with maps and compasses, or which possessed pastoral references so precious as those of Medellin, Puebla and Santo Domingo. But seeing and judging are not enough...we must have action. And this is precisely where we feel at our weakest, at our most destitute. What do we need? For my part, I would look for the crux of the answer in the very topic of the Synod: "encounter with the living Jesus Christ". For it is precisely this that will allow us - in America more than anywhere else - to rectify the dangerous balance between the purely spiritual and the purely social, which too often separates or opposes the apostles using selected passages from the Gospels. How are we to avoid cutting in two, not just the Word, but the very Person of Jesus Christ, both "real God and real man"? [00255-02.05] [00208] [Original text: French] H. Em. Card. Achille SILVESTRINI , Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches 1. The Eastern Catholic Churches are very thankful to all America for having welcomed their sons, where these, often traversing through dramatic conditions, have found refuge there. The welcoming with open arms and rediscovered stability permitted the Eastern Catholics to help their compatriots who remained in the countries of their origin, above all when Marxist regimes suffocated every freedom. The communities of America became then the place of free circulation of news and ideas, and also of concrete solidarity. 2. The numerous groups of Catholics of diverse ethnic extraction, are part of one and the same Church, the Latin one; the Eastern Catholics belong instead to diverse Churches sui iuris, that together with those Latin, constitute the Catholic Church. The aim of the pastoral programs for Eastern Catholics does not rest in assimilating them into the faithful of the Latin Church, but of conserving in theory and in practice their own rite. The Congregation expresses its profound gratitude to those Bishops who already actively promote the pastoral care of the Eastern Catholic faithful living in their dioceses and lacking their own Ordinary, according to the dictates of Christus Dominus and of Can. 383, Sec. 2 of the CIC. The Holy Father appeals to the Eastern Catholics, "to collaborate closely with the Latin Ordinaries for an effective apostolate which is not fragmented" (Orientale Lumen 26), also to avoid isolation. The Congregation of the Eastern Churches is committed to continue to promote, always in a more effective way, the pastoral care of Eastern Catholics, in the various models foreseen (Cf. OE 4), even to the establishment of genuine ecclesiastical areas of jurisdiction, when they are required and the good of the faithful demands it. 3. Great benefits have come to the Eastern Churches through their ecclesial life of participation in a climate of sharing, created by reciprocal acceptance, in the positive confrontation of the richness of multiformity. The Holy Father, sees in territories of the diaspora, "an ideal environment for improving and intensifying cooperation between the Churches in training future priests and in pastoral and charitable projects, also for the benefit of the Orientals countries of origin." (Orientale Lumen 26). Monastic life among the Eastern Catholics, is beginning to re-flower, truly taking account of the experience already realized for some time, in an especially exclusive way, in America. We wish, here, to give thanks to the Eastern Catholics of America, inasmuch as they did the utmost for their brothers in their homeland, and we exhort them to intensify their efforts, with courage and always in great respect of true human and cultural sensitivity for their lands of origin. 4. It is indispensable that in the Catholic Church, an ever deepening knowledge of the Church of the East, is promoted. Canon 41 of CCEO provides that the Latin-rite Catholics who have frequent dealings with Catholics of another Church sui iuris, "are accurately formed in knowledge and in veneration of the rite of that same Church"; in order to do this, one can usefully draw ones inspiration from the clearly expressed orientations in the still relevant letter Eu egard au development, of the Congregation for Catholic Education, of 6 January 1987, regarding studies about the Eastern Churches (Cf. also: Ecumenical Directory 70-91). For its part, the Congregation for the Oriental Churches has, as priority, the knowledge and the evaluation of the patrimony of Christians of the East, above all, by the same Eastern Catholics, and in particular, by the candidates for Holy Orders, and afterward by the Latin Church. 5. I would like to express profound gratitude to the Catholics of America for the generous contribution that they offer to the Eastern Churches: in particular to the glorious Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA), created in the USA, in the 1930s, through the stimulus of Pope Pius XI, and the Office to Aid the Catholic Church in Central and Eastern Europe and in the CIS, born after the fall of the Communist regimes in the East. A profound thanks also for the generosity that they have shown on the occasion of the annual Collection for the Holy Land. 6. The considerations here presented are of value above all for North America, but they apply also to Central America and to South America, even if the presence of Eastern Catholics in these does not always assume the same dimensions and the same pastoral articulation: for these, the recognition and requirement to help Eastern Catholics remains also of value. [00266-02.06] [00215] [Original text: Italian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Toribio TICONA PORCO , Bishop Prelate of Corocoro. "They wanted to reduce us to nothing 500 years ago, but they did not succeed". "We have roots which they cannot kill, since something will always spring up". These expressions are the voice of some people from a culture based on a living rock in the Andes. They are the manifestation of people who wish to last as a culture with their own "aymara"identity and they rise in challenge against any system which tries to dominate them. The ancestral basis of the "aymara" millenarian "ayllu", that is its strength is acquired only within the community and not outside it. The community is the protecting center of individual and social life. Thus, whenever a member of the community gets ill, everybody is sorry. Whenever they build a house, the other members give material help. Whenever there is a feast, everybody must go to rejoice, at least to greet each other. For this reason, a feast is the maximum expression of the community unit in joy and in sharing. Experience has taught me that God is the catechist of the world and reaches all His children He created, whom He cannot forget and to whom He teaches His catechism even to those who live in distant lands, where no missionary has ever reached. God catechizes in a mysterious way with the alphabet of the stars, beauty of creation and through the discoveries of man. We native bishops dream of our parishes as being natural "communities of communities" with their own pastoral agents who identify themselves in their culture, love their brothers and sisters and who, in addition to the ordained ministers, we have other ministers of the Word, Teachers, Promoters of natural health, civil Promoters, Promoters for women and native religious women without disregarding the value of missionary men and women who will always have a place among us. Of course, all this is under the authority of JACHA TATA , the Holy Father Pope John Paul II. From these principles of a missionary, inculturated , paschal and local Church and these native communities of which I am part through my blood and pastoral activity, I suggest some concrete proposals: 1) lets study in-depth our inculturation efforts among the indigenous people and Afro-American people, even as an answer to the growing globalization which threatens the social and cultural identity. 2) Lets denounce the current and historical taking away of land from the legitimate owners and the destruction of their crop. Lets try to recover them as an integral pastoral commitment. 3) Lets make sure that the indigenous Catholics become their own promoters and evangelizers. 4) May the Virgin of Copacabana, and the Virgin of Guadalupe, who is the Patron of America and the Star of the New Evangelization, help us to bear witness of our faith in the living Jesus Christ in such a complex world of today. [00199-02.04] [00185] [Original text: Castilian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Alvaro Leonel RAMAZZINI IMERI , Bishop of San Marcos In accordance with the teachings of Pope John Paul II, the proclamation of the Gospel requires the Church to incarnate the Gospel in the cultures where the evangelizing action takes place. On the other hand, a sign of the time that should be interpreted in a positive way by the pastors of the Church is the growing awareness among the indigenous peoples of their right to preserve their identity. This awareness is the result of the missionary labor of the Church. This awareness also stems from the acknowledgment of the values compatible with the Christian faith to be found in these cultures. Efforts are now being made to recover and highlight all the positive aspects in them. This is in compliance with the commitment undertaken at the 4th General Episcopal Conference in Santo Domingo to save and free specific peoples or human groups in order to strengthen their identity and defend the authentic cultural values of all peoples, especially the oppressed, the defenseless and marginalized (Cf. Santo Domingo Doc. N. 243). These initiatives are also based on the conviction that there is a wisdom of the indigenous peoples which is a spiritual reserve, a protection against a technically-oriented, secularized, individualistic and materialistic society. Nevertheless, a serious danger threatens the indigenous peoples, mainly poor farmers: the danger of easy money from drug trafficking, growing poppies and marijuana. Commitment to continue incultured evangelization in the indigenous cultures, and a decisive fight against the drug trafficking could also be commitments to be undertaken by the Synodal Assembly. [00200-02.03] [00186] [Original text: Castilian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. François GAYOT , S.M..M., Archbishop of Cap-Haïtien. I. "Sign of the Times" What do we perceive at the dawn of the Third Millennium? We see a world in full change, a world marching towards cultural, economic and social integration: cultural - by means of the media of social communications and of informatics; economic - through the intermediary of globalization of world economy; social - tied to the great human mobility which carries with it immense migratory flux. That which we see once more is the active presence of the Church in movement in the world. A Church which orients itself resolutely towards ecclesial communion. 1. The first stage has made the pastoral dimension of ecclesial communion resurface. 2. The second stage has brought to light the collegial dimension of ecclesial communion. 3. The third stage is that of today. This makes the Synodal dimension of ecclesial communion come forth, authored by Pope John Paul II, in the shape of this Special Assembly for America. II. "Interpretation in the Light of the Gospel" The Church in America is not an institution which travels a path parallel to the world, She is a Church, present at the heart of the reality of this world. This Church, which walks to the same rhythm as humanity, shares the earthly destiny of mankind, of the marginalized, of the excluded, of those who live in precarious situations. The Church in America is discovering that this is the vision of Christ himself, who shows himself in the great labor of the gathering of mankind in communion. III. Suggested Propositions In the perspective of this theological vision of the Church-communion and of this Christian conception of fraternal integration, I would suggest some propositions to the Synod, in three directives: 1. Promote a Pastoral of Fraternal Integration of ethnic minorities in the midst of majority groups: for the inculturation of human and spiritual values in catechesis and the liturgy; for the promotion of the defense of the dignity and the rights of the human person in the social pastoral (Integration of the Caribbean in the appellation of CELAM is one obvious sign of the wish for integration of Afro-Americans in Latin America.) 2. Reinforce the structure of the inter-American reunion of Bishops in order to promote episcopal collegiality as the instrument in service of evangelization and as the expression of communion with the Holy Father. 3. Witness of ecclesial communion through the concrete sign of missionary solidarity in order to better manifest the unique mission of Christ realized through the Church. The sending of missionaries, from our poverty, going from the South towards the North and from the North towards the South. [00247-02.05] [00206] [Original text: French] Approaching the living Christ, as the Synod exhorts us to do, and together with the passionate invitation presented by the Holy Father at the beginning of his Pontificate, "Open the doors to Christ", - this is the fascinating adventure the Church has always proposed to man and which is now re-proposed with fresh vigor at the threshold of the Third Millennium. Approaching to meet does not imply a discovery. In spite of appearances Christ has never been so near as He is now: "I stand at the door and knock" Jesus seems to say and adds, looking at man His brother, and speaking in the name of the Father: "We shall come to Him and take up with Him our abode". The future of the world and man must be in the sign of Christ. The Church has dedicated itself to this undertaking: "Make Christ the heart of the world". Where Christ lives, there is the kingdom he brings with Him and where no sin must prevail. Convince the world of its sins, as the prophets have done: this is the first pronouncement of the Synod: an announcement in words the world can understand, just as it always has, the words of the Gospel pronounced by purified lips. Then, immediately after, come the words of forgiveness guaranteed by the blood of Christ, a drop for every sin, to make man, in his terror before suffering and death, aware of his dignity as Son of the Resurrection like Jesus, the first born of the many brethren united in communion and in agreement amongst themselves. Where are we to get the energy for such a vast undertaking? From above or below? We are faced with a choice: either seek our lost energy "from below" i.e. in ourselves, in our reserves of intelligence and enterprise, or else seek it "from above" from the sun which is the risen Christ and given in the Holy Spirit. Not with human strength and power, but with that of the Holy Spirit the "mountains " rearing before us "can be razed". The saints, says St. Basil, are above all where the Holy Spirit is manifest and , as one of our Fathers so wisely recalled the other day, the soul which has always vitalized and activated the lives of the People of God. They are the ones who stand by men in their suffering, who walk at the side of emigrants, who bar the way to sects, who encourage contemplation and support social choices. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints, is delighted to take the occasion to tell the bishops how much they are at one with their initiatives for promoting the Beatifications and the Canonizations of so many of their servants of God, thereby responding to an explicit recognition of the Apostolic Constitution "Divinus Perfectionis issued in 1983 by the Holy Father, in his auspicious reign, where he states: "We think that in the light of the doctrine on Collegiality proposed by Vatican Council II it is convenient for the Bishops themselves to become associates of the Apostolic See in dealing with the Causes of the Saints". At the same the Congregation wishes to invite the Bishops to strengthen their collaboration at various levels - diocesan, national and international - with the institutionalization of appropriate forms, which go beyond particular choices to focus and support the most appropriate choices and thus organize a joint, coherent and coordinated pastoral effort. [00263-02.00] [00213] [Original text: Italian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Raúl CORRIVEAU , P.M.E., Bishop of Choluteca. The Instrumentum Laboris of this Synod describes Latin America as a continent where there are many "worrying situations: differences between rich and poor, unemployment, foreign debt, forced migration etc." (N. 59). This situation is associated with worldwide economic and social change without proper ethical rules, which affects millions of our brethren on the continent. In many countries in our continent, no attempts have been made to create a type of society in which everyone has the opportunity to achieve their human potential. This is likewise one of the main causes for the increase in migration from South to North America. This raises challenges for the Church in her pastoral tasks: how can we contribute to building up a more ethical world order and ensure that the developed countries implement fairer conditions in the trade links with the less developed countries and help them to achieve prosperity? How can we evangelize the leaders of the countries for the development of the true ethics of solidarity based on love and respect for human beings? We propose the following: to work to rebuilt the social fabric; to foster at all levels a truly work-oriented culture; to promote the formation of politicians and economists respecting ethical criteria based on the Gospel of Jesus and the teachings of the Church; to promote in all sectors of pastoral action joint work oriented towards the formation of communities characterized by participation, solidarity and fraternity. [00201-02.04] [00187] [Original text: Castilian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Antonio MORENO CASAMITJANA , Archbishop of Concepción. The Instrumentum Laboris invites to increase the ecumenical awareness of the faithful (No.42). Lets welcome the call. However, we must clearly aim at the problems which appear in this task, not so much on behalf of the historical reformed churches as much as the "evangelical" groups which are rapidly increasing in many countries of Latin America. It is necessary to consider the causes of this growth, recognizing wherever necessary ones own shortcomings. These causes are: 1) lack of clergy, which leaves many areas without appropriate pastoral attention; 2) insufficient doctrinal and spiritual formation of the faithful; 3) pastoral work which is sometimes rigid and not very welcoming; 4) a growing aggressive attitude on behalf of "evangelical" groups; 5) the existence of interests of a political and cultural nature which support expansion of these groups in Latin America. With such a situation, it is necessary to strengthen the spirit and the evangelizing capacity of the Catholic Church: 1) making a decisive effort to promote priestly vocations; 2) preparing priests in seminaries with a solid doctrinal formation, evangelical life and pastoral charity; 3) helping the lay faithful to reach a personal encounter with God and the living Jesus Christ in personal prayer, the liturgy and exercising charity; 4) making sure that the lay faithful have integral knowledge of the faith, and in particular those truths which the "evangelicals" keep silent or deny; 5) making an effort to support evangelization by resorting to the social communication media, in particular the radio, which the "evangelical" group use in a big way. [00202-02030] [00188] [Original text: Castilian] In our humility and poverty, I would like to express my profound thanks to God our Father who, in his inscrutable and wise ways has enabled us to live in fraternal communion with all of you brothers, bishops, priests, deacons, religious men and women and lay people from throughout Latin America, from Canada to Chile and Argentina, the United States, Mexico and Central America, the nearby and related Caribbean nations, the countries associated with Bolivar, Brazil and the far South. All of you are aware of the particular situation of Cuba since 1959. This singular experience, which has affected a good many members of our people and our Church, and almost all the peoples and churches of America, while not a source of material wealth, has been a significant source of spiritual wealth and for going deeper into the message of Christ, the life of ecclesial communion and apostolic commitment. In the Vatican II decree Apostolicam Actuositatem on the lay apostolate, we read that the apostolic vocation is for the propagation of the Kingdom of God on the whole Earth, for the glory of God the Father and the saving redemption of all men. We have not been exempted from this apostolate in Cuba, despite all kinds of difficulties that we have experience over the past 38 years. We have been deprived of the most basic means of communication and propaganda, experienced the inevitable, extreme poverty of the Cross, while enjoying the undeserved grace and loving mercy of the Father, the ineffable gift of the Holy Spirit which Christ himself sends us. We are persevering in the unbreakable unity of faith and love and in communion with the successor of Peter who presides over the Churches of Charity. From our own little Caribbean island the cry resounds: "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church." This ecclesial and social event is a message and a challenge. We neednt wait for the leaders of nations to be reconciled or come to an agreement. We are already experiencing the reality of reconciliation and fraternal communion with our sister churches in Canada, the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. In a church with only 250 priest and about 300 religious women, we have been glad to welcome priests and religious from over 20 countries, not only from North and South America and the Caribbean but also from Europe, Asia and Africa, We have also received considerable economic help for specific works, ecclesial and charity for the people as a whole, for urgent necessities like medicine and food. In the name of my brethren in Cuba, I can only repeat my thanks to God and to you. [00204-02.04] [00190] [Original text: Castilian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Roberto Octavio GONZÁLEZ , O.F.M., Bishop of Corpus Christi. My Intervention is to offer an insight into how we might go from words to action and concretize the implications of solidarity in the New Evangelization through the practice of good stewardship of the time, talents and treasure that God has given to us. The obligation of Stewardship stems from Gods command expressed in numerous ways through the Prophets, Apostles and our Lord Himself. I propose that, if we as followers of Jesus Christ are to strive to close the socioeconomic gap in our American hemisphere and to address in a spirit of communio the ways in which we can be of pastoral assistance to one another, then we must promote the concept of good stewardship within and among the local churches of America. Through catechesis, preaching, teaching and practical programs we should help explain how individual Catholics can live lives of stewardship and solidariy, as well as show how our dioceses, parishes, and other institutions could practice the discipline and spirituality of Christian Stewardship. Good stewardship of Gods gifts challenges us to structure and coordinate in new and creative ways, the time, treasure and talent of the many local churches of the American hemisphere as well as those in Europe involved in solidarity programs with Latin America. In this way, what is at the heart of our solidarity in the New Evangelization in America may be given fuller expression. Namely, that we are one body in Christ. That the pastoral, economic and social needs, as well as the joys, sorrows and blessings of one church, are also those of all the churches. That we are all one in the Mystical Body of Christ! [00205-02.02] [00191] [Original text: English] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Gordon Anthony PANTIN , C.S.Sp., Archbishop of Port of Spain. Due to the divergence among our Colonizers, the number of Catholics in each region varies accordingly, with the French having the greatest success. The Caribbean Conference of Churches has gone through some troubled times and has experienced a certain withdrawal of enthusiasm. This Conference depends heavily on the Roman Catholic membership and input for its existence. True unity among the Churches will only come if and when God brings it about, as it is all His work! The Spirit of Ecumenism is appreciated in our region among most of the Church Leaders but particularly among the faithful. Inter-faith relations between Christians, Mulims, Hindus and Bahais are quite good in Suriname, Guyana and especially in Trinidad and Tobago. [00206-02.02] [00192] [Original text: English] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Oscar PÁEZ GARCETE , Bishop of Alto Paraná. The Church as the body of Christ, as a spiritual and visible reality at the same time and as a great unity of action, presence and service, must work to convert to God and transform the world. And this is by her own conversion, sanctification and commitment with people and society. The Church has a great task in favor of the world and society through her children, and in many fields, in particular through her lay faithful members, who must be experts and stand out in all areas of science and technology, economy, justice, law, culture, politics, work and humanitarian organizations to thus take the redeeming work of Christ to these areas and environments. Hence the task of promoting, starting from the Synod, by a deep, vital conversion and experiencing the Gospel and the Social Doctrine of the Church, and not only programs but also activities, services and programs which stem from the Faith and are a concrete expression of conversion to God and communion with God and our brothers and sisters. It seems we are undertaking commitments and Christian tasks, such as technical tasks or means according to the situation, urgency, social sciences or certain possibilities and not as the result of conversion and a concrete expression of our Faith, and not from a fundamental and specific action of the Church, her ministers and members. We must always repeat that the Synod and its theme could not be more opportune, necessary and urgent for everybody, for America, and for the Church of Christ. For this reason we give thanks to God our Father. [00207-02.04] [00193] [Original text: Castilian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Erwin KRÄUTLER , C.PP.S., Bishop Prelate of Xingu. I want to echo the cry of the peoples of Amazonia to the local churches in this immense world of forests and water, a special gift of the love of God the Creator, with the Brazilian portion being so much larger than Italy. Before the coming of the Europeans, Amazonia belonged to the indigenous peoples. Later, the ambitions of the white people reduced them to a pitiful state. Every year, thousands of square kilometers of forest are destroyed by fire. The interests of the large landowners, woodcutters and gold seekers leave craters and polluted rivers and infect the defenseless Indians with all sorts of diseases. If destruction continues at the current rate, we will be saying the "requiem" for Amazonia in just a couple of decades. Amazonia is still a missionary land. We do not want to separate "care for souls" from the firm defense of human rights. Because of this, many will be persecuted or murdered, like Humberto, a brother in my Congregation. Proposals: - To implement incultured evangelization among the poor, the indigenous peoples and the Afro-Americans; - To analyze the ecclesial structures, liturgy, rites, theology, language and ministries. - To denounce the plundering of the land of the indigenous peoples and the destruction of their cultures, supporting them in their struggle. - To pray for renewed care in the use of property and a new bioethics which goes beyond any ecological claims in specific sectors. - To defend the indigenous peoples as part of the broader defense of a unique heritage of humanity. - "To ensure that the indigenous Catholics become protagonists of their own promotion and evangelization" (J.P. II). [00224-02.04] [00195] [Original text: Portoguese] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Jorge Adolfo Carlos LIVIERES BANKS , Bishop of Encarnación. I am speaking on behalf of the Bishops of Paraguay and I am referring to the hope which should reach men and women struck by sorrow and sadness. There are many people in Paraguay and in the whole world, who have no visible reasons for hope. Faith can only bring about this. For this reason the Jubilee and its preparation lead us to renewing the faith and attaining sincere conversion. Jesus must be the center of our life as pastors and of our evangelizing ministry. Hence, the people will look up to us with respect and trust. If we are seen to be "close", our word and the message which we bring will deserve credit. The Synod offers to us Bishops the opportunity to seek this meeting with the living Jesus Christ. May the Virgin of Incarnation, the Virgin of faithful hope help us to reach it and always convey it. [00225-02.04] [00196] [Original text: Castilian] H. Exc. Rev. Msgr. Ireneu DANELON , S.D.B., Bishop of Lins. In 1995 the Councilors for Young People in the whole of America met in Puerto Rico, seeking guidelines and appropriate indications. To symbolize our commitment we planted a tree with soil from each country, and we prayed for union, undertaking to give our own life in view of seeing a flourishing Civilization of Love. Today, I wish to be the spokesman of the cry of young people. - The cry of those suffering from drug addiction. This is a serious problem which is very common in our countries. In the city of Lins, with less than 100,000 inhabitants, there are over 2,000 young drug addicts! We pastors are shocked and disoriented. However, the time for grace has arrived! Young people are crying out: "Please, Lord, may our pastors be sensitive, courageous and well organized". - The cry of the marginalized, who have not the possibility of receiving very good education and, even worse, the illiterate who total around 15 million in Brazil. Listen to their cry: "How can we be protagonists of the next millennium if we are illiterate? Offer us the opportunity of having better education". - The cry of young leaders. The tree of Porto Rico is growing. Next July we will be celebrating in Lins the Council for young people; in October the Congress for Young People and the Continental Meeting will be held in Chile. Half a million young people are expected. Lets listen to their cry: "Lord, may these meetings be supported by Pastors". - My cry - together with the young people of America, is: "Lord, may this Synod, which is on the Vatican hill, change into a mountain of beatitudes for the young. May younth pastoral work, good standards education for everybody and religious teaching in schools be supported". [00226-02.04] [00197] [Original text: Castilian] Herewith follows the summary of the intervention of the Fraternal Delegate: Prof. George VANDERVELDE , Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, Canadian Council of Churches. The Roman Catholic Church is clearly committed to ecumenism. The Second Vatican Council was, among other things, a breakthrough for the renewed quest for the unity of the Church. In many places in the world, the Roman Catholic Church is a key ecumenical partner with other churches. In Canada this ecumenical commitment is evidenced in many ways but most recently by the fact that the Catholic Church became a full member of the Canadian Council of Churches. More generally, the encyclical Ut Unum Sint strongly re-affirms Roman Catholic Ecumenical Commitment. In fact, there Pope John Paul II teaches that the unity of the church is not an extra but "stands at the very heart of Christs mission" (UUS 9). Accordingly, for the Church too "the movement promoting Christian unity, is not just some sort of appendix which is added to the Churchs traditional activity. Rather, ecumenism is an organic part of her life and work, and consequently must pervade all that she is and does" (UUS 20). The quest for unity is "a duty that springs from the nature of Christian community" (UUS 49), i.e., from the nature of the church. Searching Instrumentum Laboris for evidence of the conviction that ecumensm is intrinsic to and pervasive of the life, being, and mission of the church, one comes away disappointed. The section on ecumenism (pars. 41-43) merely describe the practicalities of inter- church relations in North America. It is crucial that a Synod which forms part of the preparation for the new millennium, recognize that the brokenness of the church is a prolonged, festering wound in the side of Christ, a protracted pain. And if it is a wound in Christ, it is a deep wound in the church of Christ-every church, every ecclesial community. Ecumenism then lies at the heart of a Synod dealing with the Church in all of America. [00265-02.02] [DF03] [Original text: English] This Sixteenth General Congregation concluded at 12.30 pm with the prayer "Angelus Domini". There were present 216 Fathers. COMPOSITION OF THE SMALL GROUPS Herewith follow the lists with the composition of the individual Small Groups : CASTILIAN GROUP A Moderator LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ Nicolás de Jesús Card. Relator ARANCIBIA José María Mons. Adjunct Relator ROSA CHAVEZ Gregorio Mons. Members BAMBARÉN GASTELUMENDI, S.I. Luis Armando Mons. BRAZZINI DÍAZ-UFANO Alberto Aurelio Mons. CALDERÓN POLO Cipriano Mons. CONTRERAS NAVIA Sergio Mons. FLORES Patrick F. Mons. GIRALDO JARAMILLO, P.S.S. Alberto Mons. GURRUCHAGA EZAMA, S.D.B. José Ramón Mons. LACUNZA MAESTROJUÁN, O.A.R. José Luis Mons. MACÍAS SALCEDO José Ulises Mons. MARTÍNEZ CONTRERAS Víctor Hugo Mons. MEDINA ESTÉVEZ Jorge Arturo Mons. MOREIRA NEVES, O.P. Lucas Card. OLIVERA, O.C.S.O. Bernardo Rev. P. PÉREZ VILLAMONTE Walter Mons. REVELO CONTRERAS Marco René Mons. SURIÑACH CARRERAS Ricardo Antonio Mons. WIRZ KRAEMER Rodolfo Mons. Adjutants ORTIZ LOZADA Leonidas Rev. P. POZO, S.J. Cándido Rev. P. Auditors ESPECHE GIL Vicente Dott. MEYER JOU Luis Alberto Ing. PEREDA CRESPO José Manuel Rev. P. ZULAICA María Luisa Sig.na Assistants Juan Martín GONZÁLEZ DÁVALOS Juan José MERINO CASTILIAN GROUP B Moderator RUBIANO SÁENZ Pedro Mons. Relator ARIZMENDI ESQUIVEL Felipe Mons. Adjunct Relator BRENES SOLÓRZANO Leopoldo José Mons. Members BERGOGLIO, S.J. Jorge Mario Mons. CAMILO GONZÁLEZ Antonio Mons. CORRIVEAU, P.M.E. Raúl Mons. ELLIS Willem Michel Mons. GAMALERO GONZÁLEZ Fernando Claudio Mons. GONZÁLEZ, O.F.M. Roberto Octavio Mons. HERRANZ Julián Mons. LARREA HOLGUÍN Juan Ignacio Mons. LÓPEZ TRUJILLO Alfonso Card. MARTÍNEZ FRÍAS Gustavo Mons. MESTRIL VEGA Mario Eusebio Mons. MORENO CASAMITJANA Antonio Mons. ORTEGA Y ALAMINO Jaime Lucas Card. PETIT VERGEL Alfredo Mons. RÍOS REYNOSO José Paulino Mons. TICONA PORCO Toribio Mons. YEGROS ESTIGARRIBIA Celso Mons. Adjutant PRECHT BAÑADOS Cristián Rev.mo Mons. Auditors ALEMÁN. S.J. José Luis Rev. P. FERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ Laura María Sig.na MORELL MARTELL Virgenmina Rev. Sr. RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ Rufino Sig. Assistants JIMÉNEZ Miguel REYES Enrique CASTILIAN GROUP C Moderator RIVERA CARRERA Norberto Mons. Relator MORONTA RODRÍGUEZ Mario del Valle Mons. Adjunct Relator CASARETTO Alcides Jorge Pedro Mons. Members ABASTOFLOR MONTERO Edmundo Luis Flavio Mons. ARIZTÍA RUIZ Fernando Mons. BERLIE BELAUNZARÁN Emilio Carlos Mons. BREÑA LÓPEZ, O.P. Guido Mons. DAMASCENO ASSIS Raymundo Mons. EMILIANI SÁNCHEZ, C.M.F. Rómulo Mons. GARACHANA PÉREZ, C.M.F. Angel Mons. GONZÁLEZ ZUMÁRRAGA Antonio José Mons. HERRERA HEREDIA Néstor Rafael Mons. LAW Bernard Francis Card. LORSCHEIDER, O.F.M. Aloísio Card. MACIEL DEGOLLADO, L.C. Marcial Rev. P. MARTÍNEZ ACEBES Santiago Mons. MIRÁS Eduardo Vicente Mons. OVIEDO CAVADA, O. de M. Carlos Card. PIRONIO Eduardo Francisco Card. RUIZ NAVAS José Mario Mons. UROSA SAVINO Jorge Liberato Mons. Adjutant SALAZAR CARDENAS, M.Sp.S. Rafael Rev. P. Auditors BETANCUR Belisario Prof. FIERRO FERNÁNDEZ, C.M.F. Francisco Rev. P. MORENO VALENCIA Fernando Dott. RONAN James Joseph Rev. Fr. Assistants LIZÁRRAGA Manuel MONTEIRO PINTO Adriano CASTILIAN GROUP D Moderator ERRÁZURIZ OSSA Francisco Javier Mons. Relator MARÍN-LÓPEZ Iván Mons. Adjunct Relator PORRAS CARDOZO Baltazar Mons. Members ALBA DÍAZ Miguel Angel Mons. BETANCUR TIRADO Fabio Mons. BROWN JIMÉNEZ Oscar Mario Mons. CASTILLO LARA, S.D.B. Rosalio José Card. DE LA ROSA Y CARPIO Ramón Benito Mons. GARCÍA IBÁÑEZ Dionisio Mons. GRAVE Franz Mons. HUESCA PACHECO Rosendo Mons. LEÓN ALVARADO. O. de M. Lorenzo Mons. LOZANO BARRAGÁN Javier Mons. MATA GUEVARA, S.D.B. Juan Abelardo Mons. MOLINA JARAMILLO, O.F.M. Ramón Darío Mons. PÁEZ GARCETE Oscar Mons. ROBLES ORTEGA Francisco Mons. SAN CASIMIRO FERNÁNDEZ, O.A.R. Angel Mons. VARGAS ALZAMORA, S.I. Augusto Card. Adjutant BENEDIT Cristina Dott.sa Auditors CARRIQUIRY Guzmán Dott. FRUTOS DE MEYER María Celia Sig.ra MÜGGENBURG Y RODRIGUEZ-VIGIL Federico Arch. VIVERO Nazario Prof. Assistants SÁNCHEZ RODRÍGUEZ Ricardo VACCA PALACIO Javier de Jesús CASTILIAN GROUP E Moderator RODRÍGUEZ MARADIAGA, S.D.B. Oscar Andrés Mons. Relator SARASTI JARAMILLO, C.I.M. Juan Francisco Mons. Adjunct Relator LUGO MÉNDEZ Fernando Mons. Members APONTE MARTÍNEZ Luis Card. ARRIETA VILLALOBOS Román Mons. CABEZAS ARISTIZÁBAL, C.M. Alfonso Mons. EGUIGUREN GALARRAGA, O.F.M. Manuel Mons. DUARTE CANCINO Isaías Mons. EZZATI ANDRELLO, S.D.B. Ricardo Mons. GARCÍA CENTENO, O.S.A. Julián Mons. GRULLÓN ESTRELLA José Dolores Mons. INFANTE ALFONSO Patricio Mons. LIVIERES BANKS Jorge Adolfo Carlos Mons. MARTIN BUISSON, P.M.E. Juan Luis Mons. MARTÍNEZ SOMALO Eduardo Card. MOLLAGHAN José Luis Mons. PEÑA Raymundo Joseph Mons. PRIMATESTA Raúl Francisco Card. VELASCO GARCÍA, S.D.B. Ignacio Antonio Mons. Adjutant GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, L.C. Javier Rev. P. Auditors CRUZ Ronaldo Sig. LAPIERRE, P.M.E. François Rev. P. MÚNERA VÉLEZ Dario Rev.mo Mons. Assistants GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN José Miguel STECKEL Edvino Alexandre CASTILIAN GROUP F Moderator JIMÉNEZ CARVAJAL, C.I.M. Jorge Enrique Mons. Relator PÉREZ MORALES Ramón Ovidio Mons. Adjunct Relator GIAQUINTA Carmelo Juan Mons. Members ARANCEDO José María Mons. AVILA DEL AGUILA, C.M. Jorge Mario Mons. BONINO BONINO Julio César Mons. CABRERA OVALLE Julio Edgar Mons. COLLAZZI IRAZÁBAL, S.D.B. Carlos María Mons. ECHEVARRÍA RODRÍGUEZ Javier Mons. FERNÁNDEZ APAZA René Mons. GUERRERO TORRES Jacinto Mons. LÓPEZ FORERO Víctor Manuel Mons. LUNA TOBAR Luis Alberto Mons. MARTÍN RÁBAGO José Guadalupe Mons. McCARRICK Theodore Edgar Mons. MORALES REYES Luis Mons. RAMÍREZ, C.S.B. Ricardo Mons. ROMERO CABRERA Orlando Mons. SUÁREZ INDA Alberto Mons. WILDERINK, O. Carm. Vital Joâo G. Mons. Adjutant LEÓN DE ESCOBAR Guillermo Dott. Auditors DOIG KLINGE Germán Sig. LLERANDI, C.I.M. María Inés Rev. Sr. ZEGARRA. O.F.M. Guido Rev. P. Assistant CARACUEL Eloy ENGLISH GROUP A Moderator WEAKLAND, O.S.B. Rembert George Mons. Relator WUERL Donald William Mons. Members BAUM William Wakefield Card. CARTER, S.I. Samuel Emmanuel Mons. CHAPUT, O.F.M. Charles Joseph Mons. CLARKE Edgerton Roland Mons. CUMMINS John Stephen Mons. FELIX Kelvin Edward Mons. GOULET, P.S.S. Emilius Rev. P LAGHI Pio Card. LIPSCOMB Oscar Hugh Mons. NEUHAUS Richard Rev. P. RICARD, S.S.J. John Huston Mons. STAFFORD James Francis Mons. SZOKA Edmund Casimir Card. Adjutant CHRISTIANSEN, S.I. Andrew Rev. P. Auditors DECHANT Virgil C. Sig. JOHNSTON, F.S.C. John Rev. Fr. LE BLANC Noeliva Sig.na NETTLE, L.S.P. Mary Bernard Rev.da Suor TOURANGEAU Bernardette Sig.ra WASKOWIAK, R.S.M. Mary Rev.da Sr Assistants HILL Patrick MICHLIK Valerian SMERYK Volodymyr ENGLISH GROUP B Moderator BEVILACQUA Anthony Joseph Card. Relator CORRIVEAU, O.F.M. Cap. John Rev. P. Adjunct Relator CUNNEEN John Jerome Mons. Members CASSIDY Edward Idris Card. CISNEROS DURÁN Vicente Rodrigo Mons. FOLEY John Patrick Mons. HICKEY James Aloysius Card. LAHEY Raymond John Mons. MAIDA Adam Joseph Card. O'CONNOR John Joseph Card. PROCYK Judson Michael Mons. SCHNURR Dennis Rev.mo Mons. SULYK Stephen Mons. TOMKO Jozef Card. WIESNER, O.M.I. Gerald Mons. ZICHEM, C.SS.R. Aloysius Ferdinandus Mons. Adjutants HENN, O.F.M. Cap. William Rev. P. O'CONNOR James T. Rev.mo Mons. Auditors FINCH, M.M. Raymond J. Rev. P. KLEIN, F.M.S. John William Rev. Fr. ROMERO DE CAMPERO Ana María Sig.ra SHERIDAN, R.S.M. Mary Quentin Rev. Sr. WILSON Jacqueline E. Sig.ra Assistants FIGUEIREDO Anthony BADEAUX Kevin COMISKEY John ENGLISH GROUP C Moderator KEELER William Henry Card. Relator LEVADA William Joseph Mons. Adjunct Relator GERVAIS Marcel André Mons. Members ARINZE Francis Card. BZDEL, C.SS.R. Michael Mons. CASIANO VARGAS Ulises Aurelio Mons. CHELI Giovanni Mons. CRUZ Oscar V. Mons. FAVALORA John Clement Mons. PANTIN, C.S.Sp. Gordon Anthony Mons. QUEIRÓZ Antônio Celso Mons. SPENCE Francis John Mons. SUTTON, O.M.I. Peter Alfred Mons. TONNOS Anthony Frederick Mons. WINGLE James Mathew Mons. Adjutant MARTIN Edward R. Sig. Auditors CAMPION Owen Francis Rev. Mons. GLENDON Mary Ann Prof.ssa LAFOND Harry Sig. ST. DENIS Helen Anne Dott.sa Assistants LAFONTAINE Raymond PAPROCKI Thomas CASTILIAN - PORTUGUESE GROUP Moderator RAMAZZINI IMERI Alvaro Leonel Mons. Relator VALENTINI Luiz Demétrio Mons. Adjunct Relator ULLOA ROJAS José Francisco Mons. Members ARNS, O.F.M. Paulo Evaristo Card. CHEMELLO Jayme Henrique Mons. DANELON, S.D.B. Ireneu Mons. FALCÂO José Freire Card. FERNANDES DE ARAÚJO Serafim Mons. FIGUEIREDO, O.F.M. Fernando Antônio Mons. HUMMES, O.F.M. Cláudio Mons. KRÄUTLER, C.PP.S. Erwin Mons. LYRIO ROCHA Geraldo Mons. MARCHETTI FEDALTO Pedro Antônio Mons. NEMES, C.S.S. José Luis Rev. P. ÑÁÑEZ Carlos José Mons. OBANDO BRAVO, S.D.B. Miguel Card. PADRÓN SÁNCHEZ Diego Rafael Mons. PINTO CARVALHEIRA Marcelo Mons. SÂNDALO BERNARDINO Angélico Mons. SÁENZ LACALLE Fernando Mons. TERRAZAS SANDOVAL, C.SS.R. Julio Mons. VECCHI, S.D.B. Juan E. Rev. P. Adjutants GUIMARÃES, C.SS.R. Fernando J. Monteiro Rev. P. MIRANDA, S.J. Mario DE FRANÇA Rev. P. Auditor LUCIA IMACULADA, N.S.B. Rev.da Sr. Assistants MARCOS Evaristo CAMPAGNANI FERREIRA Eduardo FRENCH GROUP Moderator GAYOT, S.M.M. François Mons. Relator GOUDREAULT, O.M.I. Henri Mons. Adjunct Relator BERTHELET, C.S.V. Jacques Mons. Members ANTONETTI Lorenzo Mons. CABO Ernest Mesmin Lucien Mons. CONSTANT Emmanuel Mons. CORDES Paul Josef Mons. COUTURE, R.S.V. Maurice Mons. ÉBACHER Roger Mons. ETCHEGARAY Roger Card. GAGNON, P.S.S. Edouard Card. GANTIN Bernardin Card. GAUMOND André Mons. KOLVENBACH, S.J. Peter-Hans Rev. P. MENDES DE ALMEIDA, S.I. Luciano Pedro Mons. MONSENGWO PASINYA Laurent Mons. MOUALLEM, Soc. Missionari di S. Paolo, Pierre Mons. PELOTTE, S.S.S. Donald Edmond Mons. POULARD Guire Mons. POUPARD Paul Card. TURCOTTE Jean-Claude Card. VERRIER Jean Alix Mons. Adjutants DICAIRE Louis Rev.mo Mons. DUMAS Pierre-André Rev. P. GAUDETTE Pierre Rev. P. Auditors ROBITAILLE, F.D.L.S. Hélène Rev. Sr. DE SMET, O.S.B. Willy Rev. P. Assistants CURBELIÉ Philippe SIMOLY Joseph ITALIAN - CASTILIAN GROUP Moderator BIANCHI DI CÁRCANO Emilio Mons. Relator MACCISE, O.C.D. Camillo Rev. P. Members AGUSTONI Gilberto Card. ARREGUI YARZA Antonio Mons. BOVONE Alberto Mons. CEDEÑO DELGADO José Dimas Mons. CORTI Renato Mons. CHIRIVELLA VARELA Tulio Manuel Mons. MALLONA TXERTUDI, C.P. Iñaki Mons. PAVANELLO, S.D.B. Vitório Mons. PILARCZYK Daniel Edward Mons. RATZINGER Joseph Card. RIGALI Justin Francis Mons. SEBASTIANI Sergio Mons. SILVESTRINI Achille Card. SODANO Angelo Card. VLK Miloslav Card. Adjutants PASTOR, S.I. Félix Alejandro Rev. P. SÁNCHEZ BARBA Oscar Rev. Mons. Auditor FRAGASSO, A.S.C. Giuseppina Rev. Sr. Assistants IMPELLIZERI Vito PATTI Ugo |
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