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SYNODUS EPISCOPORUM of the Commission for information of the 16 November-12 December 1997 "Encounter with the Living Jesus Christ, The Bulletin of the Synod of Bishops is only a working instrument for journalistic use and the translations from the original are not official. English Edition
27 - 09.12.1997 SUMMARY TWENTY-THIRD GENERAL CONGREGATION The Twenty-third General Congregation of the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops, commenced today, Tuesday, 9 December 1997, at 9:05 a.m., the feast of Blessed Juan Diego, with the chant of the Third Hour, in the presence of the Holy Father, in the Synod Hall, for the communication of the results of the second vote for the election of the Post-Synod Council, for the presentation in the Hall of the integrated list of Propositions, and for the presentation, in the Hall, of the vote on the Message. President Delegate on duty: H. Em. Rev. Card. Roger Michael MAHONY, Archbishop of Los Angeles.
At the opening of this Twenty-third General Congregation, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops delivered two communications. First, he communicated the names of those members elected to the Post-Synod Council, after the second vote which took place during the Twenty-second General Congregation of Saturday, 6 December 1997, and he communicated the names of the members nominated by the pontificate. COMPOSITION OF THE POST-SYNOD COUNCIL Members elect: 1. H. Em. Rev. Card. Jean-Claude TURCOTTE , Archbishop of Montréal 2. H. Em. Rev. Card. Juan SANDOVAL IÑIGUEZ , Archbishop of Guadalajara 3. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Kelvin Edward FELIX , Archbishop of Castries, Santa Lucia 4. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Estanislao Esteban KARLIC , Archbishop of Paraná, Argentina 5. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Theodore Edgar McCARRICK , Archbishop of Newark 6. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Luciano Pedro MENDES DE ALMEIDA , S.J., Archbishop of Mariana 7. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. François GAYOT , S.M.M., Archbishop of Cap-Haitien 8. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Baltazar PORRAS CARDOZO , Archbishop of Mérida 9. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr Francis Eugene GEORGE , O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago 10. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Edmundo Luis Flavio ABASTOFLOR MONTERO , Archbishop of La Paz 11. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Luiz Demétrio VALENTINI , Bishop of Jales 12. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Alvaro Leonel RAMAZZINI IMERI , Bishop of San Marcos Members of pontifical nomination: "On 8 December 1997, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Father nominated the following Synod Fathers to the Post-Synod Council": 1. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Darío CASTRILLÓN HOYOS , Archbishop emeritus of Bucaramanga and Pro-Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy 2. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. Oscar Andrés RODRÍGUEZ MARADIAGA , S.D.B., Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and President of the Latin American Episcopal Council (C.E.L.AM) 3. H. Exc. Most Rev. Msgr. William Joseph LEVADA , Archbishop of San Francisco CONSULTATION REGARDING THE CELEBRATORY CONCLUSION OF THE SPECIAL ASSEMBLY Afterwards, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops communicated the result of the consultations regarding the place for the celebratory for the conclusion of the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops. Herewith follows the text of the communication of the Secretay General of the Synod of Bishops: "The consultation regarding the celebratory phase of the Synodal Assembly has favored the proposal of the President Delegates that the Holy Father visit the American continent with the view of promulgating the Synodal document. Among the requests that were received, the majority propose a Papal visit to one, sole city in America, and of these, Mexico City was prominent, with the citys famous sanctuary dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe." PRESENTATION OF THE INTEGRATED LIST OF PROPOSTIONS Then, the Relator General, H. Em. Rev. Card. Juan SANDOVAL ÍÑIGUEZ, Archbishop of Guadalajara, read the Integrated List of Propositions, in Latin. According to the work calendar, the collective amendments to the Propositions will be prepared by the Small Groups, in the sessions of this afternoon and of tomorrow morning. In the afternoon of 10 December 1997, the examination, on the part of the Relator General together with the Special Secretaries, of the collective amendments on the proposals will take place. The amended Propositions will be presented in the Twenty-Fourth General Congregation, in the morning of the day after tomorrow, Thursday, 11 December 1997. PRESENTATION AND VOTATION OF THE SECOND DRAFT OF THE MESSAGE For the reading of the second draft of the Message, in the four official languages of the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops , the following intervened: in Castilian in French in English in Portuguese The second draft of the Message was approved. During this Twenty-third General Congregation, which concluded at 13.10 p.m., with the prayer Angelus Domini, 218 Fathers intervened. The publication of the next Bulletin is planned for Thursday, 11 December 1997. This is to inform the accredited journalists that the third and last Press Conference will take place on Thursday, 11 December 1997, at 12:45 p.m., in the Pope John Paul II Hall of the Holy See Press Office, on the works of the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops. The following will participate:
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