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Jubilee of the Consecrated Life
Introductory note to the celebration
Today, together with Simeon and Anna, we contemplate the Divine child, the Word made flesh, who is brought to the Temple: the Temple of our heart.
This singular day in this particular year, finds us still more faithful, with a life completely given to God (VC, 2) responding with a total and exclusive dedication (VC, 17).
Let there be today the fiat of our task of obedience to the Gospel, to the voice of the Church, to our rule of life.
With joy let us reconfirm our purpose of sober and austere living in order to defeat the anxiety of possessing through the grace of giving and use the goods of the world for the cause of the Gospel and human promotion.
Preserving with love both chastity of body and purity of mind; living our lives with an undivided heart for the Glory of God and the salvation of mankind.
Mary, the Virgin Mother, the Most Sacred Temple, accompanies us on this path. Above all, she helps us in the time of trial; she who was pierced by the sword of the Spirit and preserved in her heart that which she had contemplated.
"By your disposition,
In fact, "The contemplative life begins here, to reach its fulfilment in the heavenly home; because the fire of love that here begins to burn, when it sees Him whom it loves, will burn more strongly with love for him. Therefore the contemplative life will not be taken away because, having less light from this present world, it will reach perfection" (Gregory the Great: Hom. in Ez II 2,9 in CCL 142,231).
"For this reason let us stir up the fervor of our souls, oh brothers, strengthen the faith in that in which we have believed and enkindle in ourselves a yearning towards the celestial realities. This love flames as though we were already on the pathway. No adversity will take us away from the joy of the intimate celebration, because if one wishes to arrive at the coveted goal there will be no impediment on the journey that will be enough to change your desire... Thus the spirit yearns, in fullness of desire, towards the celestial homeland" (Gregory the Great: Hom in Ev. 14,6 in PL 76, 1130C).
February 2 is the culminating moment of our Jubilee celebration. Each consecrated person has prepared him or herself through meditation on the gift of the vocation to a total consecration to Christ, in an experience of sincere repentance for failings and of a renewed love for living a true rapport with God and neighbour. Now in the Eucharistic Celebration - with Christ, in Christ and through Christ - and guided by the Spirit, we want to offer to the Father our lives which have been renewed through faith, hope and charity.
It is suggested that in every location - whether at the diocesan or the national level - the Eucharistic Celebration be presided over by the Pastors and participated in amply, not only by other consecrated persons, but also by the people of God.
The Presentation of Our Lord is the feast of Christ "light of the people" and of the encounter ("Ypapanti") of the Messiah with his people in the Temple at Jerusalem.
The gesture of obedience to the law and offering, performed by Mary and Joseph who bring the child Jesus to offer him in the Temple, inspires the presence at this celebration of many consecrated men and women. These represent those who have chosen the way of the evangelical counsels in the rich variety of charisms that beautifies the Church with the gifts of the Spirit and prepares it to develop the universal mission of the Gospel. Moreover these consecrated persons have come to renew the pledge to their consecration and mission.
The celebration will develop in three moments:
The Liturgy of the Light will begin with the lighting and blessing of candles and continue on with the procession.
The Liturgy of the Word will culminate in the homily, the prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of the consecrated life and the pledge of fidelity in following Christ and in the apostolic mission.
The Eucharistic liturgy will seal this encounter with Christ and this offering, with him, of the consecrated life until He is "the light to illumine the people".
Hymn of preparation.
While we await the arrival of the Celebrant, the candles are lighted and a hymn is sung.
Blessing of the candles
The celebrant:
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
R. Amen.
Greeting of the assembly:
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
R. And with your spirit.
Introduction of the celebration:
Brothers and sisters,
The Celebrant blesses the candles:
Let us pray
O God, fountain and principle of every light,
He then blesses them with Holy Water.
At the same time this hymn is sung:
Lumen ad revelationem gentium, et gloriam plebis tuae Israel.
1. Now let your servant go in peace according to your word.
2. For my eyes have seen your salvation, prepared by you before all people.
3. A light to illumine the people and the glory of your people Israel.
4. Glory be the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
5. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever will be, world without end. Amen.
Kyrie and Gloria
Collect Oration
Let us pray.
Omnipotent and Eternal God, look on your faithful here united
R. Amen.
First reading
From the Letter to the Hebrews
In everything he made himself the same as his brothers
Intimately united to men as to brothers, Jesus has become the pontefice misericordioso. Faithful in service to God, he expiated our sins and liberated us from the power of Satan and of death. His suffering is able to help us in our own trials, because he himself was tried.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 23
Come Lord into your temple.
Acclamation at the Gospel
Alleluia. Now let your servant go in peace according to your word (Lc 2:29). Allelluia.
From the Gospel according to Luke
My eyes have seen your salvation
To Jesus who was presented in the Temple and offered to God as the first son - the synthesis and image of all the messianic hope of Israel - came a just man who had been moved by the Spirit. Simeon's wait is finished, and now he can die. In his expectation of redemption, is all of the Old Testament, the old law that is now satisfied as salvation opens and the light for all people is lighted. But not without judgement and crisis. The child will be the discriminating reference, the point of comparison, a sign of contradiction. He must be either accepted or refused. This test will be reflected also in Mary. In the Presentation at the Temple, the Cross, the Crucifixion and Our Lady of Sorrows are outlined and reflected. The prophetess, Anna, also perceives the redemption in that child and this gives her a reason for thanksgiving and proclaiming.
Thanksgiving to God for the Gift of the Consecrated Life
Brothers and sisters,
(All pray in silence for some seconds)
May you Lord, holy Father, be blessed
Glory and praise to you, Lord.
We glorify you, Father and we bless you,
Thank you, Father, for the gift of Christ,
Glory and praise to you, Lord.
We glorify you, Father, and we bless you
Thank you, Father, for the gift of Christ,
Glory and praise to you, Lord.
We glorify you, Father, and we bless you,
Thank you, Father, for the gift of Christ,
Glory and praise to you, Lord.
Look benignly Lord on
All acclaim by singing:
Oration over the gifts
Accept, O Father, our gifts and look upon your Church,
R. Amen.
The celebration continues on in the usual manner.
Oration after communion
Let us pray,
O God, who satisfied the ardent wait of the saintly Simeon,
R. Amen.
The Lord be with you.
R. And with your Spirit.
May God, who from darkness, called you to his admirable light,
R. Amen.
May God make you witnesses of his truth to the brethren,
R. Amen.
As Simeon and Anna waited for and found Christ,
R. Amen.
And may the blessing of almighty God,
R. Amen. |
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