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Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the MoveN° 96 (Suppl.), December 2004
Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
* H.E. Card. Stephen Fumio Hamao President Palazzo San Calisto 00120 Città del Vaticano Phone: +39-06-698 87242 Fax: +39-06-698 87111 E-mail: office@migrants.va
* H.E. Archbishop Agostino Marchetto Secretary Palazzo San Calisto 00120 Città del Vaticano Phone: +39-06-698 87131 Fax: +39-06-698 87111 E-mail: amarchetto@migrants.va
* H.E. Msgr. Raul Nicolau Gonsalves Archbishop-Partriarch emeritus of Goa and Damão P.O. Box 216 403 001 Panjim Goa India Phone: +91-832-222 3353 Fax: +91-832-222 4139 E-mail: archbp@sancharnet.in
* H.E. Msgr. Ramón Benito de La Rosa y Carpio Archbishop of Santiago de los Caballeros Apartado Postal 679 Santiago de los Caballeros Dominican Rep. Phone: 001-809-582 2094 Fax: 001-809-581 3580 E-mail: arzobisp.stgo@codetel.net.do
Representative a. i. of the Holy See in Bangkok
* Rev. Msgr. Francesco Cao Minh Dung Apostolic Nunciature Chargé dAffaires a.i. 217 Sathorn Tai Road 10120 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-212 5853 Fax: +66-2-212 0932 E-mail: vatemb@mozart.inet.co.th
* Rev. Msgr. Roberto Espenilla CBCP-ECMI Director Pastoral Care of Tourism 1746 Estrada St., San Andres Bukid, Sta Ana II Manila Philippines Phone: +63-2-56 36 044 Fax: +63-2-56 12 533 E-mail: ecmi@info.com.ph
* Bro. Anthony Rogers, F.S.C. Executive Secretary Office for Human Development (FABC) 528, Jalan Bukit Nanas 50250 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phone: +60-3-2078 35 89 Fax: +60-3-2078 80 10 E-mail: barogers@pc.jaring.my
* Rev. Msgr. Jordi Gayà Palazzo San Calisto 00120 Città del Vaticano Phone: +39-06-698 87258 Fax: +39-06-698 87111 E-mail: office@migrants.va
* Dr. Margherita Schiavetti Palazzo San Calisto 00120 Città del Vaticano Phone: +39-06-698 87173 Fax: +39-06-698 87111 E-mail: office@migrants.va
Speakers (in chronological order)
* H.E. Archbishop Agostino Marchetto Secretary Palazzo San Calisto 00120 Città del Vaticano Phone: +39-06-698 87131 Fax: +39-06-698 87111 E-mail: amarchetto@migrants.va
* Dr. Francesco Frangialli Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization WTO-OMT Capitán Haya, 42 28020 Madrid Spain Phone: +34-91-567 81 59 Fax: +34-91-567 82 19 E-mail: emaccoll@world-tourism.org
* Dr. Norberto Tonini President, International Bureau of Social Tourism BITS Via A. Moro, 28 33050 Pavia di Udine Italy Phone: +39-0432-675261 Fax: +32-2-514 16 91 E-mail: norberto.tonini@katamail.com
* Rev. Prof. Dr. José Da Silva Lima Catholic University of Portugal Regional Center of Braga President of Installation Commission UCP - Campus Camoes 4710-362 Braga Portugal Phone: +351-253 206 100 Fax: +351-253 206 108 E-mail: presidencia@uc-crbr.webside.pt
* Rev. Prof. Jean-Yves Baziou Catholic University of Lille 4 rue Jean-Cottin 75018 Paris France Phone: +33-1-42 05 11 37 E-mail: jeanyves.baziou@wanadoo.fr
* H.E. Msgr. Ramón Benito de La Rosa y Carpio Archbishop of Santiago de los Caballeros Apartado Postal 679 Santiago de los Caballeros Dominican Rep. Phone: 001-809-582 2094 Fax: 001-809-581 3580 E-mail: arzobisp.stgo@codetel.net.do
* H.E. Msgr. Raul Nicolau Gonsalves Archbishop-Patriarch emeritus of Goa and Damão P.O. Box 216 403 001 Panjim Goa India Phone: +91-832-222 3353 Fax: +91-832-222 4139 E-mail: archbp@sancharnet.in
Round Table Participants and National Spokespersons (in chronological order)
* Mr. Ranjan Solomon Executive Director, Ecumenical Coalition on Tourism 96, 2nd District, Pak Tin Village, Mei Tin Road, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong (SAR) China Phone: +852-2602 3669 Fax: +852-2602 3649 E-mail: ranjan@ecotonline.org
* Bro. Anthony Rogers, F.S.C. Executive Secretary, Office for Human Development (FABC) 528, Jalan Bukit Nanas 50250 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phone: +60-3-2078 35 89 Fax: +60-3-2078 80 10 E-mail: barogers@pc.jaring.my
* Rev. Fr. Francis Rozario, O.F.M. Associate Staff, Dominican Training Centre Mae de Deus Chapel, Corjuem, Aldona, Bardez 403508 Goa India Phone: +91-832-24 84 781 Fax: +91-832-24 25 552 E-mail: domsgoa@sancharnet.in
* Rev. Fr. Shay Cullen, M.S.S.C. President, Preda Centre Upper Kalaklan 2200 Olongapo City Philippines Phone: +63-47-223 96 29 Fax: +63-47-223 96 78 E-mail: preda@info.com.ph
* Sister Michelle Lopez, R.G.S. Fountain of Life Centre 3/199 Fountain of Life Centre M.6 Naklua, Banglamung 20150 Choburi, Pattaya Thailand Phone: +66-38-361720 Fax: +66-38-362010 E-mail: nettylopez@yahoo.com
* Mrs. Rupa Rai Caritas Nepal P.O. Box 9571 Katmandu Nepal Phone: +977-1-553 9344 Fax: +977-1-553 8484 E-mail: caritas@mail.com.np
* Mr. Luc Ferran Tourism Coordinator, ECPAT International 328 Phaya Thai Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Phone: +66-2-2153388 x 110 Fax: +66-2-2158272 E-mail: lucf@ecpat.net
* H.E. Msgr. Matthias Ssekamaanya Bishop of Lugazi P.O. Box 87 Lugazi Uganda Phone: +256-075-695 146 Fax: +256-041-290 211 E-mail: lugazi@africaonline.co.ug
* Rev. Fr. Philippe Goupille Delegate for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Paroisse des Saints Anges Gardiens Grand Baie Mauritius Phone: +230-26 38 738 Fax: +230-26 36 468 E-mail: goup@intnet.mu
* Rev. Msgr. Roberto Espenilla CBCP-ECMI Director Pastoral Care of Tourism 1746 Estrada St., San Andres Bukid, Sta Ana II Manila Philippines Phone: +63-2-56 36 044 Fax: +63-2-56 12 533 E-mail: ecmi@info.com.ph
* H.E. Msgr. Rubén Oscar Frassia Bishop of Avellaneda-Lanús Ameghino 907 1870 Avellaneda Argentina Phone: +54-011-4222 4381 Fax: +54-011-4222 4381 (int.23) E-mail: rofrassia@infovia.com.ar
* Rev. Fr. Manuel Martinez Maciel, O.P. Professor on Pastoral Care of Tourism San Lorenzo 541 4000 Tucumán Argentina Phone: +54-381-43 02 111 Fax: +54-381-42 28 040 E-mail: fd@unsta.edu.ar
* Rev. Fr. Louis Noshy Garas National Director for the Pastoral Care of Tourism B.P. 69 Saray El Kobba Le Caire Egypt Phone: +20-2-592 88 64 Fax: +20-2-78 72 075 E-mail: gcharkawi@hotmail.com
* H.E. Msgr. Lawrence Thienchai Samanchit President Catholic Commission for Tourism Bishop of Chanthaburi P.O. Box 13 M.1, Tambol Surasak Srisacha 20110 Siracha, Chonburi Thailand Phone: +662-3832-1660 Fax: +66-038-323 577 E-mail: bishop@ine.co.th/pitak@chandio.org
* Rev. Msgr. Carlo Mazza National Director of the Office for the Pastoral Care of Tourism, Leisure and Sport Via Aurelia 468 00165 Roma Italy Phone: +39-06-66 39 84 57 Fax: +39-06-66 39 84 06 E-mail: unts@chiesacattolica.it
* Rev. Fr. Olivier Morand National Delegate for the Pastoral Care of Tourism 27, rue Sarrette F-75014 Paris France Phone: +33-1-40 44 52 51 Fax: +33-1-40 44 52 08 E-mail: prtl@cef.fr
* Rev. Fr. John A. Jamnicky USCCB - National Coordinator, Human Mobility Apostolate 3211 4th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 U.S.A. Phone: 202-541-3226 Fax: 202-541-3351 E-mail: jjamnicky@usccb.org
* Rev. Msgr. Dr. Peter Prassel Leiter des Kath. Auslandssekretariates der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz Kaiserstrasse 161 53113 Bonn Germany Phone: +49-228 911 43 0 Fax: +49-228-911 43 33 E-mail: kas@dbk.de
* Rev. Fr. Jan Vandermeulen President, National Commission for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Malta 29 B-3960 Bree Belgium Phone: +32-89-46 88 67 Fax: +32-89-46 88 67 E-mail: jan.vandermeulen@ping.be
* H.E. Msgr. Ioannis Spiteris, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Corfu, Zante & Cefalonia Apostolic Administrator of Tessalonica Katholiki Archiepiscopi Montsenigou 3 49100 Kérkyra (Corfu) Greece Phone: +30-26610-30277 Fax: +30-26610-31675 E-mail: cothepco@otenet.gr
Representatives of Episcopal Commissions
* Rev. Fr. Louis Noshy Garas National Director for the Pastoral Care of Tourism B.P. 69 Saray El Kobba Le Caire Phone: +20-2-592 88 64 Fax: +20-2-78 72 075 E-mail: gcharkawi@hotmail.com
* Mr. Guergues Naguib Charkawi President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul 9 A, rue Kantaret Ghamra Daher Le Caire Phone: +20-2-68 22 895 Fax: +20-2-7872 075 E-mail: gcharkawi@hotmail.com
* Sr. Saba Tensaew, S.G.B.P. Good Shepherd Sisters P.O. Box 6556 Addis Ababa Phone: +44-7966783366 E-mail: stensaew@yahoo.uk
* H.E. Msgr. Boniface Lele Chairman of the Episcopal Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Seafarers P. O. Box 119 90200 Kitui Phone: +254-044-22 844 Fax: +254-044-22 675 E-mail: kituidi@iconnect.co.ke
* H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Robaszkiewicz, M.S.F. Bishop of Morombe Responsible for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Evêché (Mission Catholique) 618 Morombe E-mail: ecarmor@vitelcom.mg
* Rev. Fr. Philippe Goupille Delegate for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Paroisse des Saints Anges Gardiens Grand Baie Phone: +230-26 38 738 Fax: +230-26 36 468 E-mail: goup@intnet.mu
* Mr. Clément Rey Director Constance Hotels Ltv Bureau St. Felix, 6th Floor, Labama House Port-Louis Phone: +230-212 5016 Fax: +230-212 4513
* H.E. Msgr. Louis Ncamiso Ndlovu, O.S.M. Bishop of Manzini P.O. Box 19 Manzini Phone: +268-5052348 E-mail: bishop@africaonline.co.sz
* H.E. Msgr. Matthias Ssekamaanya Bishop of Lugazi P.O. Box 87 Lugazi Phone: +256-075-695 146 Fax: +256-041-290 211 E-mail: lugazi@africaonline.co.ug
* H.E. Msgr. Marcelino Palentini, S.C.I. Bishop of Jujuy Sarmiento 246, Casilla 6 Y4600DYF San Salvador de Jujuy Phone: +54-388-422 65 69 Fax: +54-388-423 41 96 E-mail: marcelopalentini@objujuy.com.ar
* H.E. Msgr. Rubén Oscar Frassia Bishop of Avellaneda-Lanús Ameghino 907 1870 Avellaneda Phone: +54-011-4222 4381 Fax: +54-011-4222 4381 E-mail: rofrassia@infovia.com.ar
* Mr. Horacio Burbridge National Secretary for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Episcopal Conference of Argentina Suipacha 1034 1008 Buenos Aires Phone: +54-4328 0859 Fax: +54-4328 9570 E-mail: seccea@cea.org.ar
* Rev. Fr. Manuel Martinez Maciel, O.P. Professor on Pastoral Care of Tourism San Lorenzo 541 4000 Tucumán Phone: +54-381-43 02 111 Fax: +54-381-42 28 040 E-mail: fd@unsta.edu.ar
* Ms. Martha Vanbiesem de Burbridge Investigadora en Literatura Comparada Universidad Católica Argentina Salta 1039 1074 Buenos Aires Phone: +54-4304 4544 Fax: +54-4304 4544 E-mail: martha.burbridge@speedy.com.ar
* H. E. Msgr. Murilo S. R. Krieger, S.C.I. Archbishop of Florianópolis Rua Esteves Júnior 447 88015-130 Florianópolis-SC Phone: +55-48-224 47 99 Fax: +55-48-224 47 99 E-mail: dom.murilo@arquifloripa.org.br
* Sr. Maria Izabel Arantes, M.S.C.S. Auxiliary Secretary, SEPMOV/CELAM Carrera 5ª N. 118-31Usaquén 51086 Bogotá Phone: +57-1-657 8330 Fax: +57-1-612 1929 E-mail: movilidadhumana@celam.org
* H.E. Msgr. Ramón Benito de La Rosa y Carpio Archbishop of Santiago de los Caballeros Apartado Postal 679 Santiago de los Caballeros Phone: 001-809-582 2094 Fax: 001-809-581 3580 E-mail: arzobisp.stgo@codetel.net.do
* Rev. Fr. Horacio Hernandez de la Torre Delegate for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Ostra n. 55 fracc. Sabalo Country Club 82100 Mazatlan, Sinaloa Phone: +52-16699-166 246 Fax: +52-16699-166 246 E-mail: horacio_mazatlan@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. John A. Jamnicky USCCB National Coordinator, Human Mobility Apostolate 3211 4th Street NE Washington, DC 20017 Phone: +1-202-541-3226 Fax: +1-202-541-3351 E-mail: jjamnicky@usccb.org
* H.E. Msgr. Raul Nicolau Gonsalves Archbishop-Patriarch emeritus of Goa and Damão P.O. Box 216 Panaji 403 001 Goa Phone: +91-832-222 3353 Fax: +91-832-222 4139 E-mail: archbp@sancharnet.in
* H.E. Msgr. Joshua Mar Ignathios Kizhakkeveettil Chairman CBCI Commission for Labour Archbishop's House 695 004 Trivandrum, Kerala Phone: +91-471-2541 642 Fax: +91-471-2541 635 E-mail: archbp03@md3.vsnl.net.in
* Rev. Fr. Francis Rozario, O.F.M. Associate Staff, Dominican Training Centre Mae de Deus Chapel, Corjuem, Aldona, Bardez 403 508 Goa Phone: +91-832-24 84 781 Fax: +91-832-24 25 552 E-mail: francis-rozarioofm@yahoo.com
* Rev. Fr. Valeriano Vaz Director Caritas Goa Paço Patriarcal, Altinho, Panaji 403 001 Goa Phone: +91-832-222 6509 Fax: +91-832-222 4139 E-mail: caritas@caritasgoa.org
* Rev. Fr. Pham Son Member, Catholic Commission of Japan for People on the Move 143 Shimohirama 212-0053 Kawasaki Phone: +81-44-522 0066 Fax: +81-44-522 6834 E-mail: phamson@lienviet
* Rev. Fr. Carlo Bellici, F.I. Delegate Ul. Luki Belash 16 474710 Atbasar Phone: +7-316-434 139 Fax: +7-316-434 139
* Bro. Anthony Rogers, F.S.C. Executive Secretary, Office for Human Development (FABC) 528, Jalan Bukit Nanas 50250 Kuala Lumpur Phone: +60-3-2078 35 89 Fax: +60-3-2078 80 10 E-mail: barogers@pc.jaring.my
* Mrs. Rupa Rai Caritas Nepal P.O. Box 9571 Katmandu Phone: +977-1-553 9344 Fax: +977-1-553 8484 E-mail: caritas@mail.com.np
* Rev. Msgr. Roberto Espenilla CBCP-ECMI Director Pastoral Care of Tourism 1746 Estrada St. San Andres Bukid, Sta Ana II Manila Phone: +63-2-56 36 044 Fax: +63-2-56 12 533 E-mail: ecmi@info.com.ph
* Rev. Fr. Savino Bernardi, C.S. Executive Secretary of Episcopal Commission Migrants Itinerants CBCP Building 470 Gen. Luna St. Intramuros, Manila Phone: +63-2-527 41 35 Fax: +63-2-527 95 68 E-mail: ecmi@info.com.ph
* Rev. Msgr. Nestor Cerbo Rector Cathedral-Basilica of Immaculate Conception Cabildo cor. Beaterio Intramuros 1002 Manila Phone: +63-2-527 1796 Fax: +63-2-527 0192 E-mail: mncc@mailstation.net
* Rev. Msgr. Jesus-Romulo Rañada Rector and Pastor of Cathedral- Shrine of Good Shepherd Regalado Ave., Fairview Park 1118 Quezon City Phone: +63-2-9394720 Fax: +63-2-4308435 E-mail: monsiromy@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. Shay Cullen, M.S.S.C. President, Preda Centre Upper Kalaklan 2200 Olongapo City Phone: +63-47-223 96 29 Fax: +63-47-223 96 78 E-mail: preda@info.com.ph
* Rev. Fr. Cipriano Ante Our Lady of Salvation Shrine Joroan, Tiwi 4513 Albay Phone: +63-091 92 94 50 81
* Rev. Fr. Patricio Apa, O.P. Our Lady of Manaoag Shrine Manaoag, Pangasinan Phone: +63-75-5290 132
* Rev. Fr. Mario Dorado, O.F.M. Cap. Rector, Our Lady of Lourdes National Shrine Kanlaon cor. N.S. Amoranto, SMH Quezon City Phone: +63-9178301772 E-mail: frmario@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. Patricio Hiwatig, O.P. Shrine of O. L. of La Naval Shrine Sto. Domingo Church Quezon Boulevard Quezon City Phone: +63-2-7126271 Fax: +63-2-7400906 E-mail: p.hiwatig@dominicans.ph
* Rev. Fr. Felix III Legaspi, O.P. Shrine of Our Lady of La Naval Sto. Domingo Church Quezon Boulevard Quezon City Phone: +63-2-7126271 Fax: +63-2-7400806 E-mail: f.legaspi@dominicans.ph
* Rev. Fr. Joesel Quan Parish Administrator Diocesan Shrine of Sto. Niño de Kalibo St. John the Baptist Cathedral Parish 5600 Kalibo, Aklan Phone: +63-36-2624246 Fax: +63-36-2685145
* Rev. Fr. Prospero Tenorio Rector and Finance Administrator of the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Poblacion 3000 Malolos City Phone: +63-44-7912821 Fax: +63-44-7919352 E-mail: prospero-tenorio@yahoo.com
* Rev. Fr. Nonilon Tibayan Diocesan Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Naic, Cavite Phone: +63-46-412 0456 Fax: +63-46-412 1557 E-mail: pads@cav.pworld.net.ph
* Mr. Jordan Peralta Travel Assistant-Tours & Pilgrimages Dept.Catholic Travel Inc. Pope Pius XII Catholic Center 1175 United Nations Ave. Paco, Manila Phone: +63-2-52 32 523 Fax: +63-2-52 32 490 E-mail: catholic@info.com.ph
* H.E. Card. Michael Michai Kitbunchu Archbishop of Bangkok President, Bishops Conference of Thailand Charoenkrung Road 40, Bangrak 10500 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-237 10 31 Fax: +66-2-237 10 33 E-mail: arcdibkk@loxinfo.co.th
* H.E. Msgr. Lawrence Thienchai Samanchit President, Catholic Commission for Tourism Bishop of Chanthaburi P.O. Box 13 M.1, Tambol Surasak Srisacha 20110 Siracha, Chonburi Phone: +66-38-32 1660 Fax: +66-38-32 3577 E-mail: bishop@ine.co.th/pitak@chandio.org
* Rev. Fr. Anthony Wichan Kitcharoen Secretary, Catholic Commission for Tourism The Nativity of Our Lady Cathedral, Bangkhonthee Samutsongkram Phone: +66-2-3476 1347 E-mail: cct_catholic@yahoo.com
* Rev. Fr. Anthony Suthichai Boonphow Archdiocese of Bangkok St. Mary College, 53 Mooz, Pracha Pattana Rd. Lad Krabang 10520 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-326 8187 Fax: +66-2-327 0709
* Rev. Fr. Banchong Chaiyara Director P.O. Box 15, Pattaya City 20150 Cholburi Phone: +66-38-716 628 Fax: +66-38-716 629 E-mail: banchong@redemptorist.or.th
* Rev. Fr. Somphod Phulphokephol Archdiocese of Bangkok 3-5 Kasemraj Rd, Klongtacy 10110 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-209 7475 Fax: +66-2-209 5779
* Rev. Fr. Michael Picharn Jaiseri, C.Ss.R. Rector & Director of Redemptorist Major Seminary, 71 M. 6, Soi Wattiendat, Takham, Sampran Nakornpathom 73110 Phone: +66-2812 5404 Fax: +66-2429 0855 E-mail: mikepich@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. Philip Pornchai Techapitaktham Chancellor, President Commission for Tourism Diocese of Ratchaburi Bishop's House, 15 Moo 6 Chonkasem Road 84000 Surat Thani Phone: +66-2-7727 2644 E-mail: frphilip@hotmail.com
* Ms. Siriporn Lertthanongsak Coordinator, Catholic Commission for Women 122/11 7th Floor, Soi Naaksuwan, Nonsi Rd,Yannawa 10120 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-6813900 / 1705 Fax: +66-2-6815370 / 1704 E-mail: ccwthai@yahoo.com
* Sister Michelle Lopez, R.G.S. Fountain of Life Centre 3/199 Fountain of Life Centre M.6 Naklua, Banglamung 20150 Choburi, Pattaya Phone: +66-38-361720 Fax: +66-38-362010 E-mail: nettylopez@yahoo.com
* Rev. Fr. Pitak Jantagan Observer Diocese of Ubon Ratchathani, P.O. Box 5 34000 Ubon Ratchathani Phone: +66-2-4531 34 39 Fax: +66-2-4528 36 94 E-mail: uboncatholic_org@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. Voravit Viarachai Observer Archbishop's House, P.O. Box 6 47000 Sakon Nakhon Phone: +66-2-4271 1712 Fax: +66-2-4271 2023
* Mr. Sitthichai Chonrabuddhanon National Program Director, Migration Commission 22/11 CBCT Bldg Soi Naksuwan, Nonsee Rd., Bangkok Phone: +66-2-9924 8624 E-mail: sitthic@yahoo.com
* Mr. Peter Yuttasak Srisura Catholic Committee for Tourism 122/6-7 Soi Naaksuwan, 10120 Yannawa, Bangkok Phone: +66-9-9691312 Fax: +66-2-6815418 E-mail: peter-dom@thai.com
* Mr. Somwong Ativitavas Executive Director 10th Fl. Wall Street Tower Bldg. 33/12 Surawong Rd. 10500 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-2237 6040 E-mail: info@atta.or.th
* Ms. Sunida Panich Coordinator, Catholic Commission for Tourism 36/238 Soi Chokchai 4, Ladphrao Rd., Bangkok Phone: +66-2-2681 3900 E-mail: p_sunida@hotmail.com
* Mr. Roontip Wongpatikarn Head of Research and Academic Section, Tourism Authority of Thailand 1600 new Petchbmir, Makkasan, Ratchabury 10400 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-250 5500 Fax: +66-2-253 7468 E-mail: roongtip.wongpatikarn@tat.or.th
* Mr. Siriporn Janesaksrisakul Director (Janesak Travel) 1169 Soi Suthiporn (Hemmawong) Asoke-Dindang Rd. 10400 Bangkok Phone : +66-2-2640 5959 E-mail: janesak@janesak.com
* Mr. Supachai Janesaksrisakul Managing Director (Janesak Travel) 1169 Soi Sutthiporn, Asoke-Dindang Rd. 10400 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-2610 5959 E-mail: janesak@janesak.com
* Mr. Sawat Napol Managing Director (Marvel Holidays Ltd.Part.) 10th Fl. Wall Street Tower Bldg. 33/42 Surawong Rd. Bangrak 10500 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-1856 6942 E-mail: marvel@samarticath
* Ms. Walailak Noypayak Director, Market Intelligence Division, Tourism Authority of Thailand 1600 Phetchburi Rd. Makkasan 10400 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-250 5500 Fax: +66-2-253 7468 E-mail: walailak.noypayak@tat.or.th
* Mr. Suthep Prathumtree Diocese of Nakhon Ratchasima 118 Nanapliang Pratyre Nakonratch Phone: +66-1-879 5043
* Mr. Sunee Senavinin Managing Director Charisma Travel Service Co, Ltd 122/8 Soi Naksuwan,Yannawi 10120 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-681 4499 Fax: +66-2-681 4480 E-mail: charismatravel@anet.net.th
* Mr. Watchara Somprasong Manager Charisma Travel Service Co, Ltd 122/8 Soi Naksuwan,Yannawa 10120 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-681 4499 Fax: +66-2-681 4480 E-mail: charismatravel@anet.net.th
* Mr. Surapol Sritrakul Association of Thai Travel Agents 10th Fl. Wall Street Tower Bldg. 33/12 Surawong Rd. 10500 Bangkok Phone: + 66-2-2237 6016 E-mail: jalpkakta@ji-net.com
* Mr. Pichit Tantiprasut General Manager (The Regent Marina Hotel) 10th Fl. Wall Street Tower Bldg. 33/42 Surawong Rd. Bangrak 10500 Bangkok Phone: + 66-2-1637 9637 E-mail: felixtantiprasut55@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. Claudio Bartuccio, O.M.I. for simultaneous translation 343/59 M.7 Pahonyothin Rd. Klongthanon, Bangkaen 10220 Bangkok Phone: +66-2-521 1408 Fax: +66-2-972 4991 E-mail: cbertomi@asianet.co.th
* Bro. Victor Gil Muñoz, F.S.C. for simultaneous translation Chotravee School 18 Kosi Rd, Muang 60000 Nakonsawaan Phone: +66-0-5621 2126 Fax: +66-0-5633 6060 E-mail: v_gil_munoz@hotmail.com
* Rev. Fr. Francesco Sacco, S.D.B. forsimultaneous translation Ban Nazareth 70110 Banbong (Ratchabury) Phone: +66-1-1939675 Fax: +66-32-200374
* Rev. Dr. Joseph Farrugia Rooseveltplatz 8 A-1090 Wien Phone: +43-1-406 11 92 Fax: +43-1-406 11 92 13 E-mail: joe.farr@virc.at
* Rev. Fr. Jan Vandermeulen President National Commission for the Pastoral Care of Tourism Malta 29 B-3960 Bree Phone: +32-89-46 88 67 Fax: +32-89-46 88 67 E-mail: jan.vandermeulen@ping.be
* Rev. Fr. Paul Van Zeir President of the Pastoral Care of Tourism Flemish Dioceses Dorpsstraat 18 B-8670 Oostduinkerke Phone: +32-58-52 17 17 Fax: +32-58-52 17 18 E-mail: topa.westvl@kerknet.be
* Rev. Fr. Jacques F. Riga Federal President for Francophone A.C.T. Avenue Reine Astrid 38/01 B-4900 Spa Phone: +32-87-26 69 00 Fax: +32-87-26 69 00 E-mail: jacques.riga@belgacom.net
* H.E. Msgr. Ladislav Hucko Bishop Apostolic Exarch Hastalske nám 4 111000 Praga Phone: +420-221 778 498 Fax: +420-222 312 817 E-mail: huckola@volny.cz/biskup@exarchat.cz
* Rev. Fr. Olivier Morand National Delegate for the Pastoral Care of Tourism 27, rue Sarrette F-75014 Paris Phone: +33-1-40 44 52 51 Fax: +33-1-40 44 52 08 E-mail: prtl@cef.fr
* Rev. Prof. Jean-Yves Baziou Catholic University of Lille 4 rue Jean-Cottin 75018 Paris Phone: +33-1-42 05 11 37 E-mail: jeanyves.baziou@wanadoo.fr
* Mr. Pierre Gardères Member of the National Council of PRTL France Permanent Deacon Quartier Lanne Dessus 65710 Campan Phone: +33-5-62 91 76 95 Fax: +33-5-62 91 87 54 E-mail: pierregarderes@wanadoo.fr
* Ms. Chantal Le Rai Leroy Member of the National Council of PRTL France 14 Bis Rue Emile Burgault 56000 Vannes Phone: +33-2-97 69 02 39 Fax: +33-2-97 69 02 39 E-mail: chantal.leraileroy@wanadoo.fr
* Rev. Msgr. Dr. Peter Prassel Leiter des Kath. Auslandssekretariates der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz Kaiserstrasse 161 53113 Bonn Phone: +49-228 103 0 Fax: +49-228 103 471 E-mail: kas@dbk.de
* Rev. Fr. Gregor Spiess Dipl - Theologe, Referent im Kath. Auslandssekretariat der Bischofskonferenz Kaiserstrasse 161 53113 Bonn Phone: +49-228-103 464 Fax: +49-228-103 471 E-mail: g.spiess@dbk.de
* H.E. Msgr. Ioannis Spiteris, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Corfu, Zante & Cefalonia Apostolic Administrator of Tessalonica Katholiki Archiopiscopi Montsenigou 3 49100 Kérkyra (Corfu) Phone: +30-26610-30277 Fax: +30-26610-31675 E-mail: cothepco@otenet.gr
* Mr. Robert Fenyo Director of Incoronata,The Cultural Centre of Mathias Church Orszaghaz u. 14 H-1014 Budapest Phone: +36-1-488 77 16 Fax: +36-1-488 77 17 E-mail: fenyo@matyas-templom.hu
* Ms. Viktoria Törok Incoronata The Cultural Centre of Mathias Church Orszaghaz u. 14 H-1014 Budapest Phone: +36-1-488 77 16 Fax: +36-1-488 77 17 E-mail: vtorok@matyas-templom.hu
* Rev. Msgr. Carlo Mazza National Director of the Office for the Pastoral Care of Tourism, Leisure and Sport Via Aurelia 468 00165 Roma Phone:+39-06-66 39 84 57 Fax: +39-06-66 39 84 06 E-mail: unts@chiesacattolica.it
* Dr. Alberto Ferrari National President of Youth Tourist Center Via della Pigna 13/A 00186 Roma Phone: +39-06-679 50 77 Fax: +39-06-679 50 78 E-mail: ctg@ctg.it
* Rev. Msgr. Guido Lucchiari National Ecclesiastical Consultant of Youth Tourist Center Via della Pigna 13/A 00186 Roma Phone: +39-06-679 50 77 Fax: +39-06-679 50 78 E-mail: ctg@ctg.it
* Rev. Fr. Giorgio Benedetti Responsible for the Pastoral Care of Tourism (Triveneto) Piazza Vescovado 7 37121 Verona Phone: +39-045-808 3702 Fax: +39-045-808 3780 E-mail: turismo@diocesivr.it
* Rev. Fr. Giovanni Fusco Director, Office for the Pastoral Care of Tourism and Pilgrimages Largo Covelli 1 81013 Caiazzo CE Phone: +39-0823-868451 Fax: +39-0823-868451
* Rev. Fr. Giorgio Tironi Diocese of Bergamo Piazza Duomo 5 24129 Bergamo Phone: +39-035-278111 Fax: +39-035-278250 E-mail: tempolibero@curia.bergamo.it
* H.E. Msgr. Januário T. M. Ferreira President Episcopal Commission for Tourism Casa Patriarcal, Quinta do Cabeço Rua do Seminário Quinta do Cabeço 1885-076 Moscavide Phone: +351-21 945 73 10 Fax: +351-21 945 73 29 E-mail: januario@csarfa.mdn.gov.pt
* Rev. Fr. Rui Manuel da Silva Pedro C.S. Secretary of Episcopal Commission for Tourism Campo Mártires da Pátria, 43 1150-225 Lisboa Phone: +351-21 885 5470 Fax: +351-21 885 5469 E-mail: ocpm@ecclesia.pt
* Rev. Prof. Dr. José Da Silva Lima Catholic University of Portugal Regional Center of Braga President of Installation Commission UCP - Campus Camões 4710-362 Braga Phone: +351-253 206 100 Fax: +351-253 206 108 E-mail: presidencia@uc-crbr.webside.pt
* Rev. Fr. Joze Cerne Trubarjeva 80 1000 Ljubljana Phone: +386-41-757 206 Fax: +386-1-230 6906 E-mail: jcerne@now-online.com
* Rev. Fr. Vincente José Sastre Garcia S.J. Delegate, Pastoral Care of Tourism Bretón de los Herreros 5 46003 Valencia Phone: +34-96-3155400 Fax: +34-96-3155407 E-mail: ecuval@tecsal.org
* Rev. Fr. Rafael Sárachaga García Ecumenical Temple Tourism Bretón de los Herreros, 5 46003 Valencia Phone: +34-62-6281352 Fax: +34-96-3155407 E-mail: rsarachaga@teleline.es
* H.E. Msgr. Joseph Grech Bishop of Sandhurst P.O. Box 201 Bendigo, Vic. 3552 Phone: +61-03-54 4125 44 Fax: +61-03-54 41 82 78 E-mail: jgrech@sand.catholic.org.au
* Rev. Msgr. John O'Shea Holy Trinity Church Rottnest Island, WA 6161 Phone: +61-08-92 92 50 52 Fax: +61-08-92 92 50 52
* Rev. Fr. John Joseph Murphy GPO Box 2720 ACT 2601 Canberra Phone: +61-2-6201 9848 Fax: +61-2-6247 7466 E-mail: director@acmro.catholic.org.au
* H.E. Msgr. Tomas Camacho Bishop of Chalan Kanoa P.O. Box 500745 96950 Saipan Phone: 1-670-234 30 00 Fax: 1-670-235 30 02 E-mail: tcamacho@vzpacifica.net
WTO-OMT * Dr. Francesco Frangialli Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization(WTO-OMT) Capitán Haya, 42 28020 Madrid Spain Phone: +34-91-567 81 59 Fax: +34-91-567 82 19 E-mail: emaccoll@world-tourism.org
BITS * Dr. Norberto Tonini President, Internazional Bureau of Social Tourism (BITS) Via A. Moro 28 33050 Pavia di Udine Italy Phone: +39-0432-675261 Fax: +32-2-514 16 91 E-mail: norberto.tonini@katamail.com
ECTWT * Mr. Ranjan Solomon Executive Director, Ecumenical Coalition on Tourism 96, 2nd District, Pak Tin Village, Mei Tin Road, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong (SAR) Phone: +852-2602 3669 Fax: +852-2602 3649 E-mail: ranjan@ecotonline.org
ECPAT * Mr. Luc Ferran Tourism Coordinator, ECPAT International 328 Phaya Thai Road 10400 Bangkok Thailand Phone: +66-2-2153388 / 110 Fax: +66-2-2158272 E-mail: lucf@ecpat.net
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