Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People People on the Move N° 96 (Suppl.), December 2004 His Holiness John Paul II MESSAGE The Holy Father was pleased to be informed that the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People is celebrating its Sixth World Conference on the Pastoral Care of Tourism in Bangkok on 5-8 July 2004. The Conferences topic, Tourism aimed at bringing peoples together, is a timely invitation to reflect on the providential role which tourism plays in the development of a more humane world. By opening to all people the patrimony of the worlds civilizations, landscapes, environments and cultural achievements, and by offering opportunities for the contemplation of so many forms of natural and artistic beauty, tourism promotes the understanding of diversity. Indeed, by helping to build bridges between peoples and cultures, tourism can eliminate prejudice born from ignorance and disinformation, and make a lasting contribution to peace and understanding. During these days of exchange and dialogue His Holiness invites the participants to continue seeking ways by which tourism will fulfil its noble mission, and prays that God may enlighten them. Invoking the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church, he cordially imparts His Apostolic Blessing. Cardinal Angelo Sodano Secretary of State |