June 2006 |
2-4 Giugno Bogotà, Colombia |
Incontro continentale (CELAM) sulla Pastorale del Turismo (partecipazione) |
June 7th-10th London, Great Britain |
Meeting AOS Great Britain (participation) |
Junio 22-24 Rivas-Vaciamadrid, España |
II Forum Social Mundial de las Migraciones (participación) |
June 30th-July 3rd Washington, D.C., USA |
Meeting organized by the National Asian and Pacific Organization with MRS and PCMR of the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference (participation) |
July 2006 |
July 1st Rome, Italy |
International Catholic Migration Commission Council Meeting (participation) |
July 16th-23rd Mauritius |
Global Meeting of Mauritian people from all over the World (participation) |
Juillet 18-21 Fribourg (Suisse) |
Rencontre du S.E.C.I.S. (participation) |
August 2006 |
August 18th-21st Cochin, Kerala, India |
Global Meeting of all Syro-Malabar Migrant faithful from all over the World (participation) |
September 2006 |
September 3rd-8th Capetown (South Africa) |
39th Annual Conference of the IACAC (participation) |
September 11th-15th Manila, Philippines |
Consultation Meeting of Filipino Ministry Worldwide (participation) |
September 16th-18st Bhopal, India |
Annual Meeting of PACNI on Pastoral Care of Nomads in India (participation) |
September 19th-21th Rocca di Papa (Rome), Italy |
AOS European Meeting (participation) |
21-24 Settembre Sigüenza (Spagna) |
CCEE: Incontro annuale dei Direttori Nazionali per la Pastorale dei Migranti (partecipazione) |
September 27th |
XXVII World Tourism Day Tourism enriches (participation) |
October 2006 |
October 2nd-6th Geneva, Switzerland |
57th Session Excom UNHCR (participation) |
October 7th-8th Berlin, Germany |
ICMA Executive Committee Meeting (participation) |
October 18th-21st Bogotà, Colombia |
AOS Latin America Regional Meeting: CELAM (participation) |
October 13th-17th Kuala Lampur, Malaysia |
BICA I for Migrants (participation) |
October 18th-22nd Chiang Mai, Thailand |
FABC Commission on Mission and Evangelization: Asian Mission Congress. Talk on The role of migration in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ (participation) |
November 2006 |
November 2nd-4th Sri Lanka |
AOS South Asia Meeting of Bishop Promoters and National Directors (participation) |
6-7 Novembre Roma, Italia |
Riunione dei Direttori Nazionali per la Pastorale del Turismo in Europa su Il turismo una realtà trasversale: aspetti pastorali (organizzazione) |
December 2006 |
1-2 Dicembre Roma, Italia |
II Incontro Internazionale per la Pastorale della strada (organizzazione) |
11-12 Dicembre Roma, Italia |
Incontro Internazionale dei Direttori Nazionali per lĀ’Apostolato dei Nomadi (organizzazione) |