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 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 101, August 2006



IX Annual Conference of the Pastoral Care of Nomads in India (PACNI)*



The IX Annual Conference of the Pastoral Care of Nomads in India (PACNI) was held in Bhopal, from 16-18 September 2005. One hundred and five participants, coming from 15 Indian states, took part in it. They represented 65 different organisations/NGOs/Institutions. Among them there were two bishops, 20 priests, 34 sisters, belonging to 14 religious congregations. Msgr. Anthony Chirayath represented the Pontifical Council. He presented a paper on the education of Gypsy children and presided over a concelebrated Eucharistic celebration, preaching the homily.

Archbishop Paschal Topno of Bhopal chaired the sessions. Bishop Leo Cornelio spoke on Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi and on the recently published joint letter of the Pontifical Council with the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on the pastoral care of migrants. Since the Catholic BishopsĀ’ Conference of India (CBCI) intends to declare a year for the education of the marginalized, the education of Gypsy children was the recurring theme. The topic was also discussed in the workshops.

Fr. Xavier Pinto represented the Commission for Labour and read out a message from its president Bishop Ignathios Joshuah who was unable to come. In his opening speech Archbishop Topno announced that the CBCI has given official recognition to PACNI as organ of the Catholic Church in India, which means that it will appoint an ecclesiastical assistant at the national level and will have the right to audit its finances. The PACNI on its part has to send an annual report of its activities and of its finances.

The chief guest of the conference was Mr K.P. Aharwar, Jailor of Sehore District. Though he is a Hindu, he was aware of the Catholic ChurchĀ’s activities in favour of Gypsies and appreciated the help the Church personnel is giving to the Gypsies who are in prison. He personally assisted the Catholic Church in the rehabilitation of the freed prisoners. Fr. Joseph Chakkalakal gave the keynote address on Ā“Nomadic tribes and their struggle for survival in the changing scenarioĀ”. He said that the origin of nomadism was because they were wandering in search of food and pastures.

Some nomadic people shared their experiences. It is interesting to note that there are several vocations to, the priesthood and religious life amongst Indian nomads. During the last decade the PACNI succeeded to some extent in empowering the Gypsies, educating them, giving them leadership, protecting their womenĀ’s rights, establishing mobile schools, getting them ID cards and voting rights. At the end of the conference a statement was issued. The participants took a pledge to put the interests of nomads above their own and to work hand in hand with the leaders of nomads.

It must be said that under the able leadership and guidance of Archbishop Topno from the very beginning, the PACNI has become a well-established national Church organisation with an efficient team of pastoral workers. Its Secretary, Dr. Jaya Peter, is a well-known social worker and a research scholar in a medical establishment. Msgr. Topno said that the PACNI is what it is today because of the constant encouragement of the Pontifical Council and the regular participation of its representatives at its annual meetings. He asked Msgr. Chirayath to take the greetings and expression of gratitude of PACNI to Cardinal Hamao and Archbishop Marchetto.

The first news, which Msgr. Chirayath received on arrival in Bhopal, was that Don Renato Rosso was seriously ill with pulmonary malaria and was lying in a critical condition in the intensive care unit (ICU) in a private hospital. Monsignor went directly to the hospital and conveyed the good wishes and prayers of the Superiors and the whole Pontifical Council, which he appreciated. The nursing sisters working with nomads were taking turns in assisting him in the hospital. All the participants were very sad because of the feeble condition of Don Renato. They offered special prayers for his speedy recovery during the Masses. The last news was that he was making progress, though slowly.

The next meeting of PACNI will be held on the same dates (16-18 September 2006) probably in Bhopal since the place is easily accessible to all.  

Rev. Msgr. Anthony CHIRAYATH

*Bhopal (India), 16-18 September 2005

